5. Maintaining Addresses for Customer

The messages and advices that are sent to the customers of your bank can be transmitted to various addresses through the media types that you maintain in the ‘Media Maintenance’ screen. In this ‘Address Maintenance’ screen, some of the details that can be maintained are:

A customer of your bank can have several addresses for a given media. To distinguish between one address and another for the same media, you can capture an address for every ‘Location’.


The addresses that you maintain for a customer in this screen are in addition to the ones maintained in the Customer Information File (CIF) of the Core module.

This chapter contains the following sections:

5.1 Account Address Maintenance

This section contains the following topics:

5.1.1 Maintaining Account Address Details

You can invoke the ‘Account Address Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘MSDCACAD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The ‘Account Address Maintenance’ screen is shown below:

If you are querying for a customer address record that has already been defined, select the ‘Summary’ option under ‘Account Address’. In the View screen, all the customer address records that have been maintained so far will be displayed in a tabular form. Double-click a record to open it.

If you are maintaining a new address for an account select ‘New’ from the Actions Menu, or click new icon on the toolbar. The screen is displayed without any details.

If you are modifying some of the details of the existing record, select the ‘Unlock’ option from the Actions Menu and proceed.

Customer Account Number

It is the relevant customer account number in the current branch against which you are maintaining an address, based on a selected media and location. The branch code gets defaulted alongside.

A single customer can have any number of accounts. You can choose to link a specific location with an account number. Maintaining multiple locations for the customer facilitates the sending of interest and account statements to more than one address of the customer.

If an address is maintained at the Customer Account Definition level, all statements pertaining to the particular account will be sent only to the address specified at the account level, irrespective of the message and location maintenance for the Customer.

To view the joint holder’s details of an account and the mode of operation maintained at the account level, place the cursor in the Customer Account Number field and press Ctrl+J. The system displays the ‘Joint Holder’ screen.

For more information on the ‘Joint Holder’ screen refer to the section ‘Joint Holder Maintenance’ in the CASA User Manual.


Select the media code for which you want to set-up addresses. Choose a code from the option-list of valid media codes maintained in the ‘Media Maintenance’ screen.

A customer of your bank can have several addresses for a particular media. The media supported include:

Each media type is identified by a 15 character Media Code.


As discussed earlier, a customer of your bank can have several addresses for the same media. To differentiate between one address of a customer account and another for a given media, it is mandatory for you to select a unique location for each address. The location that you specify for an address is used as a unique identifier for the customer account address.

The values made available against the option list here are maintained through the ‘Account Address Location Maintenance’ screen.

Refer to the section ‘Location Maintenance’ in the chapter titled ‘Maintaining Customer Accounts’ in the Core Entities (CE) User Manual for relevant information.


In this screen you can specify the language in which the messages sent to the address should be expressed. You can choose a language code from the factory shipped option list available for this field.

The language code that you specify is taken to be the default language in which all messages sent to the address will be expressed.


To send a message to a customer in a particular language you should have also main­tained a message format for the language in the ‘Advice File Maintenance’ screen.


Here, you select the relevant country code where your customer resides. All countries maintained through the ‘Country Name Maintenance’ screen are made available here.

Test Keyword

Specify the test word allotted to a customer. This field is applicable only if the message is transmitted through Telex (ie. media is TELEX).


Specify the answerback code for the customer. This field is applicable only if a message is transmitted through ‘Telex'. It cannot be more than 20 characters in length. It is a free format text.

Deliver By

Select how statements sent to the customer by mail should be delivered from the adjoining option list.

All the values maintained through the ‘Message Location Maintenance’ screen will be displayed in the option list.

Add Hold Mail Text

If this option is checked, then all the mail advice generated for this customer and location would have the hold mail text displayed on top of the message. As a consequence, these mail advices would not be dispatched to the customer unless required. Check this box to indicate you want the hold mail text to be displayed on top of the message.

To recall, you maintain a hold mail text through the 'Messaging Branch Parameter Maintenance' screen.


This field is applicable only if the media is ‘MAIL’.

Send by E-Mail

If your customer has an e-mail address, you can opt to capture it by clicking on the box adjacent to the ‘Send by E-Mail’ option. Enter the e-mail address for the selected customer account, media and location combination in the first line of the Address field. You can capture addresses such as fax, mail, etc, for different media and location combinations.


