Oracle Fusion Middleware Tag Reference for Oracle Mobile Application Framework


Tag Library Information

Short name: adfmf
Namespace: http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/mf, http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/mf/amx, http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/mf/amx/fragment, http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/mf/amx/dvt, http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/mf/skin, http://xmlns.oracle.com/adf/mf/config


Application Components

Name Description
<adfmf:allowedScheme> The allowedScheme element is used to define the allowed scheme that can be accessed.
<adfmf:allowedSchemeList> The allowedSchemeList element is used to define a list of schemes that can be accessed by the mobile application.
<adfmf:amx> Deprecated.
<adfmf:application> Definition for the application. The application is the container that surfaces the included features.
<adfmf:configuration> Definition for the application configuration.
<adfmf:description> A short but detailed description of the application and its purpose.
<adfmf:error> Deprecated.
<adfmf:featureReference> Definition for the feature reference. Since many features can be bundled with application or Feature Archive, the feature reference is used to denote which features are relevant (or can be exposed) by this application. Note: if showOnSpringboard and showOnNavigationBar are both set to false there are only two ways for the feature to show up: 1. If it is the lowest indexed feature, hence show up on startup; 2. A feature does an explicit "GOTO" feature call to it.
<adfmf:kba> Deprecated. Knowledge Based Authentication page setting.
<adfmf:launchScreen> Definition for a local HTML launchscreen. This configuration is currently only for iOS 9, but will be extended to Windows 10 and Android.
<adfmf:loadBundle> An additional resource to be made available to the application, ostensibly for localizing application name, preferences, etc.
<adfmf:localHTML> Definition for a local HTML page.
<adfmf:login> Login page configuration settings.
<adfmf:navigation> Definition for the application navigation configuration.
<adfmf:navigationBar> Navigation bar setting.
<adfmf:springboard> Springboard configuration settings.
<adfmf:springboardFeatureReference> The springboard reference definition is used to denote which feature should be used as the springboard feature.
Common Components Common components may also be included in this context.

Feature Components

Name Description
<adfmf:amx> A Feature Content child, defining AMX based content (local AMX view or taskflow for AMX views).
<adfmf:constraint> The constraint element is a child element of the constraints stanza. It is used to define one of the conditions that must be 'ANDed' together to determine if the constraint is satisfied.
<adfmf:constraintExpression> The constraint expression element is a child element of the constraints stanza. It is used to define one of the EL conditions that must be 'ANDed' together to determine if the constraint is satisfied.
<adfmf:constraints> The constraints element is used to determine if the outer element should be included. In order for a 'constraint' to be satisfied, ALL of the constraints must evaluate to being true.
<adfmf:content> Definition for the feature content. This content can be one of the following types and will contain a child tag of the corresponding type: localHTML, remoteURL, nativeview, or amx.
<adfmf:description> A description of the MAF feature.
<adfmf:feature> The parent element to contain metadata defining a feature for the application. Features are application bundles containing all the information needed to be included in the container application. Since each feature is developed independently from each other, this metadata is required to describe the feature to the framework.
<adfmf:features> Specifies all features to be included in this MAF application.
<adfmf:include> Identifies files to include in each view of the MAF feature.
<adfmf:includes> The includes element is used to include javascripts or cascade style sheets for an amx element.
<adfmf:loadBundle> An additional resource to be made available to the features, ostensibly for localizing feature icons, images, and names.
<adfmf:localHTML> A Feature Content child, defining the local HTML content.
<adfmf:nativeview> A Feature Content child, defining the native content (local view built with native code).
<adfmf:parameter> Parameter used by content types to pass standard data in.
<adfmf:properties> The properties element is used to define properties related to the parent feature element.
<adfmf:property> The property element is a child element of the properties stanza. It is used to define one of the properties related to the parent feature element.
<adfmf:remoteURL> A Feature Content child, defining the remote URL content.
Common Components Common components may also be included in this context.

Common Components

Name Description
<adfmf:preferenceBoolean> A boolean preference setting.
<adfmf:preferenceGroup> Preference group element.
<adfmf:preferenceList> A preference setting that gives the user a set of specific items to choose from.
<adfmf:preferenceNumber> A number preference setting.
<adfmf:preferencePage> Preference page element.
<adfmf:preferences> Top level application preference element.
<adfmf:preferenceText> A text preference setting.
<adfmf:preferenceValue> A list item for a preferenceList setting.

Amx Components

Name Description
<amx:accessoryLayout> This component is intended to be used in a listItem where the user may drag the content left or right to reveal optional content areas (specified as start and end facets). If the drag exceeds sufficiently beyond the facet's width, you may allow such a gesture to trigger a tap on one of the components in that content area. Normally revealed facet content will be hidden when either another accessoryLayout's content gets revealed or when focus moves to some other component. However, if the content was revealed using an accessibility trigger, it will not be hidden when focus moves or else the user would not be able to jump to and interact with links in that content area.
<amx:actionListener> This component allows you to declaratively invoke an action. This component is meant to be a child component of any tag that has some kind of listener attribute like actionListener, or valueChangeListener, etc. The type attribute defines which listener of the parent this actionListener should be fired for. These methods fire before the listener on the parent component fires.
<amx:attribute> This component defines an attribute to be passed into a fragment. The attribute will be available to EL as the name given inside the fragment.
<amx:attributeList> Defines an attribute list to pass to a fragment. It may be referenced by another amx:attributeList using the ref attribute. Using a reference, an attribute list may be passed from one fragment to another. In this case, both attribute lists must have the same meta-data.
<amx:attributeListIterator> Consumes an amx:attributeList. It behaves much like the amx:iterator in terms of stamping, but exposes attributes differently. The name attribute ties the iterator to an amx:attributeList. When one amx:attributeListIterator is nested in another one, the name must point to an amx:attributeList that is a child of the amx:attributeSet that the outer amx:attributeListIterator is currently processing. During the iteration, the defined attribute names will be exposed as EL variables. For attributes not provided by the caller and the attribute has no default value, the value adf.mf.api.OptionalFragmentArgument will be used as an EL variable. A user may test for this by using the empty EL keyword. For example, rendered="#{not (empty myAttribute)}".
<amx:attributeSet> Defines one set of attributes to be used during an iteration of the amx:attributeListIterator.
<amx:carousel> The carousel component displays a spinning series of items based on rows of a collection model. The carousel has a nodeStamp facet that must contain a carouselItem. This content will be stamped out for each item in the bound collection.
<amx:carouselItem> The carouselItem component must be placed inside of a carousel component's "nodeStamp". It represents an item inside of a carousel component and its text attribute will be displayed when it is the current item the carousel. Although the most common child of carouselItem is image, other components may be used. For example you might use a commandLink as a child that surrounds an image. In order to minimize any negative effect on performance, you should avoid using any heavy-weight children because as you add more complexity to the structure, the effect will be multiplied because several carouselItem stamps will be displayed simultaneously.
<amx:cellFormat> A cellFormat component is used to define a cell in a rowLayout of a tableLayout.
<amx:clientListener> This component gives you a declarative way to register a JavaScript listener script that will be executed when a specific event type is fired. Before using the clientListener tag, be sure to look for any existing behavior tags which might eliminate the need for scripts. For example, the amx:showPopupBehavior tag simplifies what it takes to display a popup.
<amx:closePopupBehavior> This tag is a declarative way to hide an amx:popup. When the closePopupBehavior tag is associated with a component, it can hide the popup on some user action.
<amx:commandButton> The commandButton component creates a button that, when pressed, will generate an action event. The button can contain text, an image, or both text and an image.
<amx:commandLink> The commandLink component creates a link that, when pressed, will generate an action event. It may also contain a child image component to create a link that displays an image rather than text.
<amx:convertDateTime> Converts string into java.util.Date and vice versa based on the pattern and style set.
<amx:convertNumber> This is an extension of the standard JSF javax.faces.convert.NumberConverter. The converter provides all the standard functionality of the default NumberConverter and is strict while converting to object.
<amx:deck> The deck component is a container that shows one child component at a time. When changing which child is displayed, the transition can be animated.
<amx:facet> Defines an arbitrarily named facet on the parent component. The position and rendering of the facet are determined by the parent component.
<amx:facetRef> Used in a page fragment definition to reference a facet that was defined in the page fragment usage. This tag can only be used inside of fragmentDef.
<amx:filmStrip> A paging component that can display multiple items arranged into a horizontal or vertical strip.
<amx:filmStripItem> Represents a single item of a filmStrip.
<amx:flexLayout> A layout component that displays its children in a group. It supports horizontal and vertical orientations, with automatic changes based on the device orientation. By default, the layout creates even space for each child, and stretches these children within its boundaries.
<amx:fragment> This component pulls in a fragment of a page into the current page. Allows for facets to serve as place holders and accepts attributes and methods to be passed to the fragment.
<amx:fragmentDef> The definition of an AMX fragment that may be included in multiple places inside of AMX and other fragment pages.
<amx:goLink> This component creates a simple anchor tag that does not follow any task flow navigation and is meant for performing external links to other pages or operations such as making a call.
<amx:image> The image component displays an image.
<amx:inputDate> Renders an input field for dates.
<amx:inputNumberSlider> Creates a numeric input component. It is used to enter numbers and it has a slider to quickly increment or decrement the number.
<amx:inputText> An input text field component.
<amx:iterator> The iterator is a component that does iteration. It is similar to listView but has no chrome.
<amx:listItem> Represents a single row of a listView.
<amx:listView> An iteration component that provides the look and feel of rows with range capabilities. The listView will provide its own scrolling if the dimensions of the listView are constrained to be a size smaller than the listItems inside of it. If your listView has sibling components (and those siblings move when you scroll the listView), this usually means that an ancestor (e.g. panelPage) is providing the scrolling instead. In those situations, consider using a panelStretchLayout to divide up the space between the listView and its siblings so that the listView can provide its own scrolling and thus give you the benefits of viewport buffering and scroll-based fetching of additional rows. Regardless of whether your listView is providing scrolling or some ancestor component is instead, MAF takes emergency measures in low memory situations to reduce memory consumption (to avoid the operating system shutting down the application). One such measure is removing expensive modern scroll effects. For example, this might mean you no longer see inertia when the you lift your finger during a scroll gesture. If your application loses this effect, it may indicate that the application is consuming too much memory and you need to investigate ways to reduce it.
<amx:loadBundle> Loads a resource bundle localized for the Locale of the current view.
<amx:loadingIndicatorBehavior> Defines how the loading indicator behaves. When used in amx:view, these values are treated as defaults if not overridden via some other means (e.g. if adf.mf.api.amx.showLoadingIndicator() is invoked manually in JavaScript code with other settings).
<amx:masonryLayout> Masonry Layout is a container type component. Children of Masonry Layout are presented as tiles arranged in columns and rows. Sizes of each column and row are fixed and defined in CSS (style sheets). Column/row sizes do not depend on size of the Masonry Layout. The number of displayed columns may change depending on the ML size, but the tile size does not. Furthermore, tile sizes do not depend upon their content.<br>A tile can occupy more columns and rows (e.g. 1x1 tile, 3x1 tile...). There is a predefined set of supported tile sizes: 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 2x1, 2x2, 2x3, 3x1 and 3x2. There is some space between rows and columns which is also specified in the style CSS.<br>The layout attempts to make the best use of space by positioning tiles where they fit by filling gaps left earlier in the layout. On device rotation, the tiles re-arrange to fill the space optimally again.
<amx:masonryLayoutItem> Represents an item inside of a Masonry Layout component.
<amx:navigationDragBehavior> Invokes an action as a result of dragging your finger left or right (depending not the specified direction) across the screen. If no other closer container consumed the drag gesture, an indicator will appear on the appropriate side of the screen to hint that an action will be performed. If dragging stops (let go) before the indicator is fully revealed, it will slide away and no action will invoke.
<amx:outputHtml> Allows html content to be included in amx page.
<amx:outputText> Presents text data in a read-only manner.
<amx:panelFormLayout> Within the Panel Form Layout, the label area can either be displayed on the start side of the field area or on a separate line above the field area. Separate lines are used if the "labelPosition" attribute is set to "topStart", "topCenter", or "topEnd". Otherwise the label area will appear on the start side of the field area.
<amx:panelGroupLayout> A panel component that displays its children in a group. It supports horizontal, vertical, and wrap layouts. By default if the children of a panelGroupLayout do not fit into the size of the container, the panel will have scrolling to show the hidden children.
<amx:panelItem> This component represents the content area of a panelSplitter. There must be at least one panelItem defined in each panelSplitter.
<amx:panelLabelAndMessage> This component lays out a label and child component.
<amx:panelPage> Used to define the central area in a page that will scroll up and down between the header and footer areas. The primary, secondary, and header facet content may be presented in varying order depending on the skin and platform used. Generally the primary facet is presented horizontally first, followed by header, then secondary. On Android when using the mobileAlta skin, the default order is header, primary, secondary unless the primary facet contains only a single commandButton that is using a "__back" action. Typically the primary facet is for "back" navigation, the secondary facet is for "forward" navigation or miscellaneous behavior, and the header facet is for title text.
<amx:panelSplitter> This component can be used to show multiple content areas that can be (optionally) controlled by a left-side navigation pane that controls a right-side content pane. When the device is in a portrait orientation, the navigator facet is hidden in a collapsible drawer. When in a landscape orientation, the navigator facet is always shown on the starting side of the content area.
<amx:panelStretchLayout> A panel component that has 3 areas, the center facet is the main area of the component that uses up any leftover space not consumed by content in the top and bottom facets. The panelStretchLayout fits the size of its parent.
<amx:popup> The popup component is an invisible container control whose contents will be used in popup windows, such as context menus, note windows, dialogs and popup selectors. These types of "popup windows" are within the same browser window and using layers of HTML to simulate an external browser window.
<amx:refreshContainer> This component serves as a container that houses user-refreshable content. Instead of prominently displaying a refresh button to a user, you can use this component to expose the concept of refreshing as a gesture. Never place this component in a scrollable ancestor (doing so would give an undesirable scrolling experience). Instead, you may place scrollable content like a listView inside of this container. When the user drags their finger down anywhere within this container, a determination will be made to see whether any component between the container and the finger is not scrolled to its top. If any of those components is not scrolled to their tops, this new container component ignores the gesture so the user is able to scroll the content as normal. If all of those components are scrolled to their tops, then this container component will allow the user to pull down the content which will reveal a previously-hidden informational pocket at the top of the container. When the finger is lifted prior to reaching a required threshold (a height specified in the skin), the pocket simply becomes hidden again. When the user drags their finger down past that threshold, an action event is triggered so the application can perform operations that would result in data being refreshed. The pocket will remain open until the processing completes or (if specified) until a data change event is triggered on the optional refreshCompleteExpression attribute.
<amx:rowLayout> A rowLayout component is used to define a row of a tableLayout. It contains a series of cellFormat components.
<amx:selectBooleanCheckbox> A component which allows the end user to select a checkbox.
<amx:selectBooleanSwitch> A component which allows the end user to select a boolean value with a switch.
<amx:selectItem> The selectItem tag represents a single item that the user may select from a choice component.
<amx:selectItems> The selectItems tag represents items that the user may select from a choice component.
<amx:selectManyCheckbox> The selectManyCheckbox component creates an inline list of selectable items, which allows the user to select multiple values from the list of items.
<amx:selectManyChoice> The selectManyChoice component creates a single control that, when selected, pops up a list of selectable items, which allows the user to select multiple values from the list of items that are returned as comma separated values into the control.
<amx:selectOneButton> This component groups buttons together visually, either vertically or horizontally.
<amx:selectOneChoice> The selectOneChoice component creates a menu-style component, which allows the user to select a single value from a list of items.
<amx:selectOneRadio> A component which allows the end user to select a single value from a list of available options.
<amx:setPropertyListener> The setPropertyListener tag is a declarative way to allow properties to be set either when an action happens or a value is changed. This component is meant to be a child component of any tag that has some kind of listener attribute like actionListener, or valueChangeListener, etc. The type attribute defines which listener of the parent this actionListener should be fired for. The setPropertyListener fires before the listener on the parent component fires.
<amx:showPopupBehavior> This tag is a declarative way to show an amx:popup. When the showPopupBehavior tag is associated with a component, the popup specified via the popupId attribute will automatically be shown when the action event is activated.
<amx:spacer> Used anywhere to add spacing between items.
<amx:systemActionBehavior> Invokes an actionListener and/or action as a result of a system event. Currently, "back" is the only supported event.
<amx:tableLayout> A tableLayout is a thin wrapper around the HTML table element. It contains a series of rowLayout components which in turn contain a series of cellFormat components. It is important to note that a table layout structure does not allow cell contents to use percentage heights nor can a height be assigned to the overall table structure as a whole. For more detail, refer to the "layout", "width", and "height" documentation for the various table layout components.
<amx:transition> A transition for a deck component. The 2 triggerType values for the deck are backNavigate or forwardNavigate. This tag does not support any child element.
<amx:uiComponent> This is a placeholder representing any UI component. This component will not be used directly by users, but can be substituted with any UI component.
<amx:validationBehavior> Defines what validationGroup should be validated before a command component's action is taken. Multiple child validationBehavior tags may exist below a command component.
<amx:validationGroup> Defines what components should be grouped together for form validation purposes when doing a "submit" type of operation.
<amx:verbatim> Allows the developer to place any content directly into the markup.
<amx:view> The view component represents a single page in an application.

Fragment Components

Name Description
<amxf:attribute> Defines an attribute that may be passed to the fragment.
<amxf:attribute-list> Defines an attribute list that may be passed to the fragment.
<amxf:attribute-name> The name of the attribute to be exposed as EL inside the fragment.
<amxf:attribute-type> The type of the attribute.
<amxf:default-value> An optional default value for the attribute. This value is used when the attribute has not been passed or if the attribute that was passed evaluates to null. The value may be an EL expression.
<amxf:description> A description of the fragment to assist with knowing what the fragment should be used for.
<amxf:facet> Defines a facet that may be passed to the fragment.
<amxf:facet-name> The name of the facet that will be accepted. This name is used for the facet as well as the facetRef's facetName attribute.
<amxf:fragment> Root XML tag of the metadata. Must be the first child of the fragment definition tag.
<amxf:name> The name of the attribute list to be exposed as EL inside the fragment.
<amxf:popup> Declares a popup that may be referenced from outside of the fragment.
<amxf:popup-id> The ID of the popup to be permitted access from outside of the fragment.
<amxf:ref> Reference to the ID of a popup in a child fragment to be permitted access from outside of the current fragment. Must be in the format of "childFragmentId:popupId".
<amxf:required> If set to true, the fragment will enforce that the attribute has been defined and has a non-null value. This property is ignored if the default-value is set.

Dvt Components

Name Description
<dvtm:area> An area is used to stamp out stylistic attributes such as colors and patterns onto areas of a map component.
<dvtm:areaChart> An AMX DVT area chart. An area chart is one in which data is represented as lines with the area underneath them filled in.
<dvtm:areaDataLayer> Provides the ability to associate different regions in an areaLayer with a row of data. Individual regions can be defined one-by-one, or using a data collection passed via the 'value' attribute.
<dvtm:areaLayer> Used to customize which layers are displayed for a given basemap where each area layer points to a layer from the basemap, i.e. "countries" or "states". Data is associated with a basemap layer by nesting the appropriate data layer within an area layer.
<dvtm:areaLocation> Specifies the column in the data layer's model that determines the location for the area data. These locations are the area names that join with the area names in the basemap layer.
<dvtm:attributeExceptionRule> The attributeExceptionRule tag is a child of attributeGroups that can be used to override the default values provided by the attributeGroups. This tag is used to replace an attribute value with another when a particular boolean condition is met.
<dvtm:attributeGroups> The attributeGroups tags are used to generate stylistic attribute values such as colors or shapes based on categorical bucketing of a data set. Given the column in the model to group by, the attributeGroups can produce style values for each unique value ("group") in the data.
<dvtm:attributeMatchRule> The attributeMatchRule tag is a child of attributeGroups that can be used to override the default values provided by the attributeGroups. This tag is used to replace an attribute when the data matches a certain value.
<dvtm:axisLine> Defines properties of an axis line (color and width).
<dvtm:barChart> An AMX DVT bar chart. A bar chart is one in which data is represented as series of bars.
<dvtm:bubbleChart> An AMX DVT bubble chart. A bubble chart is one in which data is represented as bubbles where each bubble is defined in terms of three numeric values.
<dvtm:chartDataItem> Defines values and properties associated with a data item. Must be defined within the 'dataStamp' facet.
<dvtm:chartGroup> Defines styling properties of a chart group. Must be defined within the 'groupStamp' facet.
<dvtm:chartValueFormat> The format to be used for formatting of data label values, or values displayed in data item tooltips. The actual format must be specified using a nested converter element.
<dvtm:comboChart> An AMX DVT combination chart. A combination chart is one in which data is represented as combination of bar or line markers.
<dvtm:dialGauge> Dial gauge is used to measure small linear distances. Its name is based on the fact that the measurement results are displayed by means of a dial.
<dvtm:funnelChart> An AMX DVT funnel chart. Often used to represent stages in a sales process.
<dvtm:funnelDataItem> Defines values and properties associated with a data item in a funnel chart. Must be defined within the 'dataStamp' facet.
<dvtm:gaugeLabelFormat> Gauge label value formatter.
<dvtm:geographicMap> An AMX DVT geographic map.
<dvtm:horizontalBarChart> An AMX DVT horizontal bar chart. A bar chart is one in which data is represented as series of horizontal bars. DEPRECATED: Use a dvtm:barChart with orientation="horizontal" instead.
<dvtm:ledGauge> An AMX DVT LED gauge. LED gauge indicates its value mainly by its color. It changes its color to match the threshold range into which the metric value falls.
<dvtm:legend> Defines style, positioning and behavior of a legend.
<dvtm:legendItem> Defines an item of a legend.
<dvtm:legendSection> Defines a section of a multi-section legend.
<dvtm:lineChart> An AMX DVT line chart. A line chart is one in which data is represented as lines.
<dvtm:majorTick> Defines properties for major tick marks on a chart axis.
<dvtm:marker> A marker is used to stamp out built-in or custom shapes associated with data points on a map component. Markers can be customized with different stylistic attributes such as colors and patterns based on their underlying data. Geographic map marker only supports action, shortDesc, and source attributes.
<dvtm:metricLabel> Metric label for gauges.
<dvtm:minorTick> Defines properties for minor tick marks on a chart axis.
<dvtm:nBox> An AMX DVT N-Box. N-Box components are often used in HCM applications to view the distribution of an organization across two dimensions (e.g. Potential vs. Performance). Each of these dimensions is split into multiple ranges, whose intersections result in distinct cells into which each employee can be placed.
<dvtm:nBoxCell> Represents an AMX DVT N-Box cell. Must be defined within the 'cells' facet.
<dvtm:nBoxColumn> Represents an AMX DVT N-Box column. Must be defined within the 'columns' facet.
<dvtm:nBoxNode> Represents an AMX DVT N-Box node.
<dvtm:nBoxRow> Represents an AMX DVT N-Box row. Must be defined within the 'rows' facet.
<dvtm:overview> Overview component for the timeline and charts with enabled zoom / scroll. Displays at the bottom of the chart area. Use inlineStyle -> height attribute to set the height of the component in pixels or %.
<dvtm:pieChart> An AMX DVT pie chart. In a pie chart one group of data is represented as sections of a circle, making the circle look like a sliced pie. Can be used to represent percentages of a whole.
<dvtm:pieDataItem> Defines values and properties associated with a data item in a pie chart. Must be defined within the 'dataStamp' facet.
<dvtm:pieValueFormat> Pie chart value formatter. Deprecated. Use dvtm:chartValueFormat with type="value" instead.
<dvtm:pointDataLayer> The pointDataLayer allows developers to display data associated with a point on the map using a marker. The point can be specified by city id for a built-in basemap or x/y coordinates which correspond to latitude/longitude for built-in basemaps. It is possible to define individual location points one-by-one, or using a data collection passed via the 'value' attribute.
<dvtm:pointLocation> Specifies the columns in the data layer's model that determine the location of the data points. For thematic map, these locations can be names that join with named points or latitude/longitude for built-in basemaps, x/y coordinates for custom basemaps. For geographic map, they can be x/y coordinates or an address.
<dvtm:ratingGauge> An AMX DVT rating gauge. The component allows the user to enter or view rating on a pre-defined scale.
<dvtm:referenceArea> Reference area for an axis. A simple reference area can be defined using this element's attributes. Complex multi-segment areas can be specified using referenceAreaItem elements optionally wrapped in an amx:iterator.
<dvtm:referenceAreaItem> The dvtm:referenceAreaItem tag describes a pair of min/max points on a multi-segment reference area.
<dvtm:referenceLine> Reference line for a chart axis or status meter gauge. A simple reference line can be defined using this element's attributes. For charts, multi-segment reference lines can be specified using referenceLineItem elements optionally wrapped in an amx:iterator.
<dvtm:referenceLineItem> The dvtm:referenceLineItem tag describes a single point of a multi-segment reference line.
<dvtm:referenceObject> Defines a reference object for an axis. Deprecated for xAxis, yAxis and y2Axis elements -- use dvtm:referenceArea or dvtm:referenceLine instead.
<dvtm:route> Represents a route that connects points specified by dvtm:pointLocation elements. (Note that the route element is supported with the Google Maps provider only. Currently, it has no effect with the Oracle MapViewer provider.)
<dvtm:scatterChart> An AMX DVT scatter chart. A scatter chart represents data by the location of data markers. Scatter charts are useful for displaying general relationships among a number of data points.
<dvtm:seriesStyle> Defines styling properties of a chart series. Must be defined within the 'seriesStamp' facet.
<dvtm:sliceLabel> Slice label properties. DEPRECATED: Use pieChart.sliceLabelPosition and pieDataItem.sliceLabel instead.
<dvtm:sparkChart> An AMX DVT spark chart. Spark charts are simple, condensed charts that display trends or variations, often in the column of a table. Spark charts are often displayed in a dashboard to provide additional context to a data-dense display.
<dvtm:sparkDataItem> Represents the value and properties associated with a data item in a spark chart. Must be defined within the 'dataStamp' facet.
<dvtm:statusMeterGauge> An AMX DVT status meter gauge. Status meter gauge indicates its value by its color and area. It changes its color and area to match the threshold range into which the metric value falls.
<dvtm:stockChart> An AMX DVT Stock chart. Stock charts are useful for displaying stock data across time. A unique feature of stock charts is the ability to render series data as 'candlesticks' representing open, close, high, and low stock price data.
<dvtm:stockDataItem> Defines values and properties associated with a data item for stock chart. Must be defined within the 'dataStamp' facet.
<dvtm:sunburst> An AMX DVT Sunburst. Sunbursts are used to display hierarchical data across two dimensions, represented by the size and color of the sunburst nodes.
<dvtm:sunburstNode> A child of the Sunburst component. The sunburst node displays two dimensions of data through its size and color.
<dvtm:thematicMap> An AMX DVT thematic map which is used for displaying spatial trends or patterns in data.
<dvtm:threshold> Represents a threshold section for a gauge. A gauge can support an unlimited number of thresholds.
<dvtm:tickLabel> Tick label for the axis.
<dvtm:timeAxis> Child of timeline used to specify the time axis.
<dvtm:timeline> The Timeline component is used to display a series of events in chronological order. It supports zoom operation, expanding and collapsing a group of related events, and rendering of simple ADF components within each event. The Timeline component is capable of displaying two series of events side-by-side to enable comparison of events between the two series.
<dvtm:timelineItem> The TimelineItem component must be placed inside of a TimelineSeries component. It represents an event item inside of the Timeline. The ability to control the basic layout of the Timeline Item is fixed and allows title text and description text.
<dvtm:timelineSeries> The TimelineSeries component is a direct child of the Timeline component. A Timeline can have at most two TimelineSeries. Each TimelineSeries displays a list of events along the start and end time specified in the Timeline. The TimelineSeries component must be placed inside of a Timeline component.
<dvtm:treemap> An AMX DVT Treemap. Treemaps are used to display hierarchical data across two dimensions, represented by the size and color of the treemap nodes.
<dvtm:treemapNode> A child of the Treemap component. The treemap node displays two dimensions of data through its size and color.
<dvtm:xAxis> Defines properties of chart's X axis.
<dvtm:xFormat> Specifies the x value format used in the tooltip. Deprecated. Use dvtm:chartValueFormat with type="x" instead.
<dvtm:y2Axis> Defines properties of chart's Y2 axis (a secondary Y axis).
<dvtm:y2Format> Specifies the y2 value format used in the tooltip. Deprecated. Use dvtm:chartValueFormat with type="y2" instead.
<dvtm:yAxis> Defines properties of charts's Y axis.
<dvtm:yFormat> Specifies the y value format used in the tooltip. Deprecated. Use dvtm:chartValueFormat with type="y" instead.
<dvtm:zFormat> Specifies the z value format used in the tooltip. Deprecated. Use dvtm:chartValueFormat with type="z" instead.

