004007004: Unable to send email. The mail notification service is not configured properly in the Administration Application.

Cause: An attempt was made to send an email, but the mail notification service is not configured properly in the Administration Application.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to configure the mail notification service in the Administration Application.

To configure the mail notification service:

  1. Go to the System Settings page.
  2. On the System Settings page, select Services, and then select Notifications.
  3. In the Services: Notifications section, under Mail Notification Service, complete the following fields:

Email Server: The hostname or IP address of the email notification server.

SMTP Port: The TCP/IP port of the outgoing SMTP server. Enter a value of 1-65535. The default is 25.

Connection Security: The connection security of the outgoing SMTP server. The default is None.

Authorized User Name: The authorized user name of the outgoing SMTP server.

Authorized User Password: The authorized user password of the outgoing SMTP server.

  1. Click Save.

Last Published Friday, July 12, 2024