3 ADFSHARE-00002 to ADFSHARE-00300

ADFSHARE-00002: For more information, enable logging for oracle.adf.share.ADFContext.leak at SEVERE level.

Level: 1

Type: Error

Impact: Other

ADFSHARE-00002: Found {0} sticking to oldContext, while the current application is {1}

Level: 1

Type: Error

Impact: Other

ADFSHARE-00010: An exception is encountered.
Cause: An unknown problem caused an exception.
Action: Contact the system administrator.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00020: Config XML parsing error.
Cause: Encountered error while parsing the config XML.
Action: Correct the contents of the file.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00030: Callback parsing error
Cause: Encountered error.
Action: See the associated exceptions.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00040: Close config stream error
Cause: Error encountered while closing the inputStream to remove reference to the adf-config.xml file so that it undeploys successfully.
Action: Correct the contents of the file.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00050: Config XML syntax error. Error at Column number: {0}, Line number: {1}.
Cause: Encountered error while parsing the config XML.
Action: Correct the contents of the file.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00110: MDS Exception encountered in parse ADF Configuration
Cause: Error encountered while parsing ADF Configuration. {0}
Action: Correct the contents of the file.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00120: Error encountered while creating the MDS Session. Application state will be reset. Please logout and log back in if problem persists.
Cause: Encountered error {0}.
Action: See the associated exceptions.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00130: Error while building the MDS customization configuration
Cause: Encountered error {0}.
Action: See the associated exceptions.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00140: Error while creating MDS tenant instance
Cause: Encountered error while creating MDS tenant instance. {0}
Action: See the associated exceptions.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00150: MDS Configuration Exception encountered in parse ADF Configuration
Cause: Encountered MDS exceptions while parsing the ADF Configuration. {0}
Action: See the associated exceptions and correct the contents of the file.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00160: ADF Session Options edit rev number mismatch: old = {0}, new = {1}.
Cause: Since this session/browser tab processed its last request, another session/browser tab changed session options. Hence this session/brower tab is stale, and must perform application reset.
Action: Perform application reset.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00170: MDS label cannot be changed while in sandbox.
Cause: This session is in sandbox. The MDS label associated with the sandbox is in effect. You are not allowed to change this label.
Action: Avoid setting MDS label when sandbox is in effect.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00180: MDS label {0} is not found.
Cause: MDS label by that name is not found.
Action: Check the label name and make sure the label exists.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00190: Trimming Customization Class to invalid name or value: {0}
Cause: Customization Class name or value not found in application configuration.
Action: Check that the CC name and value are correct and that the CC is in the adf-config.xml CC list.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00200: The operation {0} is not permitted in ADFSO while {1} Mode is in place. Sandbox Name: {2}
Cause: The operation you tried to perform is not permitted within a sandbox when {1} Mode is in place.
Action: To preview CustomizationClass changes, please call setMode(ADFSessionOptions.Mode.PREVIEW, ADFSessionOptions.CLEVEL_CHECK_AND_CHANGE). To enter another sandbox, please call unsetSandboxSettings(ADFSessionOptions.CLEVEL_CHECK_AND_CHANGE) first.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00210: The CustomizationClass name in SandboxSettings for Sandbox {2} does not match the one stored by ADF or MDS. {3}
Cause: The CustomizationClass name is already set in either ADFSessionOptions or MDS SandboxMetadata for that sandbox, and does not match the one provided to setSandboxSettings.
Action: Make sure the CC name is not being set differently somewhere else.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00220: Sandbox name mismatch: current = {0}, expected = {1}.
Cause: The name of the Sandbox found active in MDS does not match the one set by ADF at the beginning of the request.
Action: Make sure the MDS session initialized by ADF is not being replaced during the request.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00230: Label name mismatch: current = {0}, expected = {1}.
Cause: The name of the Label found active in MDS does not match the one set by ADF at the beginning of the request.
Action: Make sure the MDS session initialized by ADF is not being replaced during the request.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00240: Customization Class list trimming mismatch: current = {0}, expected = {1}.
Cause: The customization classes found active in MDS do not match the trimming set by ADF at the beginning of the request.
Action: Make sure the MDS session initialized by ADF is not being replaced during the request.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00250: Definition {0} has unresolved merge conflicts.
Cause: Not all merge conflicts have been resolved. This exception indicates that some merge conflicts were not resolved, and another round of merge conflict resolution is necessary.
Action: Merge conflict resolution must be performed.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00250: Definitions {0} have unresolved merge conflicts.
Cause: Not all merge conflicts have been resolved. This exception indicates that some merge conflicts were not resolved, and another round of merge conflict resolution is necessary.
Action: Merge conflict resolution must be performed.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00260: Merge for definition {0} failed for elem {1}. Inserted elem [{2} -> {3}] was deleted by another user.
Cause: During object merge, found a metadata element which was marked for insertion by the current user, but was deleted by another transaction committed or published by another user.
Action: Resolve this metadata merge conflict.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00270: Merge for definition {0} failed for elem {1}. Updated elem [{2} -> {3}] was deleted by another user.
Cause: During object merge, found a metadata element which was marked for update by the current user, but was deleted by another transaction committed or published by another user.
Action: Resolve this metadata merge conflict.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00280: Merge for definition {0} failed for elem {1}. Inserted elem [{2} -> {3}] was inserted by another user.
Cause: During object merge, found a metadata element which was marked for insertion by the current user, but was inserted by another transaction committed or published by another user.
Action: Resolve this metadata merge conflict.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00290: Merge for definition {0} failed for elem {1}. Updated elem [{2} -> {3}] was updated by another user.
Cause: During object merge, found a metadata element which was marked for update by the current user, but was updated by another transaction committed or published by another user.
Action: Resolve this metadata merge conflict.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic

ADFSHARE-00300: Merge for definition {0} failed for elem {1}. Unresolvable conflict on elem {2}, value: {3}
Cause: During object merge, found a metadata element which was updated through another transaction. However, this change caused an unresolve conflict.
Action: Resolve this metadata merge conflict.

Level: 2


Impact: Programmatic