Skins Components

Name Description
<skin:adfmf-skins> The root element defined in the maf-skins document.
<skin:default> Set to true if this skin is the default skin for the specified skin family. The default skin will be picked if the maf-config's skin-version is not set.
<skin:extends> The id of the parent skin which this skin extends.
<skin:family> A name which identifies the skin family to which this skin implementation belongs.
<skin:id> A string identifier which uniquely identifies this custom skin implementation. This identifier should contain the device platform and version as part of the id if applicable (e.g. "customSkin-v1.1" or "customSkin-v1.1.iOS" in case it is targeted to a specific platform).
<skin:name> Defines a skin name.
<skin:skin> Top level element to define a skin.
<skin:skin-addition> Defines a skin addition. A skin addition which is created by custom component developers to add skinning information for the custom component.
<skin:skin-id> A string identifier which uniquely identifies the skin you are pushing your styles into.
<skin:style-sheet-name> The name of the style sheet which defines the styles for this skin addition.
<skin:version> The version of the skin, if any.

Config Components

Name Description
<config:adfmf-config> The adfmf-config element is the root element of all maf-config.xml files.
<config:allowLoginInSlidingWindows> If false, secured features that are displayed as a sliding window will not display the login screen when in the unauthenticated state. The sliding windows can be displayed but will show only placeholder content until the associated connection is authenticated. If true, a login screen will be displayed when the feature is not authenticated.
<config:autoHideSlidingWindows> If true, all sliding windows that are being displayed will be hidden from view when a login screen is presented in the main content area. Any sliding windows that are temporarily hidden during the presentation of the login screen will be restored to their previous position when the main content is authenticated or switched to another feature which does not require a login screen to be presented.
<config:conversion> Conversion is a process associated with the transformation of generic types and java beans/soap messages/json/...
<config:fullscreenLayout> It configures the layout behavior on iOS devices. The two allowed values are legacy and fullscreen. If the value is legacy, the layout of features will not appear behind the status bar and behaves like all previous versions of MAF. If the value is fullscreen, fullscreen layout will position the features such that they use the full device screen and will be positioned behind the iOS status bar. This is consistent with iOS 7 and later native behavior. Defaults to legacy when not present.
<config:generic-type> Generic type is a hierarchical name value pair.
<config:legacyBack> If true, legacy back behavior will be enabled for Android. This means that the back button will go back to the previous feature or hibernate if the stack is empty.
<config:maximumDataControlContextDepth> Represents the maximum depth of the data control context stack. If not specified, the default depth of 10 is assumed.
<config:skin-family> The skin-family element is used to pick a skin during rendering. You can optionally add the skin-version to pick a particular version of a skin with the same skin-family. Can contain EL.
<config:skin-version> The skin-version element is used to pick a skin during rendering. A skin is picked by matching the skin-id (required), and if specified here, the skin-version. Can contain EL.
<config:validated> Validates the generic type with the predefined definition.

Tag name: <adfmf:allowedScheme>
The allowedScheme element is used to define the allowed scheme that can be accessed.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
value urlSchemeType Yes No The allowed scheme value.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:allowedSchemeList>
The allowedSchemeList element is used to define a list of schemes that can be accessed by the mobile application.



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:allowedScheme> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <adfmf:amx>


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
file string No No The file reference for the amx page to be used for this content.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:application>
Definition for the application. The application is the container that surfaces the included features.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id adfmfComponentId Yes No A unique identifier for the application. This is usually a Java package style identifier, for example: com.company.application. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash or period.
name string Yes No The name of the application.
vendor string No No An optional field identifying the maker of the application.
version string No No An optional field identifying a version for the application.
metadata-base-version string No No Deprecated. An optional field identifying the base metadata version for the application.
customization-version string No No An optional field identifying the customization version for the application. This is managed by the framework and the application developer should not update it.
version-compatibility-expression string No No A regular expression that specifies the range of application versions that are compatible with this application. This expression is used by the DT@RT server to determine version compatibility of clients.
listener-class string No No Application start/stop/activate/deactivate event listener java class definition.
urlScheme urlSchemeType No No An optional field identifying the URLs of a specific scheme that can be received.
appControllerFolder string No No The attribute specifies the name of Application Controller Project folder.
client-ssl-certificate-extension string No No The extension for client side SSL certificate.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:loadBundle> 0 unbounded
<adfmf:description> 0 1
<adfmf:featureReference> 1 unbounded
<adfmf:preferences> 0 1
<adfmf:error> 0 1
<adfmf:navigation> 0 1
<adfmf:login> 0 1
<adfmf:kba> 0 1
<adfmf:configuration> 0 1

Tag name: <adfmf:configuration>
Definition for the application configuration.



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:launchScreen> 0 1
<adfmf:allowedSchemeList> 0 1

Tag name: <adfmf:description>
A short but detailed description of the application and its purpose.



Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:error>



Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:featureReference>
Definition for the feature reference. Since many features can be bundled with application or Feature Archive, the feature reference is used to denote which features are relevant (or can be exposed) by this application. Note: if showOnSpringboard and showOnNavigationBar are both set to false there are only two ways for the feature to show up: 1. If it is the lowest indexed feature, hence show up on startup; 2. A feature does an explicit "GOTO" feature call to it.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id adfmfComponentId No No A unique identifier for the feature reference. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash or period.
refId adfmfComponentId Yes No The feature identifier of the MAF feature to include in the application.
showOnSpringboard boolean No No Indicates whether or not the feature should be shown in the default springboard ui.
showOnNavigationBar boolean No No Indicates whether or not the feature should be shown in the navigator bar ui.
loginConnRefId string No No Indicates a MAF Login Server Connection in connections.xml to be used for the feature authentication. This overrides the application default login connection.
allowNativeAccess boolean No No An optional attribute to indicate whether or not the feature has access to the native layer. The default value is "true". The value should stay "true" for "MAF AMX Page" feature content type. It can be set to "false" for "Remote URL" feature content type and "Local HTML" feature content type to disable the native access for the feature.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:kba>
Deprecated. Knowledge Based Authentication page setting.



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:localHTML> 0 1

Tag name: <adfmf:launchScreen>
Definition for a local HTML launchscreen. This configuration is currently only for iOS 9, but will be extended to Windows 10 and Android.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
url string No No A project relative path to the local HTML file to be used for this content.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:loadBundle>
An additional resource to be made available to the application, ostensibly for localizing application name, preferences, etc.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
basename string Yes No The path to the resource bundle to be included.
var string Yes No A name with which the features may reference the loaded resources.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:localHTML>
Definition for a local HTML page.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
url string No No A project relative path to the local HTML file to be used for this content.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:login>
Login page configuration settings.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
defaultConnRefId string No No Indicates a MAF Login Server Connection in connections.xml to be used for default feature authentication.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:localHTML> 0 1

Tag name: <adfmf:navigation>
Definition for the application navigation configuration.



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:navigationBar> 0 1
<adfmf:springboard> 0 1

Tag name: <adfmf:navigationBar>
Navigation bar setting.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
enabled boolean No No Indicates whether or not the navigation bar is shown at the application launch. Default is true.
displayHideShowNavigationBarControl boolean No No Indicates whether or not to show the navigation bar hide/show toggle button. Default is false.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:springboard>
Springboard configuration settings.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
enabled boolean No No Indicates whether or not a springboard is enabled. Default is false, or not enabled.
displayGotoSpringboardControl boolean No No Indicates whether or not to show the goto-springboard button/menu item. Default is false.
showSpringboardAtStartup boolean No No Indicates whether or not a springboard is showed at the application launch. Default is true.
animation animationType No Yes Indicates whether or not a springboard should slide out from left to right with animation. Default is slideright.
width widthType No No Defines the slide-out width of the springboard in pixels.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:springboardFeatureReference> 0 1

Tag name: <adfmf:springboardFeatureReference>
The springboard reference definition is used to denote which feature should be used as the springboard feature.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id adfmfComponentId No No A unique identifier for the springboard feature reference. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash or period.
refId adfmfComponentId Yes No The feature identifier of the MAF feature that is used as the springboard.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:amx>
A Feature Content child, defining AMX based content (local AMX view or taskflow for AMX views).


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
file NonEmptyString Yes No The file reference for the amx page or taskflow to be used for this content.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:includes> 0 1

Tag name: <adfmf:constraint>
The constraint element is a child element of the constraints stanza. It is used to define one of the conditions that must be 'ANDed' together to determine if the constraint is satisfied.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
property PropertyType Yes No The property on which the constraint evaluation is based.
operator OperatorType Yes No The operation to use in the constraint evaluation.
value string Yes No The value to use in the constraint evaluation.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:constraintExpression>
The constraint expression element is a child element of the constraints stanza. It is used to define one of the EL conditions that must be 'ANDed' together to determine if the constraint is satisfied.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
value elExpression Yes Yes The expression to be used in the constraint evaluation.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:constraints>
The constraints element is used to determine if the outer element should be included. In order for a 'constraint' to be satisfied, ALL of the constraints must evaluate to being true.



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:constraint> 0 unbounded
<adfmf:constraintExpression> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <adfmf:content>
Definition for the feature content. This content can be one of the following types and will contain a child tag of the corresponding type: localHTML, remoteURL, nativeview, or amx.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id adfmfComponentId Yes No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash or period.
icon string No No A project relative path to an icon to be used with this feature. If this property is specified, this value will override the feature-level property of the same name.
image string No No A project relative path to an image to be used with this feature. If this property is specified, this value will override the feature-level property of the same name.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:constraints> 0 1
<adfmf:localHTML> 1 1
<adfmf:remoteURL> 1 1
<adfmf:nativeview> 1 1
<adfmf:amx> 1 1

Tag name: <adfmf:description>
A description of the MAF feature.



Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:feature>
The parent element to contain metadata defining a feature for the application. Features are application bundles containing all the information needed to be included in the container application. Since each feature is developed independently from each other, this metadata is required to describe the feature to the framework.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id adfmfComponentId Yes No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash or period.
name string No No The name of the feature.
icon string No No A project relative path to an icon resource to use for this feature in the navigation bar.
image string No No A project relative path to an image resource to use for this feature in the springboard UI.
securityEnabled boolean No No Indicates whether security is enabled. Default is false.
listener-class string No No A Java class reference for this feature's event listener. The LifeCycleListener interface defines two methods: activate (called when a feature is activated) and deactivate (called when a feature is deactivated). Note: features are activated via either human selection of the feature, programmatically transitioned to the feature, or when push notification event comes in.
vendor string No No The maker of this feature.
version string No No A version identifier for this feature.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:constraints> 0 1
<adfmf:description> 0 1
<adfmf:content> 1 unbounded
<adfmf:properties> 0 1
<adfmf:preferences> 0 1

Tag name: <adfmf:features>
Specifies all features to be included in this MAF application.



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:loadBundle> 0 unbounded
<adfmf:feature> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <adfmf:include>
Identifies files to include in each view of the MAF feature.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
type IncludeType Yes No Identifies the type of include. Valid values are JavaScript or StyleSheet.
file NonEmptyString Yes No The file reference for javascripts or cascade style sheets for amx pages.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:includes>
The includes element is used to include javascripts or cascade style sheets for an amx element.



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:include> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <adfmf:loadBundle>
An additional resource to be made available to the features, ostensibly for localizing feature icons, images, and names.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
basename string Yes No The path to the resource bundle to be included.
var string Yes No A name with which the features may reference the loaded resources.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:localHTML>
A Feature Content child, defining the local HTML content.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
url NonEmptyString Yes No A project relative path to the local HTML file to be used for this content.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:nativeview>
A Feature Content child, defining the native content (local view built with native code).



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:parameter> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <adfmf:parameter>
Parameter used by content types to pass standard data in.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
name string Yes No A name for the parameter being passed.
value string Yes No The value of the parameter being passed.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:properties>
The properties element is used to define properties related to the parent feature element.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id adfmfComponentId Yes No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash or period.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:property> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <adfmf:property>
The property element is a child element of the properties stanza. It is used to define one of the properties related to the parent feature element.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId Yes No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
name string Yes No The name of the property.
value string Yes No The value to use for this property.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:remoteURL>
A Feature Content child, defining the remote URL content.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
connection NonEmptyString Yes No A URL connection reference to the remote content to be used for this feature content.
showNavButtons boolean No No Indicates whether the browser navigation controls will be shown for features containing remote URLs. If set to true, a navigation bar with Back/Forward/Refresh will be displayed, otherwise this navigation bar will not appear. The default is false.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:preferenceBoolean>
A boolean preference setting.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
default boolean No No A default value to use with this preference setting.
id adfmfPreferenceId Yes No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or period.
label string No No The text to show next to the preference setting field in the preference UI.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:preferenceGroup>
Preference group element.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id adfmfPreferenceId Yes No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or period.
label string No No The text to show next to the preference setting field in the preference UI.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:preferenceList>
A preference setting that gives the user a set of specific items to choose from.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
default string No No A default value to use with this preference setting.
id adfmfPreferenceId Yes No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or period.
label string No No The text to show next to the preference setting field in the preference UI.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:preferenceValue> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <adfmf:preferenceNumber>
A number preference setting.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
default decimal No No A default value to use with this preference setting.
id adfmfPreferenceId Yes No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or period.
label string No No The text to show next to the preference setting field in the preference UI.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:preferencePage>
Preference page element.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id adfmfPreferenceId Yes No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or period.
label string No No The text to show next to the preference setting field in the preference UI.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:preferenceGroup> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <adfmf:preferences>
Top level application preference element.



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<adfmf:preferenceGroup> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <adfmf:preferenceText>
A text preference setting.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
default string No No A default value to use with this preference setting.
secret boolean No No Indicates whether the text in the preference setting should be masked from the user when viewing and editing.
id adfmfPreferenceId Yes No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or period.
label string No No The text to show next to the preference setting field in the preference UI.

Child Elements

Tag name: <adfmf:preferenceValue>
A list item for a preferenceList setting.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
name string Yes No A user visible name for the list item.
value string Yes No The value associated with this list item.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:accessoryLayout>
This component is intended to be used in a listItem where the user may drag the content left or right to reveal optional content areas (specified as start and end facets). If the drag exceeds sufficiently beyond the facet's width, you may allow such a gesture to trigger a tap on one of the components in that content area. Normally revealed facet content will be hidden when either another accessoryLayout's content gets revealed or when focus moves to some other component. However, if the content was revealed using an accessibility trigger, it will not be hidden when focus moves or else the user would not be able to jump to and interact with links in that content area.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
contentStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for the main content area of this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The contentStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the inner content element of the component.
contentClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for the main content area of this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file.
startStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for the start area of this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The startStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the inner start element of the component.
startClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for the start area of this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file.
startDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the start area of this component. The start description property value must be set to provide basic accessibility if you are using a start facet. This text is not normally available to the user unless they are using assistive technology that can read it aloud.
startWidth stringElType No Yes The size of the start area of this component. The start width value must be set to define how many pixels wide the start facet will consume or "auto" for allowing the browser to dictate the size based on the natural size of the content, or "100%" if you want it to take up the full width of the accessoryLayout. This also determines how far the user must drag to reveal the content and also impacts how far the drag must exceed to trigger a "full" trigger gesture. Note that if the width is too wide, it might not be possible to trigger a "full" gesture since it would not be possible to distinguish it from a "reveal" gesture. The default value is "auto".
startFullTriggerSelector stringElType No Yes The optional CSS selector that will be used to find a link in the start facet area. If a match is found, a tap event is then triggered on the first matching result when the user performs a full drag gesture on the main content area.
endStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for the end area of this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The endStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the inner end element of the component.
endClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for the end area of this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file.
endDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the end area of this component. The end description property value must be set to provide basic accessibility if you are using an end facet. This text is not normally available to the user unless they are using assistive technology that can read it aloud.
endWidth stringElType No Yes The size of the end area of this component. The end width value must be set to define how many pixels wide the end facet will consume or "auto" for allowing the browser to dictate the size based on the natural size of the content, or "100%" if you want it to take up the full width of the accessoryLayout. This also determines how far the user must drag to reveal the content and also impacts how far the drag must exceed to trigger a "full" trigger gesture. Note that if the width is too wide, it might not be possible to trigger a "full" gesture since it would not be possible to distinguish it from a "reveal" gesture. The default value is "auto".
endFullTriggerSelector stringElType No Yes The optional CSS selector that will be used to find a link in the end facet area. If a match is found, a tap event is then triggered on the first matching result when the user performs a full drag gesture on the main content area.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 1 unbounded
<amx:facet> 1 unbounded
<amx:actionListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:clientListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationBehavior> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:actionListener>
This component allows you to declaratively invoke an action. This component is meant to be a child component of any tag that has some kind of listener attribute like actionListener, or valueChangeListener, etc. The type attribute defines which listener of the parent this actionListener should be fired for. These methods fire before the listener on the parent component fires.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
binding stringElType No Yes EL that defines what should be called when this action occurs.
type stringElType No Yes The type attribute defines which listener of the parent this actionListener should be fired for. For example, the type variable here would be "action" if the parent was a commandButton.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:attribute>
This component defines an attribute to be passed into a fragment. The attribute will be available to EL as the name given inside the fragment.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
name string Yes No The name of the attribute. This will be the EL variable that is available to contents of the fragment. The attribute must be declared in the meta-data of the fragment.
value stringElType Yes Yes The value of the attribute, either a static value or an EL expression. Methods are also accepted when the fragment declaration uses the attribute for an attribute that takes a method expression.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:attributeList>
Defines an attribute list to pass to a fragment. It may be referenced by another amx:attributeList using the ref attribute. Using a reference, an attribute list may be passed from one fragment to another. In this case, both attribute lists must have the same meta-data.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
name string Yes No The name of the attribute list. This is required and must be unique. It also must correlate to the name of an attribute list in the amx:fragmentDef meta-data.
ref string No No The name of an attribute list in the current "scope". If placed inside an amx:attributeListIterator, it will refer to an attribute list defined for the current amx:attributeSet that the iterator is processing. If not in an iterator, it will refer to an amx:attributeList defined on the parent fragment. The meta-data for the attribute list must be the same in both fragments.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:attributeSet> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:attributeListIterator>
Consumes an amx:attributeList. It behaves much like the amx:iterator in terms of stamping, but exposes attributes differently. The name attribute ties the iterator to an amx:attributeList. When one amx:attributeListIterator is nested in another one, the name must point to an amx:attributeList that is a child of the amx:attributeSet that the outer amx:attributeListIterator is currently processing. During the iteration, the defined attribute names will be exposed as EL variables. For attributes not provided by the caller and the attribute has no default value, the value adf.mf.api.OptionalFragmentArgument will be used as an EL variable. A user may test for this by using the empty EL keyword. For example, rendered="#{not (empty myAttribute)}".


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
name string Yes No The name of the amx:attributeList to use. If a top level iterator, this must refer to a child of the parent amx:fragment. If nested in an another amx:attributeListIterator, this needs to refer to an amx:attributeList that is the child of the amx:attributeSet that the outer iterator is processing. This attribute is required.
begin nonNegativeIntegerElType No Yes An optional 0-based index to start iterating at (must be a positive number). If not provided, the iterator will begin iterating at 0.
end nonNegativeIntegerElType No Yes An optional index for the last item to iterate (behaves like a less than or equal to). If the value is greater than the number of items to iterate over, the number of items minus one is used instead. The end may be less than the begin value if the step is a negative number. If the step is not 1 and the end would not be used, the end is adjusted to match the last index that will be iterated. For example, if the begin is 0, the end is 3 and the step is 2, the actual end will be 2, not 3.
step nonZeroIntegerElType No Yes An optional value that defines how to advance the iteration index per loop. The default is 1.
varStatus string No No An optional variable name that will allow a varStatus object to be exposed via EL during iteration.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:attributeSet>
Defines one set of attributes to be used during an iteration of the amx:attributeListIterator.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:attribute> 1 unbounded
<amx:attributeList> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:carousel>
The carousel component displays a spinning series of items based on rows of a collection model. The carousel has a nodeStamp facet that must contain a carouselItem. This content will be stamped out for each item in the bound collection.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes Either a collection model or simple array of data to stamp out via the var variable.
var string No No The name of the EL variable that is used to reference a row of the value's data for each carouselItem.
orientation layoutType No Yes Horizontal (the default) for the images being displayed along an x-axis or vertical for y-axis.
displayItems displayItemsType No Yes The current carousel item will always be shown but you can use this attribute to specify how the auxiliary carousel items are displayed. Use "circular" if you want the auxiliary items displayed near the current item in a scaled down pattern with as many items shown as will fit. Use "oneByOne" if you only want the current item shown.
controlArea controlAreaType No Yes Specifies how the area where the user spins the carousel is presented. The "full" option lets a user spin through carousel items one at a time, jump to a specific item, or drag the slider thumb to continuously spin the carousel until the mouse is let go. The "small" option lets a user click the next and previous buttons to spin through carousel items one at a time. The "compact" option is similar to "small" but omits details such as the "x of y" progress information. The "none" option provides no control area at all.
auxiliaryOffset floatElType No Yes The offset shift factor that a carousel item will have relative to its nearest item towards the current carousel item in circular displayItems mode. This is the distance an auxiliary item will be moved from its nearest item towards the current item (the distance is the size of the next nearest item multiplied by this offset factor).
auxiliaryPopOut auxiliaryPopOutType No Yes Whether mouse movements within the auxiliary item area of the carousel in circular displayItems mode causes the auxiliary items to be scaled to match the current carousel item. Valid values are off (default) or hover.
auxiliaryScale floatElType No Yes The size scaling factor that a carousel item will have relative to its nearest item towards the current carousel item in circular displayItems mode. A value of 1 means the auxiliary items will all be the same size. A value less than 1 means the auxiliary items will become smaller the further they are from the current item. A value greater than 1 means the auxiliary items will become larger the further they are from the current item. Note that regardless of item size, the current carousel item is the only item that is interactive; clicking on an auxiliary item will only spin the carousel.
halign halignType No Yes Determines the horizontal alignment of the carousel items. Valid values are center (default), start, or end.
valign valignType No Yes Determines the vertical alignment of the carousel items. Valid values are middle (default), top, or bottom.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 0 1

Tag name: <amx:carouselItem>
The carouselItem component must be placed inside of a carousel component's "nodeStamp". It represents an item inside of a carousel component and its text attribute will be displayed when it is the current item the carousel. Although the most common child of carouselItem is image, other components may be used. For example you might use a commandLink as a child that surrounds an image. In order to minimize any negative effect on performance, you should avoid using any heavy-weight children because as you add more complexity to the structure, the effect will be multiplied because several carouselItem stamps will be displayed simultaneously.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
text stringElType No Yes Specifies the textual label of the component.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 1 1

Tag name: <amx:cellFormat>
A cellFormat component is used to define a cell in a rowLayout of a tableLayout.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
columnSpan integerElType No Yes The number of cells wide the child layout element will be (must be a number 1 or greater).
halign halignType No Yes The horizontal alignment of the grid row elements. Valid values are start (default), end, or center.
header booleanElType No Yes Indicates whether or not this table cell is a header cell or a data cell. Setting this attribute to 'true' will mark this cell as a header cell.
height stringElType No Yes The preferred height of the cell (cannot use percentage units, cell contents and other cells in this cell's row may override this value).
rowSpan integerElType No Yes The number of cells high the child layout element will be (must be a number 1 or greater).
valign valignType No Yes The vertical alignment of the grid row elements. Valid values are middle (default), top, or bottom.
width stringElType No Yes The preferred width of the cell (cell contents and other cells in this cell's column may override this value).
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationGroup> 0 1

