Translation is simplified by using Template Builder tools.
The Template Builder provides tools to help you create and test translations for templates.
The section describes options for adding translated templates to a report.
There are two options for adding translated templates to a BI Publisher report definition:
Create a separate RTF template that is translated (a localized template)
Generate an XLIFF file from the original template (at runtime the original template is applied for the layout and the XLIFF file is applied for the translation)
Use the first option if the translated template requires a different layout from the original template.
If you only require translation of the text strings of the template layout, use the XLIFF option.
For detailed information, see Translation Support Overview and Concepts.
To use the Template Builder translation tools to create templates for translations, see the following topics in this section:
Extracting Text to an XLIFF File for Translation
Previewing a Translation
Localizing a Template
For a demo on BI Publisher's localization capabilities, see the LocalizationDemo.exe demo provided with the Template Builder installation (located in the BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\demos folder where you installed BI Publisher Desktop).
This menu item allows you to create a standard XLIFF translation file that contains the boilerplate text from the template. XLIFF is a standard file format that is understood by many translation software packages. Since an XLIFF is an XML file, you can translate the text in a regular text editor.
A translatable string is any text in the template that is intended for display in the published report, such as table headers and field labels. Text supplied at runtime from the data is not translatable, nor is any text that you supply in the Microsoft Word form fields.
You can preview the translation of a template as a PDF file.
To preview the template with the translated XLIFF file applied:
The Template Builder merges the sample data, the translation file, and the RTF template to generate a PDF for preview.
Localizing a template means that you are creating a template to be used for a specific language.
Because BI Publisher enables you to extract the boilerplate text strings from a template into an XLIFF file that can be translated and then applied at runtime, if the reports for additional languages only require the translation of these text strings, then you only need to supply translated XLIFF files to accompany the base template.
However, you would localize a template when the requirements for the report in the specific language go beyond the simple translation of the text in the layout.
To save a template as a localized template: