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Oracle® Argus Insight Installation Guide
Release 8.1
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9 Configuring the OBIEE Environment

This chapter includes the following topics:

9.1 Pre-installation Configuration

Before integrating OBIEE with Argus Insight, make sure to complete the following tasks:

  1. Install JDK 1.8 on the machine where Argus Insight is installed.

  2. Since the data for analysis is based on Argus Mart schema and not the Insight Mart schema, the TNS entry for the Argus Mart schema should be present in the OBIEE 12c home at the following path:



    In this chapter, bi is referred as the domain name. This domain name may differ based on your configuration.


  3. Set up the TNS for Oracle Client Home in the PATH variable.

  4. Run the Argus Mart Schema creation tool.

    When the tool is run, the new tables, indexes, packages and all the objects required for OBIEE are created in the Argus Mart schema.

    Additionally, a read only user AM_BI_USER with read-only privileges on BI Objects is created.

    For detailed information on installing and upgrading Argus Mart schema, refer to Oracle Argus Mart Installation and Administration Guide.

9.2 Configuring the OBIEE Repository and Web Catalog using the BAR File

Oracle Business Intelligence Application Archive (BAR) file is a compressed archive file that contains a cohesive set of BI metadata artifacts (data model, content model, and authorization model). When deploying BI application from one server to another you can use these BAR files to transfer the metadata instead of transferring the RPD, Catalog, and the Security Model separately.

A BAR file contains the following BI application module artifacts:

  • Data model metadata for the Oracle BI Server. This metadata is xml-based but functionally equivalent to a .RPD file.

  • Presentation Services catalog metadata for a service instance.

  • Security policy metadata containing application role and application role memberships, and permission and permission set grants for a service instance.

  • A manifest file declaring the dependencies of the BAR file.

This section comprises the following:

9.2.1 Importing the BAR file in an existing OBIEE instance

Before importing the BAR File, make sure:

  • OBIEE 12.2.1 is installed

  • The Administrator Console is up and running

    (validate it from http://<machinename>.<port>/console)

  • The Enterprise Manager (Fusion Middleware Control) is up and running

    (validate it from http://<machinename>.<port>/em)

To import the BAR file:

  1. Copy the BAR file from <AI HOME>OBIEE\BAR File\ssi.bar to a local folder on the machine where the OBIEE is installed.

    For example, copy the file at C:\AIOBIEE\instance\import.

  2. Login to the Enterprise Manager with the WebLogic credentials.

  3. Click Target Navigation.

    Surrounding text describes targetnav.jpg.

    The Target Navigation drop-down menu appears.

  4. Go to Business Intelligence > biinstance.

    The Business Intelligence Instance screen appears.

  5. From the Availability tab, select Processes, and click Stop All.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  6. Click Yes.

    All the running processes are stopped.

  7. Go to the command prompt, and start the WebLogic Scripting Tool (using wlst.cmd on Windows, and wlst.sh on Unix/Linux) from the following path:

    <OracleBI Home>\Middleware\oracle_common\common\bin

  8. To know the BI Service Instance key, type the following command, and press Enter.

    > listBIServiceInstances(domainHome)

    where, Domain Home is the directory of the BI Install domain, the default path is:


    The Key appears at the end of the command.

    For example, ssi appears as the Key.

  9. To import the BAR file, execute the following command:

    > importServiceInstance('Domain Home','BI ServiceInstance key', 'Bar file to import')

    For example, importServiceInstance('C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/bi','ssi', 'C:/AIOBIEE/instance/import/ssi.bar')

  10. When the import of BAR file is complete, exit WLST using the exit () command.

  11. Go to Enterprise Manager, from the Availability tab, select Processes, and click Start All.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  12. Click Yes.

    The BAR file imports the RPD, Catalog and the Security model.


All the WLST commands are case sensitive.

To start the WebLogic Scripting Tool on Unix or Linux, use wlst.sh command, rest all of the commands mentioned in the procedure remains same.

