Configuring Proxy Settings

To use external Web Services or HTTP data sources when the BI Publisher server is configured behind a firewall or requires a proxy to access the internet, you must configure Oracle WebLogic Server to allow the Web service requests and to be aware of the proxy.

When configuring the proxy setting, you must also configure WebLogic Server to be aware of any hosts that BI Publisher must connect to directly (not through the proxy) for example, the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition host. Define the proxy host and the non-proxy hosts to WebLogic Server by setting the following parameters:

  • -Dhttp.proxyHost - specifies the proxy host. For example:

  • -Dhttp.proxyPort - specifies the proxy host port. For example:


  • -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts - specifies the hosts to connect to directly, not through the proxy. Specify the list of hosts, each separated by a "|" character; a wildcard character (*) can be used for matching. For example:


To set these proxy parameters and the Web service configuration for your WebLogic Server add the following to the WebLogic setDomainEnv script as follows:

  1. Open the setDomainEnv script (.sh or .bat) in the MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/DOMAIN_NAME/bin/directory.
  2. Enter the following parameters:
    EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES=" -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|*|*|* ${EXTRA_JAVA_PROPERTIES}"

    where is an example proxy host

    80 is the example proxy port

    localhost|*|*|* are example non-proxy hosts