Tag name: <amx:clientListener>
This component gives you a declarative way to register a JavaScript listener script that will be executed when a specific event type is fired. Before using the clientListener tag, be sure to look for any existing behavior tags which might eliminate the need for scripts. For example, the amx:showPopupBehavior tag simplifies what it takes to display a popup.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
method stringElType Yes Yes The client-side JavaScript method name to invoke when triggered by an event of the specified type.
type stringElType Yes Yes The type of client-side component event to listen for. Not all events exist for all components. Not all events behave consistently across platforms or versions of the same platform. Examples of events include "action" if the parent was a commandButton, "valueChange" if the parent was an inputText. Depending on the component, there might also be some DOM events that you can use such as "touchstart", "touchend", "tap", "taphold", etc. Some components may have special DOM events such as amx:view's "showpagecomplete", "mafviewvisible", "mafviewhidden", "amxnavigatestart", and "amxnavigateend". This attribute supports EL for its initial declaration but it does not support updates to that EL value; the value associated with the expression must not change unless you also do something to cause the parent component to re-render.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:closePopupBehavior>
This tag is a declarative way to hide an amx:popup. When the closePopupBehavior tag is associated with a component, it can hide the popup on some user action.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
popupId stringElType No Yes Specifies the id of the popup that will be hidden.
type stringElType No Yes This attribute defines when the popup will be dismissed. Valid values are action (default), swipeDown, swipeEnd, swipeLeft, swipeRight, swipeStart, swipeUp, tapHold. It is rare that swipeLeft and swipeRight are the correct options to use, consider using swipeStart and swipeEnd instead since those values adapt to account for the reading direction of the active language.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:commandButton>
The commandButton component creates a button that, when pressed, will generate an action event. The button can contain text, an image, or both text and an image.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
icon stringElType No Yes Defines the location of an image resource to use as an icon displayed on the button. The image file must be included in the project and be specified by its relative location in the project. This attribute can be specified as static text, EL Expression, or a combination of both.
iconPosition iconPositionType No Yes Specifies the position of the icon. Valid values are leading (icon is left of text) or trailing (icon is right of text). Default is leading.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.
actionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to an action listener.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
text stringElType No Yes Specifies the textual label of the component.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:actionListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:clientListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationBehavior> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:commandLink>
The commandLink component creates a link that, when pressed, will generate an action event. It may also contain a child image component to create a link that displays an image rather than text.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.
actionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to an action listener.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
text stringElType No Yes Specifies the textual label of the component.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 0 unbounded
<amx:actionListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:clientListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationBehavior> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:convertDateTime>
Converts string into java.util.Date and vice versa based on the pattern and style set.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
dateStyle convertDateTimeStyleType No Yes Specifies the predefined formatting style that determines how the date component of a date string is to be formatted and parsed. Applied only if type is set to "date" or "both". Valid values are default, full, long, medium, or short (default).
pattern stringElType No Yes Specifies a custom formatting pattern that determines how the date/time string should be formatted and parsed. The syntax must conform to the rules specified by java.text.SimpleDateFormat.
timeStyle convertDateTimeStyleType No Yes Specifies the predefined formatting style that determines how the time component of a date string is to be formatted and parsed. Applied only if the type is "time" or "both". Valid values are default, full, long, medium, or short (default).
type convertDateTimeType No Yes Specifies what content the string value will be formatted to include, or parsed. Valid values are date (default), time, or both.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:convertNumber>
This is an extension of the standard JSF javax.faces.convert.NumberConverter. The converter provides all the standard functionality of the default NumberConverter and is strict while converting to object.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
currencyCode stringElType No Yes Specifies the ISO 4217 currency code, and is only applied when formatting currencies.
currencySymbol stringElType No Yes Specifies the currency symbol, and is only applied when formatting currencies. If the currencyCode attribute is set, then currencySymbol will be ignored.
groupingUsed booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the formatted output will contain grouping separators. The default value is true.
integerOnly booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not only the integer part of the value will be formatted and parsed. Default value is false.
maxFractionDigits integerElType No Yes Specifies the maximum number of digits that will be formatted in the fractional portion of the output.
maxIntegerDigits integerElType No Yes Specifies the maximum number of digits that will be formatted in the integer portion of the output.
minFractionDigits integerElType No Yes Specifies the minimum number of digits that will be formatted in the fractional portion of the output.
minIntegerDigits integerElType No Yes Specifies the minimum number of digits that will be formatted in the integer portion of the output.
type convertNumberType No Yes Specifies what content string value will be formatted to include, or parsed. Valid values are number (default), currency, or percent.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:deck>
The deck component is a container that shows one child component at a time. When changing which child is displayed, the transition can be animated.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
displayedChild stringElType No Yes The id of the child that is currently displayed; if not provided or if no match is found, no child will be displayed. Iterated children are not supported at this time.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
landmark landmarkRole No Yes Identifies this area of the page with a navigational landmark according to the WAI-ARIA specification. Valid values at the time of writing are: application, banner, complementary, contentinfo, form, main, navigation, or search.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationGroup> 0 1
<amx:transition> 0 2

Tag name: <amx:facet>
Defines an arbitrarily named facet on the parent component. The position and rendering of the facet are determined by the parent component.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
name string Yes No The name of the facet. All possible facets for a component need to be itemized on the component itself.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 0 unbounded
<amx:listItem> 0 unbounded
<amx:filmStripItem> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:facetRef>
Used in a page fragment definition to reference a facet that was defined in the page fragment usage. This tag can only be used inside of fragmentDef.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
facetName string Yes No Identifies the facet that should be referenced.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:attribute> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:filmStrip>
A paging component that can display multiple items arranged into a horizontal or vertical strip.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes Either a collection model or simple array of data to stamp out via the var variable.
var string No No The name of the EL variable that is used to reference a row of the value's data for each filmStripItem. This attribute should not be used if you are manually adding multiple filmStripItems to this component.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener.
selectedRowKeys elExpression No Yes A comma-delimited string of selected row stamp keys representing which rows are selected.
orientation layoutType No Yes Horizontal (the default) for the images being displayed along an x-axis or vertical for y-axis.
halign fsHalignType No Yes Determines the horizontal alignment of the filmStrip items. Valid values are center, start, end, or justify (default).
valign fsValignType No Yes Determines the vertical alignment of the filmStrip items. Valid values are middle, top, bottom, or justify (default).
selection selectionElType No Yes Selection mode. Determines if the items can be selected interactively, and if just one or multiple objects can be selected simultaneously. Valid values are none (default), single, or multiple.
pageControlPosition filmStripPageControlPositionElType No Yes Specifies the position of the page control buttons relative to the film strip items. Valid values are top, bottom (default), start and end for the outer positions; insideTop, insideBottom, insideStart and insideEnd for the inner positions. Value can also be "none" to hide pageControl completely. When using a horizontal orientation, "bottom" is recommended. When using a vertical orientation, "end" is recommended. In stretch mode it is recommended to use values with the prefix 'inside'.
itemsPerPage nonNegativeIntegerElType No Yes Maximum number of items on page.
itemSizing fsItemSizingElType No Yes Allows the user to select between two types of filmStripItem sizing behavior.
  • fixed (default) - filmStrip items will have fixed sizes and number of items per page will be determined from the size of the container and item size.
  • stretched - the number of items per page will be determined by the value of the itemsPerPage property. By default, there will be one item per page if itemsPerPage is not set (i.e. the filmStrip will be similar to amx:deck with a page control).
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:filmStripItem> 1 unbounded
<amx:attributeListIterator> 1 unbounded
<amx:facetRef> 1 unbounded
<amx:iterator> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:filmStripItem>
Represents a single item of a filmStrip.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
text stringElType No Yes Specifies the textual label of the component.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:actionListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:clientListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:flexLayout>
A layout component that displays its children in a group. It supports horizontal and vertical orientations, with automatic changes based on the device orientation. By default, the layout creates even space for each child, and stretches these children within its boundaries.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
orientation flOrientationElType No Yes Specifies orientation of the flow. Default value is "auto". Valid values are
  • auto container will decide which orientation to use based on the orientation of the screen -- in landscape mode, "horizontal" is the default; in portrait mode, "vertical" is the default
  • inverse container will decide which orientation to use in inverse manner to the orientation of the screen -- in landscape mode, "vertical" is the default; in portrait mode, "horizontal" is the default
  • vertical orientation will be always vertical
  • horizontal orientation will be always horizontal
itemFlexibility flItemFlexibilityElType No Yes Describes how the items fill the empty space around them. Valid values are
  • flexible allows item to stretch to the empty space
  • inflexible item keeps the size of the content
  • grow-only item is able only to extend beyond its content but is unable to shrink
  • shrink-only item is able only to shrink but is unable to expand
  • equal each item will have the same size independently on the size of their content
itemAlignment flItemAlignmentElType No Yes The property specifies the default alignment for items inside the flexible container. Valid values are
  • stretch items are stretched to fit the container
  • center items are positioned at the center of the container
  • start items are positioned at the beginning of the container
  • end items are positioned at the end of the container
  • baseline items are positioned at the baseline of the container
It's important to set width and height to the children of flexLayout to get proper behavior. It is also possible to use in combination with their min/max prefixed mutations.
itemJustification flItemJustificationElType No Yes The property aligns the flexible container's items when the items do not use all available space on the main-axis. Valid values are:
  • start items are positioned at the beginning of the container
  • end items are positioned at the end of the container
  • center items are positioned at the center of the container
  • space-between items are positioned with space between the lines
  • space-around items are positioned with space before, between, and after the lines
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
landmark landmarkRole No Yes Identifies this area of the page with a navigational landmark according to the WAI-ARIA specification. Valid values at the time of writing are: application, banner, complementary, contentinfo, form, main, navigation, or search.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:fragment>
This component pulls in a fragment of a page into the current page. Allows for facets to serve as place holders and accepts attributes and methods to be passed to the fragment.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
src stringElType Yes Yes The URI of the fragment. This may be a relative or absolute URI. URIs that begin with a forward slash are considered absolute and will be retrieved from the root folder. Relative URIs are resolved from the current page or fragment.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 0 unbounded
<amx:attribute> 0 unbounded
<amx:attributeList> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:fragmentDef>
The definition of an AMX fragment that may be included in multiple places inside of AMX and other fragment pages.



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amxf:fragment> 1 1

Tag name: <amx:goLink>
This component creates a simple anchor tag that does not follow any task flow navigation and is meant for performing external links to other pages or operations such as making a call.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
url stringElType No Yes Specifies the url to be used for this link. This can be an external url starting with "http://" or something more native like "tel:" to dial the phone.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
text stringElType No Yes Specifies the textual label of the component.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:clientListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:image> 0 1

Tag name: <amx:image>
The image component displays an image.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
shortDesc stringElType No Yes A description of what the image contains. This text is not normally available to the user unless they are using assistive technology that can read it aloud.
source stringElType No Yes This attribute can be specified as either a URI to a file or the data for the image itself. If this is a path to an image starting with a "/" it is relative to the root of the web-content folder, otherwise it will start relative to the current AMX file. The source can also start with "file://", in which case it will go to the current file system on the device. The source can also contain a base64 encoded image data instead of a URI to a file. If the base64 data URI is for a GIF, it might look like this: source="data:image/gif;base64,#{row.ImageBase64}". These devices may also support other types of data URI schemes. This attribute can be specified as static text, EL expression or a combination of both.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:clientListener> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:inputDate>
Renders an input field for dates.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes The ISO-8601 value for the date, datetime, or time. This value might be presented to the user using the local time zone specified on their device but the backing value will always be ISO-8601.
inputType dateInputType No Yes Determines whether inputDate displays date, datetime, or time.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
label stringElType No Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, the component should be placed inside of a panelFormLayout (where options are available to configure label positioning).
readOnly booleanElType No Yes Whether this control displays its value in a textual manner vs. as a UI control.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
required booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not a non-null, non-empty value must be entered. If set to false, validators will not be executed when the value is null or empty. If set to true, a visual indication is displayed to notify end user that a value must be entered, otherwise an exception will occur and the component will fail validation.
showRequired booleanElType No Yes Defines whether or not the associated component displays a visual indication of the required user input. Both the "required" attribute and the "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed. For example, this attribute could be used when there is a field that is initially empty and is required only if some other field on the page is modified.
simple booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component provides the label support. When set to true, the component will not display the label (label and showRequired properties are ignored) and may use simpler layout primitives. For example, this attribute could be defined when a component is used in a table where label is not required.
valueChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a value change listener. The method represented by this EL expression will be invoked when the value changes and after the model is updated.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:inputNumberSlider>
Creates a numeric input component. It is used to enter numbers and it has a slider to quickly increment or decrement the number.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes A whole number between the minimum and maximum values representing a selected point along the slider.
minimum integerElType No Yes Specifies the minimum number allowed in the input field.
maximum integerElType No Yes Specifies the maximum number allowed in the input field.
stepSize integerElType No Yes Specifies the step size by which the spinbox will increase or decrease the number in the input. This is an integer value.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
label stringElType No Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, the component should be placed inside of a panelFormLayout (where options are available to configure label positioning).
readOnly booleanElType No Yes Whether this control displays its value in a textual manner vs. as a UI control.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
simple booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component provides the label support. When set to true, the component will not display the label (label and showRequired properties are ignored) and may use simpler layout primitives. For example, this attribute could be defined when a component is used in a table where label is not required.
required booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not a non-null, non-empty value must be entered. If set to false, validators will not be executed when the value is null or empty. If set to true, a visual indication is displayed to notify end user that a value must be entered, otherwise an exception will occur and the component will fail validation.
showRequired booleanElType No Yes Defines whether or not the associated component displays a visual indication of the required user input. Both the "required" attribute and the "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed. For example, this attribute could be used when there is a field that is initially empty and is required only if some other field on the page is modified.
valueChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a value change listener. The method represented by this EL expression will be invoked when the value changes and after the model is updated.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:convertNumber> 0 1

Tag name: <amx:inputText>
An input text field component.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes The text for this component. If rows is set to a value greater than 1, multiple lines of text can be used. The value updates once the user blurs the text field.
hintText stringElType No Yes Text fields may contain default text, typically used as a prompt. When the user taps a key on the keyboard in a field that contains default text, the text should clear when Edit mode is entered.
maximumLength integerElType No Yes Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the text component. This includes the characters representing the new line. If set to 0 or less, the maximumLength is ignored.
rows integerElType No Yes Defines the height of the text component specified by the number of characters shown. The default is 1, which generates a one-row input field. The number of rows is estimated based on the default font size of the device.
secret booleanElType No Yes Defines a boolean value that only applies to single line text components. When set to true, it hides the actual value of the text from the end user, and will prevent the actual value from being shown to the end user. When the end user manually enters a value, the characters will be obfuscated so the entire value cannot be read. If secret is set to true, be sure to not use a converter or validator tag with this inputText, which would expose the value the user entered via its messages.
inputType textInputType No Yes Sets the type of data that the user should be allowed to provide. If secret has been set to true or if the rows attribute has been set to larger than 1, the input type will be treated as "text". This will not guarantee an input format nor prevent the user from entering other types of characters, it only serves as a mechanism to request that the mobile device present the user with an optimized input mechanism for a particular type of input value (e.g. a virtual keyboard with numbers primarily displayed). Valid values are number, email, url, tel, or text (default).
keyboardDismiss keyboardDismissType No Yes Indicates how the text field will be used. When using "go" or "search", dismissing the keyboard will cause the input to blur. Some operating systems or keyboards might give special treatment to the keyboard while others show no visual distinction. For example, instead of displaying a "return" button on a single-line field, it will replace that button with a "Go" button or a "Search" button. Depending on the skin, this may also alter the appearance of the input field. Valid values are normal (default), go, or search.
autoCapitalize autoCapitalizeType No Yes Requests special treatment by the operating system for capitalization of values while editing the field. At the time of writing, this attribute has no impact on Android. Valid values are auto (default), sentences, none, words, or characters.
autoCorrect autoCorrectType No Yes Requests special treatment by the operating system for correcting values while editing the field. At the time of writing, this attribute has no impact on Android. Valid values are auto (default), on, or off.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
label stringElType No Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, the component should be placed inside of a panelFormLayout (where options are available to configure label positioning).
readOnly booleanElType No Yes Whether this control displays its value in a textual manner vs. as a UI control.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
required booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not a non-null, non-empty value must be entered. If set to false, validators will not be executed when the value is null or empty. If set to true, a visual indication is displayed to notify end user that a value must be entered, otherwise an exception will occur and the component will fail validation.
showRequired booleanElType No Yes Defines whether or not the associated component displays a visual indication of the required user input. Both the "required" attribute and the "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed. For example, this attribute could be used when there is a field that is initially empty and is required only if some other field on the page is modified.
simple booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component provides the label support. When set to true, the component will not display the label (label and showRequired properties are ignored) and may use simpler layout primitives. For example, this attribute could be defined when a component is used in a table where label is not required.
valueChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a value change listener. The method represented by this EL expression will be invoked when the value changes and after the model is updated.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:clientListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:convertDateTime> 0 1
<amx:convertNumber> 0 1

Tag name: <amx:iterator>
The iterator is a component that does iteration. It is similar to listView but has no chrome.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes Either a collection model or simple array of data to stamp out via the var variable.
var string No No The name of the EL variable that is used to reference a row of the value's data.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:listItem>
Represents a single row of a listView.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
showLinkIcon booleanElType No Yes Whether to show a link icon for this row or not. Normally the icon is at the right of the row. Example is a chevron. Valid values are true (default) or false.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.
actionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to an action listener.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 0 unbounded
<amx:actionListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:clientListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationBehavior> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:listView>
An iteration component that provides the look and feel of rows with range capabilities. The listView will provide its own scrolling if the dimensions of the listView are constrained to be a size smaller than the listItems inside of it. If your listView has sibling components (and those siblings move when you scroll the listView), this usually means that an ancestor (e.g. panelPage) is providing the scrolling instead. In those situations, consider using a panelStretchLayout to divide up the space between the listView and its siblings so that the listView can provide its own scrolling and thus give you the benefits of viewport buffering and scroll-based fetching of additional rows. Regardless of whether your listView is providing scrolling or some ancestor component is instead, MAF takes emergency measures in low memory situations to reduce memory consumption (to avoid the operating system shutting down the application). One such measure is removing expensive modern scroll effects. For example, this might mean you no longer see inertia when the you lift your finger during a scroll gesture. If your application loses this effect, it may indicate that the application is consuming too much memory and you need to investigate ways to reduce it.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes Either a collection model or simple array of data to stamp out via the var variable.
var string No No The name of the EL variable that is used to reference a row of the value's data for each listItem. This attribute should not be used if you are manually adding multiple listItems to this component.
rangeChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a range change listener.
showMoreStrategy showMoreStrategyType No Yes Defines when the listView provides its own affordance for loading more rows than are currently loaded. Valid values are off (nothing can trigger a range change event nor will there be any sort of link that loads more rows; there may however be links for automation/screen reader scrolling just not for fetching), autoLink (a "Load More Rows..." link will be shown if the value is a model and that model indicates to the component that more rows can be loaded), forceLink (a "Load More Rows..." link that triggers a range change event will be shown regardless of any factors, e.g. not just when the value is set to a model that indicates more rows are available), autoScroll (similar to autoLink, scrolling to the bottom of the list when the value is a model that indicates more rows can be loaded will automatically trigger a range change event), and forceScroll (similar to forceLink, scrolling to the bottom of the list will always trigger a range change event regardless of any factors, e.g. not just when the value is set to a model that indicates more rows are available). This attribute can also be controlled via EL. Default is autoLink. The scroll-related options will behave like their link equivalents if the listView's height is not constrained. Examples of constraining the height include assigning a height style of 200px or making the listView the only non-facet child of a panelPage.
bufferStrategy bufferStrategyType No Yes Defines how the user interface for the rows are retained. You can reduce the amount of memory that your app uses by only retaining the rows in the listView's visible area (its viewport) but by doing that, there may be a delay while scrolling before the new rows become visible. Valid values are additive (default) or viewport.
bufferSize nonNegativeIntegerElType No Yes When bufferStrategy="viewport", this attribute defines the number of pixels beyond the viewport edges where a row will be preserved.
contentStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for the container that holds listItems. When using divider groups, there are many content areas, otherwise there is just one for the entire set of listItems. Typically you will use this to tweak margins around the listItems when using a card layout but it could also be used to define a background color or background image. Most other CSS styles will have no impact.
dividerAttribute stringElType No Yes This is a string that defines the property name that will be used to determine what the list divider will be and when it changes. A new divider will be inserted whenever the value of the property defined in dividerAttribute changes. The scope of the change depends on the value of the dividerMode property.
dividerMode dividerModeType No Yes How the attribute defined by dividerAttribute will be interpreted. Valid values are firstLetter, or all (default).
editMode booleanElType No Yes Defines whether the list should be in edit mode or not. In edit mode, the rows of the list can be moved and reordered. The default is false.
halign halignType No Yes The horizontal alignment for the listItems primarily for card layouts but can have some visual impact when using simple content in row layouts. Valid values are center, start (default), or end.
layout lvLayoutType No Yes Defines how listItems are presented. Valid values are rows (if each listItem should take up its own row in the listView) and cards (if each listItem should be presented as a card that are laid out horizontally and wraps onto new lines when all of the available space has been consumed. When the listView is in edit mode, the layout will switch to "rows" mode). This attribute can also be controlled via EL. Default is rows.
moveListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a move listener that will be called when a row of the list is moved and dropped to a new location. The key of the row moved and the key of the row it is being placed before (or null if at the end) is sent as a parameter to the listener.
collapsibleDividers booleanElType No Yes Indicates whether dividers can be collapsed. Default is false.
collapsedDividers stringElType No Yes This is an array of divider strings that should start collapsed. These divider strings match the values in the dividerAttribute element of the collection.
showDividerCount booleanElType No Yes Defines whether counts should be displayed on each divider. Default is false.
fetchSize nonZeroIntegerElType No Yes Controls how many rows to initially display in a listView and how many rows to get when the app user clicks on the "Load More Rows" row.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener.
selectedRowKeys elExpression No Yes A comma-delimited string of selected row stamp keys representing which rows are selected.
initialScrollRowKeys elExpression No Yes Commonly the same value as selectedRowKeys, this attribute will allow you to set the scroll position of the listView based on a row key when the page containing this component is initially rendered. This only works if the listView isn't in a hidden portion of the UI, the row key corresponds to a row that is part of the component's initial set of displayed rows, and if the listView itself is providing its own scrolling. Regardless of whether you use this attribute, the current scroll position (not necessarily related to this attribute's value) is preserved when re-rendering the component or when navigating to a new page then returning via the special "__back" action.
sectionIndex sectionIndexElType No Yes Controls visibility of the section index bar. Valid values are auto (show index, if possible), or off (no index bar). Default is auto.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:listItem> 1 unbounded
<amx:facet> 1 unbounded
<amx:attributeListIterator> 1 unbounded
<amx:facetRef> 1 unbounded
<amx:iterator> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:loadBundle>
Loads a resource bundle localized for the Locale of the current view.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
basename stringElType No Yes Specifies the base name of the resource bundle to be loaded.
var string No No Specifies the name of an attribute under which the resource bundle will be exposed as a Map.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:loadingIndicatorBehavior>
Defines how the loading indicator behaves. When used in amx:view, these values are treated as defaults if not overridden via some other means (e.g. if adf.mf.api.amx.showLoadingIndicator() is invoked manually in JavaScript code with other settings).


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
failSafeDuration nonNegativeInteger No No The approximate duration (non-negative integer in milliseconds) that the framework will wait between showing and hiding the loading indicator (assuming some other trigger has not already shown the indicator); if not specified 10000 (10 seconds) will be used instead.
failSafeClientHandler string No No The name of a JavaScript function that will be invoked when the failSafeDuration has been reached. This function can be used to decide how to proceed. This function must return a String that is one of these values: "hide" (meaning just hide the indicator like the default fail-safe), "repeat" (meaning restart the timer for another duration where the function may get invoked again), or "freeze" (meaning keep the indicator up and wait indefinitely; the page may become stuck in a frozen state until restarted).
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:masonryLayout>
Masonry Layout is a container type component. Children of Masonry Layout are presented as tiles arranged in columns and rows. Sizes of each column and row are fixed and defined in CSS (style sheets). Column/row sizes do not depend on size of the Masonry Layout. The number of displayed columns may change depending on the ML size, but the tile size does not. Furthermore, tile sizes do not depend upon their content.<br>A tile can occupy more columns and rows (e.g. 1x1 tile, 3x1 tile...). There is a predefined set of supported tile sizes: 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 2x1, 2x2, 2x3, 3x1 and 3x2. There is some space between rows and columns which is also specified in the style CSS.<br>The layout attempts to make the best use of space by positioning tiles where they fit by filling gaps left earlier in the layout. On device rotation, the tiles re-arrange to fill the space optimally again.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
initialOrder stringElType No Yes A comma-delimited string of child item indices, or an array of indices.
reorderListener elExpression No Yes Reference to a method to be notified about changes in the item order. The method will take MasonryReorderEvent as a parameter.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
landmark landmarkRole No Yes Identifies this area of the page with a navigational landmark according to the WAI-ARIA specification. Valid values at the time of writing are: application, banner, complementary, contentinfo, form, main, navigation, or search.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:iterator> 0 unbounded
<amx:masonryLayoutItem> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:masonryLayoutItem>
Represents an item inside of a Masonry Layout component.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
dimension mliDimensionElType No Yes Defines size of tiles. Supported values are: "1x1", "1x2", "1x3", "2x1", "2x2", "2x3", "3x1" and "3x2"
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:navigationDragBehavior>
Invokes an action as a result of dragging your finger left or right (depending not the specified direction) across the screen. If no other closer container consumed the drag gesture, an indicator will appear on the appropriate side of the screen to hint that an action will be performed. If dragging stops (let go) before the indicator is fully revealed, it will slide away and no action will invoke.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
direction directionType Yes Yes Indicates the dragging direction that will invoke the action.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:outputHtml>
Allows html content to be included in amx page.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes Specifies the value of the component. The value must be a valid HTML fragment to display. It must be limited to HTML tags that are valid inside of a BODY tag. It must not use SCRIPT or STYLE tags. It must not use any relative file references. It cannot be malformed nor XHTML.
security outputHtmlSecurityType No Yes Specifies the security policy of the component. Valid values are none or high (default). When using high security, measures are taken to reduce the possibility that JavaScript or other attack vectors are sanitized from the HTML fragment, making it mostly non-interactive. Beware this cannot guarantee that all attack vectors are eliminated so consider alternatives if the source of the HTML fragment holds any risk. When using a none value for security, no transformations are applied to the given HTML fragment before it gets inserted into the page.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:outputText>
Presents text data in a read-only manner.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes Specifies the text to display.
truncateAt integerElType No Yes Specifies the length at which the text should automatically begin truncating. When set to zero (the default), the string will never truncate. Values from 1 to 15 will display the first 12 characters followed by an ellipsis (...). The component will not truncate strings shorter than 15 characters. For example, for the value of 1234567890123456, setting truncateAt to 0 or 16 will not truncate. Setting truncateAt to any value between 1 and 15 will truncate to '123456789012...'.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:clientListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:convertDateTime> 0 1
<amx:convertNumber> 0 1