While executing the WLST commands on Windows server, you must use forward slash (/) to avoid any error messages. For example:


To check if the BAR file has imported RPD, Catalog, and the Security Model:

  1. To verify the Users and Roles imported by BAR file in the Enterprise Manager, go to Business Intelligence Instance > Security > Application Roles.

    The following roles are imported as default application roles:

    • AI Admin Role

    • AI Author Role

    • AI Consumer Role

    For a list of privileges assigned to these roles, refer to Section 9.6, "OBIEE Default Application Roles."

  2. To modify the Connection Pool Settings:

    1. From the following path, right click the admintool.cmd file, and click Run as Administrator.


      The BI Admin Tool opens.

    2. To open the RPD, select the online mode, and enter the WebLogic user credentials.


      To open the RPD in online mode, you must set the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). Refer to the Appendix A, "Creating ODBC Connection for OBIEE Administration Tool."

      If OBIEE is installed on the Unix or Linux machine, set up the Oracle Business Intelligence Developer Client Tool on any Windows machine to access the BI Administration Tool.

    3. Click the Connection Pool, and modify the Data source name, User name, and Password.

      Modify both the connection pools: AI80OBIEE_CP and AI80OBIEE_CP_InitBlocks.

  3. Check-in the changes, and save the RPD.

    Ignore the warning messages that appear during the consistency check.

  4. Create OBIEE Groups and Users. (See Section 9.4, "Creating Users and Groups in OBIEE")

  5. Go to Catalog, and set the folder level permissions for the OBIEE Groups. (See Section 9.5, "OBIEE Catalog Folder-level Permissions")

  6. To view and administer privileges for the Oracle Business Intelligence components, login to OBIEE Analytics with WebLogic user credentials.

    Go to Administration > Security > Manage Privileges.

    For a list of privileges assigned to these roles, refer to Section 9.6, "OBIEE Default Application Roles."

  7. Go to Administration > Maintenance and Troubleshooting, and click Reload Files and Metadata.

  8. To use the AI Aggregate Analysis Subject area and Dashboard, login with a valid user credentials.

9.2.2 Importing the BAR file when creating a new OBIEE Instance

  1. Copy the BAR file from <AI HOME>OBIEE\BAR File\ssi.bar to a local folder on the machine where the OBIEE is installed.

  2. When creating an instance in OBIEE 12c, enter the BAR file path in the Path field of the OBIEE Initial Application wizard screen.

  3. When the installation is completed successfully, and all the processes are up, open the RPD in online mode, and change the Connection Pool Settings. (See To check if the BAR file has imported RPD, Catalog, and the Security Model: > Step 2)

  4. Check-in the changes, and save the RPD.

    Ignore the warnings that appear during the consistency check

  5. From the Enterprise Manager > Stop and Start the BI processes.

  6. Create OBIEE Groups and Users. (See Section 9.4, "Creating Users and Groups in OBIEE")

  7. Go to Catalog, and set the folder level permissions for the OBIEE Groups. (See Section 9.5, "OBIEE Catalog Folder-level Permissions")

  8. To view and administer privileges for the Oracle Business Intelligence components, login to OBIEE Analytics with WebLogic user credentials.

    Go to Administration > Security > Manage Privileges.

    For a list of privileges assigned to these roles, refer to Section 9.6, "OBIEE Default Application Roles."

  9. Go to Administration > Maintenance and Troubleshooting, and click Reload Files and Metadata.

  10. To use the AI Aggregate Analysis Subject area and Dashboard, login with a valid user credentials.

9.3 Configuring OBIEE Repository and Web Catalog Manually

  1. Copy the RPD, and Catalog files from <AI HOME>OBIEE\RPD\ and <AI HOME>OBIEE\Catalog folders to a machine where the OBIEE is installed.

  2. Open the RPD Admin tool in offline mode from the following path:

    <obiee_home>\user_projects\domains\bi\bitools\bin\ admintool.cmd

    The default Repository Password is insight123.

