
Setting up the security for your application will allow you to control which users have access to what objects. Any security privileges set in the application will apply to mobile users.

To set up the security for the application, create permission sets and assign them to user groups. User groups are inherited down the workspace hierarchy. In child workspaces and projects, users can be added to the user groups, and the user groups can be assigned to objects.

Global permission sets and permission sets for all objects in all workspaces can be created and managed from the Permission Sets page in Global Admin. Permission sets for a workspace and the projects, portfolios, programs, custom logs, files, ideas, and reports in the workspace can also be managed at the workspace level. User groups for all workspaces can be managed from the User Groups page in Global Admin and also at the workspace or project level.

Related Topics

Permission Sets Overview

User Groups Overview

Last Published Monday, June 24, 2024