Tag name: <amx:panelFormLayout>
Within the Panel Form Layout, the label area can either be displayed on the start side of the field area or on a separate line above the field area. Separate lines are used if the "labelPosition" attribute is set to "topStart", "topCenter", or "topEnd". Otherwise the label area will appear on the start side of the field area.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
labelWidth No No Specifies the width of the labels. The framework enforces this dimension unless it cannot fit in the space allocated by the parent. You may define the labelWidth in pixels or as a percentage. The units used for this value must be identical to the units used in the fieldWidth value. If a labelWidth is provided as a percentage, the labelWidth and the fieldWidth should total to 100%. If the labelWidth is not specified, but a fieldWidth is specified as a percentage, the labelWidth will be derived as the appropriate percentage value for you.
fieldWidth No No Specifies the width of the field. The framework enforces this dimension unless it cannot fit in the space allocated by the parent. You may define the fieldWidth in pixels or as a percentage. The units used for this value must be identical to the units used in the labelWidth value. If a fieldWidth is provided as a percentage, the labelWidth and the fieldWidth should total to 100%. If the fieldWidth is not specified, but a labelWidth is specified as a percentage, the fieldWidth will be derived as the appropriate percentage value for you. Note: the labelWidth has precedence when allocating available space. In a case where both field and label width are specified in pixels and the total is greater than the available width, the field width is cropped to the remaining available width after labelWidth is allocated.
labelPosition labelPositionType No Yes Within the label area, the labelPosition attribute controls where the label text can be aligned: to the start side (labelPosition="start" or "topStart"), to the center (labelPosition="center" or "topCenter"), or to the end side (labelPosition="end" or "topEnd"). Default is start.
fieldHalign halignType No Yes Within the field area, the fieldHalign attribute controls where the field content can be aligned: to the start side (fieldHalign="start"), to the center (fieldHalign="center"), or to the end side (fieldHalign="end"). Default is end.
rows integerElType No Yes Specifies the preferred number of rows.
maxColumns integerElType No Yes Specifies the maximum number of columns.
showHorizontalDividers booleanElType No Yes Whether horizontal dividers should be painted for this component or not.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:attributeListIterator> 0 unbounded
<amx:inputDate> 0 unbounded
<amx:inputNumberSlider> 0 unbounded
<amx:inputText> 0 unbounded
<amx:iterator> 0 unbounded
<amx:panelLabelAndMessage> 0 unbounded
<amx:selectBooleanCheckbox> 0 unbounded
<amx:selectBooleanSwitch> 0 unbounded
<amx:selectManyCheckbox> 0 unbounded
<amx:selectManyChoice> 0 unbounded
<amx:selectOneButton> 0 unbounded
<amx:selectOneChoice> 0 unbounded
<amx:selectOneRadio> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:panelGroupLayout>
A panel component that displays its children in a group. It supports horizontal, vertical, and wrap layouts. By default if the children of a panelGroupLayout do not fit into the size of the container, the panel will have scrolling to show the hidden children.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
layout pglLayoutType No Yes Specifies the type of layout. Valid values are horizontal, vertical (default), or wrap. In a horizontal layout, the child components are strictly consecutive without wrapping; they can be aligned vertically and are top aligned by default. A vertical layout will stack components vertically, and the child components can be aligned horizontally; they are left aligned by default. A wrap layout is a consecutive layout as defined by the browser, with wrapping allowed, and following the bidirectional layout algorithm. As a result, in the presence of mixed right-to-left and left-to-right text, contents may not display consecutively.
halign halignType No Yes The horizontal alignment for horizontal and vertical layouts. This is ignored if "layout" is "wrap". Note that if "layout" is "horizontal", the browsers can only reliably handle horizontal alignment of components that have either fixed widths or that are "inline" such as outputText. Valid values are center, start (default), or end.
valign pglValignType No Yes The vertical alignment of a horizontal layout. This is ignored if "layout" is not "horizontal". Valid values are middle (default), top, bottom, or baseline.
scrollPolicy scrollPolicyType No Yes Defines how scrolling behaves. Valid values are auto (default; MAF picks the behavior for the app developer, e.g., based on which skin is used), none (regardless of skin, the panelGroupLayout will not scroll; content will not be constrained), or scroll (regardless of skin, the panelGroupLayout will provide scrolling if its dimensions are constrained).
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
landmark landmarkRole No Yes Identifies this area of the page with a navigational landmark according to the WAI-ARIA specification. Valid values at the time of writing are: application, banner, complementary, contentinfo, form, main, navigation, or search.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationGroup> 0 1

Tag name: <amx:panelItem>
This component represents the content area of a panelSplitter. There must be at least one panelItem defined in each panelSplitter.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
animation animationType No Yes An override for the panelSplitter's "animation" attribute; a visual transition effect to use when this panelItem becomes the panelSplitter's selected item. Valid values are coverUp, coverDown, coverLeft, coverRight, coverStart, coverEnd, fade, flipUp, flipDown, flipRight, flipLeft, flipStart, flipEnd, revealUp, revealDown, revealLeft, revealRight, revealStart, revealEnd, slideUp, slideDown, slideRight, slideLeft, slideStart, slideEnd, or none. It is rare that slideLeft, slideRight, flipLeft, and flipRight are the correct options to use. Consider using slideStart, slideEnd, flipStart, and flipEnd instead since those values adapt to account for the reading direction of the active language.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationGroup> 0 1

Tag name: <amx:panelLabelAndMessage>
This component lays out a label and child component.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
label stringElType No Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, the component should be placed inside of a panelFormLayout (where options are available to configure label positioning).
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
showRequired booleanElType No Yes Defines whether or not the associated component displays a visual indication of the required user input. Both the "required" attribute and the "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed. For example, this attribute could be used when there is a field that is initially empty and is required only if some other field on the page is modified.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:carousel> 0 unbounded
<amx:commandButton> 0 unbounded
<amx:commandLink> 0 unbounded
<amx:deck> 0 unbounded
<amx:fragment> 0 unbounded
<amx:goLink> 0 unbounded
<amx:image> 0 unbounded
<amx:outputHtml> 0 unbounded
<amx:outputText> 0 unbounded
<amx:panelGroupLayout> 0 unbounded
<amx:tableLayout> 0 unbounded
<amx:spacer> 0 unbounded
<amx:verbatim> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:panelPage>
Used to define the central area in a page that will scroll up and down between the header and footer areas. The primary, secondary, and header facet content may be presented in varying order depending on the skin and platform used. Generally the primary facet is presented horizontally first, followed by header, then secondary. On Android when using the mobileAlta skin, the default order is header, primary, secondary unless the primary facet contains only a single commandButton that is using a "__back" action. Typically the primary facet is for "back" navigation, the secondary facet is for "forward" navigation or miscellaneous behavior, and the header facet is for title text.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:validationGroup> 0 1
<amx:uiComponent> 0 unbounded
<amx:facet> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:panelSplitter>
This component can be used to show multiple content areas that can be (optionally) controlled by a left-side navigation pane that controls a right-side content pane. When the device is in a portrait orientation, the navigator facet is hidden in a collapsible drawer. When in a landscape orientation, the navigator facet is always shown on the starting side of the content area.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
position stringElType No Yes The position to place the splitter between the Navigator and the content area. Default is 33%. There is only a splitter in landscape mode so this has no impact on portrait mode.
selectedItem stringElType No Yes The id of a child panelItem to be rendered.
animation animationType No Yes A visual transition effect to use when updating the splitter's selected item. Valid values are coverUp, coverDown, coverLeft, coverRight, coverStart, coverEnd, fade, flipUp, flipDown, flipRight, flipLeft, flipStart, flipEnd, revealUp, revealDown, revealLeft, revealRight, revealStart, revealEnd, slideUp, slideDown, slideRight, slideLeft, slideStart, slideEnd, or none (default). It is rare that slideLeft, slideRight, flipLeft, and flipRight are the correct options to use. Consider using slideStart, slideEnd, flipStart, and flipEnd instead since those values adapt to account for the reading direction of the active language.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 0 1
<amx:panelItem> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:panelStretchLayout>
A panel component that has 3 areas, the center facet is the main area of the component that uses up any leftover space not consumed by content in the top and bottom facets. The panelStretchLayout fits the size of its parent.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
scrollPolicy scrollPolicyType No Yes Defines how scrolling behaves. Valid values are auto (default; MAF picks the behavior for the app developer, e.g., based on which skin is used), none (regardless of skin, the panelStretchLayout will not scroll; content will not be constrained), or scroll (regardless of skin, the panelStretchLayout will provide scrolling if its dimensions are constrained).
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationGroup> 0 1

Tag name: <amx:popup>
The popup component is an invisible container control whose contents will be used in popup windows, such as context menus, note windows, dialogs and popup selectors. These types of "popup windows" are within the same browser window and using layers of HTML to simulate an external browser window.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
animation popupAnimationType No Yes A visual transition effect to use when showing the popup. Valid values are pop (default), slideUp, slideDown, slideRight, slideLeft, slideStart, slideEnd, or zoom. It is rare that slideLeft and slideRight are the correct options to use, consider using slideStart and slideEnd instead since those values adapt to account for the reading direction of the active language.
autoDismiss booleanElType No Yes Specifies if the popup can be dismissed if the user taps somewhere outside of the popup. Default is false.
backgroundDimming popupBackgroundDimmingElType No Yes Specifies if the popup background should be dimmed. Valid values are on (default) or off.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationGroup> 0 1

Tag name: <amx:refreshContainer>
This component serves as a container that houses user-refreshable content. Instead of prominently displaying a refresh button to a user, you can use this component to expose the concept of refreshing as a gesture. Never place this component in a scrollable ancestor (doing so would give an undesirable scrolling experience). Instead, you may place scrollable content like a listView inside of this container. When the user drags their finger down anywhere within this container, a determination will be made to see whether any component between the container and the finger is not scrolled to its top. If any of those components is not scrolled to their tops, this new container component ignores the gesture so the user is able to scroll the content as normal. If all of those components are scrolled to their tops, then this container component will allow the user to pull down the content which will reveal a previously-hidden informational pocket at the top of the container. When the finger is lifted prior to reaching a required threshold (a height specified in the skin), the pocket simply becomes hidden again. When the user drags their finger down past that threshold, an action event is triggered so the application can perform operations that would result in data being refreshed. The pocket will remain open until the processing completes or (if specified) until a data change event is triggered on the optional refreshCompleteExpression attribute.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
refreshDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the non-visual refresh button to be read by assistive technology when dragging isn't possible.
pullText stringElType No Yes Optional text that will be displayed in the pull down area when the distance pulled is not far enough, e.g. a message like "Pull down to refresh".
busyText stringElType No Yes Optional text that will be displayed in the pull down area surpassed the threshold, e.g. "Refreshing". If not specified, the pullText will be used instead.
subText stringElType No Yes Optional text that will be displayed below the pull/busy text. This could be a suitable place for last updated detail.
refreshCompleteExpression stringElType No Yes When this EL expression is used in a Data Change Event, this will cause the pull down area to collapse if it is currently open (e.g. this is how to notify that the refresh is complete); must be an EL expression. If this is not specified then the pull down area will collapse as soon as the loading indicator is removed for the first time after triggering the refresh action.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.
actionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to an action listener.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:validationGroup> 0 1
<amx:actionListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:clientListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:uiComponent> 0 unbounded
<amx:facet> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:rowLayout>
A rowLayout component is used to define a row of a tableLayout. It contains a series of cellFormat components.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:cellFormat> 1 unbounded
<amx:attributeListIterator> 1 unbounded
<amx:facetRef> 1 unbounded
<amx:iterator> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:selectBooleanCheckbox>
A component which allows the end user to select a checkbox.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
text stringElType No Yes The text used to clarify what it means for the checkbox to be checked. This is slightly different from the more general label of the component.
value stringElType No Yes Specifies whether the checkbox is checked ("true") or unchecked ("false").
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
label stringElType No Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, the component should be placed inside of a panelFormLayout (where options are available to configure label positioning).
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
readOnly booleanElType No Yes Whether this control displays its value in a textual manner vs. as a UI control.
required booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not a non-null, non-empty value must be entered. If set to false, validators will not be executed when the value is null or empty. If set to true, a visual indication is displayed to notify end user that a value must be entered, otherwise an exception will occur and the component will fail validation.
showRequired booleanElType No Yes Defines whether or not the associated component displays a visual indication of the required user input. Both the "required" attribute and the "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed. For example, this attribute could be used when there is a field that is initially empty and is required only if some other field on the page is modified.
simple booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component provides the label support. When set to true, the component will not display the label (label and showRequired properties are ignored) and may use simpler layout primitives. For example, this attribute could be defined when a component is used in a table where label is not required.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
valueChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a value change listener. The method represented by this EL expression will be invoked when the value changes and after the model is updated.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:selectBooleanSwitch>
A component which allows the end user to select a boolean value with a switch.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes Specifies whether the switch is at the on position ("true") or the off position ("false").
offLabel stringElType No Yes The text to be shown when the switch is "off". Typically this is "Off" or "No".
onLabel stringElType No Yes The text to be shown when the switch is "on". Typically this is "On" or "Yes".
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
label stringElType No Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, the component should be placed inside of a panelFormLayout (where options are available to configure label positioning).
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
readOnly booleanElType No Yes Whether this control displays its value in a textual manner vs. as a UI control.
required booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not a non-null, non-empty value must be entered. If set to false, validators will not be executed when the value is null or empty. If set to true, a visual indication is displayed to notify end user that a value must be entered, otherwise an exception will occur and the component will fail validation.
showRequired booleanElType No Yes Defines whether or not the associated component displays a visual indication of the required user input. Both the "required" attribute and the "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed. For example, this attribute could be used when there is a field that is initially empty and is required only if some other field on the page is modified.
simple booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component provides the label support. When set to true, the component will not display the label (label and showRequired properties are ignored) and may use simpler layout primitives. For example, this attribute could be defined when a component is used in a table where label is not required.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
valueChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a value change listener. The method represented by this EL expression will be invoked when the value changes and after the model is updated.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:selectItem>
The selectItem tag represents a single item that the user may select from a choice component.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes The non-displayed text that is used to identify this item out of a list of items.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
label stringElType No Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, the component should be placed inside of a panelFormLayout (where options are available to configure label positioning).

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:selectItems>
The selectItems tag represents items that the user may select from a choice component.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes Details about multiple items to choose from. These items can be given as an array or collection of oracle.adfmf.javax.faces.model.SelectItem objects (or any object with label and value accessors) or a map where the keys are the labels for the values.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:selectManyCheckbox>
The selectManyCheckbox component creates an inline list of selectable items, which allows the user to select multiple values from the list of items.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes An array of values that correspond to the values of the selectItem children that are selected.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
label stringElType No Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, the component should be placed inside of a panelFormLayout (where options are available to configure label positioning).
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
readOnly booleanElType No Yes Whether this control displays its value in a textual manner vs. as a UI control.
required booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not a non-null, non-empty value must be entered. If set to false, validators will not be executed when the value is null or empty. If set to true, a visual indication is displayed to notify end user that a value must be entered, otherwise an exception will occur and the component will fail validation.
showRequired booleanElType No Yes Defines whether or not the associated component displays a visual indication of the required user input. Both the "required" attribute and the "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed. For example, this attribute could be used when there is a field that is initially empty and is required only if some other field on the page is modified.
simple booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component provides the label support. When set to true, the component will not display the label (label and showRequired properties are ignored) and may use simpler layout primitives. For example, this attribute could be defined when a component is used in a table where label is not required.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
valueChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a value change listener. The method represented by this EL expression will be invoked when the value changes and after the model is updated.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:selectItems> 0 unbounded
<amx:selectItem> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:selectManyChoice>
The selectManyChoice component creates a single control that, when selected, pops up a list of selectable items, which allows the user to select multiple values from the list of items that are returned as comma separated values into the control.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes An array of values that correspond to the values of the selectItem children that are selected.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
label stringElType No Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, the component should be placed inside of a panelFormLayout (where options are available to configure label positioning).
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
readOnly booleanElType No Yes Whether this control displays its value in a textual manner vs. as a UI control.
required booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not a non-null, non-empty value must be entered. If set to false, validators will not be executed when the value is null or empty. If set to true, a visual indication is displayed to notify end user that a value must be entered, otherwise an exception will occur and the component will fail validation.
showRequired booleanElType No Yes Defines whether or not the associated component displays a visual indication of the required user input. Both the "required" attribute and the "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed. For example, this attribute could be used when there is a field that is initially empty and is required only if some other field on the page is modified.
simple booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component provides the label support. When set to true, the component will not display the label (label and showRequired properties are ignored) and may use simpler layout primitives. For example, this attribute could be defined when a component is used in a table where label is not required.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
valueChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a value change listener. The method represented by this EL expression will be invoked when the value changes and after the model is updated.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:selectItems> 0 unbounded
<amx:selectItem> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:selectOneButton>
This component groups buttons together visually, either vertically or horizontally.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes Matches the value of a selectItem child, indicating that it is the selected one.
layout layoutType No Yes Whether the buttons should be shown horizontally or vertically. The default is horizontal.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
label stringElType No Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, the component should be placed inside of a panelFormLayout (where options are available to configure label positioning).
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
readOnly booleanElType No Yes Whether this control displays its value in a textual manner vs. as a UI control.
required booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not a non-null, non-empty value must be entered. If set to false, validators will not be executed when the value is null or empty. If set to true, a visual indication is displayed to notify end user that a value must be entered, otherwise an exception will occur and the component will fail validation.
showRequired booleanElType No Yes Defines whether or not the associated component displays a visual indication of the required user input. Both the "required" attribute and the "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed. For example, this attribute could be used when there is a field that is initially empty and is required only if some other field on the page is modified.
simple booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component provides the label support. When set to true, the component will not display the label (label and showRequired properties are ignored) and may use simpler layout primitives. For example, this attribute could be defined when a component is used in a table where label is not required.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
valueChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a value change listener. The method represented by this EL expression will be invoked when the value changes and after the model is updated.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:selectItems> 0 unbounded
<amx:selectItem> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:selectOneChoice>
The selectOneChoice component creates a menu-style component, which allows the user to select a single value from a list of items.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes Matches the value of a selectItem child, indicating that it is the selected one.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
label stringElType No Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, the component should be placed inside of a panelFormLayout (where options are available to configure label positioning).
readOnly booleanElType No Yes Whether this control displays its value in a textual manner vs. as a UI control.
required booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not a non-null, non-empty value must be entered. If set to false, validators will not be executed when the value is null or empty. If set to true, a visual indication is displayed to notify end user that a value must be entered, otherwise an exception will occur and the component will fail validation.
showRequired booleanElType No Yes Defines whether or not the associated component displays a visual indication of the required user input. Both the "required" attribute and the "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed. For example, this attribute could be used when there is a field that is initially empty and is required only if some other field on the page is modified.
simple booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component provides the label support. When set to true, the component will not display the label (label and showRequired properties are ignored) and may use simpler layout primitives. For example, this attribute could be defined when a component is used in a table where label is not required.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
valueChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a value change listener. The method represented by this EL expression will be invoked when the value changes and after the model is updated.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:selectItems> 0 unbounded
<amx:selectItem> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:selectOneRadio>
A component which allows the end user to select a single value from a list of available options.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes Matches the value of a selectItem child, indicating that it is the selected one.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
label stringElType No Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, the component should be placed inside of a panelFormLayout (where options are available to configure label positioning).
readOnly booleanElType No Yes Whether this control displays its value in a textual manner vs. as a UI control.
required booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not a non-null, non-empty value must be entered. If set to false, validators will not be executed when the value is null or empty. If set to true, a visual indication is displayed to notify end user that a value must be entered, otherwise an exception will occur and the component will fail validation.
showRequired booleanElType No Yes Defines whether or not the associated component displays a visual indication of the required user input. Both the "required" attribute and the "showRequired" attribute must be false for the visual indication not to be displayed. For example, this attribute could be used when there is a field that is initially empty and is required only if some other field on the page is modified.
simple booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component provides the label support. When set to true, the component will not display the label (label and showRequired properties are ignored) and may use simpler layout primitives. For example, this attribute could be defined when a component is used in a table where label is not required.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
valueChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a value change listener. The method represented by this EL expression will be invoked when the value changes and after the model is updated.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:selectItems> 0 unbounded
<amx:selectItem> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:setPropertyListener>
The setPropertyListener tag is a declarative way to allow properties to be set either when an action happens or a value is changed. This component is meant to be a child component of any tag that has some kind of listener attribute like actionListener, or valueChangeListener, etc. The type attribute defines which listener of the parent this actionListener should be fired for. The setPropertyListener fires before the listener on the parent component fires.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
from stringElType No Yes Specifies the source of the value; can be an EL expression or a constant value.
to stringElType No Yes Specifies the target for the value; must be an EL expression.
type stringElType No Yes The type attribute defines which listener of the parent this setPropertyListener should be fired for. For example, the type variable here would be "action" if the parent was a commandButton.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:showPopupBehavior>
This tag is a declarative way to show an amx:popup. When the showPopupBehavior tag is associated with a component, the popup specified via the popupId attribute will automatically be shown when the action event is activated.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
align alignType No Yes Indicates how the popup should be aligned relative to the alignId component. Valid values are topStart, topCenter, topEnd, startTop, startMiddle, startBottom, endTop, endMiddle, endBottom, bottomStart (default), bottomCenter, bottomEnd, cornerTopStart, cornerTopEnd, cornerBottomStart, cornerBottomEnd, overlapTopStart, overlapTopCenter, overlapTopEnd, overlapMiddleStart, overlapMiddleCenter, overlapMiddleEnd, overlapBottomStart, overlapBottomCenter, overlapBottomEnd, after (deprecated, matches bottomStart), before (deprecated, matches topStart), overlapTop (deprecated, matches overlapTopStart), overlapBottom (deprecated, matches overlapBottomStart).
alignId stringElType No Yes Specifies the id of the component relative to which the popup will be aligned.
popupId stringElType No Yes Specifies the id of the popup that will be shown.
type stringElType No Yes This attribute defines when the popup will occur. Valid values are action (default), swipeDown, swipeEnd, swipeLeft, swipeRight, swipeStart, swipeUp, tapHold. It is rare that swipeLeft and swipeRight are the correct options to use, consider using swipeStart and swipeEnd instead since those values adapt to account for the reading direction of the active language.
decoration decorationType No Yes When set to "simple", the popup has minimal decoration. When set to "anchor", the popup will have an anchor decoration, pointing to the component that matches the alignId. You do not have to use decoration="anchor" to use the alignId attribute. When using decoration="anchor", if no alignId is specified or no match is found for the alignId, the behavior will match "simple".
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:spacer>
Used anywhere to add spacing between items.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
height integerElType No Yes Specifies the height to be used for the spacer. The value will be directly used in the height html style.
width integerElType No Yes Specifies the width to be used for the spacer. The value will be directly used in the width html style.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:systemActionBehavior>
Invokes an actionListener and/or action as a result of a system event. Currently, "back" is the only supported event.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
type systemActionType Yes No The type of system action to bind to.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.
actionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to an action listener.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:tableLayout>
A tableLayout is a thin wrapper around the HTML table element. It contains a series of rowLayout components which in turn contain a series of cellFormat components. It is important to note that a table layout structure does not allow cell contents to use percentage heights nor can a height be assigned to the overall table structure as a whole. For more detail, refer to the "layout", "width", and "height" documentation for the various table layout components.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
borderWidth integerElType No Yes The border width around the table and if non-zero adds one around each cell. Typically this is only used for debugging purposes because you can't control the style of the border; using the inlineStyle of the cellFormat gives much greater control.
cellPadding integerElType No Yes The spacing within cells.
cellSpacing integerElType No Yes The spacing between cells.
halign halignType No Yes The horizontal alignment of the table. Valid values are start (default), end, or center.
layout tableLayoutsType No Yes In pure HTML, tables treat cell widths more like suggestions rather than requirements; cell content sizes contribute more in determining the size of each column (this is the "weighted" mode). If you care more for the specified cellFormat widths than content sizes (particularly if your cellFormat widths are percentage-based and your cells have contents that are programmatically-resizable based on the cell width), then you will need to use "fixed" to declare that you want your cell widths to be given priority. Refer to the CSS specification on "table-layout" for further details on fixed and weighted layouts. Valid values are fixed (default) or weighted.
summary stringElType No Yes The summary of the table's purpose and structure for user agents rendering to non-visual media. This attribute must be set if this element is being used to implement a data table (instead of a layout table).
width stringElType No Yes The preferred total width of the table (cell width and contents may override this value).
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:rowLayout> 1 unbounded
<amx:attributeListIterator> 1 unbounded
<amx:facetRef> 1 unbounded
<amx:iterator> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:transition>
A transition for a deck component. The 2 triggerType values for the deck are backNavigate or forwardNavigate. This tag does not support any child element.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
triggerType navigationType Yes Yes The trigger for the transition, either backNavigate or forwardNavigate.
transition animationType No Yes The name of the transition desired for this trigger type. Valid values are coverUp, coverDown, coverLeft, coverRight, coverStart, coverEnd, fade, flipUp, flipDown, flipRight, flipLeft, flipStart, flipEnd, revealUp, revealDown, revealLeft, revealRight, revealStart, revealEnd, slideUp, slideDown, slideRight, slideLeft, slideStart, slideEnd, or none.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:uiComponent>
This is a placeholder representing any UI component. This component will not be used directly by users, but can be substituted with any UI component.<amx:accessoryLayout>

Tag name: <amx:validationBehavior>
Defines what validationGroup should be validated before a command component's action is taken. Multiple child validationBehavior tags may exist below a command component.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
group string No No The identifier for the amx:validationGroup that will be validated.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
disabled booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether or not the component is disabled. Unlike a read-only component, a disabled component cannot receive focus.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:validationGroup>
Defines what components should be grouped together for form validation purposes when doing a "submit" type of operation.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
validateCondition validateConditionType No Yes Determines whether or not the group should be validated. Valid values are visible (default; means validate if the group is visible and rendered) or always.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:uiComponent> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <amx:verbatim>
Allows the developer to place any content directly into the markup.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Tag name: <amx:view>
The view component represents a single page in an application.



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:panelPage> 1 1
<amx:loadBundle> 0 unbounded
<amx:popup> 0 unbounded
<amx:clientListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:navigationDragBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:loadingIndicatorBehavior> 0 1
<amx:systemActionBehavior> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amxf:attribute>
Defines an attribute that may be passed to the fragment.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amxf:description> 0 1
<amxf:attribute-name> 1 1
<amxf:attribute-type> 1 1
<amxf:default-value> 0 1
<amxf:required> 0 1

Tag name: <amxf:attribute-list>
Defines an attribute list that may be passed to the fragment.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amxf:description> 0 1
<amxf:name> 1 1

Tag name: <amxf:attribute-name>
The name of the attribute to be exposed as EL inside the fragment.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description

Child Elements

Tag name: <amxf:attribute-type>
The type of the attribute.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description

Child Elements

Tag name: <amxf:default-value>
An optional default value for the attribute. This value is used when the attribute has not been passed or if the attribute that was passed evaluates to null. The value may be an EL expression.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description

Child Elements

Tag name: <amxf:description>
A description of the fragment to assist with knowing what the fragment should be used for.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description

Child Elements

Tag name: <amxf:facet>
Defines a facet that may be passed to the fragment.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amxf:description> 0 1
<amxf:facet-name> 1 1
<amxf:attribute> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amxf:facet-name>
The name of the facet that will be accepted. This name is used for the facet as well as the facetRef's facetName attribute.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description

Child Elements

Tag name: <amxf:fragment>
Root XML tag of the metadata. Must be the first child of the fragment definition tag.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amxf:description> 0 1
<amxf:facet> 0 unbounded
<amxf:attribute> 0 unbounded
<amxf:attribute-list> 0 unbounded
<amxf:popup> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <amxf:name>
The name of the attribute list to be exposed as EL inside the fragment.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description

Child Elements

Tag name: <amxf:popup>
Declares a popup that may be referenced from outside of the fragment.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amxf:description> 0 1
<amxf:popup-id> 1 1
<amxf:ref> 0 1

Tag name: <amxf:popup-id>
The ID of the popup to be permitted access from outside of the fragment.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description

Child Elements

Tag name: <amxf:ref>
Reference to the ID of a popup in a child fragment to be permitted access from outside of the current fragment. Must be in the format of "childFragmentId:popupId".