  3. Change the Connection Pool Settings. (See To check if the BAR file has imported RPD, Catalog, and the Security Model: > Step 2)

  4. Save the changes, and close the RPD.

  5. From the command prompt:

    1. Navigate to the <obiee_home>\user_projects\domains\bi\bitools\bin

    2. Run the following command:

      data-model-cmd.cmd uploadrpd -I <RPDname> [-W <RPDpwd>] -U <cred_username> [-P <cred_password>] -SI <service_instance>

      For example, data-model-cmd.cmd uploadrpd -I C:\AIOBIEE\RPD\ArgusInsight.rpd -W insight123 -U weblogic -P weblogic1 -SI ssi

  6. Login to the Enterprise Manager with the WebLogic credentials.

  7. Click Target Navigation.

    Surrounding text describes targetnav.jpg.

    The Target Navigation drop-down menu appears.

  8. Go to Business Intelligence > biinstance.

    The Business Intelligence Instance screen appears.

  9. From the Availability tab, select Processes, and click Stop All.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  10. Click Yes.

    All the running processes are stopped.

  11. Go to Catalog\argusinsight\root\shared folder:

    1. Copy argus+insight folder, and argus+insight.atr file.

    2. Paste in <obiee_home>\user_projects\domains\bi\bidata\service_instances\ssi\metadata\content\catalog\root\shared folder.

  12. Go to Enterprise Manager, from the Availability tab, select Processes, and click Start All.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  13. Click Yes.

  14. Create User Groups and Users manually in Admin Console. (See Section 9.4.1, "Creating Users and Groups in WebLogic Server.").

  15. Create Roles and policies manually in Enterprise Manager. (See Section 9.4.2, "Creating Roles and Policies with Fusion Middleware Control.")

  16. To view and administer privileges for the Oracle Business Intelligence components, login to OBIEE Analytics with WebLogic user credentials.

  17. Go to Administration > Security > Manage Privileges.

    For a list of privileges assigned to these roles, refer to Section 9.6, "OBIEE Default Application Roles."

  18. Go to Catalog, and set the folder level permissions for the OBIEE Groups. (See Section 9.5, "OBIEE Catalog Folder-level Permissions")

  19. Go to Administration > Maintenance and Troubleshooting, and click Reload Files and Metadata.

  20. To use the AI Aggregate Analysis Subject area and Dashboard, login with a valid user credentials.


All the WLST commands are case sensitive.

To start the WebLogic Scripting Tool on Unix or Linux, use wlst.sh command, rest all of the commands mentioned in the procedure remains same.

While executing the WLST commands on Windows server, you must use forward slash (/) to avoid any error messages. For example:


9.4 Creating Users and Groups in OBIEE

This section provides the steps to create users and groups in OBIEE, and also comprises the following sub-sections:

9.4.1 Creating Users and Groups in WebLogic Server

To create users and groups in OBIEE:

  1. Open the WebLogic Administration Console.

  2. Navigate to Security Realms > myrealm > Users and Groups > Groups tab.

  3. From the Groups section, and click New.

    The Create a New Group dialog box appears.

  4. Create the following groups by entering the Name and Description, and click OK.

    • AIAdminGroup

    • AIAuthorGroup

    • AIConsumerGroup

    Surrounding text describes obinewgrp.jpg.

To create users in the Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Open the WebLogic Administration Console.

  2. Navigate to Security Realms > myrealm > Users and Groups > Users.

  3. From the Users section, and click New.

    The Create a New User dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes obinewuser.jpg.
  4. Enter the following fields, and click OK.

    1. Name

    2. Description

    3. Provider

    4. Password

    5. Confirm Password

  5. To assign a group to the user, from the Groups tab, select a Group, and click Save.

    Surrounding text describes obiassigngrp.jpg.

9.4.2 Creating Roles and Policies with Fusion Middleware Control


This section is applicable only when you manually upload the RPD file and Catalog. For more details, refer to Section 9.3, "Configuring OBIEE Repository and Web Catalog Manually.".

To create new application roles:

  1. Login to Fusion Middleware Control Enterprise Manager.

  2. Go to WebLogic Domain > Security > Application Roles.

    The Application Roles dialog box appears.

