Edit the Root Workspace

Your organization can customize workspaces to conform to the hierarchy of your organization's structure and contain users that should have the same security access to projects. Each organization has one root workspace with the option to add an unlimited number of child workspaces to the production and non-production workspaces. The root workspace represents your organization. Only a user with the Administrator privilege can edit the root workspace. You can create data at the root workspace level to share in your production and non-production environments.

To edit the root workspace:

  1. In the object selector, select Workspaces, and then select View All Workspaces.
  2. In the Workspaces inventory panel, double-click the root workspace Name, ID, or Description column, and enter your changes.
  3. Select Save.
  4. In the inventory panel, select Close.


Last Published Monday, June 24, 2024