009041609: Unable to import the baseline or scenario.

Cause: The XML file you are importing has more than one baselines or scenarios with the same name. The system is unable to recognize which baseline or scenario to import.

Resolution: Identify the of the baseline or scenario you want to import from the XML file and add that to the API import request.


006017011: The last milestone for Sequential rules of credit must have a percent complete of 100. All milestones for Non-sequential rules of credit must add up to 100 percent.

Cause: Either the last milestone in a sequential Rule of Credit does not equal 100 percent, or the milestones in a non-sequential Rule of Credit do not add up to 100 percent.

Resolution: Set the last milestone in a sequential Rule of Credit to 100 percent, or set the milestones in a non-sequential Rule of Credit to add up to 100 percent.


003012018: A current baseline cannot exist without an original.

Cause: An attempt was made to set the current baseline without an existing original baseline.

Resolution: Set the original baseline first before setting the current baseline.


001003349: Cannot change the workspace of a project.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the workspace of an existing project.

Resolution: Provide the correct workspaceId while making a project update call.


003019029: A fund with {0} of {1} already exists in this workspace or a child workspace. Enter a unique {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a duplicate fund in the workspace.

Resolution: No resolution. A fund with duplicate code already exists in this workspace or a child workspace. Enter a unique code.


003021000: {0}: A sibling strategy with the same name exists.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a strategy with the same name as one of its sibling nodes.

Resolution: Enter a unique name.


904008006: Import did not succeed, please see the import log for the detailed errors.

Cause: Exception occurred while importing some of the entities, hence the import process is aborted.

Resolution: Please go through the detailed import logs to see what are the cumulative errors encountered.


006002021: Unable to add location because no code was specified.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a location without a Code.

Resolution: Enter a unique Code for the location.


006009017: Invalid score type used to create Project Risk Score Type, only USER type of Risk Score Type can be created at Project/Program level.

Cause: Invalid score type used to create Project Risk Score Type, only USER type of Risk Score Type can be created at Project/Program level.

Resolution: Invalid score type used to create Project Risk Score Type, only USER type of Risk Score Type can be created at Project/Program level.


006000016: You cannot change the owning {WORKSPACE} of {0} to anything other than the parent {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the owning workspace of an object to a workspace that is not the parent workspace.

Resolution: No resolution. You can only change the owning workspace of an object to a parent workspace.


001000005: There are too many requests being made on the server to auto number the ID field for new records. Try again.

Cause: Due to the number of concurrent requests being made, the session has timed out while waiting to create new records with unique IDs.

Resolution: Try again. If problems persist, contact your administrator.


001011007: Document preview fonts directory does not exist at the configured location.

Cause: An attempt was made to preview a document but Oracle Outside In is not configured.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to validate the Oracle Outside In settings in the Oracle Primavera Prime Administration Application. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support.


010004034: You cannot collect a change order that has already been collected.

Cause: An attempt was made to collect a change order that has already been collected.

Resolution: A change order must be uncollected in order to be available for collection again.


006018009: {0}: Units of measure is assigned to a contract schedule of value. You must remove these assignments before you can remove the unit of measure.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a units of measure which contains contract schedule of values.

Resolution: If you want to remove the units of measure, remove the contract schedule of values and then remove the units of measure.


003007000: Unable to load user folder: {0}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


009008005: The change request cannot be deleted because it is approved or rejected.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete an approved or rejected change request.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot delete an approved or rejected change request.


006016001: An error occurred while importing the record with name {0} of type {1}.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a record but an error occurred. The record was skipped but the import process will continue. For example: a form could not be imported because it references a project code that is not found in the current system.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


001003091: The timesheet cannot be submitted.

Cause: Only not Submitted or Rejected Timesheets can be submitted.

Resolution: Ensure the timesheet is in correct status.


006012023: You must create a calendar in the {WORKSPACE} to create a resource or role.

Cause: The workspace must have a default calendar to create a role or resource.

Resolution: Create a calendar to use as a default for the workspace and then create roles and resources.


003000016: You cannot edit the Status Code of {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the Status Code of a workspace.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot edit the Status Code of a workspace.


003000098: Project State for the project for the capital portfolio proposed budget and expense portfolio proposed budget must be same.

Cause: An attempt was made to import record with different Project Status for the Capital and Expense sub cost curves.

Resolution: Enter the same Project Status for the Capital and Expense sub cost curves.


003015206: You cannot set Rate Type to Custom if Rate Source is not Override.

Cause: An attempt was made to set the Rate Type to Custom when the Rate Source is Resource or Role.

Resolution: If you want to set the Rate Type to Custom, change the Rate Source to Override.


006005071: {0} currency is assigned to one or more workspaces. You must remove all assignments before you can delete it.

Cause: An attempt was made delete a currency that is used by one or more workspaces.

Resolution: Do the following:

Change all instances of the workspace assignment of the currency and allow for recalculations.

Delete the currency.


003018059: You cannot create a budget transfer with a status other than draft.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a budget transfer with a status other than draft..

Resolution: Create the budget transfer with a status of draft.


001003286: Cannot terminate service. Only in progress services can be terminated.

Cause: An attempt was made to terminate a completed service.

Resolution: Enter a service that is still in progress.


003015023: Planned Start is a required field.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Enter a Planned Start.


013000015: ProgramRisk with ID {0} does not exist or has been deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a program risk mitigation or weather period with invalid program risk.

Resolution: Provide a valid value for the field 'progamRiskId' in the payload.


006001089: Code Value can not be moved under child Code Value.

Cause: An attempt was made to move a Code Value under child Code Value.

Resolution: Move Code Value under sibling or parent.


001003259: There is no idea with a name that matches the search.

Cause: There is no idea with a name that matches the search.

Resolution: Enter a search with text that is in the name of at least one idea.


006010009: The risk threshold cannot be deleted from the Risk Scoring Matrix.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete the risk threshold from the Risk Scoring Matrix.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot delete the risk threshold from the Risk Scoring Matrix.


002019036: Edit Costs security privilege is required to change Spend Finish date.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the Spend Finish date without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


006002007: Unable to add this location because the value for latitude was not specified.

Cause: A row in the .xls or .xlsx file does not contain a numeric value for latitude.

Resolution: Do the following:

Open the file you want to import.

Enter a value for latitude for any location that does not have one.

Import the file again.


009014040: Task Name is a required field.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required field.


006016013: The archive file is not a valid .zip file or Primavera Cloud configuration .zip file.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a configuration package however the file is not a valid Primavera Cloud configuration .zip file.

Resolution: Verify the selected file or export the configuration package again.


003019006: Start date must be before end date.

Cause: A start date was entered that occurs after the end date.

Resolution: Choose a start date that is after the end date.


003019041: You cannot remove these funds. One or more selected funds are inactive and have been allocated to projects.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove an inactive fund that is also allocated.

Resolution: Change the status of the fund to active and try again.


002009008: A threshold with range-type operator must have both upper and lower limit set.

Cause: A capital plan threshold with a range-type operator is missing an upper or lower limit.

Resolution: Specify the upper and lower limit for the capital plan threshold.


001003056: Workspace code and Portfolio name can not be empty if Portfolio id is blank.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update a portfolio fund without Workspace code or Portfolio name.

Resolution: Supply Workspace code and Portfolio name and run the create or update again


004001025: Form cannot be saved. It references a disabled or nonexistent field.

Cause: An attempt was made to save a form that references a disabled or nonexistent field.

Resolution: Select a valid field.


000000048: Invalid column name: {0} found. Please generate the excel template with the required fields.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


009014104: Constraint does not exist or has been deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a constraint that does not exist or has been deleted.

Resolution: No resolution. Constraint does not exist.


013000028: Unable to delete program with an approved budget.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a program which has an approved budget.

Resolution: Withdraw approval for the budget associated with this program.


006012051: A resource or role with the same ID already exists in the destination workspace hierarchy. The owning workspace cannot be changed.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the owning workspace of a resource or role, but the same resource ID or role ID already exists in the destination workspace hierarchy.

Resolution: Change the resource ID or role ID to a unique value in either the existing workspace or the destination workspace. Then, try again.


006011048: You cannot delete a project with contracts that have already been submitted, approved, or closed.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a project that has a submitted, approved, or closed contract.

Resolution: Withdraw approval of the contract before you delete the project.


006017007: Incremental Percent Complete must add up to 100% for the rule of credit.

Cause: The total of all values entered for Incremental Percent Complete do not add up to 100%.

Resolution: Update Incremental Percent Complete for each milestone until the total of all values adds up to 100%.


008000004: Unable to run risk analysis because all activities in {0} project are completed.

Cause: An attempt was made to run a risk analysis on a project in which all activities are completed.

Resolution: To run a risk analysis on a project, you must add activities that are not completed.


003000019: A project cannot be promoted to {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An attempt was made to promote a project to a workspace.

Resolution: No resolution. A project cannot be promoted to a workspace.


002019019: Cannot edit spends cost if project is integrated with Unifier

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


001003346: The given custom log type object record is not a workspace owned. You can only provide custom log type objects which have scope WORKSPACE and associationType OWNED.

Cause: The given custom log type object record may be a inherited or created under a program or a project.

Resolution: Provide the custom log type objects which have scope WORKSPACE and associationType OWNED.


003000063: Project contains resources. It cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a project that contains resources.

Resolution: Delete all resources and then delete the project.


001003233: {0} with ID {1} for action {2} is failing with the error {3}

Cause: The request body contains invalid data.

Resolution: Verify that the request body contains valid data, and re-submit the request.


003014010: You do not have the required security privilege to promote {0} report.

Cause: An attempt was made to promote a user report to a workspace report.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


010005014: You cannot edit the To Contact value when the status of the payment application is set to Pending or Approved.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the To Contact value while the status of the payment application was set to Pending or Approved.

Resolution: Change the status of the payment application to a value other than Pending or Approved before editing the To Contact value.


001003116: One or more activities in below listed timesheet no longer exist. Update the activities and try again.\n
Timesheet User: {0}\n
Timesheet: {1}

Cause: Trying to submit timesheet which has hours logged for deleted activities.

Resolution: Update the activities.


010000010: The {0} must equal {1} - {2}.

Cause: An invalid value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a valid value.


003015070: Suspend date must be later than actual start date.

Cause: The suspend date that was entered occurs before the actual start date.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Enter a suspend date that occurs after the actual start date.

Move the actual start date so it occurs after the suspend date.


001003142: WBS Code is required field.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update an object without providing a WBS Code values.

Resolution: Provide a WBS Code value and run the call again.


010004023: Cannot assign cost code to a contract change order line item.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign cost code to a contract change order line item.

Resolution: No resolution. Cannot assign cost code to a contract change order line item.


002009009: A threshold value of type Field cannot be null.

Cause: No value exists.

Resolution: Enter a threshold value of type Field.


000000915: You must enter a program ID to assign a primary program.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a primary program without entering a program ID.

Resolution: Enter a valid program ID.


003002002: An error occurred while moving project {0} to a different {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: A project was successfully moved to a new workspace. However, an issue occurred while moving user security assignments for the project.

Resolution: Verify the security assignments and make adjustments as needed, or contact your administrator.


003015156: Invalid value for Successor Activity ID.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid value for Successor Activity ID.

Resolution: Enter a valid value for Successor Activity ID.


002007089: You cannot retire a scenario manually. To retire a scenario, it must be currently Approved and then replaced by a newly Approved scenario.

Cause: An attempt was made to manually change the status of a scenario to Retired.

Resolution: You cannot retire a scenario manually. To retire a scenario, it must be currently Approved and then replaced by a newly Approved scenario.


000000042: A JavaScript error prevented this page from working as intended.

Cause: A JavaScript error prevented this page from working as intended.

Resolution: Refresh the page, disable any browser extensions, or contact Oracle Customer Support.


004002010: Workflow cannot be saved. It references a nonexistent form.

Cause: An attempt was made to save a workflow that references a form that has been deleted.

Resolution: Remove the reference to the deleted form or select another form.


000006008: Oracle Primavera Professional has been administratively disabled.

Cause: Oracle Primavera Professional was removed in 23.9.

Resolution: Access Oracle Primavera Cloud on the web.


003019057: You do not have privileges to create demands.

Cause: An attempt was made to create resource demand with different privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


006011040: You do not have the required security privilege to add or edit users.

Cause: An attempt was made to add or modify a user, however, only application administrators or users with the proper security privilege can perform this action.

Resolution: Contact your application administrator.


004002016: Invalid Workflow Duration. Enter a value greater than or equal to 0, or leave the field blank.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the workflow duration to a negative number or a non-numeric value.

Resolution: Enter a non-negative number in the Duration field.


003000060: A project must have an longitude.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required field.


001009020: Unable to access the requested file for download.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a file that has been deleted.

Resolution: No resolution. The file has been deleted.


011000043: Unable to resolve workspace object for custom logs.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


010004032: You cannot delete a line item that was collected from a change order.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a line item that was collected from a change order.

Resolution: To delete a line item that was collected from another change order, uncollect the change order.


003018008: Submitting or approving budget change cannot cause current cost of budget item to be less than zero.

Cause: An attempt to submit or approve a budget change that would cause budget item current cost to be less than zero was made.

Resolution: Adjust the change amount on transactions for the budget change.


000001031: Expected page to be loaded in {WORKSPACE} tab, but either the tab was a different type or the object is not viewable by this user.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006011014: No valid company columns found during the import process.

Cause: An attempt was made to import an .xls or .xlsx file with invalid location columns.

Resolution: Do the following:

Open the file you want to import.

Enter company data.

Import the file again.


003018050: A budget transfer transaction of type From cannot be deleted without also deleting all associated transactions of type To.

Cause: An attempt to delete a budget transfer transaction of type From without also deleting associated To transfer transactions was made.

Resolution: Delete all To transfer transactions associated with their From transaction.


006004005: Cannot Change Type

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006002020: Unable to parse "{0}" as a date.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


004005007: The Event Name {0} already exists. Enter a unique Event Name.

Cause: An attempt was made to add an event with an existing name.

Resolution: Enter a unique event name.


010000013: Partial days are not permitted. Please enter a whole number of days.

Cause: A non-whole number was entered for the Time Change value.

Resolution: Enter a whole number for the Time Change value.


000001002: The link is invalid. Use the Home button to navigate to Primavera Cloud.

Cause: An invalid link was clicked.

Resolution: Select Home to navigate to Primavera Cloud.


001000502: Unable to Complete P6 XER Project Import. The Project IDs do not match the IDs of the project references in the XER

Cause: An attempt was made to import the XER with Project IDs that do not match the IDs of the projects referenced in the XER.

Resolution: Only use Projects IDs that are used inside the Project row in the XER.


009014054: You do not have the security privileges required to add or edit costs.

Cause: An attempt was made to add or edit costs without the required privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003014002: History period is required. Specify the number of periods or time period.

Cause: An attempt was made to save or run a report with the Specify the number of hours, days, weeks, or months ago option on the Settings tab, but a date option on the Settings tab but no value has been selected.

Resolution: Edit the report, select the Settings tab, select a value for the Specify the number of hours, days, weeks, or months ago option.


003000021: The new project has exceeded maximum tree level count.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a project, but the maximum tree level count has been exceeded.

Resolution: Delete or archive any invalid projects, and then create the new project.


006007017: The chart configuration for {0} is invalid.

Cause: There is an invalid label field selected for a trending enabled chart.

Resolution: Edit chart configuration and try again.


001003124: Workspace Code and Measure Name are required fields.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update an object without providing Workspace Code and Measure Code values.

Resolution: Provide Workspace Code and Measure Code values and run the call again.


000009004: Format of the configured field {0} is improper.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a record with an improperly formatted value for a configured field's datatype.

Resolution: Enter the valid datatype against each field.


006014004: You cannot delete a curve that is inherited.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a curve that was inherited from a parent workspace.

Resolution: No resolution unless the curve can be deleted from the source parent workspace.


006002014: You cannot delete a calendar that is assigned to an activity.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a calendar that has activities assigned to it.

Resolution: If you want to delete the calendar, you must remove it from any activity it is assigned.


003015028: Actual start date cannot be after actual finish date.

Cause: The actual start date that was entered occurs after the actual finish date.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Enter an actual start date that occurs before the actual finish date.

Move the actual finish date so it occurs after the actual start date.


004002015: Workflow cannot be saved. It has running instances.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit a workflow with running instances.

Resolution: Before you can edit this workflow, you must stop all running instances on the Monitor Workflows page.


002019063: Project planned phase cost end date must be after project planned start date.

Cause: Planned budget finish date occurs before the start date.

Resolution: Enter a finish date that occurs after the start date for planned budget.


000009003: The provided value under {0} cannot be converted into a datatype of {1}

Cause: An attempt was made to import a record with an invalid datatype.

Resolution: Enter the valid datatype against each field.


000000023: Invalid format.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006005008: You cannot delete a code that is currently used in a form. Remove the code from the forms in this workspace and its descendants and retry delete. For detailed resolution steps click on the error code below.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a code that is referenced in a form.

Resolution: The code reference must be removed from the form before deletion. To check which workspaces are currently using this code, select the Context menu and then select Used By.
For navigation to the forms list in any workspace, select Form Design from the Workflows and Forms app.


010000031: You must have the security privilege to edit costs to change the status of this record.

Cause: An attempt was made to change a record status without the required security privilege.

Resolution: Ensure you have edit cost permissions.


013000016: The Risk ID {0} does not exist.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a Risk ID that does not exist in the program.

Resolution: Enter a Risk ID that exists.


009014115: Unexpected error in establishing a connection. Please retry or contact your organization administrator.

Cause: Unexpected error in establishing a connection.

Resolution: Please retry or contact your organization administrator


006006034: CBS code {0} already exists in {1} project. Enter a unique value.

Cause: A duplicate value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a unique value.


006011015: The {0} field is read-only.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit a read-only field.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot edit a read-only field.


009014018: You cannot remove the project company because it is the owning company.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove the owning company.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot remove the owning company.


000000064: The {0} must be greater than or equal to {1}.

Cause: A value was entered that was less than the minimum value.

Resolution: Enter a value greater than or equal to the minimum value.


001003238: A Transfer From value is required.

Cause: No Transfer From value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a Transfer From value.


002013026: Time-phased constraints are not supported for the specified constraint field

Cause: User attempts for enter a value in a time-phased bucket for a field which doesn't support time-phasing. For example, for a "Cost Type" configured field.

Resolution: Specify a field for which time-phasing is supported. For example, Planned Budget.


010006003: You cannot modify a potential change order with a status of {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify a potential change order with a status of {0}.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot modify a potential change order with a status of {0}.


003015173: {0} is an invalid resource ID.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a resource that does not exist.

Resolution: Enter a valid resource ID.


000000019: Enter a {0} between {1} and {2} characters.

Cause: A value was entered that is not in the required range of characters.

Resolution: Enter a value in the required range of characters.


003015199: The {0} of a completed activity cannot be updated.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the {0} on a completed activity.

Resolution: Change the activity status to not started or in progress before changing the {0}.


009014025: You cannot recommit to a task without selecting one or more reasons.

Cause: An attempt was made to recommit to a task without selecting a reason.

Resolution: Select one or more reasons, and then select Recommit.


001003103: Current User doesn't have ability to add selected project.