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description

Child Elements

Tag name: <amxf:required>
If set to true, the fragment will enforce that the attribute has been defined and has a non-null value. This property is ignored if the default-value is set.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description

Child Elements

Tag name: <dvtm:area>
An area is used to stamp out stylistic attributes such as colors and patterns onto areas of a map component.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value stringElType No Yes When labelDisplay is on, this value will be used as the text label for the area.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if the area should be rendered.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
fillColor colorElType No Yes Data item fill color.
opacity floatElType No Yes Opacity of the fill. Valid values are from 0.0-1.0 where 0.0 is transparent and 1.0 is opaque.
labelStyle stringElType No Yes Font style for labels associated with this data item. Valid values are font-related CSS attributes.
labelDisplay labelDisplayElType No Yes Label display. Valid values are: off (default), on.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:attributeGroups> 0 unbounded
<amx:convertNumber> 0 1
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 1
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:areaChart>
An AMX DVT area chart. An area chart is one in which data is represented as lines with the area underneath them filled in.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
timeAxisType timeAxisTypeEnumeration No No Time axis type. Valid values are: disabled (default), enabled, mixedFrequency.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnDataChangeChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, slideToLeft, slideToRight.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the chart is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, zoom.
animationIndicators animationIndicatorsElType No Yes Type of data change animation indicators. Valid values are: all (default), none.
animationDownColor colorElType No Yes Color used to indicate a decreasing value.
animationUpColor colorElType No Yes Color used to indicate an increasing value.
drilling chartDrillingTypeElType No Yes Specifies if drilling should be enabled and for which categories. 'off' is the default. When set to 'on' drilling is enabled for all series, groups, and data items. 'groupOnly' enables drilling for all group objects. 'seriesOnly' enables drilling for all series objects.
rolloverBehavior rolloverBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the rollover behavior when hovering over the chart markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), dim.
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping.
dataSelection dataSelectionElType No Yes Data selection mode. Determines if data items can be selected interactively, and if just one or multiple objects can be selected simultaneously. Valid values are: none (default), single, multiple.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
hideAndShowBehavior hideAndShowBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the hide/show behavior when clicking on legend markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), withRescale, withoutRescale.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener. To enable selection listener, the 'dataSelection' attribute must be set to 'single' or 'multiple'.
title stringElType No Yes Chart title text.
titleHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart title horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
subtitle stringElType No Yes Chart subtitle text.
drillListener elExpression No Yes Specifies the drill listener method to be called when a DrillEvent occurs.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
footnote stringElType No Yes Chart footnote text.
footnoteHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart footnote horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
sorting chartSortingElType No Yes Specifies whether data items should be sorted by 'value'. Valid values are 'off' (default), 'ascending', 'descending'.
stack stackingElType No Yes Specifies whether the chart should be stacked. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. Valid values are: off (default), on.
dataCursor dataCursorElType No Yes Specifies the data cursor visibility. Valid values are: auto (default), off, on. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. The 'auto' setting turns the data cursor display on for area and line charts on touch displays. Otherwise, the default is 'off'.
dataCursorBehavior dataCursorBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the data cursor behavior. Valid values are: auto (default), smooth, snap. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. The 'auto' setting enables the smooth behavior for area and line charts and snap behavior for other chart types.
dataLabelPosition chartDataLabelPositionElType No Yes Data label position. Valid values are auto, center, aboveMarker, belowMarker, afterMarker, beforeMarker. Default is 'auto'. When set to 'auto', the data label is centered on bar and bubble charts, and after the marker on line, area and scatter charts. The 'aboveMarker', 'belowMarker', 'beforeMarker', and 'afterMarker' values are ignored for bars, and position will fall back to 'auto', if set to those values. The chart does not currently adjust layout to fit labels within the plot area or deal with any overlaps between labels.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
seriesEffect seriesEffectsElType No Yes Data item fill effect. Valid values: gradient, pattern, color.
splitDualY splitDualYElType No Yes Specifies if the chart should display as a split dual-Y axis chart. If the chart does not include any dvtm:seriesStyle instances with assignedToY2 set to 'yes', then this property is ignored. The 'on' value will create a split dual-Y axis chart. Valid values are: off (default), on.
viewportChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a viewportChange listener. To enable listener, the zoomAndScroll property must be set to a value other than 'off'.
initialZooming chartInitialZoomingElType No Yes Specifies the initial zooming policy. 'off' (default) means no initial zooming. 'first' zooms to show the first data items that can fit the viewport. 'last' zooms to show the last data items that can fit the viewport.
zoomAndScroll zoomAndScrollElType No Yes Specifies whether zoom and scroll should be enabled. Valid values are 'off' (default), 'delayed', 'delayedScrollOnly', 'live', 'liveScrollOnly'.
coordinateSystem coordinateSystemElType No Yes The coordinate system of the chart. Only applies to bar, line, area, combo, scatter, and bubble charts. Valid values: cartesian (default), polar.
polarGridShape polarGridShapeElType No Yes Defines whether the grid shape of the polar chart is circle or polygon. Only applies to polar line and area charts. Valid values: circle (default), polygon.
orientation orientationElType No Yes The chart orientation. Only applies to bar, line, area, combo, and funnel charts. Valid values: vertical (default), horizontal.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 1 3
<dvtm:legend> 0 1
<dvtm:xAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:yAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:y2Axis> 0 1
<dvtm:yFormat> 0 1
<dvtm:y2Format> 0 1
<dvtm:chartValueFormat> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:areaDataLayer>
Provides the ability to associate different regions in an areaLayer with a row of data. Individual regions can be defined one-by-one, or using a data collection passed via the 'value' attribute.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnAreaDataChangeElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), alphaFade, flipLeft, flipRight, cubeToLeft, cubeToRight.
isolatedRowKey rowKeyListElType No Yes The row key for the initially isolated item.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener. To enable selection listener, the 'dataSelection' attribute must be set to 'single' or 'multiple'.
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping (typically 'row'). Should be used when 'value' is defined and binds to a data collection.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if the area data layer should be rendered.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
dataSelection dataSelectionElType No Yes Data selection mode. Determines if data items can be selected interactively, and if just one or multiple objects can be selected simultaneously. Valid values are: none (default), single, multiple.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:areaLocation> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:areaLayer>
Used to customize which layers are displayed for a given basemap where each area layer points to a layer from the basemap, i.e. "countries" or "states". Data is associated with a basemap layer by nesting the appropriate data layer within an area layer.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
animationOnLayerChange animationOnLayerMapChangeElType No Yes Animation effect when the area layer changes. Valid values are: none (default), alphaFade, cubeToLeft, cubeToRight, flipLeft, flipRight, slideToLeft, slideToRight, zoom.
areaLabelDisplay areaLayerLabelDisplayElType No Yes How labels for this layer should be displayed. Valid values are: auto (default), on, off.
labelType labelTypeElType No Yes The type of basemap label to display. Valid values are: short (default), long.
layer layerElType No Yes Name of the basemap layer to display. This can refer to a custom or built-in layer. Valid values for the built-in basemaps are:
  • usa basemap: country, states, counties
  • world basemap: continents, countries
  • worldRegions basemap: regions, countries
  • africa basemap: continent, countries
  • asia basemap: continent, countries
  • australia basemap: continent, countries
  • europe basemap: continent, countries
  • northAmerica basemap: continent, countries
  • southAmerica basemap: continent, countries
  • apac basemap: region, countries
  • emea basemap: region, countries
  • latinAmerica basemap: region, countries
  • usaAndCanada basemap: region, countries
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if the area layer should be rendered.
areaStyle stringElType No Yes Allows to override the default area layer color and border treatments without using the dvtm:areaLayer:area skinning key. For invisible areas you can specify areaStyle="background-color:transparent;border-color:transparent".
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
labelStyle stringElType No Yes Font style for labels associated with this data item. Valid values are font-related CSS attributes.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:areaDataLayer> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:pointDataLayer> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:areaLocation>
Specifies the column in the data layer's model that determines the location for the area data. These locations are the area names that join with the area names in the basemap layer.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
name stringElType No Yes Column in the data model that determines the location of the area data. The locations are ids of the area from the basemap area layer for which the data is being displayed. The ids of the areas are determined by the following naming convention:

For the "usa" basemap, the ids are determined by the rules below:

  • The id for the country layer is "USA"
  • For states, the ids are the two letter postal abbreviation (e.g., the id for Massachusetts is "MA" and the id for Texas is "TX")
  • For counties, the ids are the two letter state abbreviation the county is located in, followed by an underscore, and then the name of the county, all in capital letters with underscores replacing spaces (e.g., the id for Middlesex county in Massachusetts is "MA_MIDDLESEX" and the id for Red River county in Texas is "TX_RED_RIVER")

For all other basemaps, the ids are determined by the rules below:

  • The continent ids for the "world", "africa", "asia", "australia", "europe", "northAmerica", and "southAmerica" basemaps are: "AF" (Africa), "AS" (Asia), "AU" (Australia), "EU" (Europe), "NA" (North America), and "SA" (South America).
  • The region ids for the "worldRegions", "apac", "emea", "latinAmerica", and "usaAndCanada" basemaps are: "APAC" (Asia-Pacific), "EMEA" (Europe and the Middle East), "LAT" (Latin America), "NA" (United States and Canada).
  • The country ids are determined by the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country codes (e.g., Canada is "CAN" and China is "CHN")

Links to complete lists of the area ids for all basemaps are listed below:

rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if the area location should be rendered.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:area> 0 1
<dvtm:marker> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:attributeExceptionRule>
The attributeExceptionRule tag is a child of attributeGroups that can be used to override the default values provided by the attributeGroups. This tag is used to replace an attribute value with another when a particular boolean condition is met.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for this rule.
condition booleanElType No Yes Boolean condition to check for each row. If the condition is met, then the specified overrides are used.
label stringElType No Yes Text label to be used in a legend for this condition.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:attribute> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:attributeGroups>
The attributeGroups tags are used to generate stylistic attribute values such as colors or shapes based on categorical bucketing of a data set. Given the column in the model to group by, the attributeGroups can produce style values for each unique value ("group") in the data.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
sectionLabel stringElType No Yes A human readable label that appears in the legend as a section label. Optional.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for this attribute group. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
label stringElType No Yes A human readable label that appears in the legend. Optional. If missing, the 'value' attribute will be used as label.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if this attribute group should be processed and rendered.
type string No No A space separated list of attributes to be set by this attribute group. The supported attributes are 'color', 'shape' and 'pattern'.
value stringElType No Yes The value (typically an EL string) to group the attributes by.
attributeType attributeGroupsAttributeTypeElType No Yes The attribute type for which to generate values. Valid values are: 'discrete' (default) and 'continuous'. Only the 'color' attribute is currently supported when using continuous attributes.
maxLabel stringElType No Yes The label for the maximum bounds of the component. This value only applies when the attributeType is set to 'continuous'. If no value is specified, the maximum value is used instead.
maxValue floatElType No Yes The maximum bounds of this component. This value only applies when the attributeType is set to 'continuous'. If no value is specified, the maximum data value is used instead.
minLabel stringElType No Yes The label for the minimum bounds of the component. This value only applies when the attributeType is set to 'continuous'. If no value is specified, the minimum value is used instead.
minValue floatElType No Yes The minimum bounds of this component. This value only applies when the attributeType is set to 'continuous'. If no value is specified, the minimum data value is used instead.
discriminant string No No The discriminant of the attribute group. Components with the same discriminant in their attribute groups tag will share the same bucketing assignments.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:attribute> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:attributeMatchRule> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:attributeExceptionRule> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:attributeMatchRule>
The attributeMatchRule tag is a child of attributeGroups that can be used to override the default values provided by the attributeGroups. This tag is used to replace an attribute when the data matches a certain value.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for this rule.
group stringElType No Yes Category value to match with. If the attributeGroup's value matches this group value, then specified overrides are used.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:attribute> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:axisLine>
Defines properties of an axis line (color and width).


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
lineColor colorElType No Yes Axis line color.
lineWidth integerElType No Yes Axis line width.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if the axis line should be rendered.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <dvtm:barChart>
An AMX DVT bar chart. A bar chart is one in which data is represented as series of bars.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
timeAxisType timeAxisTypeEnumeration No No Time axis type. Valid values are: disabled (default), enabled, mixedFrequency.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
barGapRatio stringElType No Yes Specifies the width of the bar group gap as a ratio of the group width. The valid value is a number from 0 to 1, or percentage value from 0% to 100%.
maxBarWidth integerElType No Yes Specifies the maximum width of each bar in pixels.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnDataChangeChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, slideToLeft, slideToRight.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the chart is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, zoom.
animationIndicators animationIndicatorsElType No Yes Type of data change animation indicators. Valid values are: all (default), none.
animationDownColor colorElType No Yes Color used to indicate a decreasing value.
animationUpColor colorElType No Yes Color used to indicate an increasing value.
drilling chartDrillingTypeElType No Yes Specifies if drilling should be enabled and for which categories. 'off' is the default. When set to 'on' drilling is enabled for all series, groups, and data items. 'groupOnly' enables drilling for all group objects. 'seriesOnly' enables drilling for all series objects.
rolloverBehavior rolloverBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the rollover behavior when hovering over the chart markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), dim.
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping.
dataSelection dataSelectionElType No Yes Data selection mode. Determines if data items can be selected interactively, and if just one or multiple objects can be selected simultaneously. Valid values are: none (default), single, multiple.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
hideAndShowBehavior hideAndShowBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the hide/show behavior when clicking on legend markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), withRescale, withoutRescale.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener. To enable selection listener, the 'dataSelection' attribute must be set to 'single' or 'multiple'.
title stringElType No Yes Chart title text.
titleHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart title horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
subtitle stringElType No Yes Chart subtitle text.
drillListener elExpression No Yes Specifies the drill listener method to be called when a DrillEvent occurs.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
footnote stringElType No Yes Chart footnote text.
footnoteHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart footnote horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
sorting chartSortingElType No Yes Specifies whether data items should be sorted by 'value'. Valid values are 'off' (default), 'ascending', 'descending'.
stack stackingElType No Yes Specifies whether the chart should be stacked. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. Valid values are: off (default), on.
dataCursor dataCursorElType No Yes Specifies the data cursor visibility. Valid values are: auto (default), off, on. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. The 'auto' setting turns the data cursor display on for area and line charts on touch displays. Otherwise, the default is 'off'.
dataCursorBehavior dataCursorBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the data cursor behavior. Valid values are: auto (default), smooth, snap. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. The 'auto' setting enables the smooth behavior for area and line charts and snap behavior for other chart types.
dataLabelPosition chartDataLabelPositionElType No Yes Data label position. Valid values are auto, center, aboveMarker, belowMarker, afterMarker, beforeMarker. Default is 'auto'. When set to 'auto', the data label is centered on bar and bubble charts, and after the marker on line, area and scatter charts. The 'aboveMarker', 'belowMarker', 'beforeMarker', and 'afterMarker' values are ignored for bars, and position will fall back to 'auto', if set to those values. The chart does not currently adjust layout to fit labels within the plot area or deal with any overlaps between labels.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
seriesEffect seriesEffectsElType No Yes Data item fill effect. Valid values: gradient, pattern, color.
splitDualY splitDualYElType No Yes Specifies if the chart should display as a split dual-Y axis chart. If the chart does not include any dvtm:seriesStyle instances with assignedToY2 set to 'yes', then this property is ignored. The 'on' value will create a split dual-Y axis chart. Valid values are: off (default), on.
viewportChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a viewportChange listener. To enable listener, the zoomAndScroll property must be set to a value other than 'off'.
initialZooming chartInitialZoomingElType No Yes Specifies the initial zooming policy. 'off' (default) means no initial zooming. 'first' zooms to show the first data items that can fit the viewport. 'last' zooms to show the last data items that can fit the viewport.
zoomAndScroll zoomAndScrollElType No Yes Specifies whether zoom and scroll should be enabled. Valid values are 'off' (default), 'delayed', 'delayedScrollOnly', 'live', 'liveScrollOnly'.
coordinateSystem coordinateSystemElType No Yes The coordinate system of the chart. Only applies to bar, line, area, combo, scatter, and bubble charts. Valid values: cartesian (default), polar.
orientation orientationElType No Yes The chart orientation. Only applies to bar, line, area, combo, and funnel charts. Valid values: vertical (default), horizontal.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 1 3
<dvtm:legend> 0 1
<dvtm:xAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:yAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:y2Axis> 0 1
<dvtm:yFormat> 0 1
<dvtm:y2Format> 0 1
<dvtm:chartValueFormat> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:bubbleChart>
An AMX DVT bubble chart. A bubble chart is one in which data is represented as bubbles where each bubble is defined in terms of three numeric values.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnDataChangeChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, slideToLeft, slideToRight.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the chart is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, zoom.
drilling chartDrillingTypeElType No Yes Specifies if drilling should be enabled and for which categories. 'off' is the default. When set to 'on' drilling is enabled for all series, groups, and data items. 'groupOnly' enables drilling for all group objects. 'seriesOnly' enables drilling for all series objects.
rolloverBehavior rolloverBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the rollover behavior when hovering over the chart markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), dim.
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping.
dataSelection dataSelectionElType No Yes Data selection mode. Determines if data items can be selected interactively, and if just one or multiple objects can be selected simultaneously. Valid values are: none (default), single, multiple.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
hideAndShowBehavior hideAndShowBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the hide/show behavior when clicking on legend markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), withRescale, withoutRescale.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener. To enable selection listener, the 'dataSelection' attribute must be set to 'single' or 'multiple'.
title stringElType No Yes Chart title text.
titleHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart title horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
subtitle stringElType No Yes Chart subtitle text.
drillListener elExpression No Yes Specifies the drill listener method to be called when a DrillEvent occurs.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
footnote stringElType No Yes Chart footnote text.
footnoteHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart footnote horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
dataLabelPosition chartDataLabelPositionElType No Yes Data label position. Valid values are auto, center, aboveMarker, belowMarker, afterMarker, beforeMarker. Default is 'auto'. When set to 'auto', the data label is centered on bar and bubble charts, and after the marker on line, area and scatter charts. The 'aboveMarker', 'belowMarker', 'beforeMarker', and 'afterMarker' values are ignored for bars, and position will fall back to 'auto', if set to those values. The chart does not currently adjust layout to fit labels within the plot area or deal with any overlaps between labels.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
seriesEffect seriesEffectsElType No Yes Data item fill effect. Valid values: gradient, pattern, color.
coordinateSystem coordinateSystemElType No Yes The coordinate system of the chart. Only applies to bar, line, area, combo, scatter, and bubble charts. Valid values: cartesian (default), polar.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 1 3
<dvtm:legend> 0 1
<dvtm:xAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:yAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:xFormat> 0 1
<dvtm:yFormat> 0 1
<dvtm:zFormat> 0 1
<dvtm:chartValueFormat> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:chartDataItem>
Defines values and properties associated with a data item. Must be defined within the 'dataStamp' facet.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
drilling drillingTypeElType No Yes Specifies if drilling should be enabled for the data item. 'off' is the default value. When set to 'on', drilling is enabled.
color colorElType No Yes Fill color of this item. Specifies the color of a bar or the data point. For line and area chart types, markerDisplayed must be enabled to make the marker visible.
groupId stringElType No Yes Group ID of this item. Optional. If missing, the 'group' attribute will be used as ID.
label stringElType No Yes Label string. If set, displays within or next to the bar or marker.
labelPosition chartDataLabelPositionElType No Yes Data label position. Valid values are auto, center, aboveMarker, belowMarker, afterMarker, beforeMarker. Default is 'auto'. When set to 'auto', the data label is centered on bar and bubble charts, and after the marker on line, area and scatter charts. The 'aboveMarker', 'belowMarker', 'beforeMarker', and 'afterMarker' values are ignored for bars, and position will fall back to 'auto', if set to those values.
labelStyle stringElType No Yes Label style. Specifies CSS style of the data item label.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if this data item should be processed and rendered.
seriesId stringElType No Yes Series ID of this item. Optional. If missing, the 'series' attribute will be used as ID.
markerShape chartMarkerShapeElType No Yes Shape of this item's marker. Does not apply to bars in a bar chart. Valid values: auto (default), square, circle, diamond, plus, triangleDown, triangleUp and human.
markerSize floatElType No Yes Size of this item's marker. Does not apply to bars in a bar chart. In a bubble chart, the proportional size of data item's marker is determined by the z attribute value.
value floatElType No Yes Value of this item.
low floatElType No Yes The low (min) value for this data item.
high floatElType No Yes The high (max) value for this data item.
x floatElType No Yes X value of this item.
y floatElType No Yes Y value of this item.
z floatElType No Yes Z value of this item. Applicable to bubble and bar charts where it determines the proportional size of the data item -- the diameter of the bubble, or the width of the bar.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
borderColor colorElType No Yes Border color of this item.
pattern chartPatternsElType No Yes Data item pattern fill type. Valid values are: smallDiagonalRight, smallChecker, smallDiagonalLeft, smallTriangle, smallCrosshatch, smallDiamond, largeDiagonalRight, largeChecker, largeDiagonalLeft, largeTriangle, largeCrosshatch, largeDiamond.
group stringElType No Yes Group category of this item (if set).
markerDisplayed booleanElType No Yes Specifies if the data markers are displayed.
series stringElType No Yes Series category of this item (if set).