  3. From the Application Stripe drop-down list, select OBI, and click Search OFM Search Icon.

    The default role available in clean slate installation appears.

    Surrounding text describes bip7.jpg.
  4. Click Create.

    The Create Application Role dialog box appears.

  5. In the Role Name field, enter AIAdminRole.

    Surrounding text describes obicreateapprole.jpg.
  6. From the Members section, click +Add.

    The Add Principal dialog box appears.

  7. From the Type drop-down list, select Group, and click Search.

    A list of principals appears.

  8. From the list of Searched Principals, select AIAdminGroup, and click OK.

    Surrounding text describes obiapprolsearchresult.jpg.
  9. From the Members section, click +Add.

    The Add Principal dialog box appears.

  10. From the Type drop-down list, select Application Role, and click Search.

    A list of principals appears.

  11. From the list of Searched Principals, select BIServiceAdministrator , and click OK.

    The Membership for AIAdminRole appears as below:

    Surrounding text describes obi11.jpg.
  12. To add AIAuthorRole, repeat from Step 4 to Step 11.

    Surrounding text describes obiauthorrole.jpg.
  13. To add AIConsumerRole, repeat from Step 4 to Step 11, and add authenticated-role as a Member for this role.

    Surrounding text describes obiconsumerrole.jpg.


For more details, refer Section Creating Application Roles Using Fusion Middleware Control in https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1221/bip/BIPAD.pdf

To create new application policy:

  1. Login to Fusion Middleware Control Enterprise Manager.

  2. Go to WebLogic Domain > Security > Application Policies.

    The Application Policies screen appears.

  3. To create a new application policy, click Create.

    The Create Application Grant dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes obiappgrant.jpg.
  4. From the Grantee section, click +Add.

    The Add Principal dialog box appears.

  5. From the Type drop-down list, select Application Role, and click Search OBI Search Icon.

  6. From the list of Searched Principals, select AIAdminRole, and click OK.

  7. From the Permissions section, click +Add.

    The Add Permission dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes obiaddpermission.jpg.
  8. Select the Resource Types radio button.

  9. From the Resource Type drop-down list, select oracle.bi.publisher.permission, and click Search.

  10. From the Search Results, select oracle.bi.publisher.permission (BIP Administer Server), and click Continue.

    The Add Permission dialog box appears.

  11. For Permission Actions, select All (_all_), and click Select.

  12. Repeat from Step 4 to Step 11, to add the following:

    Policy Name/Principal Resource Type Resource Name Permission Actions
    AI Admin Role oracle.bi.catalog *
    oracle.bi.server.permission oracle.bi.server.permission _all_
    oracle.bi.presentation.catalogmanager.permission oracle.bi.presentation.catalogmanager.permission _all_
    oracle.bi.delivers.job oracle.bi.delivers.job manage
    oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.administerServer _all_
    oracle.bi.repository oracle.bi.repository manage
    oracle.bi.scheduler.permission oracle.bi.scheduler.permission _all_
    AI Author Role oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.developReport _all_
    oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.developDataModel _all_
    oracle.bi.tech.visualanalyzer.permission oracle.bi.tech.visualanalyzer.generalAccess *
    oracle.bi.delivers.job *
    AI Consumer Role oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.scheduleReport _all_
    oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.runReportOnline _all_
    oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.accessReportOutput _all_
    oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.accessOnlineReportAnalyzer _all_
    ESSMetadataPermission oracle.bip.ess.JobDefinition.EssBipJob READ,EXECUTE
    oracle.bi.publisher.permission oracle.bi.publisher.accessExcelReportAnalyzer _all_


For more details, refer to Section Creating Application Policies Using Fusion Middleware Control from https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/1221/bip/BIPAD.pdf.

For a list of privileges for BIApplication Role specified above, refer to Section 9.6, "OBIEE Default Application Roles."

9.5 OBIEE Catalog Folder-level Permissions

  1. Login to OBIEE Analytics with the WebLogic user credentials.

  2. Go to Catalog > Shared Folders > Tasks > Permissions.

    The Permissions dialog box appears.