Cause: Current User doesn't have ability to add selected project.

Resolution: No resolution.


001003454: The WBS {0} does not exist in the given Parent WBS {1}.

Cause: The requested child WBS does not exist in the given parent WBS.

Resolution: Provide the valid child WBS details and run the create/update again.


001003293: XML export triggered for projects in different workspace.

Cause: Two or more projects exported did not belong to same workspace.

Resolution: Export projects belonging to same workspace.


001003311: Invalid field combinations in the sort query. Refer to the Sorting section in the Oracle Primavera REST API documentation for sorting on Company and Office APIs.

Cause: For Company and Office APIs, some field combinations are restricted and should not be used in the same query.

Resolution: Correct the query. Refer to Sorting in the Oracle Primavera REST API documentation.


001003121: Workspace Code and Capital Portfolio Name are required fields.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


002013023: An unknown error has occurred. Deselect the optimize box to continue.

Cause: An unknown error has occurred.

Resolution: Deselect the optimize box.


001003129: Workspace Code, Resource Code and Resource Class are required fields.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update an object without providing Workspace Code, Resource Code, and Resource Class values.

Resolution: Provide Workspace Code, Resource Code, and Resource Class values and run the call again.


010005007: The Amount Approved value cannot exceed the Current Payment Due value for this payment application.

Cause: An attempt was made to set the Amount Approved value greater than the Current Payment Due value.

Resolution: Change the Amount Approved value so it is less than the Current Payment Due value.


003019026: {0}: You cannot manually edit this cost field.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit a fund amount that is not a manual type fund.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot manually edit a fund amount that is not a manual type fund.


006018008: {0}: Units of measure is assigned to a commitment line item. You must remove these assignments before you can remove the units of measure.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a units of measure which contains commitment line item.

Resolution: If you want to remove the units of measure, remove the commitment line items and then remove the units of measure.


006005061: Change Order currency must equal to Associated Agreement currency.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit currency, which is inherited from Associated Agreement.

Resolution: Currency can only be changed on a change order on creation, by selecting a different Associated Agreement.


006009003: Risk Threshold Level minimum must be greater than zero.

Cause: An attempt was made to have a risk threshold with a minimum level lower bound less than zero.

Resolution: Enter a minimum risk threshold level lower bound greater than zero.


010005008: You cannot edit the Amount Approved value without the Enable Payment Application Approval privilege.

Cause: A user without the Enable Payment Application Approval permission tried to edit the Amount Approved value.

Resolution: Before you try to edit the Amount Approved value, make sure you have the Enable Payment Application Approval security privilege.


003019032: The fund End Date cannot be modified since the fund has been consumed by one or more actuals after the modified time period.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify time phased data on a fund with an inactive status.

Resolution: No Resolution


009014045: You do not have the security privileges required to add or edit a task assigned to another company.

Cause: An attempt was made to add or edit a task assigned to another company without the required privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003024511: SpecSection title is mandatory.

Cause: SpecSection title is not found.

Resolution: Enter SpecSection title.


001003106: Timesheet Hour Type's abbreviation field cannot be empty.

Cause: Timesheet Hour Type's abbreviation field was not set.

Resolution: Enter an abbreviation for Timesheet Hour Type entry.


003015160: {0} is an invalid Duration Type.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid duration type.

Resolution: Enter a valid duration type. Valid Duration Type values are Fixed_Duration, Fixed_Duration_and_Units, Fixed_Rate, and Fixed_Quantity


003000093: Capital and Expense is enabled. Enter value only for sub curve

Cause: An error has occurred creating the chart.

Resolution: Revert the chart to its default settings or edit the chart in Manage Views.


013000000: Programs are temporarily unavailable. Check back later.

Cause: An attempt was made to access Programs that is temporarily unavailable.

Resolution: Check back at a later time. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.


001003382: Project is no longer available in {0}. This project is already moved to {1}. Refresh the page to view updated list of projects.

Cause: The project is already moved to a different workspace.

Resolution: Please refresh the project inventory page to see the list of Projects.


010006009: You cannot change the status of the potential change order from {0} to {1}.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the potential change order status to an invalid value.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot change the potential change order status as specified.


008001044: Thresholds cannot be overridden when the risk matrix has one or more relative thresholds.

Cause: An attempt was made to override a threshold when the risk matrix has one or more relative thresholds.

Resolution: Remove the threshold override or assign a risk matrix to the project that has no relative thresholds.


007002001: Unable to update the user profile.

Cause: This is a generic internal error.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


002006002: {0} cannot be created as it exceeds the maximum hierarchy level of {1}

Cause: An attempt was made to create a {0} hierarchy with more than {1} levels

Resolution: No resolution. {0} hierarchy can have a maximum of {1} levels


003015176: You must enter an activity ID to create or update an assignment.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update an assignment without entering an activity ID.

Resolution: Enter a valid activity ID to create or update an assignment.


006011041: Users cannot be added/imported because they are not associated with your company.

Cause: An attempt was made to add or edit a user. However, only application administrators or users assigned to the company with the proper security privilege can perform this action.

Resolution: Users can only be imported to your company.


001000018: The Sub Cost Curves must have the same Start dates.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update the Sub Cost Curves that have different Start dates.

Resolution: Select the same Start date for the Sub Cost Curves.


006009009: The maximum number of Risk Threshold levels is nine.

Cause: An attempt was made to change a risk threshold with more than nine levels.

Resolution: Enter a risk threshold level count less than nine.


002007099: You must assign allocation end date to the resource.

Cause: An attempt was made to save null allocation end date.

Resolution: Assign a valid allocation end date.


003015064: You must specify a project for an activity.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a new activity without a project ID or Name specified.

Resolution: Create new activities under existing projects.


011000101: RFI status cannot be empty.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006020007: Entered target aggregation type is invalid.

Cause: Target aggregation type entered is invalid.

Resolution: Enter a valid target aggregation type.


010005004: You cannot modify payment applications in a {0} Associated Agreement.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify a payment application under associated agreement in a status other than approved.

Resolution: Ensure that the associated agreement is approved.


006005010: You cannot delete a code that is currently used in a workflow decision step. Remove the code from the workflow configurations in this workspace and its descendants and retry delete. For detailed resolution steps click on the error code below.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a code that is referenced in a workflow decision step.

Resolution: The code reference must be removed from the workflow decision step before deletion. To check which workspaces are currently using this code, select the Context menu and then select Used By.
For navigation to the workflow configuration list in any workspace, select Workflow Configuration from the Workflows and Forms app.


006012044: Resource {0} does not exist.

Cause: A resource ID was entered that does not exist.

Resolution: Enter a valid resource ID.


001003314: The project calendar cannot be assigned to the activity because it is not in the same project.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a project calendar from one project to an activity in a different project.

Resolution: Assign a project calendar that is in the same project as the activity.


009007001: The milestones for the scope assignment must be the same as the milestones associated with the rules of credit that is selected for the work package.

Cause: An attempt was made to use an invalid set of milestones for a scope assignment.

Resolution: Use the same milestones for the scope assignment as those associated with the rule of credit selected for the work package.


001011003: Document preview is not configured.

Cause: An attempt was made to preview a document but Oracle Outside In is not configured.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to validate the Oracle Outside In settings in the Oracle Primavera Prime Administration Application. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support.


009014030: There must be a user assigned for a private task.

Cause: An attempt was made to save a private task without a user assigned to it.

Resolution: Assign a user to the private task.


003018002: You cannot make edits to the budget change because it is already approved.

Cause: The budget change was approved while an edit was being made in another session.

Resolution: Submit a new budget change.


003018023: The transfer cannot be approved because the total amount in the transfer source is not available.

Cause: An attempt was made to approve a transfer that does not have the required funds to transfer.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot approve a transfer that does not have the required funds to transfer.


002013005: The Target Budget for the scenario is less than the cost of the restricted or filtered projects.

Cause: The list of projects included in a scenario is filtered either manually or based on security, and the total proposed budget for the projects hidden from view exceeds the Target Budget for the scenario.

Resolution: Remove the filter or request access to the restricted projects so the scenario proposed budget can be balanced with the scenario target budget.


000001059: You do not have access to any projects in this project collection.

Cause: An attempt was made to access the Resource or Schedule app for a project collection without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator or project manager to obtain the required security privileges if you need access to the projects in the project collection.


000005000: Product name cannot be changed.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the product name.

Resolution: You cannot change a product name.


010000007: {0} is not an active contact. Only active contacts can be assigned.

Cause: An inactive contact was selected.

Resolution: Either select an active contact or activate the inactive contact and try again.


010000023: The contract has open commitments. You must close all commitments before you can close a contract.

Cause: An attempt was made to close a contract that has open commitments.

Resolution: Close all commitments and then close the contract.


001003401: Negative pagination limit is not allowed.

Cause: Value provided as a part of limit argument is a negative number.

Resolution: Please provide a value for limit which is greater than 0.


003000053: The Data Date cannot be before the Project Planned Start date.

Cause: The Data Date date that was entered occurs before the Project Planned Start date.

Resolution: Enter a Data Date that occurs after the Start date or change the Project Planned Start date.


904008004: Unable to assign EPS code value to project {0} in {WORKSPACE} {1}.

Cause: Unknown error occurred assigning default EPS code to project for P6 project create

Resolution: Assign an EPS code value to the project, then create in P6.


001003057: Fund code, Workspace code and Project code can not be empty if Fund id is blank.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update a project fund without Fund code, Workspace code and Project code.

Resolution: Supply Fund code, Workspace code and Project code and run the create or update again.


002019039: Cannot edit spends total if project is integrated with Unifier

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


001000010: Cost cannot be negative.

Cause: A negative cost was entered.

Resolution: Enter a positive cost.


006006053: You cannot delete a cost category that is associated with CBS codes. Remove all associations before deleting the cost category.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a cost category that is associated with CBS codes.

Resolution: Remove all associations between the CBS codes and the cost category and then delete the cost category.


002007113: Loading data from source has failed.

Cause: An attempt was made to access data that has not been loaded yet.

Resolution: Please contact your administrator.


009014003: Select a company in the current workspace.

Cause: An attempt was made to select a company that is not in the current workspace.

Resolution: Select a company that is in the current workspace.


000000026: {0} value out of bounds. Expected is <{1} digits>.<{2} digits>.

Cause: A value was entered that is not in the required range of characters.

Resolution: Enter a value in the required range of characters.


002019002: You do not have the security privilege to Edit Costs for this project.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit costs of a project without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


006012004: You cannot assign a role with ID {0} to a resource with ID {1} more than one time.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a role to a resource more than one time.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot assign a role to a resource more than one time.


001003102: Timesheet Period End date should be greater than the end date of the latest time period used to create a timesheet.

Cause: User has provided an end date which is less than the end date of latest used timesheet period.

Resolution: Provide an end date which is greater than the end date of latest used timesheet period.


000009005: {0} is an invalid code value for the selected code type.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a code value that does not exist.

Resolution: Enter a valid code value or update the code type, and then try again.


006021001: {0}: You cannot delete this category. There must be at least one category for a matrix

Cause: An attempt was made to delete all of the categories in a matrix.

Resolution: If you want to delete all of the categories, you must delete the matrix.


000000079: No Favorites exist for this user with the provided {0}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006006035: {0} segment already exists in {1} {WORKSPACE}. Enter a unique value.

Cause: A duplicate value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a unique value.


011000020: RFI is required to create notification list.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


010006011: A potential change order with the same Associated Agreement and Change Reference values already exists.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a potential change order with both the Change Reference and Associated Agreement values linked to another potential change order.

Resolution: Select a Change Reference or Associated Agreement value that is not currently linked to another potential change order.


003016003: Invalid data has been set in the filter.

Cause: Invalid data has been set in the filter.

Resolution: Provide proper filter data.


003015219: You cannot create more than 5000 relationships at once.

Cause: An attempt was made to create more than 5000 relationships at once.

Resolution: Select fewer activities to create relationships between.


003007018: Login failed for user: {0}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


002019025: Proposed Start date cannot be after proposed Finish date.

Cause: The Proposed Start date that was entered occurs after the Proposed Finish date.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Enter a Proposed Start date that occurs before the Finish date.

Move the Finish date so that it occurs after the Proposed Start date.


003018045: Cannot manually create an Original Budget Transaction.

Cause: An attempt was made to manually create an Original Budget Transaction.

Resolution: No resolution. Cannot manually create an Original Budget Transaction.


006019007: The frequency for resetting period names in a project is not a valid option for the frequency of the reporting cycle selected for the {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An attempt was made to set the frequency for resetting period names in a project to an option that is not valid for the reporting cycle selected for the workspace.

Resolution: Select a valid option for resetting period names.


010006053: A potential change order correspondence cannot be deleted unless status is Draft.

Cause: An attempt to delete a question while its status is not Draft.

Resolution: No resolution. A question cannot be deleted if status is not Draft.


008000001: Unable to complete risk analysis for {0} project. All risk output data has been deleted.

Cause: An unexpected failure has occurred, such as unable to read from or write to the database. Because the failure occurred before the risk analysis was completed, any output data was deleted from the system as it is likely to be incomplete.

Resolution: Try again. If problems persist, restart the database and try again or contact Oracle Customer Support.


009014072: Milestone identification cannot be edited on an existing task or task milestone.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the milestone identification on a task or task milestone.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot change an existing task to a milestone or milestone to a task.


003015130: Selecting this activity will create a duplicate of {0} relationship for {1} activity. You cannot create duplicate relationships.

Cause: An attempt was made to create the same relationship twice between two activities. For example, setting up a relationship between activities A and B as a Finish-to-Start Relationship Type twice.

Resolution: Ensure that the relationship type between both activities is unique. The same Relationship Type should not be used twice between the same activities.


004005018: Unable to start workflow on object of type {0} with status {1}.

Cause: Object with unsupported status supplied to start workflow.

Resolution: Make sure to pass object with correct status to start a workflow.


009001003: Original values cannot be changed for the scope item because the project baseline is set.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify the values for Original fields, but the project baseline is set.

Resolution: No resolution unless baselines are reset.


009014058: {0} is an invalid task ID.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a hand-off without creating the required task or task milestone.

Resolution: Enter the predecessor or successor task ID in the Tasks worksheet to add the task.


000000056: You do not have the security privilege to view costs.

Cause: An attempt was made to view costs without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003000064: Project contains roles. It cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a project that contains roles.

Resolution: Delete all roles and then delete the project.


001003381: Create Project (projectCode: {0} and workspaceId: {1}) from template (copyFromProjectId: {2}) did not complete in the allotted time. Process will continue in the background. Please re-attempt to sync again with the objects dependent on this Project (projectId: {3})

Cause: An attempt to create a project from a template did not complete in the allotted time.

Resolution: No action required. Process will continue in the background.


001003088: Cannot delete hour type used in resource assignment.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete an hour type that is used in timesheet resource assignment.

Resolution: Verify if hour type is used in any assignment before delete.


006021008: {0}: You cannot delete the selected categories because they are used in a project evaluation.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a category that is used in a project evaluation.

Resolution: To delete a category, do the following:

Remove the category reference in the project evaluation.

Save the project evaluation.

Delete the category.


006005026: Currency is a required field.

Cause: An undefined currency was entered for the workspace currency.

Resolution: Enter a valid workspace currency.


008000003: Unable to run risk analysis because there are no activities in {0} project.

Cause: An attempt was made to run a risk analysis on a project without activities.

Resolution: To run a risk analysis on a project, you must add activities to the project.


90402812: Cannot update a project with {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to update current schedule of a project with a baseline or scenario from XML file.

Resolution: Change the import Options and try again.


009011015: Leveling could not run because activity {0} is missing a calendar in {1} (Current Schedule).

Cause: Leveling cannot run if an activity is missing a calendar.

Resolution: Ensure all activities have a calendar.


000003005: Unable to process the request.

Cause: This is a generic internal error.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


001003270: The Distribution Shape field does not exist in the payload.

Cause: An attempt was made to apply activity uncertainty without a Distribution Shape field value in the payload.

Resolution: Provide a Distribution Shape field value in the payload.


003015152: You cannot set a Primary Constraint date for an activity that does not have a Primary Constraint.

Cause: A Primary Constraint date was entered for an activity that does not have a Primary Constraint.

Resolution: Enter a primary constraint and then add a primary constraint date.


010000047: This record has potential change orders. Its approval cannot be withdrawn as long as it has any potential change orders.

Cause: An attempt was made to withdraw the approval of a record with one or more existing potential change order.

Resolution: You cannot withdraw this record as long as it has any potential change orders.


003015178: Multiple matches for the same resource assignment have been found.

Cause: An attempt was made to update an assignment that is not unique.

Resolution: Provide more details about the assignment, or update the assignment manually.


006011061: Invalid Office Country Code.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a new company/office, but office country code is invalid.

Resolution: Refer to instructions in import template for valid country codes.


003019103: No Calendar exists with the name {0}.

Cause: No Calendar exists with the name entered.

Resolution: Enter a valid calendar.


003018054: Cannot create multiple From transfer transactions for the same budget item on a budget transfer.

Cause: An attempt to create multiple From transfer transactions for the same budget item on a budget transfer was made.

Resolution: No resolution. Cannot create multiple From transfer transactions for the same budget item on a budget transfer.


006001005: {0}: Cannot delete code type as it is assigned to a measure.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a Code Type that is assigned to an entity.

Resolution: Remove all assignments and then delete the Code Type.


009006013: A Work Package original date cannot be changed after a baseline.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006010005: {0}: Cannot be changed as associated thresholds are not available in the {1} {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An attempt was made to use risk thresholds that do not exist in the workspace.

Resolution: Promote risk thresholds to the workspace.


008002002: Unable to apply activity uncertainty for {0} portfolio.

Cause: An unexpected failure has occurred, such as unable to read from or write to the database.

Resolution: Try again. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support to restart the database.


002007029: The portfolio must have an approved budget scenario to view this page.

Cause: An attempt was made to view a page for a portfolio without an approved budget scenario.

Resolution: No resolution. The portfolio must have an approved budget scenario to view this page.


001000017: {0} field source must be Manual or Integration to allow Sub Cost Curves to be used.

Cause: An attempt was made to use Sub Cost Curves when the Cost Curve field source is not Manual or Integration.

Resolution: Change the Cost Curve field source to Manual or Integration to use Sub Cost Curves.


007000003: Unable to load {0}.

Cause: This is a generic internal error.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


003016006: Copying the input stream to file failed.

Cause: The input stream received might be broken.

Resolution: Check for the input stream and resolve where the stream is broken.


003019004: Fund cannot be modified when parent fund is in inactive status.

Cause: Fund was modified when parent fund is in inactive status.

Resolution: Do not modify fund when parent is inactive.


007005002: Search query must contain at least one word with two or more letters.

Cause: The search did not contain a long enough word.

Resolution: Use a word with at least two characters in your search.


006011027: Contacts are assigned to a contract. You must delete or close the contract before you can delete a contact.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a contact, but it is assigned to an open contract.

Resolution: You must delete or close the contract before you can delete a contact.


009001019: Unable to import PBS and Scope Items. PBS Code and PBS Name are required.

Cause: An attempt was made to import PBS nodes or Scope Items, but the PBS Code and PBS Name columns are missing data.

Resolution: Add PBS Code and PBS Name data, and then import the file again.


002002014: Portfolio contains a scenario. It cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a portfolio that contains a scenario.

Resolution: Delete the scenario and then delete the portfolio.


003017004: Unable to save changes to thresholds.

Cause: An unknown error has occurred.

Resolution: If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support.


009009019: The change request could not be approved because the value for at least one scope assignment change is greater than the unassigned amount of its source scope item.

Cause: An attempt was made to approve a change request, but at least one scope assignment change is greater than the unassigned amount of its source scope item.

Resolution: Enter a value that is less than or equal to the amount that is unassigned.


002007117: The role rate effective date must be unique per role.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an effective date that is already being used.

Resolution: Enter a unique effective date per role.


003018037: Cannot edit Budget Transaction ID.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit ID of a Budget Transaction.

Resolution: No resolution. Cannot edit ID of a Budget Transaction.


009000104: Enter a valid Scope Item ID.

Cause: An attempt was made to import data with an invalid Scope Item ID.

Resolution: Enter a valid Scope Item ID.


000000071: Company name and postal code are required to add or update a company associated with a commitment.

Cause: An attempt was made to add or update a company without a name or postal code.

Resolution: Provide a name and a postal code for the company.


000000105: A company with the specified company details doesn't exist.

Cause: An attempt was made to create an office, but the Company Name, Postal Code, and Country Code supplied are invalid.

Resolution: Provide correct values for Company Name, Postal Code, and Country Code to create a new office.


010006006: You cannot modify a potential change order with an associated agreement that has a status of {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify a potential change order with an associated agreement that is not approved.

Resolution: Make sure that the associated agreement is approved before modifying the potential change order.


001000009: {0}: Already exists. Enter a unique name.

Cause: A duplicate name was entered.

Resolution: Enter a unique name.


003023003: You do not have the required security privilege to run a project specification import.

Cause: An attempt was made to run a project specification import on a project without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003015089: You cannot change the {0} for an activity with a Type of Level of Effort.

Cause: The {0} date was entered for an activity with a Type of Level of Effort.

Resolution: Change the Type of the activity to a type which supports {0}.


001003065: {0} is an invalid Budget At Completion Method.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a work package, but the value used to specify the Budget At Completion Method is not valid.

Resolution: Specify a valid value for Budget At Completion Method.


003007021: Unable to delete scheduled report of schedule ID: {0} for user: {1}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


010000025: The full amount must be allocated in the SOV before it can be submitted.

Cause: An attempt was made to submit a SOV without a full amount allocated.

Resolution: Ensure that the full amount is allocated before submitting.


003019118: Parent role ID cannot be same as Role ID.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a Role with the same ID as parent role ID.

Resolution: Enter a valid parent role ID.


008001045: The {0} threshold cannot be set as it has been overridden.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a threshold when the threshold has been overridden.

Resolution: Remove the threshold value or remove the threshold override.


006012021: One or more resources or its child resources is used in a child {WORKSPACE}. You must remove these resources from the child {WORKSPACE} before you can delete the resource.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a resource which is used in a child workspace.

Resolution: If you want to delete the resource, you must remove the resource from all child workspaces and projects.


006006011: You cannot edit an inactive CBS code.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit an inactive CBS code.

Resolution: If you need to edit the CBS code, make it active and then save your changes.


006004026: Error fetching grid data

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


010007010: You cannot create a potential change order for this commitment until its potential change order is approved and closed.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a Potential Change Order with a Commitment that is already associated with an existing Potential Change Order.

Resolution: Remove the existing potential change order.


004002009: Workflow cannot be saved. It references a nonexistent workflow.

Cause: An attempt was made to save a workflow that references a workflow that has been deleted.

Resolution: Remove the reference to the deleted workflow or select another workflow.


010000046: Finish Date must be at least 1 day after Start Date.

Cause: An attempt was made to set the Finish Date to a value on or before the Start Date.

Resolution: Set Start Date and Finish Date so that Performance Period is at least 2 calendar days.


001003096: User doesn't have access to the timesheet.

Cause: User doesn't have access to the timesheet.

Resolution: No resolution.


006011029: Contacts are assigned to a contract. You must delete or close the contract before you can mark a contact as inactive.

Cause: An attempt was made to mark a contact as inactive, but it is assigned to an open contract.

Resolution: You must delete or close the contract before you can mark a contact as inactive.


010007020: You cannot edit the associated commitment with a change order.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the associated commitment with a change order.

Resolution: Delete the change order.


001003322: The project could not be created because the project template selected is not in the workspace or a parent workspace.

Cause: The project being created uses a project template from a different workspace.

Resolution: Use a project template from the current workspace hierarchy.


006002029: Role type cannot be set to material if it is assigned to a resource. You must remove all assignments before making the role type material.

Cause: An attempt was made to set a role that is assigned to a resource to material.

Resolution: If you want to set the role type to material, remove all resource assignments and then set the role type to material.


003015044: Assignment has material resource, you cannot change overtime value.

Cause: An attempt was made to change overtime value for an assignment that has material resource.

Resolution: Ensure that the overtime value is not changed for an assignment that has material resource.


009004004: Only one Quantity change is allowed per scope item within the same change request.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a separate Quantity change for a scope item within the same change request.

Resolution: Enter additional Quantity changes for a scope item in separate change requests.


008001014: Planned start date cannot be later than the planned finish date.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the planned start date after the planned finish date.

Resolution: Enter a planned start date before the planned finish date.


009014047: The selection for Company is not in the administration-level Companies list.

Cause: An attempt was made to select a company that is not on the administration-level Companies list.

Resolution: Select a company that is on the administration-level Companies list.


000001023: Can only create capital plan tabs by choosing actual capital plans that user has access to.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


009014039: You do not have the security privilege to change the assigned user on a private task.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the assigned user on a private task to another user.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


001003097: Approved timesheet cannot be deleted.

Cause: Timesheet is already approved.

Resolution: No resolution.


003012027: Unable to revert baseline {0} for project {1}. Please try again.

Cause: An attempt was made to revert a baseline, but the process could not be completed.

Resolution: No resolution. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support.


010004024: Cannot assign cost category to a contract change order line item.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign cost category to a contract change order line item.

Resolution: No resolution. Cannot add cost category to a contract change order line item.


000005001: App name cannot be changed.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the app name.

Resolution: You cannot change an app name.


006111015: You must create an office before you add users.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


004001040: {0} cannot be deleted. It is the only version of the form present and is referenced in a workflow. Remove the form from workflows in this workspace and its descendants and retry delete. For detailed resolution steps, click on the error code below.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete the only version of a form present that was referenced in a workflow.

Resolution: The form reference must be removed from all workflows before deletion. To check which workspaces are currently using this form, select the Context menu and then select Used By.
For navigation to workflow configuration list in any workspace, select Workflow Configuration from the Workflows and Forms app.


010001010: Line Item Type is a required field.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required field.


003015188: Enter a WBS Code path.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a WBS without entering a WBS Code.

Resolution: Enter a value for WBS Code.


006022000: There are strategy nodes created with the selected strategy types

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a strategy type with which one or more strategy nodes are created

Resolution: You must delete the strategy nodes created with the given strategy type before you can delete that strategy type.


003009016: Unable to save filter.

Cause: An attempt was made to save a filter with an invalid filter condition.

Resolution: Enter a valid filter condition and try again.


010001008: You must enter a unit price for a line item with a Type value of Unit Price.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Enter a unit price if the line item has a Type value of Unit Price. Otherwise, change the Type value.


009014006: You cannot change the company for a task that is complete.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the company on a completed task.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot change the company on a completed task.


010000019: This record has change orders. Its approval cannot be withdrawn as long as it has any change orders.

Cause: An attempt was made to withdraw the approval of a record with one or more existing change orders.

Resolution: You cannot withdraw this record as long as it has any change orders.


013000008: The {WORKSPACE} contains programs. It cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a workspace that contains programs.

Resolution: Delete all programs and then delete the workspace.


003000032: Projects cannot be created at the root {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a project, project template or project proposal under the root workspace.

Resolution: No resolution. Projects cannot be created directly under the root workspace.


006006062: You cannot add a CBS code under a code that is assigned to a change order line item.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a CBS code under a code that is assigned to a change order line item.

Resolution: Add the new CBS code under a code that is not assigned to a change order line item.


010006039: You cannot modify a line item in a potential change order proposal that has a status of {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify a line item in a potential change order that has a status of {0}.

Resolution: Make sure the potential change order proposal has a status that allows for modifying line items.


010007028: You cannot close a change associated with a potential change order that is not approved or withdrawn.

Cause: An attempt was made to void a change that is associated with a potential change order that is not approved or withdrawn.

Resolution: Approve or withdraw all associated potential change orders.


003015106: You must set a Primary Constraint before you set a Secondary Constraint.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a Secondary Constraint to an activity without first adding a Primary Constraint.

Resolution: Set a Primary Constraint first. Then, set a Secondary Constraint.


002007106: You do not have security privilege to send Resource Scenario for review.

Cause: An attempt was made to send resource scenario for review without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


002000011: The Planning Horizon must equal {0}, the sum of the years planned in quarters, years planned in years, and years planned in months.

Cause: A Planning Horizon was entered that does not equal (number), the sum of the years planned in quarters, years planned in years, and years planned in months.

Resolution: Enter a Planning Horizon that equals (number), the sum of the years planned in quarters, years planned in years, and years planned in months.


003013013: {WORKSPACE} contains roles. It cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a workspace that contains roles.

Resolution: Delete all roles and then delete the workspace.


001003303: You cannot set the physical percent complete when the activity is not configured to use a physical percent complete type.

Cause: An attempt was made to update the physical percent complete value of an activity that is not set to use a physical percent complete type.

Resolution: Change the percent complete type to "Physical" before updating the physical percent complete value.


002009012: Target value must either be type Cost, Integer, Long or Number.

Cause: A field selected as a capital plan KPI is not of type cost, integer or number.

Resolution: Select a field that is of type cost, integer or number.


010000037: {0} {1} is greater than the max allowed date 12/31/9999.

Cause: The date entered is greater than the max allowed date 12/31/9999.

Resolution: Choose a date less than 12/31/9999.


009001004: Productivity Rate for the scope item cannot be less than zero.

Cause: A value less than zero was entered.

Resolution: Enter a value that is greater than or equal to zero.


003009009: Only filtered project collections can be refreshed.

Cause: An attempt was made to refresh a manually populated portfolio that is not based on a filter.

Resolution: No resolution. A manual portfolio cannot be refreshed.


010005021: There are differences between the last approved payment application and the current payment application. The current payment application will need to be refreshed.

Cause: The current payment application is not in sync.

Resolution: Refresh the current payment application


006004041: You do not have the required security privilege to select project configured fields.

Cause: An attempt was made to select project fields for the Field App without the required security privileges to edit project configured fields.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


006004029: You cannot update Display Option to Indicator if no Indicator has been set.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


001003101: Error occurred while creating time sheet periods. Contact your administrator.

Cause: System error occurred during save of timesheet periods.

Resolution: Contact your administrator.


000001018: Capital plan does not exist or has been deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a capital plan that does not exist or has been deleted.

Resolution: No resolution. Capital plan no longer exists.


001003217: Invalid input. Expected path parameter value is true or false.

Cause: Entered Value is not a true or false.

Resolution: Enter a valid value and try again.


003015207: You cannot change Rate Type from Custom if Rate Source is Override.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the Rate Type from Custom, but the Rate Source is Override.

Resolution: If you want to change the Rate Type from Custom, you must change the Rate Source from Override to Resource or Role.


009014119: Task Plan name must be unique per project.

Cause: A duplicate value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a unique value.


002007004: You must save your changes before duplicating a scenario.

Cause: An attempt was made to duplicate a scenario before saving changes.

Resolution: Save your changes and then duplicate the scenario.


008001062: Most likely non-working days should be always less than or equal to maximum non-working days.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a value for most likely non-working days which was greater than maximum non-working days.

Resolution: Enter a value for most likely non-working days lesser than or equal to maximum non-working days.


003019116: You cannot associate an inherited workspace resource with a project role.

Cause: An attempt was made to associate a project role with an inherited workspace resource.

Resolution: If the resource should have a role associated with it, the association must be done at the workspace level.


001003003: Spread date is mandatory field for the fiscal period computations.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required field.


006012014: A resource cannot be set to inactive if it is assigned to a role. You must remove all assignments before you set the resource to inactive.

Cause: An attempt was made to set a resource that is assigned to a role to inactive.

Resolution: If you want to set the resource to inactive, remove all role assignments and then set the resource to inactive.


003007028: BIP service is not available. Contact your administrator.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


002019026: Edit Costs security privilege is required to change Proposed End date.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the Proposed End date without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


001003359: Name is a mandatory field.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a threshold rank with an empty name.

Resolution: Provide a valid name for the threshold rank.


003018021: You cannot edit budget transfer details if the budget transfer is approved.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit budget transfer details after the budget transfer was rejected.

Resolution: Create a new budget transfer if you need to modify the budget.


001003134: Workspace Code and Resource Code are required fields.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update an object without providing Workspace Code and Resource Code values.

Resolution: Provide Workspace Code and Resource Code values and run the call again.


006012037: A resource with ID {0} already exists in the following workspaces: {1}.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a duplicate resource ID.

Resolution: Enter a unique resource ID.


006010008: Probability and Impact Score Severity values cannot be null.

Cause: An attempt was made to set Probability and Impact Score Severity values to null.

Resolution: Ensure the Probability and Impact Score Severity values are not null.


004002007: Workflow cannot be saved as Disabled. It is referenced in a running workflow instance.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the status of a workflow from Enabled to Disabled, but the workflow is referenced in a running workflow instance. For example, it may be selected as a sub-workflow in a running workflow task.

Resolution: If you do not want to disable the workflow, select Enabled. If you want to disable the workflow, you must first navigate to the Monitor Workflows page and stop all workflow instances that reference this workflow.


002002018: Status cannot be changed manually if it is in {0}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


004005005: Unable to start mapped Workflow.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


010004026: A change order already exists for this change.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a change order through this change when one already exists.

Resolution: Ensure that no change orders exist that link to this change.


001003280: Cannot create resource. A resource with resource ID {0} already exists.

Cause: An attempt was made to create resource with an existing resource ID.

Resolution: Create resource with unique resource ID.


001032342: File is missing or not in zipped format.

Cause: An attempt was made to upload an invalid unzipped XML or XER file.

Resolution: Select a valid XML or XER zipped file.


001003236: You are trying to submit or approve a budget transfer to a budget that is not part of the program.

Cause: The project for the budget line is not part of the program.

Resolution: Remove the budget line that is not part of the program, or add the project back to the program.


001003012: Unsupported API Version. (Supported Versions are {0} and {1}).

Cause: The request operation is not supported in this version of the API.

Resolution: Resend the request using a supported API version.


010007001: The Commitment Estimate cannot exceed the current value of the associated commitment.

Cause: An attempt was made to set the Commitment Estimate value to a value that is greater than the current value of the associated commitment.

Resolution: Enter a value that does not exceed the value of the associated commitment.


001003039: Parent ID is a required field.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006111013: No valid users found during the import process.

Cause: An attempt was made to import an .xls or .xlsx file with invalid users.

Resolution: Do the following:

Open the file you want to import.

Enter user data.

Import the file again.


003015135: An activity with a triangle Distribution Shape must have a Minimum Duration less than or equal to the Most Likely Duration. The Most Likely Duration must be less than or equal to the Maximum Duration.

Cause: An invalid duration was entered for an activity with a triangle Distribution Shape.

Resolution: Enter a Minimum Duration less than or equal to the Most Likely Duration, and enter a Most Likely Duration less than or equal to the Maximum Duration.


006009006: All thresholds that aren't negligible must have a value.

Cause: An attempt was made to chance a risk threshold with a lower or an upper value without a value.

Resolution: Enter a lower and an upper value for the risk threshold.


010004002: This record has line items. It must not have any line items in order to be canceled.

Cause: An attempt was made to cancel a record with existing line items.

Resolution: Ensure the record has no line items before canceling.


000006015: Your session has timed out due to inactivity. Sign in again.

Cause: Session timed out due to inactivity.

Resolution: Sign in again.


006017002: Incremental Percent Complete cannot be greater than 100%.

Cause: A value greater than 100 was entered.

Resolution: Enter a value that is less than or equal to 100.


003012025: Unable to create scenario for project {0}. Please try again.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a scenario, but the process could not be completed.

Resolution: No resolution. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support.


006002033: Location Name is the mandatory field for saving the location.

Cause: Required fields were not completed when save location is checked.

Resolution: Location filed is must when save location is checked


001003373: The code type with codeTypeId : {0}, codeTypeCode : {1}, workspaceId : {2}, workspaceCode : {3} doesn't exist or has been deleted.

Cause: The object with the given field values doesn't exist.

Resolution: Give the proper existing object values and try again.


001003068: {0} is an invalid Curve Name.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a work package, but the value used to specify the Curve Name is not valid.

Resolution: Specify a valid value for Curve Name.


009108014: Unable to complete measure calculation for {0} measure for {1} project with exception {2}.

Cause: An unexpected failure has occurred, such as unable to read from or write to the database.

Resolution: Try again. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support to restart the database.


009014031: You cannot change a task to private if you are not the assigned user.

Cause: An attempt was made to change a task to private by a user who is not the assigned user.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot change a task to private if you are not the assigned user.


001003072: Original Start date for the work package cannot be before the project's Data Date.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a work package, but Original Start date is set earlier than the project's Data Date.

Resolution: Set Original Start later than or equal to the project's Data Date.


009007011: Scope Assignment spread operation failed for Work Package {0}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006012019: One or more resources or its child resources is used in a child project. You must remove these resources from the child project before you can delete the resource.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a resource which is currently being used in a child project of the current workspace.

Resolution: If you want to delete the resource, you must remove the resource from all child workspaces and projects.


003015217: At completion cost value cannot be less than actual cost value for non-fixed duration activities.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an at completion cost value that is less than the actual cost value on an activity with a duration type that does not use a fixed duration.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Change the duration type to Fixed Duration & Units or Fixed Duration & Units/Time and try again.

Enter an at completion cost value that is equal to or greater than the actual cost value.


008002004: Unable to apply activity uncertainty for {0} (Current Schedule).

Cause: An unexpected failure has occurred, such as unable to read from or write to the database.

Resolution: Try again. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support to restart the database.


000001061: Task does not exist or has been deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a task that does not exist or has been deleted.

Resolution: No resolution. Task does not exist.


003015232: Merge Activities input validation failed: {0}.

Cause: The Merge Activities input is invalid.

Resolution: Provide a valid input for the Merge Activities request.


006004042: Length cannot be decreased because data already exists for this field.

Cause: An attempt was made to decrease the size of configured field which has data assigned.

Resolution: Do not decrease the size of configured field in use.


009010016: Unable to recalculate project costs for {0} ({1}).

Cause: An unexpected failure has occurred, such as unable to read from or write to the database.

Resolution: Try again. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support to restart the database.


010006048: You cannot reopen a potential change order after a change order has been created against it.

Cause: An attempt was made to reopen a potential change order that has a change order created against it.

Resolution: Remove the change order created against the potential change order prior to reopening the potential change order.


009009030: Unable to select users for notification because user {0} is not authorized to view this data.