Here, you specify the name of the customer for whom you are maintaining the address details. This address maintenance is for a particular customer account based on a unique media and location combination.


Enter the detailed address to which messages and advices generated should be sent to, for a particular customer account under the selected media and location combination. The format of the address depends on the media through which the message is transmitted.

If the address is for the media type ‘Mail’, you can enter the customers address in the four rows under this field. Each line that you enter can contain a maximum of 35 characters.

If the media of transmission is Telex, the address should be expressed numerically.

If you are defining a SWIFT address, the address should be of eight or eleven characters alphanumeric.

Default Address

If you check against this option, the address specified against the chosen ‘Location’ and ‘Media’ combination becomes the default or the primary address of the customer.

Messages and advices generated against the selected customer account are always sent to the primary or the default address of the corresponding customer.

You can maintain multiple addresses at a customer account level through this screen.


A message type is always associated with a module. In some cases, a message may be associated with more than one module. An example could be a payment message that is generated by the trade, treasury and remittances departments of the bank. Once you select the module, the ‘Message Type’ gets defaulted alongside.


You can use the wildcard ‘All’ indicating that all messages for the customer belonging to any module should be sent to the address being defined.

In order to generate MT292 on reversal of a contract, you need to maintain the module as ‘IS’ and the message type as ‘REVSWIFT’.

For example, Ms. Keturah Smith has five accounts with Kuber’s bank. Three of the accounts were opened at Kuber’s bank, London, and two at Kuber’s bank Surrey.

Ms. Smith had requested that an account statement be sent to her every month by mail with the following instructions:

In this screen you should indicate:

You should also maintain a new customer address record for Ms. Smith’s Surrey address and a unique location for that address.


You can indicate the number of copies of the message that should be sent to this location each time it is generated. The number you specify here, will be the default number of copies of the message that will be generated each time a message is sent to this location through the media you have specified.

If you indicate that more than one copy should be sent to a location, the first message will be the original and the others will be marked as ‘copy’.


For payment messages, Oracle FLEXCUBE will default ‘one’ indicating that only one pay­ment message will be generated. You will not have an option to change it.


You can specify the format in which a message should be sent to a customer’s address. To recall, you have defined the default format for a message type in through the ‘Advice Format Maintenance’ screen.

If you leave this field blank the default format specified for a message type in the Advice format screen will be used. However, if you want to personalize a message to make it specific to a customer, you can indicate the code of the format that should be used for the advice - customer combination.

For example, you have maintained a standard format for the account statements that are sent from your bank in the ‘Advice Format Maintenance’ screen.

However, for Mr. Andrew Scott, a non-resident customer you want to personalize the account statement rather than send him the standard one defined in the advice format screen.

To make this possible you can indicate the code of a format that you defined specific to Mr. Scott. Whenever an account statement is sent to Mr. Scott from your bank, it will be in the format that you have defined in this screen. The special format should first be defined in the advice format screen before it can be associated with Mr. Scott's address.

Primary Address

When defining addresses for a message type, you have to identify an address as the primary address. This option will be available only if the message type is ‘FX_CONFIRMN’.

If you maintain multiple FX Confirmation Message types for the ‘SWIFT’ Media for a customer across different locations, the T-Copy will be generated only for the address that is marked as the ‘Primary Address’ of the counterparty.

Refer the ‘Continuous Linked Settlements’ chapter of the Foreign Exchange User Manual for details on processing CLS deals in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

To add additional modules to the list, you can click on the add icon. To delete a row, click on the delete icon.

5.1.2 Saving Record

After you have made the mandatory entries, save the record. A customer address record that you have created should be authorized by a user, bearing a different Login Id, before the End of Day (EOD) process can begin. Click ‘Exit’ or ‘Cancel’ to return to the Application Browser.

5.2 Customer Address

This section contains the following topics:

5.2.1 Maintaining Address at Customer (CIF) Level

You also have the provision to maintain customer addresses at the customer (CIF) level. You can invoke the ‘Customer Address Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘MSDCUSAD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is shown below:


You can query or modify the customer details whose accounts are permitted to you for the query/modification in the ‘Group Code Restriction’ screen.

If you are maintaining a new address for a customer select ‘New’ from the Actions Menu, or click new icon on the toolbar. The screen is displayed without any details.

If you are calling a customer address record that has already been defined, double-click on a record from the summary screen. In the ‘Summary’ screen, all the customer address records that you have entered are displayed in a tabular form.