  3. Set the Permissions as follows, and click OK.

    Accounts Permissions
    AI Admin Role Open (Read, and Traverse)
    AI Author Role Open (Read, and Traverse)
    AI Consumer Role Open (Read, and Traverse)
    BI Service Administrator (Owner) Full Control

  4. Go to Shared Folders > Argus Insight > Permissions.

    The Permissions dialog box appears.

  5. Set the Permissions as follows:

    Accounts Permissions
    AI Admin Role (Owner) Full Control
    AI Author Role Full Control
    AI Consumer Role Custom (Read, Traverse, Run Publisher Report, Schedule Publisher Report, and View Publisher Output)
    BI Service Administrator Full Control

    1. Select Apply Permissions to sub-folders.

    2. Select Permissions to items within folder.

    3. Click OK.

Setting Permission through the Catalog Manager

If you are unable to set the folder level permissions, refer to the OBIEE Catalog manager.

  1. Open the catalog manager from the following path, right-click runcat.cmd, and click Run as administrator.

    <obiee_home >\user_projects\domains\<instance_name>\bitools\bin\runcat.cmd

  2. Open the catalog in offline mode from the catalog path.

    For example:


  3. Click the '/' folder.

    In the right pane, the Shared folder appears.

    1. Right-click the Shared folder, and select Permissions.

      The Permissions dialog box appears.

    2. Set the Permissions as follows:

      Accounts Permissions
      AI Admin Role (Owner) Full Control
      AI Author Role Full Control
      AI Consumer Role Custom (Read, Traverse, Run Publisher Report, Schedule Publisher Report, and View Publisher Output)
      BI Service Administrator Full Control

    3. Select Apply Permissions to sub-folders.

    4. Select Permissions to items within folder.

    5. Click OK.

  4. Right-click the Shared folder > Properties, set the owner as BiServiceAdministrator, and click OK.

  5. From the tree structure (on the left side), click Shared folder.

    Argus Insight folder appears on the right side.

    1. Right-click Argus Insight folder, and click Permissions.

      The Permissions dialog box appears.

    2. Set the permissions as in Step 3 b to 3 d.

    3. Click OK.

  6. Right-click Argus Insight folder > Properties, set the owner as AIAdminRole, and click OK.

  7. Login to OBIEE Analytics, and check the folder level permissions.

  8. Go to Administration > Maintenance and Troubleshooting, and click Reload Files and Metadata.

9.6 OBIEE Default Application Roles

To view and administer privileges of Oracle Business Intelligence components:

  1. Login to OBIEE Analytics with WebLogic user credentials.

  2. Go to Administration > Security > Manage Privileges.


Create these privileges only when you manually upload the RPD and Catalog.

You do not need to create these privileges when you import the BAR file.