Cause: A user entered in the 'Notify' field does not have the required security privileges to view the project.

Resolution: Enter a username of a user that has security privileges to view the project.


009009001: Change request Type cannot be changed because the change request was saved.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the change request Type after the change request was saved.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006009018: Risk Matrix is not assigned to the project.

Cause: Risk Matrix is not assigned to the project.

Resolution: Assign a risk matrix to the project.


001003385: You cannot copy workspace resources with associated users when moving a project. Remove the resources from the project or dissociate the users from the resources, and then try moving the project again.

Cause: An attempt was made to copy one or more workspace resources with associated users as part of the project move process.

Resolution: Do any of the following:\n\n

Move the project with the option to move workspace data.

Remove the resources from the project and try again.

Dissociate the users from the resources and try again.


003019126: You can only synchronize resource and role availability and rates in the workspace context.

Cause: An attempt was made to synchronize resource and role availability and rates in the project context.

Resolution: Synchronize resource and role availability and rates in the workspace context.


008001043: {0} is an invalid response action status.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid response action status.

Resolution: Enter a response action status of Proposed, Sanctioned, Rejected, In Progress, or Complete.


006005057: {0} currency is assigned to one or more projects. You must remove all assignments before you can remove it.

Cause: An attempt was made remove a currency that is used by one or more projects.

Resolution: Do the following:

Change all instances of the project assignment of the currency and allow for recalculations.

Remove the currency.


003018035: The current cost of a budget item cannot be edited.

Cause: An attempt to edit current cost of a budget item was made.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot edit current cost of a budget item.


007000005: Unable to load users for profile {0}.

Cause: This is a generic internal error.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


003007036: Unable to parse invalid email xml for job ID: {0}, user: {1}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


001011006: Document preview fonts directory is not configured.

Cause: An attempt was made to preview a document but Oracle Outside In is not configured.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to validate the Oracle Outside In settings in the Oracle Primavera Prime Administration Application. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support.


001009032: Root folder cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete the root folder.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot delete the root folder.


000001038: You do not have the required security privileges to view this page.

Cause: An attempt was made to access the File List page without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


008001016: {0} is not a valid type for the {1} risk type.

Cause: An attempt was made to set an invalid response plan type based on the risk type.

Resolution: Set a response plan type that is valid for the risk type.


010000026: The full amount allocated in the SOV exceeds the total value.

Cause: The full amount allocated in the SOV exceeds the total value.

Resolution: Ensure the full amount allocated in the SOV does not exceed the total value.


001003137: The timesheet does not have any assignments added. Timesheet must have at least one assignment added before it can be submitted.

Cause: An attempt was made to submit a timesheet with no assignments added.

Resolution: Ensure the timesheet has at least one assignment added before submitting.


009011020: Scheduler could not run because activity {0} is missing a calendar in {1} (Current Schedule).

Cause: Scheduler cannot run if an activity is missing a calendar.

Resolution: Ensure all activities have a calendar.


006009011: The risk threshold level upper bounds must be greater than or equal to the lower bounds.

Cause: An attempt was made to change a risk threshold with an upper bound less than the lower bound.

Resolution: Enter a upper bound greater than or equal to the lower bound.


009009008: Change Quantity cannot be greater than Unassigned Quantity for the scope item.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a Change Quantity that exceeds the Unassigned Quantity for a scope item.

Resolution: Enter a Change Quantity value that is less than the Unassigned Quantity.


006004000: View Column Name must be unique. Enter a unique name.

Cause: A duplicate name was entered.

Resolution: Enter a unique name.


003000042: {WORKSPACE} is used in a form. You must remove all references to the item before it can be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a workspace that is used in a form

Resolution: Remove all references to the workspace from the form and try again.


009044407: Unable to export the baselines or scenarios that are not yet created.

Cause: Some baselines or scenarios are still in the process of being created.

Resolution: Retry the export after the baselines and scenarios creation is complete.


009011021: Scheduler could not run because activity {0} is missing a calendar in {1} ({2}).

Cause: Scheduler cannot run if an activity is missing a calendar.

Resolution: Ensure all activities have a calendar.


006005044: The project currency cannot be changed once cost data exists for a project.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the project currency after cost data exists.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot change the project currency once cost data exists for a project.


008000005: Unable to run post-response risk analysis because there is no post-response data in {0} project.

Cause: An attempt was made to run a post-response risk analysis on a project that does not contain response plan data for risk inputs.

Resolution: To run a post-response analysis, you must add response plan data for risk inputs.


000000077: The {0} does not exist in the given {1}.

Cause: The requested child object does not exist in the given parent object.

Resolution: Verify child details and try again.


001003105: Timesheet Hour Type's name field cannot be empty.

Cause: Timesheet Hour Type's name field was not set.

Resolution: Enter a name for Timesheet Hour Type entry.


003015071: A completed activity has remaining cost, you cannot change remaining cost.

Cause: Remaining cost value of a completed activity has been changed.

Resolution: Ensure that the remaining cost value for a completed activity is unchanged.


001003481: You do not have the required privileges to use this service.

Cause: An attempt was made to access the service without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003018047: You do not have the required approval security privileges.

Cause: An attempt was made to approve or withdraw approval of a record without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


001003278: The selected document field cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a document field which failed due to error.

Resolution: Review to determine where the document field is used and if it can be removed.


010006004: You cannot create a potential change order if its associated agreement has not been approved.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a potential change order with an associated agreement that is not approved.

Resolution: Make sure the associated agreement is approved before creating a potential change order for it.


003000631: Project contains codes. It cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a project that contains codes.

Resolution: Delete all codes and then delete the project.


001003273: The Most Likely Duration field does not exist in the payload. It is needed when the Distribution Shape is Triangle or Uniform.

Cause: An attempt was made to apply activity uncertainty without a Most Likely Duration field value in the payload when the Distribution Shape has been set to Triangle or Uniform.

Resolution: Provide a Most Likely Duration field value in the payload.


000001004: You do not have the required privileges to access the requested page.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a page without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


002019056: Project planned phase cost start date must be before project planned end date.

Cause: Planned budget start date occurs after the finish date.

Resolution: Enter a start date that is before the finish date for planned budget.


006020012: {0} has portfolios linked at the current or child {WORKSPACES}. It cannot be deleted.

Cause: Measure has portfolios linked to it at current or child workspaces.

Resolution: Remove portfolio associations from measure and try again.


009010001: Unable to complete scheduling for {0} (Current Schedule).

Cause: An unexpected failure has occurred, such as unable to read from or write to the database.

Resolution: Try again. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support to restart the database.


001003219: The resourceId cannot be null.

Cause: No value exists.

Resolution: Enter a resourceId value.


006016006: Unable to import all data. The selected file does not contain {WORKSPACES} which are needed for import.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a configuration package using the All Data method, but the file selected does not contain the necessary details to support this action.

Resolution: On the Manage Configuration page, under Export Data, select All Data to export the configuration package.


003019014: You cannot modify {0} {1} after it has been allocated.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify a fund field that is not editable after the fund is allocated.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot modify the fund after it has been allocated.


008001086: The maximum weather period duration is {0} days.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a risk weather period with a duration greater than 366 days.

Resolution: Create the risk weather period with a maximum duration of 366 days.


010000043: You do not have the privileges to approve this record. You need the Edit Cost privilege on the associated agreement.

Cause: An attempt was made to approve a record without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


006012034: The role ID exists in a sibling workspace hierarchy, {0}. Change the role ID before promoting the role.

Cause: An attempt was made to promote a role that already exists in a sibling workspace hierarchy.

Resolution: Rename the role ID and then promote the role.


008001060: Minimum non-working days should be always less than or equal to maximum non-working days.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a value for minimum non-working day which was greater than maximum non-working days.

Resolution: Enter a value for minimum non-working days lesser than or equal to maximum non-working days.


006020015: {0}: You cannot change the owning association because fields referenced in measure expressions are not available at selected {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: Fields referenced in measure expressions are not available at selected workspace.

Resolution: Change the owning association of fields referenced in measure expressions to the selected workspace.


006012024: {0}: You cannot remove the evaluation matrix because the categories are used in the expression.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a evaluation matrix whose categories are used in the expression.

Resolution: Remove all references of categories in the expression, and then remove the evaluation matrix.


003014011: The Report result is no longer available because it was too old (over the notifications timeout maximum) or the report itself was deleted.

Cause: The report result was deleted either because it was too old (over the notifications timeout maximum) or the report itself was deleted.

Resolution: Run the report again.


001003062: value {0} is invalid. Enter a value of {1}.

Cause: An invalid value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a valid value.


003000023: Code: This is a required field.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required field.


001003455: More than one fund assigned to the same project actual.

Cause: A same fund has been assigned to the same project actuals more than once.

Resolution: Try deleting the duplicate fund actual record.


009014091: The company that the selected user belongs to is not in the project-level Companies list.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a user to the task, but the company the user belongs to is not added to the project-level companies list.

Resolution: Add the company the user belongs to in the project-level companies list.


010003006: You must enter a unit price if the schedule of value Type is Unit Price.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required field.


003024510: SpecSection number is mandatory.

Cause: SpecSection number is not found.

Resolution: Enter SpecSection number.


006006042: You cannot delete a segment that has been copied to a child {WORKSPACE} CBS.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a segment that was copied to the CBS of a child workspace.

Resolution: If you want to delete the segment, delete the copy of the segment from the child workspace CBS.


003012011: The scope assignment cannot be created because a project baseline is set.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a scope assignment, but a baseline is set for the project.

Resolution: Use a change request to add a new scope assignment, or reset all baselines for the project.


013000025: Program at completion phase cost end date must be after program at completion start date.

Cause: At completion finish date occurs before the start date.

Resolution: Enter a finish date that occurs after the start date for at completion.


003004005: Templates cannot be applied to deleted folders.

Cause: An attempt was made to apply a template to a deleted folder.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot apply a template to a deleted folder. Refresh the page to view the current list of folders.


002007012: You do not have the security privileges to approve this scenario.

Cause: An attempt was made to approve a scenario without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


002019042: Cannot edit forecast total if project is integrated with Unifier

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


003015082: You must enter a resume date if the activity has an actual finish date.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required field.


000000104: Company Name, Postal Code, and Country Code fields cannot be empty if the Company ID is not specified.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update an office without Company Name, Postal Code, and Country Code.

Resolution: Provide a value for Company Name, Postal Code, and Country Code to create or update an office.


003015174: {0} is an invalid role ID.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a role that does not exist.

Resolution: Enter a valid role ID.


009014118: You do not have an Aconex account linked to your Lobby account.

Cause: You do not have an Aconex account linked to your Lobby account.

Resolution: Link an Aconex account to your Lobby account.


010004003: The entered Time Change will result in a negative Revised Performance Period.

Cause: The entered Time Change will result in a negative Revised Performance Period.

Resolution: Ensure that the entered Time Change does not result in a negative Revised Performance Period.


006002015: Unable to set value on location object for {0}

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


010001006: You cannot edit the {0} field if the line item Type is {1}.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit a read-only field.

Resolution: Do not edit the field, or change the line item Type value so it is editable.


008001052: You cannot create more than 5000 risk assignments at once.

Cause: An attempt was made to create more than 5000 risk assignments at once.

Resolution: Select fewer risks to assign to the selected activities or select fewer activities to assign risks.


000000034: An unknown error has occurred.

Cause: This is a generic internal error.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


006002024: Longitude and latitude are mandatory fields for saving the location.

Cause: Required fields were not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required fields.


009011011: The global change this job should have run could not be found.

Cause: The global change this job was set to run was deleted before the job could begin.

Resolution: Recreate the global change and run it.


007004008: You cannot act on behalf of the user unless the latest consent notice is accepted by the main user.

Cause: A proxy user was assigned, but after that, the consent message was updated and requires acceptance again. A user is logging in for another user, but the main user has not accepted the updated consent notice.

Resolution: The proxy user cannot continue until the main user logs in and accepts the latest consent notice.


009014081: Unable to run task summary checks for {0} project. Please try again.

Cause: An unknown error occurred while running the task summary checks.

Resolution: Try again. If the error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.


006002030: A resource cannot be assigned to a material type role.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a material role to a resource.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot assign a material type role to a resource.


006011032: You cannot delete the owning company.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a company which is owning company.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot delete the owning company.


012000007: The Idea app is not available.

Cause: An attempt was made to access the Idea app but the Idea app is disabled or not provisioned.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to enable the Idea app.


006006057: You cannot delete a CBS code that is assigned to a risk item.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a CBS code that is assigned to a risk item.

Resolution: If you want to delete the CBS code, you must remove all risk assignments and then delete the CBS code.


003012002: {0}: Can only be added through a change request because the project baseline is set.

Cause: An attempt was made to add an object without submitting a change request.

Resolution: Submit a change request to add the object.


001003009: Invalid query. The requested URL contains invalid start or limit query parameters.

Cause: The requested URL contains start or limit query parameters set to invalid values.

Resolution: Ensure start and limit query parameter values are valid


001003008: Invalid query. The requested URL contains invalid filter query parameters.

Cause: An incorrect query syntax was used.

Resolution: Correct the query syntax. Refer to Entity Filtering in the Oracle Primavera REST API documentation.


002018099: You do not have the security privilege to view cash flow for the Program.

Cause: An attempt was made to view costs of a program without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


010000015: The description can not exceed 4000 characters.

Cause: A description longer than 4,000 characters was entered.

Resolution: Enter a description that does not exceed 4,000 characters.


001003300: Invalid includeBaselineFields query parameter value {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to load activities with invalid includeBaselineFields query parameter value.

Resolution: Provide includeBaselineFields query parameter value as ORIGINAL, CURRENT, OTHER, USER_BASELINE_1, USER_BASELINE_2 and USER_BASELINE_3 or any combination and try again.


001003285: You do not have the required security privilege to edit timesheet settings.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit timesheet settings without the required privilege.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


001000001: Batch save is required for this entity because the fields on it that have changed and need to invoke a batch rule.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


003014008: A main subject area is required.

Cause: An attempt was made to save a report without a main subject area.

Resolution: Select a main subject area and save the report.


011000037: All files must be removed from the selected custom logs before they can be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a custom log that contains files.

Resolution: Remove the files associated with the custom log, and then delete the custom log.


006019002: Report Cycle Name must be unique. Enter a unique value.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a Name which is not unique.

Resolution: Enter a value for Name that is unique.


007001006: Unable to remove groups: {0}.

Cause: This is a generic internal error.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


004001041: The form {0} is not valid. Either the form lacks the fields required to complete the action, or it includes fields or other elements that do not apply to the action.

Cause: An attempt was made to load a form that either lacks the fields required to complete the action or includes fields or other elements that do not apply to the action.

Resolution: If you want to load the form that is currently assigned to this action, either add the required fields to the form, or remove the non-applicable elements from the form.


003015211: You cannot assign resource to a role field.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a resource to a role field.

Resolution: Assign roles to role fields and resources to resource fields.


001003789: The requested action is temporarily blocked. Contact the Application Administrator.

Cause: An attempt was made to add, delete, or move a workspace in a hierarchy where one of these actions is already in progress.

Resolution: Wait for the action in progress to complete. Contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance.


000000070: Source Id and Source Site Id are required to add or update a company associated with a commitment.

Cause: An attempt was made to add or update a company without a Source ID or Source Site ID.

Resolution: Provide a Source ID and Source Site ID for the company.


006004014: The formula exceeds the max length of 10000 characters. Enter a valid formula.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a formula which exceeds the maximum character length.

Resolution: Modify the formula to use shorter variable names. If that is not possible, you can to split your formula into separate fields.


009014010: You can only assign tasks to activities that are Activity Dependent or Resource Dependent.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a task to an activity with a type of Summary, Level of Effort, Start Milestone, or Finish Milestone.

Resolution: Assign the task to an activity with a type of Activity Dependent or Resource Dependent.


000000090: Create project from template did not complete in the allotted time. Process will continue in the background.

Cause: Project contains large amount of data.

Resolution: Wait for sometime and use get call to find if the project is created.


000009008: An invalid cost curve name was used.

Cause: An attempt was made to import cost curves without a valid cost curve name.

Resolution: Enter the correct cost curve name for rows that contain cost data.


010003018: You cannot create a schedule of values with a parent that is also its peer.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a schedule of values with a parent that is also its peer.

Resolution: Specify a parent that is higher in the hierarchy than the new schedule of values.


006008004: {0} has one or more assignments. You must remove all assignments before remove.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove an object that contains assignments.

Resolution: Remove all assignments from the object and try again.


001003344: The {0} in the payload is already assigned to the given {1}.

Cause: The object being assigned in the payload is already assigned to another object.

Resolution: Send the payload again using the objects that are not assigned.


006012006: One or more roles or its child roles are assigned to an activity. You must delete all assignments before you can delete the role.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a role that is assigned to an activity.

Resolution: If you want to delete the role, delete all activity assignments and then delete the role.


001003042: API Flag turned off.

Cause: Administrator turned off the API functionality.

Resolution: Please contact the administrator.


009004007: Unable to update the status of the Scope Item Change to {0} because there are no Scope Item details for the change request {1}.

Cause: The change request status cannot be updated to approved, rejected, reopen, or withdraw approval because there are no Scope Item Change details present for the change request.

Resolution: Create scope item change details for the change request


009004003: Change Hours cannot be negative for a Scope Assignment change item that has Type set to Hours.

Cause: A value less than zero was entered.

Resolution: Enter a value that is greater than zero.


002020002: You cannot approve a scenario when another scenario is pending approval.

Cause: An attempt was made to approve a scenario while another scenario is pending approval.

Resolution: Approve the pending scenario before approving another scenario.


009108021: Unable to complete measure calculation for {0} measure for {1} program in {2} {WORKSPACE} due to exception {3}.

Cause: An unexpected failure has occurred, such as unable to read from or write to the database.

Resolution: Try again. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support to restart the database.


006004055: The configured field cannot be assigned because the selected configured field object does not match the object being updated.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a configured field to an object and that configured field is created for a different object.

Resolution: Assign a configured field option that matches the object being updated.


003015171: You do not have the security privileges required to add an activity.

Cause: An attempt was made to add an activity without the required privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


006002010: Failed to add the location because the latitude value is not within the valid range.

Cause: The value you entered for the latitude is not within the valid range.\nIf you imported a .xlx or .xls file, then a row in the file contains a latitude value that is not within the valid range.

Resolution: Enter a value between -90 and 90 for the latitude.\nIf you are importing a .xlx or .xls file,do the following:

Open the file.

Enter a value between -90 and 90 for the latitude.

Import the file again.


006014001: Name must be unique per {WORKSPACE}. Enter a unique value.

Cause: A duplicate value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a unique value.


001003392: Project move did not succeed, possibly due to another process that shares global objects with this move process. Please wait for the other process to complete before trying again.

Cause: An attempt was made to run a project move process that shares global objects with another project move process already in progress.

Resolution: Please wait for the other process to complete before trying again.


006011021: Unable to add user to an inactive company.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a contact to a company with a Status of inactive.

Resolution: Change the Status of the company to active and then add the contact.


007001013: Unable to fetch groups from the server.

Cause: This is a generic internal error.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


003000097: Enter valid curve.

Cause: An error has occurred creating the chart.