Oracle FLEXCUBE generates a notification message when a new customer address is created and authorized. This notification message can be sent to any external system if required.

Customer No

Specify the customer (CIF) number, assigned to a customer in the ‘Customer Information Maintenance’ screen, before you capture the different addresses of the customer. The name of the customer whose address you are maintaining is automatically displayed when you indicate the customer’s identifier.


The types of media for which you can capture addresses include Mail, E-Mail, Telex, SWIFT, FAX and FILEACT interface to TIPA network. The Media details maintained in ‘Media Maintenance’ screen will appear in the list of values.


As discussed earlier, a customer of your bank can have several addresses for the same media. To differentiate between one address of a customer and another for a given media, it is mandatory for you to specify a unique location for each address. The location that you specify for an address is used as a unique identifier for the customer address.

A single customer can have any number of accounts. You can choose to link a specific location with an Account Number. Maintaining multiple locations for the customer facilitates the sending of interest and account statements to more than one address of the customer.

If an address is maintained at the Customer Account Definition level, all statements pertaining to the particular account will be sent only to the address specified at the account level, irrespective of the message and location maintenance for the Customer.

You can choose from the available list and indicate the Account Number, which should be linked with the respective address.


You are allowed to link a customer address with an account only for a specific branch, which means that the branch should be a valid branch code in the system. If you use the wildcard ‘All’ indicating that the customer address and account linkage is valid in all the branches of your bank, you will not be able to exercise this option.


In this field, you can specify the language in which the messages sent to the address should be expressed. You can choose a language code from the option list available against this field.

The language code that you specify is taken to be the default language in which all messages sent to the address are expressed.


Remember that to send a message to a customer in a particular language you should have also maintained a message format for the chosen language through the ‘Advice Format Maintenance’ screen.


Here, you select the relevant country code where your customer resides. All countries maintained through the ‘Country Name Maintenance’ screen are made available here.


Specify the answerback code for the customer. This field is applicable only if a message is transmitted through ‘Telex'. It cannot be more than 20 characters in length. It is a free format text.

Test Keyword

Enter the test word allotted to a customer. This field is applicable only if the message is transmitted through Telex (i.e. media is TELEX).

Deliver By

Select how statements sent to the customer by mail should be delivered from the adjoining option list.

All the values maintained through the ‘Message Location Maintenance’ screen will be displayed in the option list.

Send by E-mail

If your customer has an e-mail address, you can opt to capture it by clicking on the box adjacent to the ‘Send by E-Mail’ option. Enter the e-mail address for the customer, media and location combination in the first Address field. You can capture addresses such as fax, mail, etc., for the combination in the remaining address fields.


Specify the name of the customer here.


Enter the detailed address to which messages and advices generated should be sent to, for a particular customer account under the selected media and location combination. The format of the address depends on the media through which the message is transmitted.

If the address is for the media type mail, you can enter the customers address in the four rows under this field. Each line that you enter can contain a maximum of 35 characters.

If the media of transmission is Telex, the address should be expressed numerically.

If you are defining a SWIFT address, the address should be of eight or eleven characters alphanumeric.


The valid address (e-mail or Telex or SWIFT) must be entered in the first line of the Ad­dress field only for it to be used.

Add Hold Mail Text

If this option is checked, then all the mail advice generated for this customer and location would have the hold mail text displayed on top of the message. As a consequence, these mail advices would not be dispatched to the customer unless required. Check this box to indicate you want the hold mail text to be displayed on top of the message indicating the branch.

50F Party Details

Specify the party details related to the ordering customer as a 5-line input here. Line 1 indicates the party identifier and lines 2 to 5 indicate the name and address details of the party.

You can use either of the following line formats with option F:


The details specified here are used for a stricter validation of the details related to the ordering customer. The validations are carried out according to the rules indicated below:

During contract input, the ordering customer record is searched in the customer addresses maintained and if found the corresponding 50F details are defaulted to the contract. If not found, the address details default from customer maintenance.

These validations are carried out for the following outgoing message types and appropriate error messages are displayed incase of any mismatches. Specifying Message Address

For a customer address - message type combination, you can indicate the branch (es) from which the message can be sent to the address. With Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can offer your customers the facility to effect a transaction from any of the branches of your bank. Hence, you can indicate the branches from where a message should be generated. You can select a branch code from the option list that is available.