Component Privilege Default Role Granted
Access Access to Administration AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Access Access to Answers AI Author Role
Access Access to BI Composer AI Author Role
Access Access to Briefing Books AI Consumer Role
Access Access to Dashboards AI Consumer Role
Access Access to Delivers AI Author Role
Access Access to Export AI Consumer Role
Access Access to KPI Builder AI Author Role
Access Access to List Formats AI Author Role
Access Access to Metadata Dictionary AI Author Role
Access Access to Mobile AI Consumer Role
Access Access to Oracle BI Client Installer AI Consumer Role
Access Access to Oracle BI for Microsoft Office AI Consumer Role
Access Access to Scorecard AI Consumer Role
Access Access to Segment Trees AI Author Role
Access Access to Segments AI Consumer Role
Access Catalog Preview Pane UI AI Consumer Role
Actions Create Invoke Actions AI Author Role
Actions Create Navigate Actions AI Consumer Role
Actions Save Actions containing embedded HTML AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: Catalog Change Permissions AI Author Role
Admin: Catalog Toggle Maintenance Mode AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Change Log Configuration AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Create Dashboards AI Author Role
Admin: General Diagnose BI Server Query Denied: Authenticated User
Admin: General Issue SQL Directly AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Manage Agent Sessions AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Manage Device Types AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Manage Global Variables AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Manage Map Data AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Manage Marketing Defaults AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Manage Marketing Jobs AI Author Role
Admin: General Manage Sessions AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General Performance Monitor AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General See privileged errors AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General See sessions IDs AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: General See SQL issued in errors AI Consumer Role
Admin: General View System Information AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: Security Access to Permissions Dialog AI Consumer Role
Admin: Security Manage Catalog Accounts AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: Security Manage Privileges AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: Security Set Ownership of Catalog Objects AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Admin: Security User Population - Can List Application Roles AI Consumer Role, BI System
Admin: Security User Population - Can List Catalog Groups AI Consumer Role, BI System
Admin: Security User Population - Can List Users AI Consumer Role, BI System
Answers Access Advanced Tab AI Author Role
Answers Add EVALUATE_PREDICATE Function AI Author Role
Answers Create Advanced Filters and Set Operations AI Author Role
Answers Create Analysis From Simple SQL AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Create Prompts AI Author Role
Answers Create Views AI Author Role
Answers Edit Column Formulas AI Author Role
Answers Edit Direct Database Analysis AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Enter XML and Logical SQL AI Author Role
Answers Execute Direct Database Analysis AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Save Column AI Author Role
Answers Save Content with HTML Markup AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Answers Save Filters AI Author Role
Answers Upload Images AI Author Role
Briefing Book Add To or Edit a Briefing Book AI Author Role
Briefing Book Add to Snapshot Briefing Book AI Consumer Role
Briefing Book Download Briefing Book AI Consumer Role
Catalog Archive Catalog AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Catalog Create Folders AI Author Role
Catalog Perform Extended Search AI Author Role
Catalog Perform Global Search AI Author Role
Catalog Personal Storage (My Folders and My Dashboard) AI Consumer Role
Catalog Reload Metadata AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Catalog See Hidden Items AI Author Role
Catalog Unarchive Catalog AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Catalog Upload Files AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Conditions Create Conditions AI Author Role
Dashboards Assign Default Customizations AI Author Role
Dashboards Create Bookmark Links AI Consumer Role
Dashboards Create Prompted Links AI Consumer Role
Dashboards Export Entire Dashboard To Excel AI Consumer Role
Dashboards Export Single Dashboard Page To Excel AI Consumer Role
Dashboards Save Customizations AI Consumer Role
Delivers Chain Agents AI Author Role
Delivers Create Agents AI Author Role
Delivers Deliver Agents to Specific or Dynamically Determined Users AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Delivers Modify Current Subscriptions for Agents AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Delivers Publish Agents for Subscription AI Author Role
Formatting Save System-Wide Column Formats AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Home and Header Access Administration Menu Denied: Authenticated User
Home and Header Access Catalog Search UI AI Consumer Role
Home and Header Access Catalog UI AI Consumer Role
Home and Header Access Data Loader Denied: Authenticated User
Home and Header Access Home Page AI Consumer Role
Home and Header Access Modeler Denied: Authenticated User
Home and Header Access Rapid Search UI AI Consumer Role