Resolution: Revert the chart to its default settings or edit the chart in Manage Views.


011000055: Custom Log edit privilege is required to create the custom log item.

Cause: An attempt was made to complete an action without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


002019031: Forecast Start date cannot be after Forecast End date.

Cause: The Forecast Start date that was entered occurs after the Forecast End date.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Enter a Forecast Start date that occurs before the Forecast End date.

Move the Forecast End date so that it occurs after the Forecast Start date.


001006005: {0}: Already exists in the parent workspace. Do you want to make it available to the selected {1}?

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


009007010: The Activity must be assigned to the Scope Assignment's Work Package to link in a P6 integrated project.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


009014077: The criteria for overdue and tasks with slack must be a whole number and greater than or equal to one.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a value that is either not a whole number or is less than one.

Resolution: Enter a whole number that is equal to or greater than one.


006006030: You cannot delete a CBS code that is assigned to a scope item.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a CBS code that is assigned to a scope item.

Resolution: If you want to delete the CBS code, you must remove all scope item assignments and then delete the CBS code.


003015069: A Fixed Duration & Units or Fixed Duration & Units/Time duration type must be used for negative units or costs. Enter a positive value in the {0} field.

Cause: A negative value was entered in a field.

Resolution: Enter a positive value.


009012004: Manual bucketing is not allowed to occur outside of the planned date range

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


001003377: The requested filterID does not belong to {0} objectType.

Cause: FilterID that doesn't start with the objectType is not supported for the object.

Resolution: Provide a FilterID that starts with the object name.


001003333: Cannot create a TO Program Budget Transaction without having a FROM transaction.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a TO program budget transaction without a FROM transaction.

Resolution: Provide the FROM transaction along with TO transaction.


009014083: You must assign the activity to a task in the same project.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign an activity to a task from a different project.

Resolution: Assign the activity to a task from the same project.


009007027: The value is invalid because the date is a non-work day.

Cause: An attempt was made to set a date that is a non-work day.

Resolution: Select a date that is a work day.


003018043: Cannot edit Budget Transaction of an Approved Budget Transfer or Change.

Cause: An attempt to edit a Budget Transaction of an Approved Budget Transfer or Change has been made.

Resolution: Reject the associated Budget Transfer or Change for the Budget Transaction.


002019041: Cannot edit forecast finish date if project is integrated with Unifier

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006020021: Validation process timed out. Try again.

Cause: Validation process timed out.

Resolution: Try validating measure expression again.


904008001: Gaps cannot exist in the multi-part P6 primary keys.

Cause: Gaps exist in multi-part P6 primary keys. Keys must be sequentially defined.

Resolution: Define keys in sequential order in the primary key fields.


006005045: Exchange Rate cannot be deleted. You must have at least one exchange rate associated with a currency.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete the only exchange rate for a currency.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot delete an exchange rate for the currency if it is the only exchange rate for that currency.


013000003: This program is part of a workflow and cannot be edited until the workflow is completed.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit a program that is being used in a workflow.

Resolution: Complete the workflow before you edit the program.


009011019: Scheduler could not run because activity {0} is missing a calendar in program {1}.

Cause: Scheduler cannot run if an activity is missing a calendar.

Resolution: Ensure all activities have a calendar.


010007031: You cannot resubmit a change order while the associated change is closed or voided.

Cause: An attempt was made to resubmit a change order while the associated change is closed or voided.

Resolution: Change the status of the associated change so it is not closed or void.


003000012: {0}: Unable to change the status of the project to or from Rejected except from within a workflow

Cause: An attempt was made to change the status of a project to or from Rejected outside of a workflow.

Resolution: Use the proposal workflow to change the status of the project to Rejected.


010004030: You can only collect and uncollect commitment change orders when the contract change order has a status of Draft or Rejected.

Cause: An attempt was made to collect or uncollect a commitment change order in a contract change order that does not have a status of Draft or Rejected.

Resolution: Withdraw approval of the contract change order to make changes to it.


010004020: Cannot modify Associated Agreement on an existing Change Order

Cause: An attempt to modify Associated Agreement was made on an existing Change Order.

Resolution: Cannot modify Associated Agreement on an existing Change Order.


011000005: The Initiated By date cannot occur before the current date.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006003004: You do not have the security privilege to edit analysis views.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit analysis views without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003015218: You cannot perform this action on more than 500 activities at once.

Cause: An attempt was made to perform a specific action on more than 500 activities at once.

Resolution: Select up to 500 activities and try again.


009014028: The assigned user must belong to the assigned company.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a user who does not belong to the assigned company.

Resolution: Assign a user who belongs to the company assigned to the task.


001003237: A Transfer Amount value is required.

Cause: No Transfer Amount value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a Transfer Amount value.


003015192: Unable to calculate project schedule health checks for {0} project. Please try again.

Cause: An unknown error occurred while calculating the project schedule health checks.

Resolution: Try again. If the error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.


000000080: specSectionId or specSectionNumber is a required field for submittal.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006009013: {0}: The risk threshold cannot be removed because it is assigned to a risk matrix template.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a risk threshold already assigned to a risk matrix.

Resolution: Detach or unassign the risk threshold from a risk matrix to remove the existing risk threshold.


010006033: You cannot change the status of the potential change order proposal from {0} to {1}.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the status of the potential change order proposal to an invalid value.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot change the potential change order proposal status as specified.


006311055: Invalid company to attach office to.

Cause: Wrong details for company to which office must be attached.

Resolution: Mention correct company details.


001003122: Workspace Code and Member Portfolio Name are required fields.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


005001001: {0} object with key {1} already exists with fields: {2} having different values.

Cause: The object already exists in a different workspace and has different field values, thus update is not allowed.

Resolution: Confirm that the existent object is referred by providing the same fields or not providing those fields at all.


003000096: Start date of sub curves are not same.

Cause: An error has occurred creating the chart.

Resolution: Revert the chart to its default settings or edit the chart in Manage Views.


002019024: Edit Costs security privilege is required to change Proposed Start date.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the Proposed Start date without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


000000032: {0} with ID {1}: An unexpected constraint violation occurred.

Cause: This is a generic internal error.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


003015080: You cannot change the actual this period units for an activity that is not started.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the actual this period units for an activity that is not started.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot change the actual this period units for an activity that is not started.


000000024: {0}: This is a required field.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required field.


003023908: Spec Section cannot be modified

Cause: An attempt was made to modify Spec Section without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


001003205: The Resource with ID {0} cannot be unassigned from the owning project with ID {1}. You can use the Delete API to delete the resource.

Cause: An attempt was made to unassign a resource which is owned by the given project.

Resolution: You cannot unassign the resource from the owning project. If you want to delete the resource, use the Delete API.


002013002: Distributed project cost cannot exceed the Total Cost.

Cause: The Distributed Proposed Budget of a project exceeds the Total Cost or Total Proposed Budget of the project.

Resolution: Manually update the Total Cost or Total Proposed Budget of the project based on the distributed value.


003015047: Assignment failed to process actual value calculation.

Cause: An invalid value has been set for an actual value field in an activity.

Resolution: Ensure that the activity is set with valid values in all the fields.


000000002: Request sent with invalid data.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


002019030: Edit Costs security privilege is required to change Forecast Start date.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the Forecast Start date without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


002007092: You do not have security privilege to Add Resource Scenario.

Cause: An attempt was made to Add a resource scenario without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003015175: {0} is an invalid activity ID.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign an activity that does not exist.

Resolution: Enter a valid activity ID.


002002023: A capital plan that is already Approved cannot be changed to In Planning from Closed.

Cause: An attempt was made to change an Approved capital plan from In Planning to Closed.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot change an Approved capital plan from In Planning to Closed.


009009003: Transfer Hours cannot be greater than Available Hours for the scope assignment.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter Transfer Hours that exceed the Available Hours for a scope assignment.

Resolution: Enter a Transfer Hours value that is less than Available Hours.


004001026: Form cannot be saved as Disabled. It is referenced in a running workflow instance.

Cause: An attempt was made to disable a form that is referenced in a running workflow instance.

Resolution: If you want to disable the form, you must first navigate to the Monitor Workflows page and stop all running workflow instances that reference the form.


010000003: You cannot modify a record with a status of {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify an item with an invalid status.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot modify an item with an invalid status.


002000010: Security GUID cannot be modified after the portfolio has been created.

Cause: An attempt has been made to modify Security GUID of a portfolio.

Resolution: No resolution. Security GUID cannot be modified.


003019056: Invalid value for Default Availability & Rate.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid value for Default Availability & Rate.

Resolution: Enter valid value for Default Availability & Rate.


000001013: Project does not exist or has been deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a project that does not exist or has been deleted.

Resolution: No resolution. Project no longer exists.


006016004: Unable to generate a new unique name for {0} {1}.

Cause: An attempt was made to find a unique name for a record on import. After 10 attempts we could not find a unique value for this new record. The record will not be imported however, the import process will continue.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Rename the object in the source location, create a new export package, and then import the package again.

Rename the records in the database so that the name in the current import file can be used, and then import the file again.


009014017: You cannot commit to a task with a due date that occurs in the past.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a commitment due date in the past.

Resolution: Enter a due date in the future.


006111014: You must create a company before you add users.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


001003475: Invalid {0} hierarchy details. Code:{1} given at position {2} is not present in hierarchy.

Cause: The list of codes given does not belong to any hierarchy.

Resolution: Provide the list of codes in the same order as the hierarchy, starting from root item.


000001027: Expected page to be loaded in a project tab, but either the tab was a different type or the object is not viewable by this user.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


003015019: You cannot change the role because the previous role already has actuals.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the assigned role for a role assignment with actuals.

Resolution: Remove the actuals from the assignment and then change the assigned role.


001003239: A Transfer To value is required.

Cause: No Transfer To value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a Transfer To value.


002007096: You must assign {WORKSPACE} role to create a resource plan.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a resource plan without a role.

Resolution: Assign a workspace role and then create a plan.


013000010: Unable to reset CBS Codes for program.

Cause: There is cost data present for program.

Resolution: Unlink all the projects from program and recalculate.


006008006: Order by must be a field in the field list.

Cause: An Attempt was made to call the field that does not exist in the field list.

Resolution: Check the table column name of the field and ensure it is not null.


013000033: The Program Planned Start Date or Program Planned Finish Date values cannot be updated when the Program Planned Budget source is set to Project Roll-up.

Cause: You cannot update cost curve dates that are calculated as project roll-ups. Only cost curves with a Source value of Manual can be updated.

Resolution: Revert the date back to its original value, or cancel all changes to the form.


003021007: You do not have the required security privilege to calculate the strategic alignment scores.

Cause: An attempt was made to calculate the strategic alignment scores without the required privilege.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privilege.


009001009: Scope items cannot be imported. No valid rows found.

Cause: No data was found in the scope item file.

Resolution: Add data to at least one row of the scope item import file.


000001008: You no longer have the security privilege to access this project collection.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a project collection without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003019033: The distribution type for this fund cannot be converted because the fund has been consumed by one or more actuals.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the distribution type of a fund that was already consumed by one or more actuals.

Resolution: No resolution. The distribution type for this fund cannot be converted because the fund has been consumed by one or more actuals.


003013008: {WORKSPACE} contains project collections. It cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a workspace that contains project collections.

Resolution: Delete the project collections and then delete the workspace.


006012043: You do not have the required security privileges to delete the {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete the resource or role without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003007039: Unable to parse invalid parsechar: {0}. Contact your administrator.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


000000073: Value {0} in the request body does not match the required type {1}.

Cause: A value in the request body is not compatible with its associated field type.

Resolution: Verify that the value for the specified field is correct, and re-submit the request.


009014038: The unique identifier is invalid, or you do not have the security privilege to edit the commitment.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid unique identifier or to edit a commitment without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Enter a valid unique identifier, or contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


006011010: An unknown error occurred activating the partner user.

Cause: The activation of a partner user has failed for an unknown reason.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


001003338: Unable to resolve {0}, please provide one of the valid combinations {1}.

Cause: Invalid value was passed for GraphQL query argument.

Resolution: Provide a valid value combination in the argument.


002009005: A threshold that is linked to a Number column must have a value of type Number.

Cause: A threshold that is linked to a number column must have a value of type number.

Resolution: If the threshold is linked to a number column, select a value of type number.


006002009: {0}: a location with this name already exists.

Cause: A duplicate name was entered.

Resolution: Enter a unique name.


006005028: Effective Date and time must be unique for each Exchange Rate.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter another Exchange Rate for an existing Effective Date for the same currency.

Resolution: Enter a unique Effective Date for each Exchange Rate.


003012006: The field cannot be updated because a project baseline is set.

Cause: An attempt was made to update a field, but the project baseline is set.

Resolution: No resolution unless baselines are reset.


003000076: You cannot move a project to a different {WORKSPACE} because this project has {0} activities that use a calendar not accessible in the target {WORKSPACE}. Promote these calendars to a higher level and pull them down into the target {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An attempt was made to move a project that has at least one calendar not accessible in the target workspace but is attached to an activity.

Resolution: Promote these calendars to a higher level and pull them down into the target workspace.


003012004: Change requests are associated with this project. You must remove all change requests before the baseline can be removed.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a baseline from a project that has change requests.

Resolution: Remove all change requests for this project and then delete the baseline.


008001094: Risk analysis cannot be performed. Convergence should be enabled for projects with more than {0} activities.

Cause: Convergence is disabled.

Resolution: To run risk analysis,enable convergence.


008001054: The weather period start date should not be after the associated project's finish date.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a period start date which is after project's finish date.

Resolution: Enter a value for period start date which is after project's start date and before project's finish date.


006011006: No LDAP groups are configured for the Partner User role.

Cause: LDAP groups are not configured properly for partner users in the directory server.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


011000041: Unknown custom log scope.

Cause: The scope passed is neither project nor workspace.

Resolution: The scope should be either project or workspace.


006009004: Risk Threshold Levels cannot overlap.

Cause: An attempt was made to set the bounds of a lower level greater than those of a higher level.

Resolution: Enter appropriate lower and upper bounds for all risk levels.


001003485: {0} with ID {1} does not exist, has been deleted, or you do not have the privilege to access it.

Cause: An attempt was made to access an object that does not exist, has been deleted, or you do not have the privilege to access it.

Resolution: No resolution. The object does not exist or user cannot access it.


006013000: The selected user is already assigned to a resource in this {WORKSPACE} or a different {WORKSPACE}. Select a different user.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a user to a resource, but the selected user is already assigned to a resource in this workspace or a different workspace.

Resolution: Select a different user.


006002022: You cannot delete a calendar that is assigned to a project.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a calendar that is assigned to a project.

Resolution: If you want to delete the calendar, you must remove it from all projects.


001003093: The user cannot submit the timesheet.

Cause: The current user is not the resource, supervisor or approver for the timesheet.

Resolution: The user should be either the resource, supervisor or the approver for the timesheet.


000000051: File must be an xml or xer file.

Cause: An attempt was made to upload a file that was not an xml file.

Resolution: Select an xml file.


005000001: {0} is not a valid value for {1}.

Cause: An invalid value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a valid value.


001003243: You cannot promote the calendar because another calendar with the same ID exists in your destination workspace. You must change your calendar ID first.

Cause: An attempt was made to promote a project-specific calendar to workspace, but another calendar with the same ID exists in the workspace.

Resolution: The project-specific calendar ID must be changed so that the calendar ID is unique throughout the entire branch of the workspace hierarchy.


001003067: {0} is an invalid Progress Type.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a work package, but the value used to specify Progress Type is not valid.

Resolution: Specify a valid value for Progress Type.


010004017: This change order has no line items and no time change. It must have at least one line item or a non-zero time change before it can be submitted.

Cause: The record has no line items and no time change, therefore it cannot be submitted.

Resolution: Ensure that the record has at least one line item or a non-zero time change value before submitting.


003015167: {0} is an invalid calendar ID.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a calendar that does not exist.

Resolution: Enter a valid calendar ID


001003383: {0} {1} {2} exceeds the maximum character limit. Choose a value between 1 and {3}, and then try moving the project again.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify an item which exceeds maximum length.

Resolution: Enter a value less than the maximum character length, and then try moving the project again.


001003086: Multiple hour types set as default.

Cause: There is more than one hour type set as default.

Resolution: Set only one hour type as default.


007001001: {0}: Already exists. Enter a unique value.

Cause: A duplicate name was entered.

Resolution: Enter a unique name.


006021017: You cannot remove or delete the evaluation matrix or its elements when it is referenced in a workflow or form within the current or a descendant workspace.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove or delete an evaluation matrix or its elements while it is referenced in a workflow or form.

Resolution: Review the workflows and forms within this workspace and its descendant workspaces to determine where the evaluation matrix or its elements is currently referenced. If the same cannot be removed from the workflow or form, the action can not be saved.


003015229: You cannot create more than 500 assignments at one time.

Cause: An attempt was made to create more than 500 assignments at one time.

Resolution: Select up to 500 activities and try again.


008001013: Only one response plan can be active at a time.

Cause: An attempt was made to have more than one active response plan.

Resolution: Mark only one response plan as active.


003015083: Resume date must be before actual finish date.

Cause: The resume date that was entered occurs after the actual finish date.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Enter a resume date that occurs before the actual finish date.

Move the actual finish date so it occurs after the resume date.


002004000: You cannot edit the Planning Horizon field when a scenario exists.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the Planning Horizon field, but a scenario already exists.

Resolution: If you want to edit the Planning Horizon field, remove the scenario and try again.


009011007: You are not authorized to edit {0} data. Contact your administrator.

Cause: You do not have the permission to edit activity data.

Resolution: Ensure you have the permission to edit activity data.


000000029: An error occurred running business rules on fields {0} for object {1} of type {2}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


003015066: Select a Status.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required field.


001003232: Provided Resource does not exist in the given Project

Cause: An attempt was made to create Project Resource Work Rate Record without a resource that is not present in the given project.

Resolution: Provide Resource ID or Combination of (Resource Code, Resource Class) which is present in given project.


006006041: You cannot create a segment if the CBS has been copied to a project cost sheet.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a segment in a workspace CBS that has been copied to a project cost sheet.

Resolution: If you want to create a new segment, delete all the segments in project cost sheets that were copied from this workspace CBS.


007000004: {0} is not a valid permissions type.

Cause: An invalid permissions type was selected.

Resolution: Select a valid permission type.


006012056: One or more resources associated with the roles are assigned to another role or an activity and cannot be removed.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a role which has associated resources that are assigned to another role or an activity.

Resolution: If you want to remove the role, you must remove the associated resources that are assigned to other roles or activities.


003019003: Fund cannot be modified when in inactive status.

Cause: Fund was modified in inactive status.

Resolution: Do not modify fund when inactive.


009007022: Installed Start cannot be removed because Scope Percent Complete is greater than 0%.

Cause: Installed Start date cannot be changed because Scope Percent Complete is greater than 0%.

Resolution: No resolution. Installed Start cannot be removed because Scope Percent Complete is greater than 0%.


006000002: {0} is invalid. Enter a value between {1} and {2}.

Cause: A value was entered that is not in the required range.

Resolution: Enter a value in the required range.


003015151: The Secondary Constraint {0} is not allowed to set for the Primary Constraint {1} .

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid Secondary Constraint for a Primary Constraint.