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:attributeGroups> 0 unbounded
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 1
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:chartGroup>
Defines styling properties of a chart group. Must be defined within the 'groupStamp' facet.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
drilling drillingTypeElType No Yes Specifies if drilling should be enabled, with a default value of 'off'. When set to 'on', drilling is enabled.
group stringElType No Yes Specifies the name of the group, which will be used as a group label.
groupId stringElType No Yes Specifies the groupId for matching the group with chartDataItem's group/groupId. Required for leaf chartGroup elements when configuring hierarchical groups. The groupId must be unique for each chartGroup instance.
labelStyle stringElType No Yes Specifies the label style for the group specified by the group attribute.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:chartGroup> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:chartValueFormat>
The format to be used for formatting of data label values, or values displayed in data item tooltips. The actual format must be specified using a nested converter element.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
scaling labelScalingElType No Yes Value format scaling. Can be applied to numeric value format types. Valid values are: auto (default), none, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion.
tooltipDisplay chartValueFormatTooltipDisplayElType No Yes Specifies whether the element is displayed in the tooltip. Valid values are 'auto' and 'off'. The 'auto' behavior varies depending on the format and chart types.
tooltipLabel stringElType No Yes The label to be displayed in the tooltip before the value. Replaces the default label. For example, the user can specify 'Revenue' instead of the default 'Value' label.
type chartValueFormatTypeElType Yes Yes Chart value format type. Specifies the type of value the enclosed converter applies to. Valid values are 'label', 'value', 'x', 'y', 'y2', 'z', 'series', 'group', 'min', 'max', 'targetValue', 'open', 'close', 'high', 'low', 'volume'. The type should match the name of the chart's data item attribute. 'y2' is applicable to charts with y2 axis. 'z' is applicable only to bubble and scatter chart data items. 'targetValue' is applicable to funnel charts. 'min' and 'max' apply to chart reference areas. 'label' is used for specifying the data label format. The other format types are used for formatting values shown in the tooltip. Values 'open', 'close', 'high', 'low' and 'volume' are valid only for stockChart.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:convertNumber> 0 1
<amx:convertDateTime> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:comboChart>
An AMX DVT combination chart. A combination chart is one in which data is represented as combination of bar or line markers.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
timeAxisType timeAxisTypeEnumeration No No Time axis type. Valid values are: disabled (default), enabled, mixedFrequency.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
barGapRatio stringElType No Yes Specifies the width of the bar group gap as a ratio of the group width. The valid value is a number from 0 to 1, or percentage value from 0% to 100%.
maxBarWidth integerElType No Yes Specifies the maximum width of each bar in pixels.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnDataChangeChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, slideToLeft, slideToRight.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the chart is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, zoom.
animationIndicators animationIndicatorsElType No Yes Type of data change animation indicators. Valid values are: all (default), none.
animationDownColor colorElType No Yes Color used to indicate a decreasing value.
animationUpColor colorElType No Yes Color used to indicate an increasing value.
drilling chartDrillingTypeElType No Yes Specifies if drilling should be enabled and for which categories. 'off' is the default. When set to 'on' drilling is enabled for all series, groups, and data items. 'groupOnly' enables drilling for all group objects. 'seriesOnly' enables drilling for all series objects.
rolloverBehavior rolloverBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the rollover behavior when hovering over the chart markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), dim.
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping.
dataSelection dataSelectionElType No Yes Data selection mode. Determines if data items can be selected interactively, and if just one or multiple objects can be selected simultaneously. Valid values are: none (default), single, multiple.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
hideAndShowBehavior hideAndShowBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the hide/show behavior when clicking on legend markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), withRescale, withoutRescale.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener. To enable selection listener, the 'dataSelection' attribute must be set to 'single' or 'multiple'.
title stringElType No Yes Chart title text.
titleHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart title horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
subtitle stringElType No Yes Chart subtitle text.
drillListener elExpression No Yes Specifies the drill listener method to be called when a DrillEvent occurs.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
footnote stringElType No Yes Chart footnote text.
footnoteHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart footnote horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
sorting chartSortingElType No Yes Specifies whether data items should be sorted by 'value'. Valid values are 'off' (default), 'ascending', 'descending'.
stack stackingElType No Yes Specifies whether the chart should be stacked. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. Valid values are: off (default), on.
dataCursor dataCursorElType No Yes Specifies the data cursor visibility. Valid values are: auto (default), off, on. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. The 'auto' setting turns the data cursor display on for area and line charts on touch displays. Otherwise, the default is 'off'.
dataCursorBehavior dataCursorBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the data cursor behavior. Valid values are: auto (default), smooth, snap. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. The 'auto' setting enables the smooth behavior for area and line charts and snap behavior for other chart types.
dataLabelPosition chartDataLabelPositionElType No Yes Data label position. Valid values are auto, center, aboveMarker, belowMarker, afterMarker, beforeMarker. Default is 'auto'. When set to 'auto', the data label is centered on bar and bubble charts, and after the marker on line, area and scatter charts. The 'aboveMarker', 'belowMarker', 'beforeMarker', and 'afterMarker' values are ignored for bars, and position will fall back to 'auto', if set to those values. The chart does not currently adjust layout to fit labels within the plot area or deal with any overlaps between labels.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
seriesEffect seriesEffectsElType No Yes Data item fill effect. Valid values: gradient, pattern, color.
splitDualY splitDualYElType No Yes Specifies if the chart should display as a split dual-Y axis chart. If the chart does not include any dvtm:seriesStyle instances with assignedToY2 set to 'yes', then this property is ignored. The 'on' value will create a split dual-Y axis chart. Valid values are: off (default), on.
viewportChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a viewportChange listener. To enable listener, the zoomAndScroll property must be set to a value other than 'off'.
initialZooming chartInitialZoomingElType No Yes Specifies the initial zooming policy. 'off' (default) means no initial zooming. 'first' zooms to show the first data items that can fit the viewport. 'last' zooms to show the last data items that can fit the viewport.
zoomAndScroll zoomAndScrollElType No Yes Specifies whether zoom and scroll should be enabled. Valid values are 'off' (default), 'delayed', 'delayedScrollOnly', 'live', 'liveScrollOnly'.
coordinateSystem coordinateSystemElType No Yes The coordinate system of the chart. Only applies to bar, line, area, combo, scatter, and bubble charts. Valid values: cartesian (default), polar.
orientation orientationElType No Yes The chart orientation. Only applies to bar, line, area, combo, and funnel charts. Valid values: vertical (default), horizontal.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 1 3
<dvtm:legend> 0 1
<dvtm:xAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:yAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:y2Axis> 0 1
<dvtm:yFormat> 0 1
<dvtm:y2Format> 0 1
<dvtm:chartValueFormat> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:dialGauge>
Dial gauge is used to measure small linear distances. Its name is based on the fact that the measurement results are displayed by means of a dial.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnDataChangeDialGaugeElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayDialGaugeElType No Yes Animation effect when the chart is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade.
background dialGaugeBackgroundElType No Yes A name of the background specification for the gauge. Valid values are: circleAntique, circleDark, circleLight, rectangleAntique, rectangleDark, rectangleLight, domeAntique, domeDark, domeLight for scale from 0 to 100 and circleAntiqueCustom, circleDarkCustom, circleLightCustom, rectangleAntiqueCustom, rectangleDarkCustom, rectangleLightCustom, domeAntiqueCustom, domeDarkCustom, domeLightCustom for custom scale (from minValue to maxValue).
indicator dialGaugeIndicatorElType No Yes A name of the indicator specification for the gauge. Valid values are: needleAntique, needleDark, needleLight.
readOnly booleanElType No Yes Whether the user can drag on the gauge to change the value.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
inputIncrement gaugeInputIncrementElType No Yes Gauge input increment (step). Only applies to user input when readOnly="false".
minValue floatElType No Yes The lowest value on the gauge scale.
maxValue floatElType No Yes The highest value on the gauge scale.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
labelDisplay labelDisplayElType No Yes Label display. Valid values are: off (default), on.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
valueChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a value change listener. The method represented by this EL expression will be invoked when the value changes and after the model is updated.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:gaugeLabelFormat> 0 1
<dvtm:tickLabel> 0 1
<dvtm:metricLabel> 0 1
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationBehavior> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:funnelChart>
An AMX DVT funnel chart. Often used to represent stages in a sales process.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
sliceGaps stringElType No Yes Specifies the width of gaps between slices. Valid values are a number from 0 (no gaps) to 1 (maximum gaps), or alternatively a percentage from 0% to 100%. The default is '0' (no gaps). Previously supported values of 'off' and 'on' are deprecated - use '0' or '1' instead.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
drilling chartDrillingTypeElType No Yes Specifies if drilling should be enabled and for which categories. 'off' is the default. When set to 'on' drilling is enabled for all series, groups, and data items. 'groupOnly' enables drilling for all group objects. 'seriesOnly' enables drilling for all series objects.
rolloverBehavior rolloverBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the rollover behavior when hovering over the chart markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), dim.
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping.
dataSelection dataSelectionElType No Yes Data selection mode. Determines if data items can be selected interactively, and if just one or multiple objects can be selected simultaneously. Valid values are: none (default), single, multiple.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
hideAndShowBehavior hideAndShowBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the hide/show behavior when clicking on legend markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), withRescale, withoutRescale.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener. To enable selection listener, the 'dataSelection' attribute must be set to 'single' or 'multiple'.
title stringElType No Yes Chart title text.
titleHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart title horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
subtitle stringElType No Yes Chart subtitle text.
drillListener elExpression No Yes Specifies the drill listener method to be called when a DrillEvent occurs.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
footnote stringElType No Yes Chart footnote text.
footnoteHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart footnote horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnDataChangeChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, slideToLeft, slideToRight.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the chart is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, zoom.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
threeDEffect threeDEffectElType No Yes Specifies if the chart should be displayed with a 3D effect. Valid values are: off (default), on.
seriesEffect seriesEffectsElType No Yes Data item fill effect. Valid values: gradient, pattern, color.
orientation orientationElType No Yes The chart orientation. Only applies to bar, line, area, combo, and funnel charts. Valid values: vertical (default), horizontal.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 1 1
<dvtm:legend> 0 1
<dvtm:chartValueFormat> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:funnelDataItem>
Defines values and properties associated with a data item in a funnel chart. Must be defined within the 'dataStamp' facet.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
color colorElType No Yes The color for funnel data item.
drilling drillingTypeElType No Yes Specifies if drilling should be enabled for the data item. 'off' is the default value. When set to 'on', drilling is enabled.
label stringElType No Yes The label string. It is displayed whenever it is set.
labelStyle stringElType No Yes Label style. Specifies CSS style of funnel data item label.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if this data item should be processed and rendered.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes Description for funnel data item, used in the tooltips and screenreader if set.
value floatElType No Yes Value of funnel data item. Each slice's area represents the corresponding value.
targetValue floatElType No Yes Target value for the data item. When specified, the target value defines the size of the slice, while the actual value defines the size of the fill within the slice.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.
borderColor colorElType No Yes Border color of this item.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:attributeGroups> 0 unbounded
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 1
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:gaugeLabelFormat>
Gauge label value formatter.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
scaling labelScalingElType No Yes Gauge label value scaling. Valid values are: auto (default), none, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:convertNumber> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:geographicMap>
An AMX DVT geographic map.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
mapType stringElType No Yes The map type for the geographic map. Map provider specific. Google Maps API offers HYBRID, ROADMAP, SATELLITE, and TERRAIN.
centerX floatElType No Yes The x coordinate (longitude) for specifying the center of the map.
centerY floatElType No Yes The y coordinate (latitude) for specifying the center of the map.
zoomLevel integerElType No Yes The initial zoom level of the map. Zoom levels between 0 (the lowest zoom level, in which the entire world can be seen on one map) to 21 (down to individual buildings) are possible within the default roadmap maps view for Google Maps. For Oracle Maps, the zoom levels are defined as part of the base map. The zoom levels are ordered from level 0 to level n-1, where level 0 is the most zoomed out level and level n-1 is the most zoomed in level.
initialZooming initialZoomingElType No Yes Zooms map to fit data on initial render. Valid values are: auto (default), none.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayGeoMapElType No Yes Animation effect when the geographic map is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto. Only supported by Google Maps.
mapInputListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a map input event listener. The listener receives the MapInputEvent instance with information on event type (click, mousedown, mouseup) and x/y coordinates (as longitude/latitude).
mapBoundsChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a map bounds change listener. The listener receives the MapBoundsChangeEvent instance with information on current map bounds, center and zoom level.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:route> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:pointDataLayer> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:horizontalBarChart>
An AMX DVT horizontal bar chart. A bar chart is one in which data is represented as series of horizontal bars. DEPRECATED: Use a dvtm:barChart with orientation="horizontal" instead.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
timeAxisType timeAxisTypeEnumeration No No Time axis type. Valid values are: disabled (default), enabled, mixedFrequency.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnDataChangeChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, slideToLeft, slideToRight.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the chart is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, zoom.
animationIndicators animationIndicatorsElType No Yes Type of data change animation indicators. Valid values are: all (default), none.
animationDownColor colorElType No Yes Color used to indicate a decreasing value.
animationUpColor colorElType No Yes Color used to indicate an increasing value.
drilling chartDrillingTypeElType No Yes Specifies if drilling should be enabled and for which categories. 'off' is the default. When set to 'on' drilling is enabled for all series, groups, and data items. 'groupOnly' enables drilling for all group objects. 'seriesOnly' enables drilling for all series objects.
rolloverBehavior rolloverBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the rollover behavior when hovering over the chart markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), dim.
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping.
dataSelection dataSelectionElType No Yes Data selection mode. Determines if data items can be selected interactively, and if just one or multiple objects can be selected simultaneously. Valid values are: none (default), single, multiple.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
hideAndShowBehavior hideAndShowBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the hide/show behavior when clicking on legend markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), withRescale, withoutRescale.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener. To enable selection listener, the 'dataSelection' attribute must be set to 'single' or 'multiple'.
title stringElType No Yes Chart title text.
titleHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart title horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
subtitle stringElType No Yes Chart subtitle text.
drillListener elExpression No Yes Specifies the drill listener method to be called when a DrillEvent occurs.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
footnote stringElType No Yes Chart footnote text.
footnoteHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart footnote horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
sorting chartSortingElType No Yes Specifies whether data items should be sorted by 'value'. Valid values are 'off' (default), 'ascending', 'descending'.
stack stackingElType No Yes Specifies whether the chart should be stacked. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. Valid values are: off (default), on.
dataCursor dataCursorElType No Yes Specifies the data cursor visibility. Valid values are: auto (default), off, on. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. The 'auto' setting turns the data cursor display on for area and line charts on touch displays. Otherwise, the default is 'off'.
dataCursorBehavior dataCursorBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the data cursor behavior. Valid values are: auto (default), smooth, snap. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. The 'auto' setting enables the smooth behavior for area and line charts and snap behavior for other chart types.
dataLabelPosition chartDataLabelPositionElType No Yes Data label position. Valid values are auto, center, aboveMarker, belowMarker, afterMarker, beforeMarker. Default is 'auto'. When set to 'auto', the data label is centered on bar and bubble charts, and after the marker on line, area and scatter charts. The 'aboveMarker', 'belowMarker', 'beforeMarker', and 'afterMarker' values are ignored for bars, and position will fall back to 'auto', if set to those values. The chart does not currently adjust layout to fit labels within the plot area or deal with any overlaps between labels.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
seriesEffect seriesEffectsElType No Yes Data item fill effect. Valid values: gradient, pattern, color.
viewportChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a viewportChange listener. To enable listener, the zoomAndScroll property must be set to a value other than 'off'.
initialZooming chartInitialZoomingElType No Yes Specifies the initial zooming policy. 'off' (default) means no initial zooming. 'first' zooms to show the first data items that can fit the viewport. 'last' zooms to show the last data items that can fit the viewport.
zoomAndScroll zoomAndScrollElType No Yes Specifies whether zoom and scroll should be enabled. Valid values are 'off' (default), 'delayed', 'delayedScrollOnly', 'live', 'liveScrollOnly'.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 1 2
<dvtm:legend> 0 1
<dvtm:xAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:yAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:y2Axis> 0 1
<dvtm:yFormat> 0 1
<dvtm:y2Format> 0 1
<dvtm:chartValueFormat> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:ledGauge>
An AMX DVT LED gauge. LED gauge indicates its value mainly by its color. It changes its color to match the threshold range into which the metric value falls.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
rotation ledGaugeRotationElType No Yes The rotation angle for the gauge. Useful for changing the direction of triangle or arrow gauges. Valid values are: 0 (default), 90, 180, 270.
size stringElType No Yes The relative size of the LED gauge shape. Valid values are 0.0 .. 1.0, or 0% .. 100%. Default is 1.0.
type ledGaugeTypeElType No Yes The type of the led gauge. Valid values are: arrow, circle (default), diamond, human, rectangle, star, triangle.
title stringElType No Yes Specifies the title text.
titleStyle stringElType No Yes Specifies the font style for the title. Accepts font-related CSS attributes like font-family, font-weight, font-size, color, etc.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnDataChangeChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, slideToLeft, slideToRight.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the chart is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, zoom.
color colorElType No Yes Gauge fill color.
visualEffects visualEffectsElType No Yes Gauge visual effects. Valid values are: auto (default), none.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
borderColor colorElType No Yes Border color of this item.
minValue floatElType No Yes The lowest value on the gauge scale.
maxValue floatElType No Yes The highest value on the gauge scale.
labelDisplay labelDisplayElType No Yes Label display. Valid values are: off (default), on.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:threshold> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:gaugeLabelFormat> 0 1
<dvtm:metricLabel> 0 1
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationBehavior> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:legend>
Defines style, positioning and behavior of a legend.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
drilling drillingTypeElType No Yes Whether drilling is enabled on all legend items. Drillable objects will show a pointer cursor on hover and fire a drill event on click. To enable or disable drilling on individual legend item, use the drilling attribute in each legend item. Valid values are: off (default), on.
halign hAlignElType No Yes Specifies the horizontal alignment of legend contents. Valid values: start (default), center, end.
orientation orientationElType No Yes The legend orientation. Valid values: vertical (default), horizontal.
position legendPositionElType No Yes Position in the chart. Valid values are: auto (default), bottom, end, none, start, top. 'none' is deprecated. Use 'rendered="false"' instead.
referenceObjectTitle stringElType No Yes Text to be displayed as the title of the reference objects section (if specified).
scrolling legendScrollingElType No Yes Determines if the legend should support scrolling. Valid values are: off (default), asNeeded, on.
titleHalign hAlignElType No Yes Legend title horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), center, end.
title stringElType No Yes Text to be displayed as the legend title.
titleStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS style string defining the style of the legend title.
sectionTitleHalign hAlignElType No Yes Legend section title horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
valign vAlignElType No Yes Specifies the vertical alignment of legend contents. Valid values: top (default), bottom, middle.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
maxSize stringElType No Yes Maximum size of chart element (axis or legend). Can be specified as a relative size of total chart size (0..1), percentage (e.g. '20%'), or in pixels (e.g. '20px'). Defines the maximum height if the axis/legend is in the top/bottom position, and the maximum width if the axis/legend is in the start/end position.
size stringElType No Yes Size of chart element (axis or legend). Can be specified as a relative size of total chart size (0..1), percentage (e.g. '20%'), or in pixels (e.g. '20px'). Defines the height if the axis/legend is in the top/bottom position, and the width if the axis/legend is in the start/end position.
drillListener elExpression No Yes Specifies the drill listener method to be called when a DrillEvent occurs.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:legendSection> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:legendItem>
Defines an item of a legend.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
borderColor colorElType No Yes The border color of the marker. Only applies if symbolType is "marker" or "lineWithMarker".
color colorElType No Yes The color of the legend symbol (line or marker). When symbolType is "lineWithMarker", this attribute defines the line color and the markerColor attribute defines the marker.
drilling drillingTypeElType No Yes Whether drilling is enabled on the legend item. Drillable objects will show a pointer cursor on hover and fire a drill event on click. To enable drilling for all legend items at once, use the drilling attribute in the top level, which will be inherited unless overridden.
lineStyle lineStyleElType No Yes The line style. Only applies when the symbolType is "line" or "lineWithMarker". Valid values are: solid (default), dashed, dotted.
lineWidth integerElType No Yes The line width in pixels. Only applies when the symbolType is "line" or "lineWithMarker".
markerColor colorElType No Yes The color of the marker, if different than the line color. Only applies if the symbolType is "lineWithMarker".
markerShape markerShapeElType No Yes The shape of the marker. Only applies if symbolType is "marker" or "lineWithMarker". Valid values are: square (default), circle, diamond, human, plus, triangleDown, triangleUp.
pattern patternElType No Yes The pattern used to fill the marker. Only applies if symbolType is "marker" or "lineWithMarker". Valid values are: none (default), smallChecker, smallCrosshatch, smallDiagonalLeft, smallDiagonalRight, smallDiamond, smallTriangle, largeChecker, largeCrosshatch, largeDiagonalLeft, largeDiagonalRight, largeDiamond, largeTriangle.
source stringElType No Yes The URI of the image of the legend symbol.
symbolType symbolTypeTypeElType No Yes The type of legend symbol to display. Valid values are: marker(default), image, line, lineWithMarker.
text stringElType No Yes The legend item text.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Tag name: <dvtm:legendSection>
Defines a section of a multi-section legend.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
disclosed disclosedElType No Yes Whether the section is initially disclosed. Only applies if the section is collapsible (showDisclosure is on). Valid values are: on (default), off.
showDisclosure showDisclosureElType No Yes Whether the section is collapsible. Only applies if the legend orientation is vertical. Valid values are: off (default), on.
source string No No The referenced attributeGroups discriminant or id. The framework will try to look for a matching discriminant value first. If not found, it will look for the attributeGroups id. If using the discriminant, the app must ensure it is unique and doesn't conflict with others that might be defined. When referring to an id, only the assignments from that component will be used. Assignments from the discriminant will be ignored.
title stringElType No Yes Text to be displayed as the legend section title.
titleHalign hAlignElType No Yes The horizontal alignment of the section title. If the section is collapsible or nested, only start alignment is supported. Valid values are: start (default), center, end.
titleStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS style string defining the style of the section title.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:iterator> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:legendItem> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:lineChart>
An AMX DVT line chart. A line chart is one in which data is represented as lines.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
timeAxisType timeAxisTypeEnumeration No No Time axis type. Valid values are: disabled (default), enabled, mixedFrequency.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnDataChangeChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, slideToLeft, slideToRight.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the chart is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, zoom.
animationIndicators animationIndicatorsElType No Yes Type of data change animation indicators. Valid values are: all (default), none.
animationDownColor colorElType No Yes Color used to indicate a decreasing value.
animationUpColor colorElType No Yes Color used to indicate an increasing value.
drilling chartDrillingTypeElType No Yes Specifies if drilling should be enabled and for which categories. 'off' is the default. When set to 'on' drilling is enabled for all series, groups, and data items. 'groupOnly' enables drilling for all group objects. 'seriesOnly' enables drilling for all series objects.
rolloverBehavior rolloverBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the rollover behavior when hovering over the chart markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), dim.
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping.
dataSelection dataSelectionElType No Yes Data selection mode. Determines if data items can be selected interactively, and if just one or multiple objects can be selected simultaneously. Valid values are: none (default), single, multiple.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
hideAndShowBehavior hideAndShowBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the hide/show behavior when clicking on legend markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), withRescale, withoutRescale.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener. To enable selection listener, the 'dataSelection' attribute must be set to 'single' or 'multiple'.
title stringElType No Yes Chart title text.
titleHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart title horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
subtitle stringElType No Yes Chart subtitle text.
drillListener elExpression No Yes Specifies the drill listener method to be called when a DrillEvent occurs.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
footnote stringElType No Yes Chart footnote text.
footnoteHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart footnote horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
sorting chartSortingElType No Yes Specifies whether data items should be sorted by 'value'. Valid values are 'off' (default), 'ascending', 'descending'.
stack stackingElType No Yes Specifies whether the chart should be stacked. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. Valid values are: off (default), on.
dataCursor dataCursorElType No Yes Specifies the data cursor visibility. Valid values are: auto (default), off, on. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. The 'auto' setting turns the data cursor display on for area and line charts on touch displays. Otherwise, the default is 'off'.
dataCursorBehavior dataCursorBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the data cursor behavior. Valid values are: auto (default), smooth, snap. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. The 'auto' setting enables the smooth behavior for area and line charts and snap behavior for other chart types.
coordinateSystem coordinateSystemElType No Yes The coordinate system of the chart. Only applies to bar, line, area, combo, scatter, and bubble charts. Valid values: cartesian (default), polar.
dataLabelPosition chartDataLabelPositionElType No Yes Data label position. Valid values are auto, center, aboveMarker, belowMarker, afterMarker, beforeMarker. Default is 'auto'. When set to 'auto', the data label is centered on bar and bubble charts, and after the marker on line, area and scatter charts. The 'aboveMarker', 'belowMarker', 'beforeMarker', and 'afterMarker' values are ignored for bars, and position will fall back to 'auto', if set to those values. The chart does not currently adjust layout to fit labels within the plot area or deal with any overlaps between labels.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
orientation orientationElType No Yes The chart orientation. Only applies to bar, line, area, combo, and funnel charts. Valid values: vertical (default), horizontal.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
polarGridShape polarGridShapeElType No Yes Defines whether the grid shape of the polar chart is circle or polygon. Only applies to polar line and area charts. Valid values: circle (default), polygon.
splitDualY splitDualYElType No Yes Specifies if the chart should display as a split dual-Y axis chart. If the chart does not include any dvtm:seriesStyle instances with assignedToY2 set to 'yes', then this property is ignored. The 'on' value will create a split dual-Y axis chart. Valid values are: off (default), on.
viewportChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a viewportChange listener. To enable listener, the zoomAndScroll property must be set to a value other than 'off'.
initialZooming chartInitialZoomingElType No Yes Specifies the initial zooming policy. 'off' (default) means no initial zooming. 'first' zooms to show the first data items that can fit the viewport. 'last' zooms to show the last data items that can fit the viewport.
zoomAndScroll zoomAndScrollElType No Yes Specifies whether zoom and scroll should be enabled. Valid values are 'off' (default), 'delayed', 'delayedScrollOnly', 'live', 'liveScrollOnly'.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 1 3
<dvtm:legend> 0 1
<dvtm:xAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:yAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:y2Axis> 0 1
<dvtm:yFormat> 0 1
<dvtm:y2Format> 0 1
<dvtm:chartValueFormat> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:majorTick>
Defines properties for major tick marks on a chart axis.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
baselineColor colorElType No Yes Major tick baseline color.
baselineStyle lineStyleElType No Yes Major tick baseline style. Valid values are: solid (default), dashed, dotted.
baselineWidth integerElType No Yes Major tick baseline width.
lineColor colorElType No Yes Major tick color.
lineStyle lineStyleElType No Yes Major tick line style. Valid values are: solid (default), dashed, dotted.
lineWidth integerElType No Yes Major tick width.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if the tick should be rendered. True by default for the major tick.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <dvtm:marker>
A marker is used to stamp out built-in or custom shapes associated with data points on a map component. Markers can be customized with different stylistic attributes such as colors and patterns based on their underlying data. Geographic map marker only supports action, shortDesc, and source attributes.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
gradientEffect gradientEffectElType No Yes The gradient effect for this marker. Valid values are: auto (default), none.
labelPosition labelPositionElType No Yes Position of the label relative to the marker. Valid values are: center (default), top, bottom.
width integerElType No Yes Base width of the marker in pixels.
height integerElType No Yes Base height of the marker in pixels.
scaleX floatElType No Yes Horizontal scale factor for the marker determining how much to scale from base width.
scaleY floatElType No Yes Vertical scale factor for the marker determining how much to scale from base height.
shape markerShapeElType No Yes Shape of the marker. Valid values are: circle (default), square, plus, diamond, triangleUp, triangleDown, human.
source stringElType No Yes The URI specifying the location of the image resource. The shape attribute is ignored if source is specified.
sourceSelected stringElType No Yes The optional URI specifying the location of the selected image resource. If not defined, the source image will be used.
sourceHover stringElType No Yes The optional URI specifying the location of the image resource on hover. If not defined, the source image will be used.
sourceHoverSelected stringElType No Yes The optional URI specifying the location of the selected image resource on hover. If not defined, the sourceSelected image will be used. If sourceSelected is not defined, then source image will be used.
value stringElType No Yes When labelDisplay is on, this value will be used as the text label for the marker.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if the marker should be rendered.
rotation floatElType No Yes Determines rotation of marker. The value specifies the marker rotation angle in degrees. The marker is rotated clockwise around the center of the image.
borderStyle markerBorderStyleElType No Yes Specifies the border style of this marker. Valid values are: 'none' (default) or 'solid'.
borderWidth floatElType No Yes Specifies the border width of this marker.
borderColor colorElType No Yes Specifies the border color of this marker.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
fillColor colorElType No Yes Data item fill color.
opacity floatElType No Yes Opacity of the fill. Valid values are from 0.0-1.0 where 0.0 is transparent and 1.0 is opaque.
labelStyle stringElType No Yes Font style for labels associated with this data item. Valid values are font-related CSS attributes.
labelDisplay labelDisplayElType No Yes Label display. Valid values are: off (default), on.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:attributeGroups> 0 unbounded
<amx:actionListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:convertNumber> 0 unbounded
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:metricLabel>
Metric label for gauges.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
autoPrecision autoPrecisionEnumeration No No Determines if auto precision should be enabled for metric label. Valid values are: on (default), off.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if the metric label should be rendered.
scaling labelScalingElType No Yes Metric label scaling. Valid values are: auto (default), none, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion.
textType metricLabelTextTypeElType No Yes Defines whether the label is a number or a percentage of the total value. Valid values are: number (default), percent.
position metricLabelPositionElType No Yes Defines the position of the metric label for horizontal and vertical status meter gauges. The default position of the label is outside of the plot area. If the title is not rendered, then 'withTitle' will render the label outside the plot area. When the title is rendered, all positions are treated as 'withTitle' except 'auto' and 'outsidePlotArea' which render the label outside the plot area. When the label is rendered 'withTitle', the metric label is displayed with the same style as the title. The position in the 'withTitle' case is specified by the title position attribute.
text stringElType No Yes The text for the label. If specified, text will overwrite the numeric value that is displayed by default. The converter, scaling, and textType attributes are ignored when text is specified.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
labelStyle stringElType No Yes Font style for labels associated with this data item. Valid values are font-related CSS attributes.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:convertNumber> 0 1
<amx:convertDateTime> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:minorTick>
Defines properties for minor tick marks on a chart axis.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
lineColor colorElType No Yes Minor tick color.
lineStyle lineStyleElType No Yes Minor tick line style. Valid values are: solid (default), dashed, dotted.
lineWidth integerElType No Yes Minor tick width.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if the tick should be rendered. False by default for the minor tick.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <dvtm:nBox>
An AMX DVT N-Box. N-Box components are often used in HCM applications to view the distribution of an organization across two dimensions (e.g. Potential vs. Performance). Each of these dimensions is split into multiple ranges, whose intersections result in distinct cells into which each employee can be placed.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
columnsTitle stringElType No Yes Specifies the title for the column axis.
groupBehavior groupBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies how nodes should be grouped.
groupBy stringElType No Yes Specifies (by id) the set of attributeGroups (defined within the dvtm:nBoxNode) that should be used for grouping. A group node will be created for each distinct tuple of attributeGroups.
highlightedRowKeys stringElType No Yes Specifies the set of nodes to be highlighted. These nodes will appear before the other nodes in the cell. All other nodes will be faded.
legendDisplay legendDisplayElType No Yes Specifies whether or not a legend should be displayed.
maximizedColumn stringElType No Yes Specifies the currently maximized column (specify both row and column to maximize a single cell). Must correspond to the "value" attribute of a specified dvtm:nBoxColumn.
maximizedRow stringElType No Yes Specifies the currently maximized row (specify both row and column to maximize a single cell). Must correspond to the "value" attribute of a specified dvtm:nBoxRow.
nodeSelection nodeSelectionElType No Yes Specifies the node selection behavior.
otherColor colorElType No Yes If another threshold has been specified, determines the color of the group node representing all nodes below the threshold.
otherThreshold integerElType No Yes Specifies a percentage of the collection size. When grouping, all groups with sizes below the threshold will be combined into a single group.
rowsTitle stringElType No Yes Specifies the title for the row axis.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener. To enable selection listener, the "dataSelection" attribute must be set to "single" or "multiple".
var string No No The name of variable.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 1 3
<dvtm:nBoxNode> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:nBoxCell>
Represents an AMX DVT N-Box cell. Must be defined within the 'cells' facet.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
background colorElType No Yes Specifies the background for this cell. Can be a color (e.g. "#aaaaaa"), gradient (e.g. "linear-gradient(black, white)") or an image (e.g. "url(background.png)").
column stringElType No Yes Specifies the column that this cell belongs to. Must correspond to the "value" attribute of a specified dvtm:nBoxColumn.
label stringElType No Yes Specifies the label for this cell.
labelHalign labelHalignElType No Yes Specifies the halign for the cell label.
labelStyle stringElType No Yes Specifies the style for the cell label.
row stringElType No Yes Specifies the row that this cell belongs to. Must correspond to the "value" attribute of a specified dvtm:nBoxRow.
showCount onOffElType No Yes Specifies whether or not a count of the nodes within this cell should be appended to the cellLabel.
showMaximize onOffElType No Yes Specifies whether the maximize control should be displayed.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Tag name: <dvtm:nBoxColumn>
Represents an AMX DVT N-Box column. Must be defined within the 'columns' facet.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
label stringElType No Yes Specifies the label for this row/column.
labelStyle stringElType No Yes Specifies the style for the row/column label.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.

