3 Authenticating Using Kerberos (GSSAPI)

This chapter describes how to authenticate EDQ using Kerberos.

EDQ supports integration with multiple authentication realms, which can use different LDAP servers. For example, a single EDQ server may support external authentication from both a Microsoft Active Directory realm and an Oracle Internet Directory realm, if required.

These global settings can be specified in the security/login.properties configuration file. Properties are configured using the syntax property_name = value, for example:

realms = realm1, realm2

Where noted, you can override the global settings at the realm level. Realm-level settings are more specific and always override global settings (see Section 2.6, "Configuring Individual Realm LDAP Settings").

Table 3-1 Kerberos Properties

Property Description Example Value Mandatory?


The path to a Kerberos keytab file.

If using SSO a single keytab must be defined at the global level. A single keytab can contain entries for several realms.


If no path is specified, a default is chosen based on the operating.

No. Only necessary to enable SSO (where users do not need to log in to EDQ user applications) in environments where the EDQ server is not itself on the AD domain.


Specifies the Kerberos Service Principal Name, used for SSO.

May be overridden at realm level.


No. If not set, the default value is HOST/hostname.