Resolution: Change the type of Secondary Constraint.


009012001: An amount cannot be spread over a range that contains no work days.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


010003003: You cannot modify a schedule of values associated with a contract that has a status of {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify a schedule of values associated with a contract that has an invalid status.

Resolution: Do not modify the schedule of values, or change the status of the contract before you try to modify the schedule of values.


008001071: Cannot set non-working persistence value if weather risk non-working time definition is defined using Distribution.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a value for non-working persistence for non-working time definition type Distribution.

Resolution: Do not enter a value for non-working persistence for non-working time definition type Distribution.


009108009: You must specify a project planned start date.

Cause: An attempt was made to create demand without a project planned start date.

Resolution: Enter a valid project planned start date.


006006060: "No CBS" is not a valid code value.

Cause: An invalid code value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a valid code value.


001000006: Only isAssignableToProject, isAssignableToResource fields can be updated in a child workspace.

Cause: You have tried updating the calendar fields other than isAssignableToProject, isAssignableToResource in a child workspace.

Resolution: Provide the owning workspaceId of the calendar in the request if you intend to update other fields.


001011005: Folders are not supported for document preview.

Cause: An attempt was made to preview a document folder.

Resolution: No resolution. Document folders will not contain a document image preview.


010006036: You cannot create a proposal when the last proposal version has a status of {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a proposal with a last proposal version that has a status of {0}.

Resolution: Make sure that the last proposal version is rejected before creating another proposal version.


006002002: No valid locations found during the import process.

Cause: An attempt was made to import an .xls or .xlsx file with invalid location rows.

Resolution: Do the following:

Open the file you want to import.

Enter location data.

Import the file again.


003012022: A baseline cannot be deleted while it is in progress. Wait for the baseline to complete before attempting to delete it.

Cause: The baseline you attempted to delete is in progress. Please wait for the baseline creation to complete.

Resolution: Wait until the baseline completes and try again.


007000015: The system created 'View Only' global profile cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete the system created profile.

Resolution: No resolution. The system created global View Only profile cannot be deleted


003007002: Unable to access BIP web service for WSDL endpoint URL: {0}, version: {1}. Contact your administrator.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


008001064: Non-working persistence value is invalid.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid value for non-working persistence.

Resolution: Enter a value for non-working persistence between 0 to 100.


001003319: The selected roles or roles in the selected hierarchy are assigned resources. The assigned resources or resources in the hierarchy have a project calendar assignment. Assign a workspace calendar or promote the project calendars before promoting the roles. Resource IDs : {0} .

Cause: A project calendar is assigned to a resource that is assigned to one of the selected roles.

Resolution: Assign a workspace calendar to the project resource or promote the project calendar assigned to the resource.


009014155: A proposed due date cannot be added on private tasks.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a proposed due date on a private task.

Resolution: Change the task visibility to public.


006012057: One or more resources or its child resources are assigned to an activity. You must delete all assignments before you can remove the resource.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a resource that is assigned to an activity.

Resolution: If you want to remove the resource, delete all activity assignments and then remove the resource.


001003347: The custom log object with given field combination doesn't exist or has been deleted.

Cause: The custom log object with given field combination doesn't exist or has been deleted.

Resolution: Provide the correct details of custom log type object and try again.


001003063: {0} is an invalid WBS Code path.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a work package, but the WBS Code Path specified for a work package is not valid.

Resolution: Choose a valid WBS Code path.


003015320: A scenario cannot be deleted if it is the source of a Create Scenario job in progress.

Cause: A new scenario being created is using this scenario as a source.

Resolution: Wait until the new scenario is finished being created, or cancel the create scenario job, and try again.


002007094: You do not have security privilege to Delete Resource Scenario.

Cause: An attempt was made to Delete a resource scenario without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


010006008: The company assigned to this potential change order is not associated with the contact person assigned to this potential change order.

Cause: The company and contact person selected for this potential change order are not associated with each other.

Resolution: Select a contact person who is associated with the selected company, or select a company that is associated with the selected contact person.


002019060: Project at completion phase cost start date must be before project at completion end date.

Cause: At completion start date occurs after the finish date.

Resolution: Enter a start date that is before the finish date for at completion.


006004080: The Restricted flag can only be set for Project, Portfolio or Program configured fields.

Cause: An attempt was made to set a configured field as restricted which was not of type Project.

Resolution: NO resolution


006011056: User exists in another company.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a user to a company. However, the user already exists in another Primavera Cloud instance but is linked to another company.

Resolution: Add the user to the correct company record.


003023909: Change Order {0} is not associated with the Payment Application {1}.

Cause: The above change order is not associated with the given payment application.

Resolution: Provide a change order which is already associated with the payment application.


006002000: File must exist and must not be empty.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006017005: Cumulative Percent Complete must be unique per milestone. Enter a unique value.

Cause: A duplicate value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a unique value.


004001027: Form cannot be saved. It is used in a running workflow task that is set to create a new project. Select Used for creation of new projects in the Properties: Form area to save the form.

Cause: The user deselected Used for creation of new projects and then tried to save the form, but the form is already being used to create a new project in a running workflow instance.

Resolution: If you do not want to disable the ability of the form to create new projects, select Used for creation of new projects. If you want to disable the ability of the form to create new projects, you must first navigate to the Monitor Workflows page and stop all running workflow instances that are using the form to create new projects.


006001004: A Code Value you are attempting to delete is assigned to an entity. You must remove this assignment before you can delete.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a Code Value that is assigned to an entity.

Resolution: Remove all assignments and then delete the Code Value.


001000004: Unable to find properties for object {0}

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


009010010: Weighting must be between 0 and 1000.

Cause: Input value for Weighting was invalid.

Resolution: Add a Weighting value that is between 0 and 1000.


006021015: You cannot remove the selected subcategories because they are used in a program evaluation:

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a subcategory that is used in a program evaluation.

Resolution: To remove a subcategory, do the following:

Remove the subcategory reference in the program evaluation.

Save the program evaluation.

Remove the subcategory.


006007012: A project owned dashboard does not have a project collection.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a project owned dashboard with no project assigned as owner.

Resolution: Either create a workspace owned dashboard or assign a project to the dashboard.


006111017: User details already exist. Importing user using existing details.

Cause: User details already exist.

Resolution: The user will be imported using existing details.


006023002: You cannot delete a baseline category that is assigned to a baseline.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a baseline category that is currently assigned to a project baseline.

Resolution: Remove all assignments, and then delete the baseline category.


008002003: Apply activity uncertainty failed to complete.

Cause: An unknown error has occurred.

Resolution: Try again. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support.


002007023: You cannot send a scenario for review when other scenarios are being proposed.

Cause: An attempt was made to send a scenario for review when a separate scenario in the same portfolio is already proposed.

Resolution: You cannot send a scenario for review when other scenarios are being proposed.


001003393: The File / Folder with id {0} doesn't exist or has been deleted.

Cause: The given File / Folder is not present.

Resolution: Enter the correct id.


003018029: You cannot withdraw approval of a budget with budget changes.

Cause: An attempt was made to withdraw approval of a budget with budget changes.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot withdraw approval of a budget with budget changes.


006001000: Name must be unique.

Cause: A duplicate name was entered.

Resolution: Enter a unique name.


002009003: A threshold that is linked to a Cost field must have a Cost data type assigned.

Cause: A threshold that is linked to a cost field must have a cost data type assigned.

Resolution: If the threshold is linked to a cost field, select a cost data type.


003015056: {0}: Already exists. Enter a unique value.

Cause: A duplicate value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a unique value.


013000999: The number of unique workspace currencies in both the selected and target hierarchies exceeds three.

Cause: An attempt was made to move a workspace containing more than three unique workspace currencies.

Resolution: Ensure the number of unique workspace currencies in any workspace hierarchy does exceed three unique currencies. Contact Oracle Customer Support for assistance.


009011006: Unable to complete leveling for {0} ({1}).

Cause: An unexpected failure has occurred, such as unable to read from or write to the database.

Resolution: Try again. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support to restart the database.


006005007: A Code Type you are attempting to modify has a bracket in its ID field. This is invalid.

Cause: An attempt was made to include a bracket in the ID field of a Code Type.

Resolution: Enter an ID without a bracket for the Code Type.


006009001: Risk Threshold Name is a required field.

Cause: An attempt was made to have a risk threshold without a name.

Resolution: Enter valid name for the risk threshold.


006005068: Potential Change Order must have a defined currency.

Cause: An undefined currency was entered for the Potential Change Order currency.

Resolution: Enter a valid Potential Change Order currency.


003015109: You cannot set a secondary constraint date for an activity that does not have a secondary constraint.

Cause: A secondary constraint date was entered for an activity that does not have a secondary constraint.

Resolution: Enter a secondary constraint and then add a secondary constraint date.


001003500: Unable to display the data. Either the data does not exist or the user does not have permission to view the requested data.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


004003084: Form task instantiation failed. An override task has been created for you.

Cause: An unknown error caused the form task to fail.

Resolution: Complete the override task instead of the form task.


002019090: Edit Costs security privilege is required to change Benefits Start date.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the Benefits Start date without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


006007010: A dashboard must have a set dashboard type.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a dashboard object without a dashboard type set.

Resolution: Set the dashboard type before creating the dashboard.


001003240: Failed to process WBS with ID {0}. At the same hierarchy level, there are records with duplicate WBS code {1} and WBS name {2}.

Cause: At the same hierarchy level, there are records with duplicate codes and names.

Resolution: Enter a unique code or name at the same hierarchy level.


003015104: You can only enter a suspend date for an activity with a Type of Task Dependent or Resource Dependent.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a suspend date for an activity with a Type of Level of Effort, Start Milestone, or Finish Milestone.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Remove the suspend date.

Change the Type of the activity to Task Dependent or Resource Dependent.


009009023: Only one Quantity change is allowed per scope assignment within the same change request.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a separate Quantity change for a scope assignment within the same change request.

Resolution: Enter additional Quantity changes for a scope assignment in separate change requests.


001003020: The requested reference object with id {1} does not exist or has been deleted.

Cause: An Attempt was to made to find aggregated objects based upon an non-existent reference id.

Resolution: Enter a valid reference object id.


003015177: You must select either a resource ID or a role ID to create or update an assignment.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update an assignment without specifying a resource or role ID.

Resolution: Enter a resource or role ID to create or update an assignment.


006311053: Office field cannot be empty.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update a user without providing an office.

Resolution: Provide one or more office names the user will be associated with.


003015017: An assignment must have a resource or role defined for non-override rate source.

Cause: An attempt was made to non-override rate source for an assignment without any resource or role.

Resolution: Assign a resource or role to non-override rate source.


003015086: Remaining finish date must be later than remaining start date.

Cause: The remaining finish date that was entered occurs before the remaining start date.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Enter a remaining finish date that occurs after the remaining start date.

Move the remaining start date so it occurs before the remaining finish date.


003007024: Unable to suspend scheduled report of schedule ID: {0} for user: {1}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


001003127: Workspace Code and Calendar Code are required fields.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update an object without providing Workspace Code and Calendar Code values.

Resolution: Provide Workspace Code and Calendar Code values and run the call again.


009014020: You cannot enter a due date that occurs in the past on a task with commitments.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a due date that occurs before today on a task with commitments.

Resolution: Enter a due date in the future.


001003493: You do not have API access enabled.

Cause: An attempt was made to access the API without proper access.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to request access. The administrator can add you to the list of users with API access.


010005005: You can only edit the This Period value when the Type value is Lump Sum.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the This Period value while the Type value was set to Unit Price.

Resolution: No resolution. This Period can only be edited on a Lump Sum SOV.


003015117: At completion units value cannot be less than actual units value for non-fixed duration activities.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an at completion units value that is less than the actual units value on an activity with a duration type that does not use a fixed duration.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Change the duration type to Fixed Duration & Units or Fixed Duration & Units/Time and try again.

Enter an at completion units value that is equal to or greater than the actual units value.


006002027: Role type cannot be changed if it is assigned to an activity. You must remove all assignments before you change the role type.

Cause: An attempt was made to change role type of a role that is assigned to an activity.

Resolution: If you want to change the role type, remove all activity assignments and then change the role type.


003018061: You cannot create a budget transfer without an approved budget.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a budget transfer without an approved budget.

Resolution: The budget must be approved before you can create a budget transfer.


003015027: You cannot remove the actual start date for a resource assignment with actual work units.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove the actual start date for a resource assignment with actual work units.

Resolution: Remove the actual work units from the resource assignment and then remove the actual start date.


006016010: Unable to perform a partial import. Target {WORKSPACE} was not specified.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a configuration package file, but a specific workspace was not selected.

Resolution: Import the file again specifying a workspace.


010006024: You cannot create a proposal with a potential change order that is not pending.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a proposal with a potential change order that has a status of {0}.

Resolution: Make sure that the potential change order is pending before creating a proposal for it.


006005040: Unable to create exchange rate. A unique Effective Date and Time is required for each historical exchange rate.

Cause: One or more required fields were not complete.

Resolution: Enter an Effective Date and Time for each exchange rate.


006006051: You cannot delete a cost category that is associated with CBS codes.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a cost category that is associated with CBS codes.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot delete a cost category that is associated with CBS codes.


001003363: The curve with curveId : {0}, curveName : {1}, workspaceId : {2}, workspaceCode : {3} doesn't exist or has been deleted.

Cause: The object with the given field values doesn't exist.

Resolution: Give the proper existing object values and try again.


006011011: The {0} field is read-only.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit a read-only field.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot edit a read-only field.


008001039: The risk ID {0} does not exist.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a risk ID that does not exist in the project.

Resolution: Enter a Risk ID that exists.


003019106: {0} value is not a valid value for Status.

Cause: Entered value is not a valid value for Status.

Resolution: Enter a valid resource status.


010007004: You cannot delete a change estimate with a potential change order.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a change estimate with a potential change order.

Resolution: Delete the potential change order associated with the estimate.


010001004: Invalid Unit of Measure value.

Cause: An invalid unit of measure was selected.

Resolution: Select a valid unit of measure.


001003299: The project ids {0} given in the assignedProjectIds field doesn't exist or has been deleted.

Cause: Wrong project id's were given in the payload

Resolution: Give the existing project id's.


006005006: You cannot delete a code type that is used in a field formula.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a code that is used in a field formula.

Resolution: If you want to delete the code, do the following:

Remove the code reference in the formula.

Save the formula.

Delete the code.


001003496: A notebook topic you are attempting to delete is assigned to an entity. You must remove the assignment before you can delete.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a notebook topic that is assigned to an entity.

Resolution: Remove all assignments and then delete the notebook topic.


000000066: Source site id can not be empty if source id is not blank.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a company with source id and with out source site id.

Resolution: Supply source id and source site id and run the integration again.


009108003: Demand start date cannot be before project planned start date.

Cause: An attempt was made to set the demand start date before the project planned start date.

Resolution: Set the demand start date after the project planned start date.


006004047: The selected field is referenced in a portfolio refresh task. You must remove all references to the field before it can be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a field that is used in a portfolio refresh task.

Resolution: Review portfolio refresh tasks to determine where field is used and if it can be removed.


008001076: Cannot set distribution shape value if weather risk non-working time definition is defined using Percentage.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a value for distribution shape for non-working time definition type Percentage.

Resolution: Do not enter a value for distribution shape for non-working time definition type Percentage.


001003006: Resources already exist in {WORKSPACE} ID {1} and cannot be imported.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a resource which is already present in some sibling workspace hierarchy.

Resolution: Resources should be imported in the correct workspace hierarchy.


006002034: {0} must be at least 0 or blank.

Cause: An invalid Price/Unit value was entered.

Resolution: Either leave the field value blank or enter a value equal to or greater than 0.


006021013: You cannot remove the selected subcategories because they are used in a project evaluation:

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a subcategory that is used in a project evaluation.

Resolution: To remove a subcategory, do the following:

Remove the subcategory reference in the project evaluation.

Save the project evaluation.

Remove the subcategory.


001003504: You do not have security privileges to request spread data for the project.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006001006: {0}: Cannot remove code type as it is assigned to a measure.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a Code Type that is assigned to an entity.

Resolution: Remove all assignments and then remove the Code Type.


006006058: You cannot add a CBS code under a code that is assigned to a risk item.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a CBS code under a code that is assigned to a risk item.

Resolution: Add the new CBS code under a code that is not assigned to a risk item.


001003375: Only workspaceId filter condition is supported.

Cause: Filter condition other than workspaceId which is not supported was provided.

Resolution: Provide workspaceId as a filter condition.


010006044: You cannot reopen a potential change order and change its status to Draft if it is associated with any proposals.

Cause: An attempt was made to reopen a potential change order and change its status to Draft, but it is associated with proposals.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot reopen this potential change order and change its status to Draft while it is associated with proposals.


003015185: Scenario Name {0} already exists. Enter a unique value.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a scenario name which already exists.

Resolution: Enter a unique Scenario name.


003000553: The Data Date cannot be before the Project Planned Start date. The date must be on or after {0}.

Cause: The Data Date date that was entered occurs before the Project Planned Start date.

Resolution: Enter a Data Date that occurs after the Start date or change the Project Planned Start date.


001003047: The given line item SOV does not belong to the provided change order line item.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


003019002: End date must be after the start date.

Cause: The end date that was entered occurs before the start date.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Enter a Start date that occurs before the End date.

Move the End date so that it occurs after the Start date.


006019006: Prefix cannot exceed 255 characters. Enter between 1 and 255 characters.

Cause: More than 255 characters were entered.

Resolution: Enter between 1 and 255 characters.


001003005: API not found.

Cause: An attempt was made to access an invalid request url.

Resolution: Enter a valid request url.


003020009: You must have the security privilege to view costs to create this record.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a record without the required security privilege.

Resolution: Ensure you have view cost permissions.


003022001: Unable to create {0} project.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a project using another project or template and an error has occurred.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


006020028: Invalid expression. Portfolio {0}- {WORKSPACE} {1} combination referenced in the expression is not valid.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a measure with an invalid expression. Portfolio, strategy, measure, or {WORKSPACE} objects referenced in the expression are not valid.

Resolution: Enter a valid object name or select measures from the Field list.


010004033: You cannot collect a change order line item without collecting the corresponding change order.

Cause: An attempt was made to collect a change order line item without collecting the corresponding change order.

Resolution: Collect the change order on the Collected Change Orders page.


009014088: Predecessor and Successor Task ID columns cannot both have multiple task IDs.

Cause: An attempt was made to create hand-offs by entering multiple predecessor and successor IDs.

Resolution: Add a different hand-off entry for each predecessor or successor task.


002019091: Edit Costs security privilege is required to change Benefits Finish date.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the Benefits Finish date without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


000001063: Project default task notification preference cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete project default task notification preference.

Resolution: No resolution. Project default task notification preference cannot be deleted.


006004050: Unable to delete the configured field specified in the request. This operation is not allowed for the requested object type.

Cause: This operation is not allowed for the requested object type.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


002007032: Multiple proposed scenarios exist for this project.

Cause: Multiple proposed scenarios exist for this project.

Resolution: Only one scenario from a specific portfolio can be proposed at one time.


010006026: You cannot modify a proposals in a potential change order that has a status of {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify a proposal in a potential change order that has a status other than Pending.