Child Elements

Tag name: <dvtm:nBoxNode>
Represents an AMX DVT N-Box node.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
color colorElType No Yes Specifies the color for this node.
column stringElType No Yes Specifies the column that this node belongs to. Must correspond to the "value" attribute of a specified dvtm:nBoxColumn.
indicatorColor colorElType No Yes Specifies the background color for the indicator section of this node. If omitted, defaults to the main node color.
label stringElType No Yes Specifies the primary label for this node.
labelStyle stringElType No Yes Specifies the style for the primary node label.
row stringElType No Yes Specifies the row that this node belongs to. Must correspond to the "value" attribute of a specified dvtm:nBoxRow.
secondaryLabel stringElType No Yes Specifies the secondary label for this node.
secondaryLabelStyle stringElType No Yes Specifies the style for the secondary node label.
xPercentage integerElType No Yes When grouping across cells, specifies the horizontal value to be used in the average position calculation. If unspecified, the midpoint of the node's cell will be used.
yPercentage integerElType No Yes When grouping across cells, specifies the vertical value to be used in the average position calculation. If unspecified, the midpoint of the node's cell will be used.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 0 2
<dvtm:attributeGroups> 0 unbounded
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 1
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:nBoxRow>
Represents an AMX DVT N-Box row. Must be defined within the 'rows' facet.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
label stringElType No Yes Specifies the label for this row/column.
labelStyle stringElType No Yes Specifies the style for the row/column label.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.

Child Elements

Tag name: <dvtm:overview>
Overview component for the timeline and charts with enabled zoom / scroll. Displays at the bottom of the chart area. Use inlineStyle -> height attribute to set the height of the component in pixels or %.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
rendered booleanElType No Yes Controls visibility of the overview component.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.

Child Elements

Tag name: <dvtm:pieChart>
An AMX DVT pie chart. In a pie chart one group of data is represented as sections of a circle, making the circle look like a sliced pie. Can be used to represent percentages of a whole.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
centerLabel stringElType No Yes The label to be displayed at the center of the pie chart. When innerRadius is specified, the label will be automatically scaled to fit within the inner circle
innerRadius stringElType No Yes Specifies the radius of the inner circle that can be used to create a donut chart. Valid values range from 0.0 (default) to 1.0, or from 0% to 100%. 3D effect is not supported when innerRadius is greater than 0.
otherColor colorElType No Yes Color of the otherThreshold slice (CSS color values).
otherThreshold stringElType No Yes The threshold value for inclusion in the "other" slice. Valid values are 0.0 .. 1.0, or 0% .. 100%. Default is 0.
selectionEffect pieSelectionEffectElType No Yes The selection effect to be applied to selected items. Valid values are explode, highlight (default), highlightAndExplode.
sliceGaps stringElType No Yes Specifies the width of gaps between slices. Valid values are a number from 0 (no gaps) to 1 (maximum gaps), or alternatively a percentage from 0% to 100%. The default is '0' (no gaps).
sliceLabelPosition sliceLabelPositionElType No Yes Slice label position. Valid values are: auto (default), none, inside, outside.
sorting pieSortingElType No Yes Specifies whether data items should be sorted by 'value'. Valid values are 'off' (default), 'ascending', 'descending'. The 'on' value is deprecated - use 'descending' instead.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnDataChangeChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, slideToLeft, slideToRight.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the chart is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, zoom.
drilling chartDrillingTypeElType No Yes Specifies if drilling should be enabled and for which categories. 'off' is the default. When set to 'on' drilling is enabled for all series, groups, and data items. 'groupOnly' enables drilling for all group objects. 'seriesOnly' enables drilling for all series objects.
rolloverBehavior rolloverBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the rollover behavior when hovering over the chart markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), dim.
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping.
dataSelection dataSelectionElType No Yes Data selection mode. Determines if data items can be selected interactively, and if just one or multiple objects can be selected simultaneously. Valid values are: none (default), single, multiple.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
hideAndShowBehavior hideAndShowBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the hide/show behavior when clicking on legend markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), withRescale, withoutRescale.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener. To enable selection listener, the 'dataSelection' attribute must be set to 'single' or 'multiple'.
title stringElType No Yes Chart title text.
titleHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart title horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
subtitle stringElType No Yes Chart subtitle text.
drillListener elExpression No Yes Specifies the drill listener method to be called when a DrillEvent occurs.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
footnote stringElType No Yes Chart footnote text.
footnoteHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart footnote horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
seriesEffect seriesEffectsElType No Yes Data item fill effect. Valid values: gradient, pattern, color.
threeDEffect threeDEffectElType No Yes Specifies if the chart should be displayed with a 3D effect. Valid values are: off (default), on.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 1 1
<dvtm:legend> 0 1
<dvtm:sliceLabel> 0 1
<dvtm:pieValueFormat> 0 1
<dvtm:chartValueFormat> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:pieDataItem>
Defines values and properties associated with a data item in a pie chart. Must be defined within the 'dataStamp' facet.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
borderColor colorElType No Yes Slice border color.
color colorElType No Yes Slice fill color.
drilling drillingTypeElType No Yes Specifies if drilling should be enabled for the data item. 'off' is the default value. When set to 'on', drilling is enabled.
explode integerElType No Yes Slice explode offset in percent (0..100%).
label stringElType No Yes Label for this data item slice. By default, 'label' is used in the slice label, tooltip, and legend text. Note, however, that the slice label text can be alternatively customized using the 'sliceLabel' attribute.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if this data item should be processed and rendered.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes Custom description text to be displayed in tooltip.
sliceId stringElType No Yes Slice ID of this item. Optional. If missing, the 'label' attribute will be used as ID.
value floatElType No Yes Value represented by this slice.
displayInLegend displayInLegendElType No Yes Determines whether this pieDataItem should be displayed in legend. Default is on.
sliceLabel stringElType No Yes A custom label for this data item slice. Normally, the 'label' attribute value is used for the slice label text (and for the legend and tooltip text). However, if a more descriptive text is required for a particular slice, use the 'sliceLabel' attribute.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.
pattern chartPatternsElType No Yes Data item pattern fill type. Valid values are: smallDiagonalRight, smallChecker, smallDiagonalLeft, smallTriangle, smallCrosshatch, smallDiamond, largeDiagonalRight, largeChecker, largeDiagonalLeft, largeTriangle, largeCrosshatch, largeDiamond.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:attributeGroups> 0 unbounded
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 1
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:pieValueFormat>
Pie chart value formatter. Deprecated. Use dvtm:chartValueFormat with type="value" instead.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:convertNumber> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:pointDataLayer>
The pointDataLayer allows developers to display data associated with a point on the map using a marker. The point can be specified by city id for a built-in basemap or x/y coordinates which correspond to latitude/longitude for built-in basemaps. It is possible to define individual location points one-by-one, or using a data collection passed via the 'value' attribute.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnPointDataChangeElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), alphaFade.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener. To enable selection listener, the 'dataSelection' attribute must be set to 'single' or 'multiple'.
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping (typically 'row'). Should be used when 'value' is defined and binds to a data collection.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if the point data layer should be rendered.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
dataSelection dataSelectionElType No Yes Data selection mode. Determines if data items can be selected interactively, and if just one or multiple objects can be selected simultaneously. Valid values are: none (default), single, multiple.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:pointLocation> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:pointLocation>
Specifies the columns in the data layer's model that determine the location of the data points. For thematic map, these locations can be names that join with named points or latitude/longitude for built-in basemaps, x/y coordinates for custom basemaps. For geographic map, they can be x/y coordinates or an address.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
type pointTypeElType No Yes The type of the point data being used. Valid values are: pointName (thematicMap only), pointXY, address (geographicMap only).
pointName stringElType No Yes Column in the data model that determines the location of the point data. The locations are ids of the named points from the basemap point layer for which the data is being displayed. Used only when the pointLocation type="pointName". Not supported by geographicMap.

For the "usa" basemap, city ids are the two letter state abbreviation the city is located in, followed by an underscore, and then the name of the city, all in capital letters with underscores replacing characters that are not letters (e.g., the id for Boston, Massachusetts is "MA_BOSTON" and the id for San Antonio, Texas is "TX_SAN_ANTONIO")

For all other basemaps, the city ids are determined by taking the three-letter country code, followed by an underscore, and then the name of the city, all in capital letters with underscores replacing characters that are not letters (e.g., the id for Toronto, Canada is "CAN_TORONTO" and the id for Los Angeles, United States is "USA_LOS_ANGELES")

Links to complete lists of the location ids for all basemaps are listed below:

pointX floatElType No Yes The x coordinate (longitude) of the point data. Used only when the pointLocation type="pointXY".
pointY floatElType No Yes The y coordinate (latitude) of the point data. Used only when the pointLocation type="pointXY".
address stringElType No Yes The address of the point location which will be geocoded. This only applies to geographicMap.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if the point location should be rendered.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:marker> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:ratingGauge>
An AMX DVT rating gauge. The component allows the user to enter or view rating on a pre-defined scale.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
changed booleanElType No Yes Indicates whether the rating has been already set by the user. Default is 'false'.
inputIncrement ratingGaugeInputIncrementElType No Yes Specifies the increment by which values can be entered by the user. Valid values are 'full' or 'half' (of a rating point). Default is 'full'.
maxValue integerElType No Yes The maximum rating value. Must be a positive integer. Default is 5.
minValue floatElType No Yes The minimum rating value the user can enter. Must be a multiple of inputIncrement (0.5 - half, or 1.0 - full). Default is 0.
readOnly booleanElType No Yes Determines whether the user can change the gauge value. Default is false.
shape ratingGaugeShapeElType No Yes The name of the shape to be used for the selected rating gauge item. The built-in shape names are 'star', 'circle', 'human', 'rectangle', 'diamond', and 'triangle'. Default is 'star'.
changedShape ratingGaugeShapeElType No Yes The name of the shape to be used for the changed rating gauge item. The built-in shape names are 'star', 'circle', 'human', 'rectangle', 'diamond', and 'triangle'. Default is 'star'.
unselectedShape ratingGaugeUnselectedShapeElType No Yes The name of the shape to be used for the unselected rating gauge item. Valid values are 'auto', 'star', 'circle', 'human', 'rectangle', 'diamond', 'triangle' 'dot', and 'none'. Default is 'auto' which follows the value used for the 'shape' attribute.
changedBorderColor colorElType No Yes The border color of the changed rating gauge item.
changedColor colorElType No Yes The color of changed the rating gauge item.
hoverBorderColor colorElType No Yes The border color of the rating gauge item while hovering.
hoverColor colorElType No Yes The color of the rating gauge item while hovering.
selectedBorderColor colorElType No Yes The border color of the selected rating gauge item.
selectedColor colorElType No Yes The color of the selected rating gauge item.
unselectedBorderColor colorElType No Yes The border color of the unselected rating gauge item.
unselectedColor colorElType No Yes The color of the unselected rating gauge item.
orientation orientationElType No Yes Specifies the orientation of the rating gauge. Valid values are 'horizontal' and 'vertical'. The default value is 'horizontal'.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
valueChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a value change listener. The method represented by this EL expression will be invoked when the value changes and after the model is updated.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:threshold> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationBehavior> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:referenceArea>
Reference area for an axis. A simple reference area can be defined using this element's attributes. Complex multi-segment areas can be specified using referenceAreaItem elements optionally wrapped in an amx:iterator.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
color colorElType No Yes Reference area color.
displayInLegend displayInLegendElType No Yes Determines whether this reference area should be displayed in legend. Default is on.
lineType referenceAreaLineTypeElType No Yes Line used for the reference area. Supported values: straight (default), curved, stepped, centeredStepped
location referenceObjectLocationElType No Yes Determines whether the reference object should be rendered at the back (behind data markers), or front (over data markers). Valid values are 'back' (default) and 'front'.
minValue floatElType No Yes Reference area min value. Required, if not using the dvtm:referenceAreaItem child.
maxValue floatElType No Yes Reference area max value. Required, if not using the dvtm:referenceAreaItem child.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes Custom description for this reference area. To be displayed in tooltip.
text stringElType No Yes Legend text for this reference area.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:referenceAreaItem> 0 unbounded
<amx:iterator> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:referenceAreaItem>
The dvtm:referenceAreaItem tag describes a pair of min/max points on a multi-segment reference area.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
minValue floatElType No Yes Reference point min value.
maxValue floatElType No Yes Reference point max value.
x floatElType No Yes For charts with time axis, the timestamp of this reference point. For bubble/scatter charts, the x-coordinate of this reference point. For charts with categorical X-axis, the group index (zero-based) of this reference point.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <dvtm:referenceLine>
Reference line for a chart axis or status meter gauge. A simple reference line can be defined using this element's attributes. For charts, multi-segment reference lines can be specified using referenceLineItem elements optionally wrapped in an amx:iterator.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
color colorElType No Yes Reference line color.
displayInLegend displayInLegendElType No Yes Determines whether this reference line should be displayed in legend. Default is on.
lineStyle lineStyleElType No Yes Reference line style. Valid values are: solid (default), dashed, dotted.
lineType referenceLineLineTypeElType No Yes Line used for the reference line. Supported values: straight (default), curved, stepped, centeredStepped, segmented, centeredSegmented
lineWidth floatElType No Yes The width of the line in pixels.
location referenceObjectLocationElType No Yes Determines whether the reference object should be rendered at the back -- behind data markers, or front -- over data markers. Valid values are 'back' (default) and 'front'.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes Custom description for this reference area. To be displayed in tooltip.
text stringElType No Yes Legend text for this reference area.
value floatElType No Yes Reference value.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:referenceLineItem> 0 unbounded
<amx:iterator> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:referenceLineItem>
The dvtm:referenceLineItem tag describes a single point of a multi-segment reference line.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
value floatElType No Yes Reference value.
x floatElType No Yes For charts with time axis, the timestamp of this reference point. For bubble/scatter charts, the x-coordinate of this reference point. For charts with categorical X-axis, the group index (zero-based) of this reference point.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <dvtm:referenceObject>
Defines a reference object for an axis. Deprecated for xAxis, yAxis and y2Axis elements -- use dvtm:referenceArea or dvtm:referenceLine instead.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
color colorElType No Yes Reference object color.
displayInLegend displayInLegendElType No Yes Determines whether this reference object should be displayed in legend. Default is off.
highValue floatElType No Yes Reference high value.
lineValue floatElType No Yes Reference value.
location referenceObjectLocationElType No Yes Determines whether the reference object should be rendered at the back (behind data markers), or front (over data markers). Valid values are 'back' (default) and 'front'.
lowValue floatElType No Yes Reference low value.
lineStyle lineStyleElType No Yes Reference line style. Valid values are: solid (default), dashed, dotted.
lineWidth integerElType No Yes Reference line width.
text stringElType No Yes Tooltip and legend text for this reference object.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes Custom description for this reference object. To be displayed in tooltip.
type referenceObjectTypeEnumeration No No Reference object type. Valid values are: line (default), area.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <dvtm:route>
Represents a route that connects points specified by dvtm:pointLocation elements. (Note that the route element is supported with the Google Maps provider only. Currently, it has no effect with the Oracle MapViewer provider.)


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
travelMode travelModeElType No Yes Specifies what mode of transport to use when calculating the route. Valid values are:
  • driving (default) - renders route using the road network
  • walking - renders route via pedestrian paths and sidewalks (where available)
  • bicycling - renders route via bicycle paths and preferred streets (where available)
lineColor colorElType No Yes Color of the route line.
lineOpacity floatElType No Yes Opacity of the route line.
lineWidth integerElType No Yes Width of the route line in pixels.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.
actionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to an action listener.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:pointLocation> 0 unbounded
<amx:iterator> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:actionListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:clientListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:scatterChart>
An AMX DVT scatter chart. A scatter chart represents data by the location of data markers. Scatter charts are useful for displaying general relationships among a number of data points.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnDataChangeChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, slideToLeft, slideToRight.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the chart is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, zoom.
drilling chartDrillingTypeElType No Yes Specifies if drilling should be enabled and for which categories. 'off' is the default. When set to 'on' drilling is enabled for all series, groups, and data items. 'groupOnly' enables drilling for all group objects. 'seriesOnly' enables drilling for all series objects.
rolloverBehavior rolloverBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the rollover behavior when hovering over the chart markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), dim.
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping.
dataSelection dataSelectionElType No Yes Data selection mode. Determines if data items can be selected interactively, and if just one or multiple objects can be selected simultaneously. Valid values are: none (default), single, multiple.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
hideAndShowBehavior hideAndShowBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the hide/show behavior when clicking on legend markers/labels. Valid values are: none (default), withRescale, withoutRescale.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener. To enable selection listener, the 'dataSelection' attribute must be set to 'single' or 'multiple'.
title stringElType No Yes Chart title text.
titleHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart title horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
subtitle stringElType No Yes Chart subtitle text.
drillListener elExpression No Yes Specifies the drill listener method to be called when a DrillEvent occurs.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
footnote stringElType No Yes Chart footnote text.
footnoteHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart footnote horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
dataLabelPosition chartDataLabelPositionElType No Yes Data label position. Valid values are auto, center, aboveMarker, belowMarker, afterMarker, beforeMarker. Default is 'auto'. When set to 'auto', the data label is centered on bar and bubble charts, and after the marker on line, area and scatter charts. The 'aboveMarker', 'belowMarker', 'beforeMarker', and 'afterMarker' values are ignored for bars, and position will fall back to 'auto', if set to those values. The chart does not currently adjust layout to fit labels within the plot area or deal with any overlaps between labels.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
markerDisplayed booleanElType No Yes Specifies if the data markers are displayed.
coordinateSystem coordinateSystemElType No Yes The coordinate system of the chart. Only applies to bar, line, area, combo, scatter, and bubble charts. Valid values: cartesian (default), polar.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 1 3
<dvtm:legend> 0 1
<dvtm:xAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:yAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:xFormat> 0 1
<dvtm:yFormat> 0 1
<dvtm:chartValueFormat> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:seriesStyle>
Defines styling properties of a chart series. Must be defined within the 'seriesStamp' facet.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
drilling drillingTypeElType No Yes Specifies if drilling should be enabled for the series. 'off' is the default value. When set to 'on', drilling is enabled.
assignedToY2 booleanElType No Yes Determines if the series should be assigned to the Y2 axis.
borderColor colorElType No Yes Series border color.
color colorElType No Yes The color of this series (e.g. color of the line in a line chart, or color of the area in an area chart).
lineWidth integerElType No Yes Series line width.
lineStyle lineStyleElType No Yes Series line style. Valid values are: solid (default), dashed, dotted.
markerColor colorElType No Yes A common color for data item markers in this series. May be overridden by the data item's markerColor attribute value.
markerDisplayed booleanElType No Yes Should markers be displayed for the series.
markerShape chartMarkerShapeElType No Yes A common shape of markers in the series. May be overridden by the data item's markerShape attribute value. Valid values: auto (default), square, circle, diamond, plus, triangleDown, triangleUp and human.
markerSize integerElType No Yes Size of markers for the series.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Should this series be rendered.
seriesId stringElType No Yes Series ID. Optional. If missing, the 'series' name is used as ID.
stackCategory stringElType No Yes A stack category name that designates which series should be staked together. The property is only relevant if the stack attribute is set to 'on'. Series with the same stackCategory value will be stacked together.
type seriesStyleTypeElType No Yes Series style type for combo chart and line chart. Values 'lineWithArea' and 'candlestick' are supported only for stockChart. Valid values are: auto (default), area, bar, line, lineWithArea and candlestick.
displayInLegend displayInLegendElType No Yes Determines whether this series should be displayed in legend. Default is on.
areaColor colorElType No Yes The area color of the series. Only applies if series type is area or lineWithArea.
lineType chartLineTypeElType No Yes Line type of the series. Supported values differ based on chart type (and series style). For line chart and combo chart with line and area series style valid values are: none, auto (default), straight, curved, stepped, centeredStepped, segmented, and centeredSegmented. For scatter and bubble charts valid values are: none, auto (default), straight, and curved. For area chart default values are: none, auto (default), straight, curved, stepped, and centeredStepped.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
pattern chartPatternsElType No Yes Data item pattern fill type. Valid values are: smallDiagonalRight, smallChecker, smallDiagonalLeft, smallTriangle, smallCrosshatch, smallDiamond, largeDiagonalRight, largeChecker, largeDiagonalLeft, largeTriangle, largeCrosshatch, largeDiamond.
series stringElType No Yes Series category of this item (if set).
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.
actionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to an action listener.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 1
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:sliceLabel>
Slice label properties. DEPRECATED: Use pieChart.sliceLabelPosition and pieDataItem.sliceLabel instead.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
autoPrecision autoPrecisionEnumeration No No Determines if auto precision should be enabled for slice label. Valid values are: on (default), off.
position sliceLabelPositionElType No Yes Slice label position. Valid values are: none, inside, outside (default).
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if the slice label should be rendered.
scaling labelScalingElType No Yes Slice label scaling. Valid values are: auto (default), none, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion.
textType textTypeElType No Yes Slice label text type. Valid values are: percent (default), text, textAndPercent, number.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:convertNumber> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:sparkChart>
An AMX DVT spark chart. Spark charts are simple, condensed charts that display trends or variations, often in the column of a table. Spark charts are often displayed in a dashboard to provide additional context to a data-dense display.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
color colorElType No Yes The color of the bars, line, or area.
firstColor colorElType No Yes The color of the first data item.
lastColor colorElType No Yes The color of the last data item.
highColor colorElType No Yes The color of the data item with the greatest value.
lowColor colorElType No Yes The color of the data item with the lowest value.
type sparkChartTypeElType No Yes The type of the spark chart. Valid values are: area, bar, floatingBar, line (default).
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping.
lineStyle lineStyleElType No Yes Chart line style. Valid values are: solid (default), dashed, dotted.
lineWidth floatElType No Yes The width of the line in pixels.
lineType sparkChartLineTypeElType No Yes Line type used for the chart. The line type attribute is supported only for 'line' and 'area' chart types and valid values are: none, straight (default), curved, stepped, segmented.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnDataChangeChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, slideToLeft, slideToRight.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the chart is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, zoom.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 1 1
<dvtm:referenceObject> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:sparkDataItem>
Represents the value and properties associated with a data item in a spark chart. Must be defined within the 'dataStamp' facet.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
color colorElType No Yes Spark item fill color. Specifies the color of a bar or the data point. For line and area chart types, markerDisplayed must be enabled to make the data items visible.
date integerElType No Yes Spark item date in ms since epoch.
floatValue floatElType No Yes Spark item float value.
markerDisplayed booleanElType No Yes Should markers be displayed for the spark item.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Should this spark item be rendered.
value floatElType No Yes Value represented by this spark item.
markerShape chartMarkerShapeElType No Yes Specifies the shape of the marker. Valid values: auto (default), square, circle, diamond, plus, triangleDown, triangleUp and human.
markerSize floatElType No Yes Specifies the size of the marker in pixels.
borderColor colorElType No Yes Specifies the border color of the data item (including bars and markers).
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <dvtm:statusMeterGauge>
An AMX DVT status meter gauge. Status meter gauge indicates its value by its color and area. It changes its color and area to match the threshold range into which the metric value falls.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
angleExtent integerElType No Yes Specifies the angle extent of a gauge with circular orientation. Value should be provided in degrees.
borderRadius stringElType No Yes Defines the border radius of the indicator. When set to "auto", the border radius is set to a built-in default. Acceptable input follows CSS border-radius attribute specifications. When plotAreaBorderRadius is not specified, borderRadius applies to both the indicator and plot area borders.
innerRadius floatElType No Yes Specifies the inner radius of a gauge with circular orientation, defined by the distance from the center of the gauge to the innermost edge of the indicator and plot area. Valid values are a percent or ratio from 0 to 1.
orientation statusMeterGaugeOrientationElType No Yes Defines the type of status meter to be rendered. Valid values are: horizontal (default), circular, vertical.
plotAreaColor colorElType No Yes Specifies the fill color of the plot area. Valid values are RGB hexadecimal.
plotAreaBorderColor colorElType No Yes Specifies the border color of the plot area. Valid values are RGB hexadecimal.
plotAreaBorderRadius stringElType No Yes Defines the border radius of the plot area. When set to "auto", the plot area border radius is set to a built-in default. Acceptable input follows CSS border-radius attribute specifications. When not specified, the plot area border radius will be the same as the border radius used for the indicator.
readOnly booleanElType No Yes Whether the user can drag on the gauge to change the value.
startAngle integerElType No Yes Specifies the start angle of a gauge with circular orientation. Value should be provided in degrees.
title stringElType No Yes Specifies the title text.
titleStyle stringElType No Yes Specifies the font style for the title. Accepts font-related CSS attributes like font-name, font-weight, font-size, color, etc.
titlePosition titlePositionElType No Yes Defines the position of the title for horizontal and vertical gauges. The default position for horizontal gauges is 'start' and for vertical gauges is 'center'.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnDataChangeChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, slideToLeft, slideToRight.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the chart is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, zoom.
color colorElType No Yes Gauge fill color.
visualEffects visualEffectsElType No Yes Gauge visual effects. Valid values are: auto (default), none.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
borderColor colorElType No Yes Border color of this item.
minValue floatElType No Yes The lowest value on the gauge scale.
maxValue floatElType No Yes The highest value on the gauge scale.
labelDisplay labelDisplayElType No Yes Label display. Valid values are: off (default), on.
inputIncrement gaugeInputIncrementElType No Yes Gauge input increment (step). Only applies to user input when readOnly="false".
indicatorSize stringElType No Yes Relative size of the indicator. Valid values are 0.0-1.0 or 0-100%. Default value is 1.0 (full indicator size).
thresholdDisplay thresholdDisplayElType No Yes Type of threshold display type. Valid values are: onIndicator (default), currentOnly, all.
plotArea plotAreaDisplayElType No Yes Plot area display. Valid values are: auto(default), off, on.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
valueChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a value change listener. The method represented by this EL expression will be invoked when the value changes and after the model is updated.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:threshold> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:referenceLine> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:gaugeLabelFormat> 0 1
<dvtm:metricLabel> 0 1
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 unbounded
<amx:validationBehavior> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:stockChart>
An AMX DVT Stock chart. Stock charts are useful for displaying stock data across time. A unique feature of stock charts is the ability to render series data as 'candlesticks' representing open, close, high, and low stock price data.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
fallingColor colorElType No Yes Color when open price is higher than close price.
rangeColor colorElType No Yes Color for the range bar.
risingColor colorElType No Yes Color when close price is higher than open price.
timeAxisType timeAxisTypeStockChartEnumeration No No Specifies type for time axis. If the type is 'enabled', 'auto' (default) or 'disabled' then time values should be bound to the stockDataItem's groups property. If the type is 'mixedFrequency' then time values should be bound to the stockDataItem's x property. Both 'auto' and 'disabled' show values on the time axis at regular interval. Both 'mixedFrequency' and 'enabled' show values on the time axis at irregular intervals.
volumeColor colorElType No Yes Color for volume bars.
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange animationOnDataChangeChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, slideToLeft, slideToRight.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayChartElType No Yes Animation effect when the chart is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), auto, alphaFade, zoom.
dataCursor dataCursorElType No Yes Specifies the data cursor visibility. Valid values are: auto (default), off, on. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. The 'auto' setting turns the data cursor display on for area and line charts on touch displays. Otherwise, the default is 'off'.
dataCursorBehavior dataCursorBehaviorElType No Yes Specifies the data cursor behavior. Valid values are: auto (default), smooth, snap. Applicable to area, bar, horizontalBar, combo and line charts only. The 'auto' setting enables the smooth behavior for area and line charts and snap behavior for other chart types.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
viewportChangeListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a viewportChange listener. To enable listener, the zoomAndScroll property must be set to a value other than 'off'.
footnote stringElType No Yes Chart footnote text.
footnoteHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart footnote horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Defines a method reference to a selection listener. To enable selection listener, the 'dataSelection' attribute must be set to 'single' or 'multiple'.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
dataSelection dataSelectionElType No Yes Data selection mode. Determines if data items can be selected interactively, and if just one or multiple objects can be selected simultaneously. Valid values are: none (default), single, multiple.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
title stringElType No Yes Chart title text.
titleHalign hAlignElType No Yes Chart title horizontal alignment. Valid values are: start (default), end, center.
subtitle stringElType No Yes Chart subtitle text.
zoomAndScroll zoomAndScrollElType No Yes Specifies whether zoom and scroll should be enabled. Valid values are 'off' (default), 'delayed', 'delayedScrollOnly', 'live', 'liveScrollOnly'.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:facet> 1 3
<dvtm:chartValueFormat> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:xAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:yAxis> 0 1
<dvtm:y2Axis> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:stockDataItem>
Defines values and properties associated with a data item for stock chart. Must be defined within the 'dataStamp' facet.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
borderWidth floatElType No Yes Specifies the border width of data item.
close floatElType No Yes Close price for the stock.
color colorElType No Yes Color of the data item. Ignored for candlestick.
high floatElType No Yes Highest price for the data item.
low floatElType No Yes Lowest price for the data item.
open floatElType No Yes Open price for the stock.
markerShape chartMarkerShapeElType No Yes Specifies the shape of the data item marker. This is not supported when series type is bar or candlestick. Valid values: auto (default), square, circle, diamond, plus, triangleDown, triangleUp and human.
markerSize floatElType No Yes Specifies size of the data item marker, if one is displayed. Doesn't apply to candlestick and bars.
volume floatElType No Yes The volume for the particular data item.
x floatElType No Yes The date information of the data item when timeAxisType is 'mixedFrequency'.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
borderColor colorElType No Yes Border color of this item.
pattern chartPatternsElType No Yes Data item pattern fill type. Valid values are: smallDiagonalRight, smallChecker, smallDiagonalLeft, smallTriangle, smallCrosshatch, smallDiamond, largeDiagonalRight, largeChecker, largeDiagonalLeft, largeTriangle, largeCrosshatch, largeDiamond.
group stringElType No Yes Group category of this item (if set).
markerDisplayed booleanElType No Yes Specifies if the data markers are displayed.
series stringElType No Yes Series category of this item (if set).