Home and Header Access User & Role Admin Denied: Authenticated User
Home and Header Advanced Search Link AI Consumer Role
Home and Header Custom Links AI Consumer Role
Home and Header Dashboards Menu AI Consumer Role
Home and Header Favorites Menu AI Consumer Role
Home and Header Help Menu AI Consumer Role
Home and Header My Account Link AI Consumer Role
Home and Header New Menu AI Consumer Role
Home and Header Open Menu AI Consumer Role
Home and Header Simple Search Field AI Consumer Role
List Formats Access Options Tab AI Author Role
List Formats Add/Remove List Format Columns AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
List Formats Create Headers and Footers AI Author Role
List Formats Create List Formats AI Author Role
Mobile Enable Local Content AI Consumer Role
Mobile Enable Search AI Consumer Role
My Account Access to My Account AI Consumer Role
My Account Change Delivery Options AI Consumer Role
My Account Change Preferences AI Consumer Role
Proxy Act As Proxy Denied: Authenticated User
RSS Feeds Access to RSS Feeds AI Consumer Role
Scorecard Add Annotations AI Consumer Role
Scorecard Add Scorecard Views To Dashboards AI Consumer Role
Scorecard Create Views AI Author Role
Scorecard Create/Edit Causes And Effects Linkages AI Author Role
Scorecard Create/Edit Initiatives AI Author Role
Scorecard Create/Edit KPIs AI Author Role
Scorecard Create/Edit Objectives AI Author Role
Scorecard Create/Edit Perspectives AI Author Role
Scorecard Create/Edit Scorecards AI Author Role
Scorecard Override Status AI Consumer Role
Scorecard View Scorecards AI Consumer Role
Scorecard Write Back to Database for KPI AI Consumer Role
Segmentation Access Segment Advanced Options Tab AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Segmentation Access Segment Tree Advanced Options Tab AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Segmentation Change Target Levels within Segment Designer AI Author Role
Segmentation Create Segment Trees AI Author Role
Segmentation Create Segments AI Author Role
Segmentation Create/Purge Saved Result Sets AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
SOAP Access AdministrationSOAPService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access AnalysisExportViewsService Service AI Consumer Role
SOAP Access CatalogIndexingService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access CatalogService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access ConditionEvaluationService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access DashboardService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access HtmlViewService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access IBotService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access JobManagementService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access KPIAssessmentService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access MetadataService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access MsgdbService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access ReportEditingService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access SchedulerService Service AI Consumer Role
SOAP Access ScorecardAssessmentService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access ScorecardMetadataService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access SecurityService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access SOAP AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Access Tenant Information BI System
SOAP Access UserPersonalizationService Service AI Consumer Role
SOAP Access XmlGenerationService Service AI Consumer Role, BI System
SOAP Impersonate as system user BI System
Subject Area: "AI-Aggregate Analysis" Access within Oracle BI Answers AI Admin Role, AI Author Role, AI Consumer Role, BI Service Administrator
View Canvas Add/Edit Canvas View AI Author Role
View Column Selector Add/Edit Column Selector View AI Author Role
View Compound Layout Add/Edit Compound Layout View AI Author Role
View Contribution Wheel Add/Edit Contribution Wheel View AI Author Role
View Create Segment Add/Edit Create Segment View AI Author Role
View Create Target List Add/Edit Create Target List View AI Author Role
View Dashboard Prompt Add/Edit Dashboard Prompt View AI Author Role
View Filters Add/Edit Filters View AI Author Role
View Funnel Add/Edit Funnel View AI Author Role
View Gauge Add/Edit Gauge View AI Author Role
View Generic Plugin View Add/Edit Generic Plugin View View AI Author Role
View Graph Add/Edit Graph View AI Author Role
View Heat Matrix Add/Edit Heat Matrix View AI Author Role
View Javascript view Edit Javascript View AI Author Role
View Legend Add/Edit Legend View AI Author Role
View Logical SQL Add/Edit Logical SQL View AI Author Role
View Map Add/Edit Map View AI Author Role
View Micro Chart Add/Edit Micro Chart View AI Author Role
View Narrative Add/Edit Narrative View AI Author Role
View No Results Add/Edit No Results View AI Author Role
View Performance Tile Add/Edit Performance Tile View AI Author Role
View Pivot Table Add/Edit Pivot Table View AI Author Role
View Report Prompt Add/Edit Report Prompt View AI Author Role
View Selection Steps Add/Edit Selection Steps View AI Author Role
View Static Text Add/Edit Static Text View AI Author Role
View Table Add/Edit Table View AI Author Role
View Ticker Add/Edit Ticker View AI Author Role
View Title Add/Edit Title View AI Author Role
View Treemap Add/Edit Treemap View AI Author Role
View Trellis Add/Edit Trellis View AI Author Role
View View Selector Add/Edit View Selector View AI Author Role
Write Back Manage Write Back AI Admin Role, BI Service Administrator
Write Back Write Back to Database Denied: Authenticated User