Resolution: Make sure that the related potential change order is pending before modifying the proposal.


001003036: The given change order does not belong to the provided project.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update the object by providing a change order code that is not under the given project.

Resolution: Provide a change order that is under the given project and run the call again.


010006051: Answer cannot be modified on a question unless setting the status to Answered.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify answer on a question without setting the status to Answered.

Resolution: No resolution. Answer cannot be modified unless setting the status to Answered.


011000034: Unable to modify or delete integrated object.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify or delete an object that is integrated with source data in another application. You cannot modify objects that are associated with external source data.

Resolution: Modify or delete the data associated with the object in the integrated application.


008001025: Post response values for quantified risk impact are set but there is no response plan.

Cause: An attempt was made to set post response values before adding a response plan.

Resolution: Add a response plan before setting post response values for quantified impacts.


002019048: Planned Finish cannot be before Planned Start.

Cause: The Planned Finish that was entered occurs before the Planned Start.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Enter a Planned Finish that occurs after the Planned Start.

Move the Planned Start so that it occurs before the Planned Finish.


000001014: {WORKSPACE} does not exist or has been deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a workspace that does not exist or has been deleted.

Resolution: No resolution. Workspace no longer exists.


007001009: Unable to remove groups: {0}. Groups do not exist.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a group, but the group was previously deleted and no longer exists.

Resolution: No resolution.


009014048: The user name selected for Assigned User does not exist.

Cause: An attempt was made to select a username that does not exist.

Resolution: Select a valid username.


004003051: One or more linked files no longer exist in their specified folders. They may have been deleted or moved.

Cause: One or more linked files no longer exist in their specified folders.

Resolution: For each missing file choose another file, or select Cancel.


003018009: Cannot withdraw budget change because an assigned budget change item is assigned to another budget change or transfer.

Cause: An attempt was made to withdraw a budget change with a new budget change item that assigned to another budget change or transfer.

Resolution: Remove assignment of budget change item from all other budget changes and transfers.


001003491: IP Address object with same name already present for the tenant.

Cause: IP Address object with same name already exist for the tenant.

Resolution: Try adding IP Address object with different name.


000000052: Prefix cannot contain special characters. Enter only alphanumeric characters.

Cause: Non-alphanumeric characters were entered.

Resolution: Enter only alphanumeric characters.


010005020: Work completed must result in a Percent Complete value between 0% and 100%.

Cause: Input values resulted in an invalid Percent Complete.

Resolution: Calculated values must result in Percent Complete between 0% and 100%.


006004028: You cannot have Display Option Indicator and Both for this data type.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


001003488: {0} with the ID {1} is a user type report. User or user group assignments are not allowed on user type reports.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a user type report to a user or user group.

Resolution: No resolution. User or user group assignments are not allowed for user type reports.


001006004: {0}: Already exists in a child workspace. Enter a unique value.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


003014005: File type not supported.

Cause: An attempt was made to upload a file that was not an accepted file format.

Resolution: Select a file with an allowed format type.


010005013: You cannot set the Period To date to a date that occurs before the Last Approved date or the Submitted Period To date.

Cause: An attempt was made to set the Period To date to a date that occurs before the Last Approved date or the Submitted Period To date.

Resolution: Change the value of the Period To date so it does not occur before the Last Approved date or the Submitted Period To date.


003019046: Distribution Type for the fund cannot be changed since the fund has been allocated to one or more portfolios.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the Distribution Type value of fund which is allocated to one or more portfolios.

Resolution: Remove the allocations made to portfolios and try again.


006006008: CBS code length must be between 1 and 60 characters.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a CBS code length that is not within 1 and 60 characters.

Resolution: Enter a CBS code that is within 1 to 60 characters.


010006057: Restricted user has no right to assign users outside its company.

Cause: An attempt was made to assigned a user outside of the company.

Resolution: No resolution. Cannot assign to a restricted user cannot assign a user to a question that is outside their company.


003007037: Unable to parse invalid report parameter json: {0} for job ID: {1}, user: {2}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006005073: {0} currency is assigned to one or more workspaces. You must remove all assignments before you can remove it.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a currency that is used by the current workspace.

Resolution: Do the following:

Change the workspace currency and allow for recalculations.

Remove the currency.


006018010: {0}: Units of measure is assigned to a commitment schedule of value. You must remove these assignments before you can remove the unit of measure.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a units of measure which contains commitment schedule of values.

Resolution: If you want to remove the units of measure, remove the commitment schedule of values and then remove the units of measure.


003015062: You must assign the activity to a WBS from the same project.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign an activity to a WBS from a different project.

Resolution: Assign the activity to a WBS from the same project.


001003117: Timesheet entries has references to deleted data marked for other supervisors.

Cause: Supervisor trying to submit timesheet which has hours logged for deleted activities marked for other supervisors.

Resolution: No resolution.


002006001: Cannot create multiple capital plans in a portfolio for the same planning period.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a capital plan for the planning period for which a capital plan already exists.

Resolution: Create a capital plan for a different planning period.


009042811: Unable to import the file because a baseline or scenario is being created in the background with same name.

Cause: A baseline or scenario is being imported in the background. The file you are trying to import is attempting to import a baseline or scenario with the same name as the one in progress.

Resolution: Try the import again after the current baseline or scenario creation process is complete.


006012060: One or more roles or its child roles is used in a child project. You must remove these roles from the child project before you can remove the role.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a role which is currently being used in a child project of the current workspace.

Resolution: If you want to remove the role, you must remove the role from all child workspaces and projects.


006017010: The rule of credit is selected for at least one work package. You must remove all selections of the rule of credit to move it.

Cause: An attempt was made to move a rule of credit, but it is assigned to at least one work package.

Resolution: Remove all rule of credit selections and then move the rule of credit.


006111018: Company not found in the tenant.

Cause: Company not found in the tenant.

Resolution: Add the company to the tenant.


002000002: This portfolio contains funds. It cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a portfolio that contains funds.

Resolution: If you want to delete the portfolio, delete the funds it contains and try again.


001003367: The reason with reasonId : {0}, reasonName : {1}, workspaceId : {2}, workspaceCode : {3} doesn't exist or has been deleted.

Cause: The object with the given field values doesn't exist.

Resolution: Give the proper existing object values and try again.


010003014: Cost code on child schedule of value must match the parent schedule of value.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a cost code to a child schedule of value different than the parent's cost code.

Resolution: Cannot add a cost code to a child schedule of value that does not match the parent schedule of value.


011000011: The Closed date cannot occur before the Initiated By date.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


003007008: User access denied to run report {0}, Template: {1}, content type: {2} for user: {3}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


002002025: Unable to load Proposed Budget column.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006008005: You do not have the security privilege to add charts.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a chart without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


007001010: Unable to load group members: {0}.

Cause: This is a generic internal error.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


003015189: The manager {0} does not exist.

Cause: An attempt was made to select a manager that does not exist.

Resolution: Select a valid username.


000001005: You no longer have security access to this object.

Cause: An attempt was made to access an object without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


009014063: The unique identifier is invalid, or you do not have the security privilege to edit the dependency.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid unique identifier or to edit a dependency without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Enter a valid unique identifier, or contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


001003216: Invalid input. Expected Data type for this UDF column is {0}.

Cause: Entered UDF Value is not a {0}.

Resolution: Enter a valid value and try again.


904008007: Resource import did not succeed, Please check the import log for the failure reason.

Cause: Resource import did not succeed, Please check the import log for the failure reason.

Resolution: Resource import did not succeed, Please check the import log for the failure reason.


003015112: Activity Physical Percent Complete must be between 0.0 % and 100.0 %.

Cause: A value was entered that is not in the required range.

Resolution: Enter a value in the required range.


001003053: The {0} project already contains the phase segments and CBS codes.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update the phase segments and CBS codes.

Resolution: Perform reset CBS on {0} project.


009010009: Target Percent must be between 0% and 100%.

Cause: Input value for Target Percent was invalid.

Resolution: Add a Target Percent value that is between 0% and 100%.


012000015: {0}: You cannot delete the selected categories because they are used in a project Idea.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a category that is used in a project Idea evaluation.

Resolution: To delete a category, do the following:

Remove the category reference in the project Idea evaluation.

Save the project Idea evaluation.

Delete the category.


006020022: {0} : Cannot update as fields referenced in measure expressions are not available at child {WORKSPACES}.

Cause: Fields referenced in measure expressions are not available at child workspaces.

Resolution: Assign fields referenced in measure expressions at child workspaces and try again.


009014007: You cannot change the assigned user for a task that is complete.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the assigned user on a completed task.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot change the assigned user on a completed task.


006015001: Recurring holiday must be unique.

Cause: An attempt was made to create recurring holidays list with recurring values already being used by other holiday list.

Resolution: No resolution unless the user gives unique recurring values to the recurring holiday list.


002007115: Cannot spread the total units as the date range specified is invalid.

Cause: An attempt was made to spread the total units with an invalid date

Resolution: Try again with valid start and finish dates.


006311054: Office type should be mentioned.

Cause: Corporate Office (Y/N) field was left blank.

Resolution: Mention Y/N in is Corporate Office field.


009009025: Unable to select users for notification because user {0} is not authorized to view this data.

Cause: A user entered in the 'Notify' field does not have the required security privileges to view the project.

Resolution: Enter a username of a user that has security privileges to view the project.


010000039: You have selected too many users (500) to notify about your status change.

Cause: More than 500 users were selected to notify about a status change.

Resolution: Select fewer than 500 users to notify.


000000081: The selected XER file must contain project data.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a XER file with resources/roles data and no project data. Therefore, the import cannot continue.

Resolution: Select a XER file that contains project data and retry the import.


002000014: Unable to update portfolio.

Cause: This is a generic internal portfolio error.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


011000047: Name is required to create custom log item.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


004001033: Unable to load portfolio. It may have been deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a portfolio that no longer exists.

Resolution: Ask the Manager or administrator to stop the workflow. The workflow will need to be restarted with an existing portfolio.


006012052: You cannot assign a role with an associated resource without the required edit activity security privileges.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a role with an associated resource without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


001003376: The strategy type with strategyTypeId : {0} doesn't exist or has been deleted.

Cause: The object with the given field values doesn't exist.

Resolution: Give the proper existing object values and try again.


000000043: File must be a Microsoft Excel file.

Cause: An attempt was made to upload a file that was not a Microsoft Excel file.

Resolution: Select a Microsoft Excel file.


003000031: Percent Complete cannot exceed 100%.

Cause: The Percent Complete exceeds 100%.

Resolution: Enter a Percent Complete that does not exceed 100%.


010006029: You cannot modify response requirements in a potential change order that has a status of {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify a response requirement in a potential change order that does not have a status of Draft.

Resolution: Make sure that the potential change order has a status of Draft.


009006006: The rule of credit is selected for at least one work package. You must remove all selections of the rule of credit to make changes to its milestones.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a milestone to a rule of credit, but the rule of credit is selected for at least one work package.

Resolution: Remove the work package assignment and then add the milestone. Remove all rule of credit selections and then add the milestone.


009014044: {0} is an invalid activity.

Cause: An invalid activity was entered.

Resolution: Enter a valid activity.


002009013: Target value whose type is Cost must have target number and target integer null.

Cause: A cost field selected as a capital plan KPI has a target value that is not a cost.

Resolution: Enter a cost target value for the KPI.


010003002: You cannot delete a schedule of values associated with a contract that has a status of {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a schedule of values associated with a contract that has an invalid status.

Resolution: Do not delete the schedule of values, or change the status of the contract before you try to delete the schedule of values.


002007093: You do not have the required security privileges to edit the resource scenario.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit a resource scenario without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003015157: Invalid value for relationship type.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid value for relationship type.

Resolution: Enter a valid relationship type. Valid values are Start_to_Start, Start_to_Finish, Finish_to_Start, and Finish_to_Finish.


008001092: The project has more than {0} activities. When a project has more than {1} activities the Project Only option is the only option available in Select Analysis Result.

Cause: Activity count exceeds maximum limit.

Resolution: To run risk analysis, Project Only option should be selected in Select Analysis Results.


001000013: This {0} was already liked by {1}.

Cause: An attempt was made to like an item more than once.

Resolution: No resolution. You have already liked this item.


001000006: Attempting to delete Zero Row record for: {0}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


003015116: Activity or assignments have invalid cost or units value, you cannot change duration type.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the duration type of activity or assignments which has invalid cost or units.

Resolution: Ensure that valid cost and units value are set for changing the duration type of activity and assignments.


003015038: Remaining finish date cannot be before remaining start date.

Cause: The remaining finish date that was entered occurs before the actual remaining start date.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Enter a remaining finish date that occurs after the remaining start date.

Move the remaining start date so it occurs before the remaining finish date.


000001026: Expected page to be loaded in a project, project code, {WORKSPACE}, or portfolio tab, but either the tab was a different type or the object is not viewable by this user.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


003012024: You cannot change your Original baseline if a Current or Supplementary baseline exists.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the type of an Original baseline while a Current or Supplementary baseline exists.

Resolution: Set your Current and Supplementary baselines as unofficial baselines before changing your Original baseline.


000000021: {0} must be at least {1}.

Cause: A value was entered that is not in the required range.

Resolution: Enter a value in the required range.


011000048: Custom Log Item must be associated with a custom log object.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a custom log item without a custom log.

Resolution: Either create a new custom log or use an existing custom log to associate the item.


004005009: Service task tried to run on a scenario/baseline which does not exist.

Cause: An attempt was made to run the service task on a scenario/baseline which does not exist.

Resolution: Make sure scenario/baseline configured in the workflow is included in the project.


012000021: You do not have security privileges to modify the evaluation.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the evaluation of an idea without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


010004016: You cannot modify change orders in a {0} Associated Agreement.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify a change order under associated agreement in a status other than approved.

Resolution: Ensure that the associated agreement is approved.


009009018: The sum of Change Quantity for all change items of the scope assignment and Available Quantity for the scope assignment cannot be less than zero.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the quantity of a scope assignment, but the sum of Pending Quantity and Available Quantity for the scope assignment is less than zero.

Resolution: Enter values that make the sum of Pending Quantity and Available Quantity greater than or equal to zero.


000001000: The link is invalid. Use the Home button or the App selector to navigate into Primavera Cloud.

Cause: An invalid link was clicked.

Resolution: Select Home or use the App selector to navigate to Primavera Cloud.


009008003: Change items are associated with this change request. You must remove all change items before the change request can be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a change request that has associated change items.

Resolution: Remove all change items for this change request and then delete the change request.


008000010: Cannot edit cost impact values on Risk without edit cost permission.

Cause: An attempt to attempt cost impact values on a risk was made without edit cost permission.

Resolution: Assign edit cost permission to the current user.


006020036: {0}: A measure's measureSourceType value cannot be empty.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a measure without a measureSourceType value.

Resolution: Enter a valid measureSourceType value. Valid values are ACTIVITY and PROJECT.


004002008: Workflow cannot be saved. It references a nonexistent code value.

Cause: An attempt was made to save a workflow that references a code value that has been removed from the database.

Resolution: Remove the reference to the deleted code value or select another value.


003007031: Unable to load the user details from LDAP for user: {0}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


010006027: You cannot create a response requirement if it is associated with a potential change order whose status is not Draft.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a response requirement with a potential change order that has a status of {0}.

Resolution: Make sure the potential change order has a status of Draft before creating a response requirement for it.


003020002: The actuals record does not yet exist for the parent ID. Actuals must be created before its line items.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a line item with a non existing parent ID.

Resolution: Create the actual and then create the line item.


009007029: The value is invalid because it will cause the total value for Installed Quantity to be greater than Revised Quantity.

Cause: An attempt was made to set an incremental or cumulative value that will cause the total value for Installed Quantity to be greater than Revised Quantity.

Resolution: Set the incremental or cumulative value to a value that will cause the total value for Installed Quantity to be less than or equal to Revised Quantity.


003009012: Unable to parse filter {0}.

Cause: There is an error with the filter criteria for the portfolio.

Resolution: Verify that the filter criteria for the portfolio is valid.


009009020: Change Finish cannot be before Change start.

Cause: An attempt was made to set a finish date that is earlier than the start date.

Resolution: Set the finish date equal to or later than the start date.


001003360: The workspace with workspaceId : {0}, workspaceCode : {1} doesn't exist or has been deleted.

Cause: The object with the given field values doesn't exist.

Resolution: Give the proper existing object values and try again.


001003503: The requested spread items cannot be generated due to lack of activities or resource/role assignments.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006011047: One or more of the selected companies is assigned to a payment application additional approver. You must delete or approve the payment application before you can mark as inactive.

Cause: An attempt was made to mark a company as inactive, but it is assigned to an open payment application.

Resolution: You must delete or approve the payment application before you can mark a company as inactive.


003015126: You cannot set a predecessor relationship to a Relationship Type of Start to Finish or Start to Start if the predecessor activity has a Type of Finish Milestone.

Cause: An attempt was made to set a predecessor relationship to a Relationship Type of Start to Finish or Start to Start for a predecessor activity with a Type of Finish Milestone.

Resolution: Select a Relationship Type other than Start to Finish or Start to Start for a predecessor activity with a Type of Finish Milestone.


003000061: A project must have an latitude.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required field.


008001091: Cannot run risk analysis for the project because risk count is more than {0} when Risk Removal Impact Analysis is On.

Cause: Risk count exceeds maximum limit.

Resolution: To run risk analysis, Risk Removal Impact Analysis should be off or the number of risks in the projects reduced.


001003152: Workspace Code and CodeType Code are required fields.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update the codetype without Workspace Code and CodeType Code values.

Resolution: Provide Workspace Code and CodeType Code values and run the call again.


000006010: Oops. The last Oracle Primavera Cloud instance you visited is no longer available. Contact your administrator.

Cause: An attempt was made to log in to the last active tenant, but something went wrong. If a user is assigned to more than one Oracle Primavera Cloud instance, the user can select to use another instance

Resolution: Contact your administrator.


003018042: Cannot delete a Budget Transaction for a Budget Item.

Cause: An attempt to delete a Budget Transaction for a Budget Item has been made.

Resolution: No resolution. Cannot delete a Budget Transaction for a Budget Item.


003019024: {0} cannot be deleted because it is consumed by one or more actuals.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete an allocation that has been consumed.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot delete an allocation that has been consumed.


001003281: A resource with resource ID {0} already exists. Do you want to associate the existing resource with user?

Cause: An attempt was made to create resource with an existing resource ID which does not have user association.

Resolution: Create resource with unique resource ID or associate user to the existing resource.


003015183: You do not have the security privileges required to add a code value to the code {0} from the project or workspace.

Cause: An attempt was made to add code values during import without the required project or workspace security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


002019071: Enter proposed start date and proposed end date.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required field.


002018002: You do not have the security privilege to View Costs for the project.

Cause: An attempt was made to view costs of a project without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


006005058: You cannot edit {0} because it is not a currency of the record field for {1}.

Cause: A non-currency of the record field was edited.

Resolution: No resolution. Only currency of record fields are editable.


002009010: A threshold value cannot be null.

Cause: No value exists.

Resolution: Enter a threshold value.


004005012: Service task tried to run on a context object which does not exist.

Cause: An attempt was made to run a service task on a context object that does not exist.

Resolution: Ensure the object exists before running the service task.