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:attributeGroups> 0 unbounded
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 1
<amx:closePopupBehavior> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:sunburst>
An AMX DVT Sunburst. Sunbursts are used to display hierarchical data across two dimensions, represented by the size and color of the sunburst nodes.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange treeviewAnimationOnDataChangeElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto.
animationOnDisplay treeviewAnimationOnDisplayElType No Yes Specifies the animation that is shown on initial display. Valid values are: none (default), auto.
rotation sunburstRotationElType No Yes Specifies whether client side rotation is enabled.
rotationAngle sunburstRotationAngleElType No Yes Specifies the starting angle of the sunburst.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Method reference to a selection listener, the method is invoked when the selected nodes are changed.
sorting sortingElType No Yes Specifies whether the nodes are sorted by size. When sorting is enabled, nodes that have the same parent are sorted in order of descending size.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
colorLabel colorElType No Yes Specifies the label describing the color metric of the component. This label will be used in the legend.
legendSource stringElType No Yes Specifies the id of the attribute group used for display in the legend. This attribute group must be a child of a node within this component.
nodeSelection treeviewNodeSelectionElType No Yes Specifies the selection mode. Valid values are: none - no nodes can be selected, single - a single node can be selected, multiple - (default) multiple nodes can be selected.
sizeLabel stringElType No Yes Specifies the label describing the size metric of the component. This label will be used in the legend.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:sunburstNode> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:sunburstNode>
A child of the Sunburst component. The sunburst node displays two dimensions of data through its size and color.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
labelDisplay sunburstLabelDisplayElType No Yes The label display behavior for the nodes. More labels are generally displayed when using rotation, with the trade off of readability. Rotated labels are only supported in environments where rotated text is available. If rotated text is not available, labels will be displayed horizontally instead. Valid values are rotated (default), horizontal, off.
fillColor colorElType No Yes Specifies the fill color of the node. Valid values are CSS color values.
labelHalign sunburstLabelHalignElType No Yes The horizontal alignment for labels displayed within the node. Only applies to rotated text. Valid values are inner, outer, center (default).
radius integerElType No Yes Specifies the radius of the node relative to the other nodes. The subtree with the largest total radius will be assigned the total radius of the sunburst.
fillPattern treeviewFillPatternElType No Yes Specifies the built-in pattern used to fill the node. The pattern is drawn with a white background, and the foreground color is taken from the fillColor attribute.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
label stringElType No Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, the component should be placed inside of a panelFormLayout (where options are available to configure label positioning).

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:attributeGroups> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:thematicMap>
An AMX DVT thematic map which is used for displaying spatial trends or patterns in data.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDisplay animationOnDisplayTMapElType No Yes Animation effect when the thematic map is initially displayed. Valid values are: none (default), alphaFade, zoom.
animationOnMapChange animationOnLayerMapChangeElType No Yes Animation effect when the basemap changes. Valid values are: none (default), alphaFade, cubeToLeft, cubeToRight, flipLeft, flipRight, slideToLeft, slideToRight, zoom.
basemap basemapElType No Yes The basemap shown by the thematic map. This can refer to a built-in or custom basemap. Valid built-in values are: usa, world, africa, asia, australia, europe, northAmerica, southAmerica, apac, emea, latinAmerica, usaAndCanada.
tooltipDisplay tooltipDisplayElType No Yes The tooltip display behavior of the thematic map. Valid values are: auto (default), none, shortDescOnly.
zooming zoomingElType No Yes Determines whether component zooming is allowed. Valid values are: auto, none (default).
panning panningElType No Yes Determines whether component panning is allowed. Valid values are: auto, none (default).
initialZooming initialZoomingElType No Yes Zooms map to fit data on initial render. Valid values are: auto, none (default).
source stringElType No Yes The URI specifying the location of the custom basemap metadata file. If set, the basemap attribute will be used to search for a matching custom basemap name in the metadata file.
markerZoomBehavior markerZoomBehaviorElType No Yes Determines how to scale markers along with the map. Valid values are 'fixed' (default) and 'zoom'.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:areaLayer> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:pointDataLayer> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:legend> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:threshold>
Represents a threshold section for a gauge. A gauge can support an unlimited number of thresholds.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
borderColor colorElType No Yes Threshold border color. Overrides the default gauge border color, if specified.
color colorElType No Yes Threshold color. Overrides the default gauge color, if specified.
maxValue floatElType No Yes The maximum value of this threshold's range. If not specified, defaults to the maximum value of the gauge.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if the threshold should be rendered. Default is true.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes A short description to be displayed in the gauge tooltip when the threshold is active.
text stringElType No Yes DEPRECATED. Use the 'shortDesc' attribute instead.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Tag name: <dvtm:tickLabel>
Tick label for the axis.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
autoPrecision autoPrecisionEnumeration No No Determines if auto precision should be enabled for tick label. Valid values are: on (default), off.
position positionElType No Yes Specifies the position of a tick label with respect to the chart area. This is applicable to instances of YAxis and Y2Axis in vertical charts with categorical axis. Valid values are: outside (default), inside.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Determines if the tick label should be rendered.
rotation labelRotationElType No Yes Tick label rotation. Valid values are: auto (default), none. The attribute applies to tick labels on chart's categorical xAxis only. It has no effect on other axis types.
scaling labelScalingElType No Yes Tick label scaling. Valid values are: auto (default), none, thousand, million, billion, trillion, quadrillion.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
labelStyle stringElType No Yes Font style for labels associated with this data item. Valid values are font-related CSS attributes.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:convertNumber> 0 1
<amx:convertDateTime> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:timeAxis>
Child of timeline used to specify the time axis.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
rendered booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether the component is rendered.
scale timelineScaleElType No Yes Timeline scale. Valid values are 'hours', 'days', 'weeks', 'months', 'quarters' and 'years'.
type timelineTimeAxisEnumeration No No Time axis type. Valid values are 'minor' (default) and 'major'. The minor axis is required. A major axis is optional -- if enabled, it is displayed as an overview axis or as a secondary timeline scale.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:convertDateTime> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:timeline>
The Timeline component is used to display a series of events in chronological order. It supports zoom operation, expanding and collapsing a group of related events, and rendering of simple ADF components within each event. The Timeline component is capable of displaying two series of events side-by-side to enable comparison of events between the two series.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
endTime stringElType Yes Yes The end time of the timeline. The value is a string in ISO-8601 format or time in milliseconds. End time is required for a timeline to render.
startTime stringElType Yes Yes The start time of the timeline. The value is a string in ISO-8601 format or time in milliseconds. Start time is required for a timeline to render.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The summary of this timeline's purpose and structure for user agents rendering to non-visual media (e.g. screen readers).
itemSelection timelineItemSelectionElType No Yes Whether items in the timeline are selectable. Use the value "single" to enable single selection or "none" to disable selection. Note that this applies to item across timeline series. I.e. if "single" is specified, then only one item among all timeline series are selectable at a time.
orientation timelineOrientationElType No Yes Timeline orientation. Valid values are 'horizontal' (default) and 'vertical'.
viewportEnd stringElType No Yes The end time of the timeline viewport. The value is a string in ISO-8601 format or time in milliseconds.
viewportStart stringElType No Yes The start time of the timeline viewport. The value is a string in ISO-8601 format or time in milliseconds.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:overview> 0 1
<dvtm:timelineSeries> 1 2
<dvtm:timeAxis> 1 2

Tag name: <dvtm:timelineItem>
The TimelineItem component must be placed inside of a TimelineSeries component. It represents an event item inside of the Timeline. The ability to control the basic layout of the Timeline Item is fixed and allows title text and description text.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
description stringElType No Yes Timeline item description text.
startTime stringElType Yes Yes The start time of the event represented by this timeline item. The value is a string in ISO-8601 format or time in milliseconds. Start time is required for a timeline item to render.
endTime stringElType No Yes The end time of the event represented by this timeline item. The value is a string in ISO-8601 format or time in milliseconds.
title stringElType No Yes Timeline item title text.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether the component is rendered.
durationFillColor colorElType No Yes Timeline item duration bar fill color.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
action stringElType No Yes Defines a reference to an action method or the static outcome of an action.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:attributeGroups> 0 unbounded
<amx:setPropertyListener> 0 unbounded
<amx:showPopupBehavior> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:timelineSeries>
The TimelineSeries component is a direct child of the Timeline component. A Timeline can have at most two TimelineSeries. Each TimelineSeries displays a list of events along the start and end time specified in the Timeline. The TimelineSeries component must be placed inside of a Timeline component.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
label stringElType No Yes The label displayed on the Timeline series.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Specifies whether the component is rendered.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes A method reference to a selection listener.
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:timelineItem> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:treemap>
An AMX DVT Treemap. Treemaps are used to display hierarchical data across two dimensions, represented by the size and color of the treemap nodes.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
var string No No The name of the variable to be used for data item stamping.
animationDuration integerElType No Yes Animation duration in milliseconds.
animationOnDataChange treeviewAnimationOnDataChangeElType No Yes Animation effect when the data changes. Valid values are: none (default), auto.
animationOnDisplay treeviewAnimationOnDisplayElType No Yes Specifies the animation that is shown on initial display. Valid values are: none (default), auto.
isolatedRowKey stringElType No Yes Specifies the row key of the currently isolated node, if any.
layout treemapLayoutElType No Yes Specifies the layout of the treemap. The squarified layout (default) results in nodes that are as square as possible, for easier comparison of node sizes. The sliceAndDice layouts are useful for animation, as the ordering of the data is maintained. SliceAndDice layouts are also useful for small form factor treemaps.
selectionListener elExpression No Yes Method reference to a selection listener, the method is invoked when the selected nodes are changed.
sorting sortingElType No Yes Specifies whether the nodes are sorted by size. When sorting is enabled, nodes that have the same parent are sorted in order of descending size.
selectedRowKeys rowKeyListElType No Yes The list of row keys for the initially selected items. Expected values are an array of row keys or a string of space-separated values.
colorLabel colorElType No Yes Specifies the label describing the color metric of the component. This label will be used in the legend.
legendSource stringElType No Yes Specifies the id of the attribute group used for display in the legend. This attribute group must be a child of a node within this component.
nodeSelection treeviewNodeSelectionElType No Yes Specifies the selection mode. Valid values are: none - no nodes can be selected, single - a single node can be selected, multiple - (default) multiple nodes can be selected.
sizeLabel stringElType No Yes Specifies the label describing the size metric of the component. This label will be used in the legend.
emptyText stringElType No Yes Text displayed when there is no data or the data cannot be displayed.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
inlineStyle stringElType No Yes The CSS styles to use for this component. This is intended for basic style changes. The inlineStyle is a set of CSS styles that are applied to the root DOM element of the component.
styleClass stringElType No Yes A CSS style class to use for this component. The style class can be defined in your AMX page or in a skinning CSS file, for example, or you can use one of our public style classes.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:treemapNode> 1 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:treemapNode>
A child of the Treemap component. The treemap node displays two dimensions of data through its size and color.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
labelDisplay treemapLabelDisplayElType No Yes The label display behavior for nodes. Valid values are: node - (default) display the label inside the node, off - do not display the label.
fillColor colorElType No Yes Specifies the fill color of the node. Valid values are CSS color values.
labelHalign hAlignElType No Yes The horizontal alignment for labels displayed within the node. Valid values are: center - (default) positioned in the center, start - aligned to the left in left-to-right mode, aligned to the right in right-to-left mode, end - aligned to the right in left-to-right mode, aligned to the left in right-to-left mode.
labelValign treemapLabelValignElType No Yes The vertical alignment for labels displayed within the node. Valid values are: center - (default) positioned in the center, top - aligned to the top of the node, bottom - aligned to the bottom of the node.
fillPattern treeviewFillPatternElType No Yes Specifies the built-in pattern used to fill the node. The pattern is drawn with a white background, and the foreground color is taken from the fillColor attribute.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
value stringElType No Yes The value of the component.
rendered booleanElType No Yes Whether this component should be rendered or not.
shortDesc stringElType No Yes The short description of the component. The short description property value should be set to provide basic accessibility.
label stringElType No Yes Defines the label of the component. In order for the label to appear above the component, the component should be placed inside of a panelFormLayout (where options are available to configure label positioning).

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:attributeGroups> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <dvtm:xAxis>
Defines properties of chart's X axis.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
title stringElType No Yes Axis title.
timeRangeMode timeRangeModeElType No Yes Time range mode. Valid values are: off (default), explicit, relativeFirst, relativeLast.
viewportEndGroup stringElType No Yes Specifies the last visible group in a zoomed chart.
viewportStartGroup stringElType No Yes Specifies the first visible group in a zoomed chart.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
axisMinValue floatElType No Yes Minimum axis value.
axisMaxValue floatElType No Yes Maximum axis value.
dataMinValue floatElType No Yes Minimum data value for the axis.
dataMaxValue floatElType No Yes Maximum data value for the axis.
majorIncrement floatElType No Yes Increment between major ticks.
minimumIncrement floatElType No Yes Minimum increment between major ticks.
minorIncrement floatElType No Yes Increment between minor ticks.
scaledFromBaseline scaledFromBaselineElType No Yes Specifies whether the axis is scaled to include the baseline value of zero. Valid values are: off, on (default).
viewportMinValue stringElType No Yes Minimum viewport value in a zoomed chart.
viewportMaxValue stringElType No Yes Maximum viewport value in a zoomed chart.
maxSize stringElType No Yes Maximum size of chart element (axis or legend). Can be specified as a relative size of total chart size (0..1), percentage (e.g. '20%'), or in pixels (e.g. '20px'). Defines the maximum height if the axis/legend is in the top/bottom position, and the maximum width if the axis/legend is in the start/end position.
size stringElType No Yes Size of chart element (axis or legend). Can be specified as a relative size of total chart size (0..1), percentage (e.g. '20%'), or in pixels (e.g. '20px'). Defines the height if the axis/legend is in the top/bottom position, and the width if the axis/legend is in the start/end position.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:referenceObject> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:referenceArea> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:referenceLine> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:tickLabel> 0 1
<dvtm:axisLine> 0 1
<dvtm:majorTick> 0 1
<dvtm:minorTick> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:xFormat>
Specifies the x value format used in the tooltip. Deprecated. Use dvtm:chartValueFormat with type="x" instead.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:convertNumber> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:y2Axis>
Defines properties of chart's Y2 axis (a secondary Y axis).


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
alignTickMarks booleanElType No Yes Determines if y2 and y1 tick marks should be aligned. Valid values are: true (default), false.
title stringElType No Yes Axis title.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
position axisPositionElType No Yes The position of the axis relative to its content. For vertical charts, only start and end apply. For horizontal charts, only top and bottom apply. Valid values are: auto (default), start, end, top, bottom.
axisMinValue floatElType No Yes Minimum axis value.
axisMaxValue floatElType No Yes Maximum axis value.
dataMinValue floatElType No Yes Minimum data value for the axis.
dataMaxValue floatElType No Yes Maximum data value for the axis.
majorIncrement floatElType No Yes Increment between major ticks.
minimumIncrement floatElType No Yes Minimum increment between major ticks.
minorIncrement floatElType No Yes Increment between minor ticks.
scaledFromBaseline scaledFromBaselineElType No Yes Specifies whether the axis is scaled to include the baseline value of zero. Valid values are: off, on (default).
maxSize stringElType No Yes Maximum size of chart element (axis or legend). Can be specified as a relative size of total chart size (0..1), percentage (e.g. '20%'), or in pixels (e.g. '20px'). Defines the maximum height if the axis/legend is in the top/bottom position, and the maximum width if the axis/legend is in the start/end position.
size stringElType No Yes Size of chart element (axis or legend). Can be specified as a relative size of total chart size (0..1), percentage (e.g. '20%'), or in pixels (e.g. '20px'). Defines the height if the axis/legend is in the top/bottom position, and the width if the axis/legend is in the start/end position.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:referenceObject> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:referenceArea> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:referenceLine> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:tickLabel> 0 1
<dvtm:axisLine> 0 1
<dvtm:majorTick> 0 1
<dvtm:minorTick> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:y2Format>
Specifies the y2 value format used in the tooltip. Deprecated. Use dvtm:chartValueFormat with type="y2" instead.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:convertNumber> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:yAxis>
Defines properties of charts's Y axis.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
title stringElType No Yes Axis title.
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.
position axisPositionElType No Yes The position of the axis relative to its content. For vertical charts, only start and end apply. For horizontal charts, only top and bottom apply. Valid values are: auto (default), start, end, top, bottom.
axisMinValue floatElType No Yes Minimum axis value.
axisMaxValue floatElType No Yes Maximum axis value.
dataMinValue floatElType No Yes Minimum data value for the axis.
dataMaxValue floatElType No Yes Maximum data value for the axis.
majorIncrement floatElType No Yes Increment between major ticks.
minimumIncrement floatElType No Yes Minimum increment between major ticks.
minorIncrement floatElType No Yes Increment between minor ticks.
scaledFromBaseline scaledFromBaselineElType No Yes Specifies whether the axis is scaled to include the baseline value of zero. Valid values are: off, on (default).
viewportMinValue stringElType No Yes Minimum viewport value in a zoomed chart.
viewportMaxValue stringElType No Yes Maximum viewport value in a zoomed chart.
maxSize stringElType No Yes Maximum size of chart element (axis or legend). Can be specified as a relative size of total chart size (0..1), percentage (e.g. '20%'), or in pixels (e.g. '20px'). Defines the maximum height if the axis/legend is in the top/bottom position, and the maximum width if the axis/legend is in the start/end position.
size stringElType No Yes Size of chart element (axis or legend). Can be specified as a relative size of total chart size (0..1), percentage (e.g. '20%'), or in pixels (e.g. '20px'). Defines the height if the axis/legend is in the top/bottom position, and the width if the axis/legend is in the start/end position.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<dvtm:referenceObject> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:referenceArea> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:referenceLine> 0 unbounded
<dvtm:tickLabel> 0 1
<dvtm:axisLine> 0 1
<dvtm:majorTick> 0 1
<dvtm:minorTick> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:yFormat>
Specifies the y value format used in the tooltip. Deprecated. Use dvtm:chartValueFormat with type="y" instead.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:convertNumber> 0 1

Tag name: <dvtm:zFormat>
Specifies the z value format used in the tooltip. Deprecated. Use dvtm:chartValueFormat with type="z" instead.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<amx:convertNumber> 0 1

Tag name: <skin:adfmf-skins>
The root element defined in the maf-skins document.



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<skin:skin> 0 unbounded
<skin:skin-addition> 0 unbounded

Tag name: <skin:default>
Set to true if this skin is the default skin for the specified skin family. The default skin will be picked if the maf-config's skin-version is not set.



Child Elements

Tag name: <skin:extends>
The id of the parent skin which this skin extends.



Child Elements

Tag name: <skin:family>
A name which identifies the skin family to which this skin implementation belongs.



Child Elements

Tag name: <skin:id>
A string identifier which uniquely identifies this custom skin implementation. This identifier should contain the device platform and version as part of the id if applicable (e.g. "customSkin-v1.1" or "customSkin-v1.1.iOS" in case it is targeted to a specific platform).



Child Elements

Tag name: <skin:name>
Defines a skin name.



Child Elements

Tag name: <skin:skin>
Top level element to define a skin.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<skin:id> 1 1
<skin:family> 1 1
<skin:version> 0 1
<skin:extends> 0 1
<skin:style-sheet-name> 0 1

Tag name: <skin:skin-addition>
Defines a skin addition. A skin addition which is created by custom component developers to add skinning information for the custom component.


Name Type Required? Supports EL? Description
id componentId No No Specifies the identifier for the component. The identifier must follow the following rules: Must not be zero length; First character must be an ASCII letter; Subsequent characters must be ASCII letter or digit or underscore or dash.

Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<skin:skin-id> 1 1
<skin:style-sheet-name> 0 1

Tag name: <skin:skin-id>
A string identifier which uniquely identifies the skin you are pushing your styles into.



Child Elements

Tag name: <skin:style-sheet-name>
The name of the style sheet which defines the styles for this skin addition.



Child Elements

Tag name: <skin:version>
The version of the skin, if any.



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<skin:name> 1 1
<skin:default> 0 1

Tag name: <config:adfmf-config>
The adfmf-config element is the root element of all maf-config.xml files.



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<config:skin-family> 0 1
<config:skin-version> 0 1
<config:generic-type> 0 1
<config:allowLoginInSlidingWindows> 0 1
<config:autoHideSlidingWindows> 0 1
<config:maximumDataControlContextDepth> 0 1
<config:legacyBack> 0 1
<config:fullscreenLayout> 0 1

Tag name: <config:allowLoginInSlidingWindows>
If false, secured features that are displayed as a sliding window will not display the login screen when in the unauthenticated state. The sliding windows can be displayed but will show only placeholder content until the associated connection is authenticated. If true, a login screen will be displayed when the feature is not authenticated.



Child Elements

Tag name: <config:autoHideSlidingWindows>
If true, all sliding windows that are being displayed will be hidden from view when a login screen is presented in the main content area. Any sliding windows that are temporarily hidden during the presentation of the login screen will be restored to their previous position when the main content is authenticated or switched to another feature which does not require a login screen to be presented.



Child Elements

Tag name: <config:conversion>
Conversion is a process associated with the transformation of generic types and java beans/soap messages/json/...



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<config:validated> 1 1

Tag name: <config:fullscreenLayout>
It configures the layout behavior on iOS devices. The two allowed values are legacy and fullscreen. If the value is legacy, the layout of features will not appear behind the status bar and behaves like all previous versions of MAF. If the value is fullscreen, fullscreen layout will position the features such that they use the full device screen and will be positioned behind the iOS status bar. This is consistent with iOS 7 and later native behavior. Defaults to legacy when not present.



Child Elements

Tag name: <config:generic-type>
Generic type is a hierarchical name value pair.



Child Elements

Child Element Minimum Occurrences Maximum Occurrences
<config:conversion> 1 1

Tag name: <config:legacyBack>
If true, legacy back behavior will be enabled for Android. This means that the back button will go back to the previous feature or hibernate if the stack is empty.



Child Elements

Tag name: <config:maximumDataControlContextDepth>
Represents the maximum depth of the data control context stack. If not specified, the default depth of 10 is assumed.



Child Elements

Tag name: <config:skin-family>
The skin-family element is used to pick a skin during rendering. You can optionally add the skin-version to pick a particular version of a skin with the same skin-family. Can contain EL.



Child Elements

Tag name: <config:skin-version>
The skin-version element is used to pick a skin during rendering. A skin is picked by matching the skin-id (required), and if specified here, the skin-version. Can contain EL.



Child Elements

Tag name: <config:validated>
Validates the generic type with the predefined definition.



Child Elements
