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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Provisioning Options elements

This table describes the fields on the Provisioning Options page.

Table 4-1 Provisioning Options Elements

Element Description Data Input Notes
Compatibility Mode The release version to which the current release is backward compatible.

Format: Dropdown menu

Range: R9.x, R10+

Default: R10+

Allow SOAP Connections Whether or not to allow incoming provisioning connections. On a new software installation, SOAP connections are disabled by default. If both SOAP and REST connections are turned off on this page, alarm 13075 is raised.

Format: Check box

Range: Checked, Unchecked

Default: Checked Unchecked

SOAP Interface Idle Timeout Maximum time (in seconds) that an open connection will remain active without a request being sent, before the connection is dropped.

Format: Numeric; seconds

Range: 1-86400

Default: 1200

SOAP Interface Port SOAP Interface TCP Listening Port. NOTE: Changes to the TCP listening port do not take effect until the 'xsas' process is restarted. Also, you must specify a different port than the REST Interface.

Format: Numeric

Range: 0-65535

Default: 62001

SOAP Username/Password Authentication If checked, the provisioning interface validates the username and password received in the SOAP request header against the list of usernames and passwords configured from the Main Menu > Administration > Access Control > Users page. Any request that does not match a valid user is then rejected. If left unchecked (default), the username and password are not validated.

Format: Check box

Range: Checked, Unchecked

Default: Unchecked

Maximum SOAP Connections Maximum number of simultaneous SOAP Interface client connections. NOTE: Changes to the Maximum SOAP Connections do not take effect until the 'xsas' process is restarted.

Format: Numeric

Range: 1-100

Default: 100

SOAP Secure Mode

Whether the SOAP Interface operates in secure mode (using TLS), or unsecure mode (plain text).


Changes to the Secure Mode do not take effect until Allow SOAP Connections is disabled and then enabled.

Format: Dropdown menu

Range: Secure, Unsecure

DEFAULT = Secure

Maximum Requests in SOAP <tx> XML The maximum number of requests in a single SOAP tx transaction.

Format: Numeric

Range: 1-50

Default: 12

Allow REST Connections Whether or not to allow incoming provisioning connections on the REST Interface. On a new software installation, REST connections are disabled by default. If both SOAP and Rest connections are turned off on this page, alarm 13075 is raised.

Format: Check box

Range: Checked, Unchecked

Default: Checked Unchecked

REST Interface Idle Timeout Maximum time (in seconds) than an open REST connection will remain active without a request being sent, before the connection is dropped.

Format: Numeric; seconds

Range: 1-86400

Default: 1200

REST Interface Port REST Interface TCP Listening Port. NOTE: Changes to the TCP listening port do not take effect until the 'ras' process is restarted. Also, you must specify a different port than the SOAP interface.

Format: Numeric

Range: 0-65535

Default: 8787

Maximum REST Connections Maximum number of simultaneous REST interface client connections.

Format: Numeric

Range: 1-100

Default: 100

REST Secure Mode Whether or not the REST interface operates in secure mode (using TSL), or unsecure mode (plain text). NOTE: Changes to the Secure Mode do not take effect until the 'Allow REST Connections' process is is disabled and then enabled.

Format: Dropdown menu

Range: Secure, Unsecure

Default: Secure

Remote Host IP Address The IP address (either IPv4 dot-decimal or IPv6 colon-hexadecimal) and username of Remote Import/Export Host. Use the SSH Key Exchange button to enter and save the password for the remote host.

Format: IP Address - dotted decimal; Username - alphanumeric

Range: IP Address - standard address format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx; Username - all existing usernames on the remote host

Default: IP Address - blank; Username - blank

Remote Export Transfers Enabled Whether or not to allow export files to be copied to the Remote Export Host.

Format: Check box

Range: Checked, Unchecked

Default: Unchecked

Local Export Directory Local directory where export files are created. This value is for reference only and cannot be changed.

Format: String

Range: 0-255 characters

Default: /var/TKLC/db/filemgmt/provexport

Remote Export Directory Directory in the Remote export Host to which export files are transferred if configured.

Default: blank

Format: String

Range: 0-255 characters

Maximum Number of Exported Subscribers The maximum number of subscribers that can be exported per export file. This value is for reference only and cannot be changed.

Format: Numeric

Range: 1-30000000

Default: 30000000

Export Status Lifetime Number of days the Export operation's status information and associated files are available before they are automatically removed from the local system. This value is for reference only and cannot be changed.

Format: String

Range: 1-365 days

Default: 7

Remote Import Enabled Whether or not import files are imported from a Remote Host.

Format: Check box

Range: Checked, Unchecked

Default: Unchecked

Local Import Directory Local directory to which import files are copied from the Remote Host. This value is for reference only and cannot be changed.

Format: String

Range: 0-255 characters

Default: /var/TKLC/db/filemgmt/provimport

Remote Import Directory The directory in which import files exist on the Remote Import Host.

Format: String

Range: 0-255 characters

Default: blank

Import Status Lifetime Number of days the Import operation's status information and associated files are available before they are automatically removed from the local system. This value is for reference only and cannot be changed.

Format: String

Range: 1-365 days

Default: 7

PNR Generation with Import Configure whether or not Sh PNR messages should be generated whenever a subscriber's or pool's data is updated or deleted with import.

If checked, PNR(s) will be generated for subscribers with an active subscription if a relevant subscriber or pool is updated or deleted.

If unchecked, no PNR(s) will be generated when the subscriber or pool is updated or deleted.

Format: Check box

Range: Checked, Unchecked

Default: Unchecked

Maximum Provisioning Backend Response Timeout The maximum time (in seconds) that a transaction can remain open before provisioning front end expires the request sent.

Format: Numeric; seconds

Range: 2-3600

Default: 7

Log Insert, Update, and Delete Provisioning Messages Whether or not to log Insert/Update/Delete incoming and outgoing provisioning messages in the command log.

Format: Check box

Range: Checked, Unchecked

Default: Checked

Log Retrieve Provisioning Messages Whether or not to log retrieve incoming and outgoing provisioning messages in the command log.

Format: Check box

Range: Checked, Unchecked

Default: Checked

Provisioning Response with Durability Confirmation

If checked, respond to provisioning commands after confirmation of Durability. Enabling this feature decreases the provisioning throughput. This feature applies to all provisioning requests received over any supported provisioning interface (REST or SOAP).

When enabled, this feature forces the system to wait for completion of the data durability checks (before sending a provisioning request acknowledgement back, or responding to, the OSS).

When disabled (unchecked), the acknowledgement is sent back without waiting for completion of the request's data durability checks.

Format: Check box

Range: Checked, Unchecked

Default: Unchecked