You can use the wildcard ‘All’ indicating that the message can be sent to the address in the defined format from all the branches of your bank. For example, if you indicate ‘All’ in the branch field for the message type ‘payment message’ it would mean that the address is applicable whenever a payment message is generated from any of the branches of your bank.

Message Type

A message type is always associated with a module. You should indicate the messages to be sent to the address you have defined for the customer, by picking up the message types for the respective module.


You can use the wildcard ‘All’ indicating that all messages for the customer should be sent to the address being defined.

For example, Ms. Keturah Smith has five accounts with Kuber’s bank. Three of the accounts were opened at Kuber’s bank, London, and two at Kuber’s bank Surrey.

Ms. Smith had requested that an account statement be sent to her every month by mail with the following instructions:

In this screen you should indicate:

You should also maintain a new customer address record for Ms. Smith’s office address and a unique location for that address. .Under that maintenance, a similar record to the one indicated above (Module – AC, Message Type – Account Statement) needs to be saved for the Surrey Branch.


You can indicate the number of copies of the message that should be sent to this location each time it is generated. The number you specify here, will be the default number of copies of the message that will be generated each time a message is sent to this location through the media you have specified.

If you indicate that more than one copy should be sent to a location, the first message will be the original and the others will be marked as ‘copy’.


For payment messages, Oracle FLEXCUBE will default ‘one’ indicating that only one pay­ment message will be generated. You will not have an option to change it.


You can specify the format in which a message should be sent to a customer’s address. The default format for a message type needs to be defined through the ‘Advice Format Maintenance’ screen.

You can choose to use the default format defined for the message type or you can indicate another format for the message. If you leave this field blank the default format specified for a message type in the Advice Format screen will be used. However, if you want to personalize a message to make it specific to a customer, you can indicate the code of the format that should be used for the advice - customer combination.

For example, you have maintained a standard format for the account statements that are sent from your bank in the Advice Format screen.

However, for Mr. Andrew Scott, a non-resident customer you want to personalize the account statement rather than send him the standard one defined in the Advice Format screen.

To make this possible you can indicate the code of a format that you defined specific to Mr. Scott. Whenever an account statement is sent to Mr. Scott from your bank, it will be in the format that you have defined in this screen.


The special format should first be defined in the advice format screen before it can be as­sociated with Mr. Scott's address.

Primary Address

When defining addresses for a message type, you have to identify an address as the primary address. This option will be available only if the message type is ‘FX_CONFIRMN’.

If you maintain multiple FX Confirmation Message types for the ‘SWIFT’ Media for a customer across different locations, the T-Copy will be generated only for the address that is marked as the ‘Primary Address’ of the counterparty.

Confirmation Message

Check this box to automatically match the MM and FX confirmation messages. The confirmation messages are matched based on the confirmation rule maintained.

Auto matching of confirmation messages is enabled only if the ‘Confirmation Message’ is checked for the combination of customer, branch, message type, module, location and media.

Refer the ‘Continuous Linked Settlements’ chapter of the Foreign Exchange User Manual for details on processing CLS deals in Oracle FLEXCUBE.


If addresses at both the customer account level and the customer (CIF) level are main­tained, Oracle FLEXCUBE picks up the maintenances done at the customer account level to generate messages and advices. However, if the addresses at an account level are not maintained, Oracle FLEXCUBE picks up the maintenances done at the customer (CIF) level to generated messages and advices.

5.2.2 Change Log Button

You can view the customer’s previous addresses and changes made to the address using the ‘View’ screen. You can also determine the number of changes made to the address till date, who made the changes, when was the change made, and whether the change has been authorized or not. To invoke this screen, click ‘Change Log’ button within the ‘Customer Address Maintenance’ screen.

To view the changes made on a particular date, double-click the ‘View Changes’ button corresponding to the desired date under ‘Maker Date Stamp’. A detailed screen appears containing changes made on the given date.

5.2.3 Viewing Customer Address

You can view the address details maintained in the ‘Customer Address Maintenance’ screen using the ‘Customer Address Summary’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘MSSCUSAD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and fetch records:

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records meeting the selected criteria are displayed.


You can query or modify the customer details whose accounts are permitted to you for the query/modification in the ‘Group Code Restriction’ screen.

If you are allowed to query customer information, system displays the following details pertaining to the fetched records: