Delete a Workspace

You can delete a workspace that is no longer needed without losing data contained in that workspace, which allows you to better organize the hierarchical positions of all projects in the database. Workspaces can be deleted by an application administrator.

To delete a workspace:

  1. In the object selector, select Workspaces, and then select View All Workspaces.
  2. In the Workspaces inventory panel, in the table, select a workspace row.
  3. Select the Context menu and select Delete.
  4. If the workspace is empty and does not contain any data, select Delete in the Delete Workspace? dialog box.
  5. If the workspace is not empty and contains data, review the message in the Delete Workspace? dialog box, and select Delete.

    Note: When deleting a workspace that contains data, the system will move all content to the parent workspace. If an ID already exists at the parent workspace, the system appends the ID with a time stamp. The time stamp is formatted as YYMMDDHHMMSSmm.

  6. The list of workspaces is updated and the deleted workspace is no longer visible.


Last Published Monday, June 24, 2024