000000053: Prefix cannot contain numbers or special characters. Enter only alphabetic characters.

Cause: Non-alphabetic characters were entered.

Resolution: Enter only alphabetic characters.


001003169: Scope is a required field.

Cause: An attempt was made to create an application user group without scope.

Resolution: Please provide the scope.


003000001: The Exchange Rate is required when the Exchange Rate Type is pegged.

Cause: Exchange Rate is not specified for a project whose Exchange Rate Type is set to Pegged.

Resolution: Enter an Exchange Rate.


002007030: Unable to move scenario to {0} state when one or more projects are budgeted in another scenario.

Cause: An attempt was made to propose or approve a scenario that contains one or more projects that are included in another proposed or approved scenario in the same portfolio or another portfolio with the same Planning Period.

Resolution: Remove the previously budgeted projects from the scenario that you want to propose or approve for the same Planning Period.


010000032: Time Change cannot exceed 2,147,483,647 days.

Cause: A number exceeding the max of 2,147,483,647 days was entered for Time Change.

Resolution: Enter a Time Change value less than 2,147,483,647 days.


001003143: WBS not found under the given project.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update an object by providing a WBS which is not under the given project.

Resolution: Provide a WBS which is under the given project and run the call again.


003019044: {0}: Cannot be edited on allocated fund

Cause: An attempt was made to edit a read only cost field on an allocated fund.

Resolution: Update parent fund.


001003094: Error while updating source assignment

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: No resolution


003018041: Cannot delete Budget Transactions for an Approved Budget Change or Transfer.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete Budget Transactions for an Approved Budget Change or Transfer.

Resolution: Reject the associated Budget Change or Transfer.


003317824: Plan period is not allowed {0}

Cause: An attempt was made to update the proposed fund for plan period which is not allowed.

Resolution: Use the plan period which is allowed.


001003396: Localized Column Label in {0} exceeds the maximum character limit. Choose a value between 1 and {1}, and then try moving the project again.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify an item which exceeds maximum length.

Resolution: Enter a value less than the maximum character length, and then try moving the project again.


006005036: {0}: Historical exchange rates cannot be added for currencies that have been in use.

Cause: An attempt was made to add or import historical exchange rates for a currency that is in use.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot import or add historical exchange rates for currencies that have been used in the system.


008000014: Unable to run Weather Calendar Simulation because there are no periods for the Risk {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to run a Weather Calendar Simulation on a Risk without weather periods.

Resolution: To run a Weather Calendar Simulation on a Weather Risk, you must add weather periods to the risk.


001003115: One or more activities in timesheet no longer exist.

Cause: Trying to submit timesheet which has hours logged for deleted activities.

Resolution: Update the activities.


010000009: {0} must be at least 1 day after {1}.

Cause: An invalid finish date was entered.

Resolution: Enter a valid finish date.


009005006: The user does not have the required privilege to copy activities.

Cause: An attempt was made to copy a WBS including its associated activities.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003023907: The Section doesn't exist in this project

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


003015227: You cannot select more than 250 activities.

Cause: An attempt was made to select more than 250 activities.

Resolution: Select 250 activities or less.


003023903: Enter a Section Number.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006009015: The Risk Threshold level cannot be updated for a existing threshold in risk score type.

Cause: An attempt was made to update the level of a risk threshold in risk score type.

Resolution: You cannot update the level of an existing risk threshold in risk score type.


006005011: You cannot delete a code value that is currently used in a workflow decision step. Remove the code value from the workflow configurations in this workspace and its descendants and retry delete. For detailed resolution steps click on the error code below.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a code value that is referenced in a workflow decision step.

Resolution: The code value reference must be removed from the workflow decision step before deletion. To check which workspaces are currently using this code, select the Context menu and then select Used By.
For navigation to the workflow configuration list in any workspace, select Workflow Configuration from the Workflows and Forms app.


002014000: Unable to create chart. Try reverting the chart to its default settings or editing the chart in Analysis Views.

Cause: An error has occurred creating the chart.

Resolution: Revert the chart to its default settings or edit the chart in Manage Views.


003000041: Projects are used in a form. You must remove all references to the item before it can be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a project that is used in a form.

Resolution: Remove all references to the project from the form and try again.


013000019: You cannot delete the selected subcategories because they are used in an idea evaluation:

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a subcategory that is used in an idea evaluation.

Resolution: To delete a subcategory, do the following:

Remove the subcategory reference in the idea evaluation.

Save the idea evaluation.

Delete the subcategory.


003000006: Actual Start must be before Actual Finish.

Cause: The Actual Start that was entered occurs after the Actual Finish.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Enter an Actual Start that occurs before the Actual Finish.

Move the Actual Finish so that it occurs after the Actual Start.


003015108: You cannot add constraints for an activity with a Type of Level of Effort.

Cause: An attempt was made to add constraints to an activity with a Type of Level of Effort.

Resolution: Change the activity to a type that allows constraints.


001003331: Cannot create a FROM Program Budget Transaction without a TO transaction.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a FROM program budget transaction without a TO transaction.

Resolution: Provide the TO transaction along with FROM transaction.


003019120: You do not have the required security privilege to edit the project.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the project without the required privilege.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003015077: Suspend date must be before a resume date.

Cause: The suspend date that was entered occurs after the resume date.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Enter a suspend date that occurs before the resume date.

Move the resume date so it occurs after the suspend date.


006005027: Projects cannot use a currency that does not have at least one exchange rate.

Cause: A currency was selected that does not have an exchange rate.

Resolution: Select a currency that has at least one exchange rate.


006005041: A portfolio cannot be created without a base currency.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a portfolio before the base currency was set.

Resolution: Set the base currency and then create a portfolio.


007001005: Unable to remove users from {0} group.

Cause: This is a generic internal error.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


003015169: {0} is an invalid work package ID.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a work package that does not exist.

Resolution: Select a valid work package ID.


004003052: Unable to process cashflow form view. Please contact Oracle customer support.

Cause: The view meta resource input size exceeds the 4000 character size limit.

Resolution: Unable to process cashflow form view. Please contact Oracle customer support.


006006059: You cannot add a CBS code under a code that is assigned to an actual line item.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a CBS code under a code that is assigned to an actual line item.

Resolution: Add the new CBS code under a code that is not assigned to an actual line item.


003007038: Unable to load folder path from report server (BIP): {0}. Contact your administrator.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006004039: Review the inline errors in the formula.

Cause: A formula was entered that contains validation errors.

Resolution: Review the inline errors identified next to each offending row and make the appropriate corrections.


003018046: Cannot delete project with approved project budget

Cause: An attempt to delete a project that has an approved project budget was made.

Resolution: Withdraw approval of project budget in order to delete project.


009014021: You cannot complete a task that is committed and pending.

Cause: An attempt was made to complete a task that is committed and pending.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Update the task due date to match the due date of the last commitment.

Recommit to the task with a commitment due date that matches the task due date.


003023901: You must specify a project for each spec section.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


003015037: Remaining finish date cannot be before actual start date.

Cause: The remaining finish date that was entered occurs before the actual start date.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Enter a remaining finish date that occurs after the actual start date.

Move the actual start date so it occurs before the remaining finish date.


006006021: No valid CBS columns found during import.

Cause: No valid CBS columns were found while importing the CBS.

Resolution: Do the following:

Open the import file.

Make any edits. If necessary, download the import template from the Cost Sheet or CBS pages to review instructions on creating an import file.

Import the template again.


001003362: The currency with currencyId : {0}, currencyCode : {1}, workspaceId : {2}, workspaceCode : {3} doesn't exist or has been deleted.

Cause: The object with the given field values doesn't exist.

Resolution: Give the proper existing object values and try again.


007004011: The end date for the assignment cannot be before the current date.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an end date for the assignment that occurs before the current date.

Resolution: Enter an end date that occurs after the current date.


010001005: {0}: Unable to edit when not in currency of record

Cause: An attempt was made to edit a line item when not in the currency of the record.

Resolution: Ensure you are in the currency of the record before editing the line item.


003000078: You cannot move a project to a different workspace because this project inherits {0} cost categories that are not accessible in the target workspace. Promote these cost categories to a higher level and pull them down into the target workspace.

Cause: An attempt was made to move a project that has inherits cost categories not accessible in the target workspace.

Resolution: Promote these cost categories to a higher level and pull them down into the target workspace.


011000010: The Due date cannot occur before the Initiated By date.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006012049: You cannot assign a resource with an associated role without the required add resource or role security privileges.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a resource with an associated role without the required security privileges for the role.

Resolution: Remove the association with the role and then assign the resource or contact your administrator for the required security privileges.


010006037: You cannot create a proposal with a status other than Draft.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a proposal with a status value other than Draft.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot create a Proposal with a status other than Draft.


009108017: Unable to commit data for {0} measure for {1} portfolio in {2} {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An unexpected failure has occurred, such as unable to read from or write to the database.

Resolution: Try again. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support to restart the database.


010007030: You cannot reopen a potential change order while the associated change is closed or void.

Cause: An attempt was made to reopen a potential change order while the associated change is closed or voided.

Resolution: Change the status of the associated change so it is not closed or void.


010000027: Cannot edit field {0} when Cost Data exist.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit a field that cannot be edited when Cost Data exist.

Resolution: Cannot edit field when Cost Data exist.


003013018: Is Production Workspace flag cannot be updated.

Cause: An attempt was made to update the Is Production Workspace flag.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot update the Is Production Workspace flag.


003020004: The selected cost categories are associated with one or more CBS codes and cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete cost categories that are associated with CBS codes.

Resolution: If you want to delete the cost category, remove the association with the CBS codes and then delete the cost category.


003023513: You do not have the security privilege to create Submittals.

Cause: An attempt was made to create Submittals without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


001003028: Provide one of these three:

The original or current cost amount.

Quantity, and labor rate, and production rate.

Quantity and unit rate.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update the object without providing one of these three:

The original or current cost amount.

Quantity, and labor rate, and production rate.

Quantity and unit rate.

Resolution: Provide one of these three:

The original or current cost amount.

Quantity, and labor rate, and production rate.

Quantity and unit rate.


003015242: A merge job is in progress for the project.

Cause: A merge job is in progress for the project.

Resolution: Trigger the Set as Current Schedule job after the existing merge job is completed.


003019105: {0} value is not a valid value for Type.

Cause: Entered value is not a valid value for Type.

Resolution: Enter a valid resource type.


003000059: A project must have an associated {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An attempt was made to save a project without specifying a workspace.

Resolution: Select a workspace for the project.


006012030: You must create unique role IDs.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a duplicate role ID.

Resolution: Enter a unique role ID.


003015205: Enter a valid Rate Type.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove the Rate Type.

Resolution: Select a valid value for Rate Type.


001003158: No PBS record found for given project.

Cause: A PBS record was not required at the time that the project was created.

Resolution: Add at least one PBS record for the project.


009007017: Scope assignment date cannot be changed if it is linked to an activity.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the original date of a scope assignment that is linked to an activity.

Resolution: No resolution. The scope assignment date cannot be changed if it is linked to an activity.


009009016: The {0} of the work package cannot be modified because Installed Quantity values are specified for its scope assignments.

Cause: An attempt was made to change a work package setting, but Installed Quantity values are specified for at least one scope assignment.

Resolution: Remove the values for Installed Quantity and then modify the work package setting.


012000005: You no longer have the security privileges required to access the idea.

Cause: An attempt was made to access an idea without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


009007032: You do not have the required security privileges to edit increments for Actual Cost to Date.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit incremental values for Actual Cost to Date without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


002009004: A threshold that is linked to a Date field must have a value of type Date.

Cause: A threshold that is linked to a date field must have a value of type date.

Resolution: If the threshold is linked to a date field, select a value of type date.


011000033: A Log Type with this name already exists. Enter a unique name.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


003020000: The {0} company is not active. Only active companies can be assigned.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign an inactive company.

Resolution: Either select another company or activate the selected company.


006021011: The selected subcategory is referenced in a workflow or form. You must remove all references to the subcategory before it can be disabled.

Cause: An attempt was made to disable a subcategory that is assigned to a workflow or form.

Resolution: Review workflows and forms to determine where the subcategory is used and if it can be removed. If not, field cannot be disabled.


006008001: The selected data model is assigned to one or more dashboards. You must remove all assignments before you can make the data model inactive.

Cause: An attempt was made to mark a data model as inactive that is currently assigned to a dashboard.

Resolution: Review dashboards to determine where the data model and related charts are used and if it can be marked inactive. If the data model is used and the dashboard tile cannot be removed, the data model must remain active.


009108007: You must enter positive demand units.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter demand units with values other than positive.

Resolution: Set demand values greater than or equal to zero.


003018033: There are no budget transfers to approve.

Cause: An attempt was made to submit a budget transfer that has no line items.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot approve a budget transfer that has no line items.


013000027: Program Planned Finish Date cannot be removed because there is time phased cost data associated with this program.

Cause: Program Planned Finish Date has been removed but there is data associated with this program that requires the Program Planned Finish Date.

Resolution: Delete all cash flow periods associated with this program before you can remove the Program Planned Finish Date.


003019001: Start Date cannot be after the End Date.

Cause: Start Date was set after the End Date.

Resolution: Set Start Date before the End Date.


006020003: Actual Base expression cannot be empty for percentage Measure Type.

Cause: Actual Base Expression cannot be empty for percentage Measure Type.

Resolution: Enter an actual base expression value.


006017013: The order of the milestones cannot be modified because at least one work package to which the Rule of Credit is assigned contains scope assignments that have milestones with progress.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the sequence of milestones in a rule of credit, but scope assignments using the rule of credit have progress.

Resolution: Remove progress from the milestones of all applicable scope assignments and then modify the order of the milestones.


003000094: Same subcurve is present more than once for same project.

Cause: An error has occurred creating the chart.

Resolution: Revert the chart to its default settings or edit the chart in Manage Views.


009008008: Change items are associated with this change request. You must remove all change items before the change request can be rejected.

Cause: An attempt was made to reject a change request that has associated change items.

Resolution: Remove all change items for this change request and then reject the change request.


003019122: You do not have the required security privileges to add or edit costs.

Cause: You do not have the required security privileges to import the file.

Resolution: Contact your administrator for the required security privileges.


001003484: The request cannot be processed due to a failure. {0}

Cause: Correct data was not passed in the request while assigning the user or the user group.

Resolution: Pass the correct data while assigning the user or the user group.


011000039: Cannot remove UDF that are assigned to custom log items.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove custom fields that are assigned to custom log items.

Resolution: Remove the associations between the custom fields and the custom log items and try again.


001003027: {0} ID, required for updating the record, was not found.

Cause: An attempt was made without providing an object ID.

Resolution: Provide the object ID and run the call again.


010004019: Time Change cannot exceed Performance Period - current Revised Performance Period.

Cause: Time Change exceeds Performance Period - current Revised Performance Period.

Resolution: Ensure Time Change does not exceed Performance Period - current Revised Performance Period.


001003021: The requested input template type can be either {WORKSPACE} or Project.

Cause: An attempt was made to use a CBS template whose Type value is not Workspace or Project.

Resolution: Create a template with a Type value of Workspace or Project.


003014001: History date is required. A specific date must be specified.

Cause: An attempt was made to save or run a report with the Specify a date option on the Settings tab but, no date has been selected.

Resolution: Edit the report, select the Settings tab, select a date for the Specify a date option.


005000003: Unexpected error while updating {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to load a setting, but an unknown error occurred.

Resolution: No resolution. Contact your administrator.


011000053: Unknown project privilege for custom log object.

Cause: An attempt was made to complete an action without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003015099: You cannot add constraints or constraint dates to an activity with a Type of Level of Effort or WBS Summary.

Cause: An attempt was made to add constraints or constraint dates to an activity with a Type of Level of Effort or WBS Summary.

Resolution: Change the activity to an activity type that allows activity constraints and constraint dates.


006020018: The expression contains a reference to an unrecognized field or function name. Enter a valid expression.

Cause: The expression contains invalid field or function names.

Resolution: Enter valid field or function names or select them from the field list.


002009002: You cannot update the column of a KPI.

Cause: An attempt was made to update the column of a KPI.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot update a column of a KPI.


010001033: You cannot delete a CBS code that is assigned to a change estimate.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a CBS code that is assigned to a change estimate.

Resolution: Remove all change estimate assignments before deleting the CBS code.


003020007: Confirmed Actuals cannot be modified.

Cause: Attempted to modify a Confirmed Actuals.

Resolution: Do not modify Confirmed Actuals.


001000014: The numeric portion of the ID cannot exceed 18 characters because the ID was created using auto numbering. Enter a number between 1 and 18 characters.

Cause: More than 18 characters were entered for the numeric portion of the ID, and the ID was created using auto numbering.

Resolution: Enter a number between 1 and 18 characters.


006000014: {0} : Already in use. You cannot perform this operation.

Cause: There can be a scenario where the name or code of an existing object could be updated (at Workspace 1) to an existing name or code of an object that is in a child workspace (Workspace 1.1). If the user chooses to pull this object up, the owning workspace of the object changes from Workspace 1.1 to Workspace 1.\nWhile deleting the object at Workspace 1, it is possible that this object has assignments or is being used and could not be deleted. For example, a location might be used in a project and hence cannot be deleted.

Resolution: No resolution. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support.


002007098: You must assign a valid allocation start date.

Cause: An attempt was to made to save invalid allocation start date.

Resolution: Assign a valid allocation start date.


000000058: {0}: Unable to edit when not in currency of record

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


005000002: Duplicate values for {0} and {1} are not allowed

Cause: An attempt was made to enter the same value for fields in the same group.

Resolution: Enter a unique value for each field.


010000001: The {0} field is required when the contract is submitted for review or approval.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required field.


003019036: Actual Effective Date cannot be changed with Funds assigned.

Cause: An attempt was made to change the effective date of an actual that already has funds assigned for the existing effective date.

Resolution: Removed assigned funds.


010006022: You can only delete a proposal if it has a status of Draft.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a proposal that does not have a status of Draft.

Resolution: The Proposal cannot be deleted if it is no longer has a status of Draft.


001003403: Unable to store period values for project {0}. Please try again.

Cause: An error occurred while processing your store period performance.

Resolution: Unable to store period values for project {0}. Please try again.


001000003: Scenario data cannot be updated because its status is {0}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


013000029: Unable to reset CBS Codes for program with budget item.

Cause: An attempt was made to reset CBS codes for a program with budget item.

Resolution: Delete all the budget items associated with the program.


001003489: You do not have the required privileges to assign users or user groups to the custom log with ID {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign user or user groups to a custom log without the add or edit privileges for the project or the program to which the custom log belongs.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges


006011046: This company is assigned to a payment application. You must delete all payment applications assigned to this company before you can delete it.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a company that is assigned to a payment application.

Resolution: Delete all payment applications to which the company is assigned before you delete it.


004005024: Unable to start workflow because duration has negative value.

Cause: An attempt was made to start the workflow with duration having negative value.

Resolution: Make sure to pass duration which is equal or greater than 0.


006006067: Unable to recalculate project cost sheet for {0} project. Please try again.

Cause: An unknown error occurred while recalculating the project cost sheet.

Resolution: Try again. If the error persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.


006016007: Unable to import customized data. The selected file contains {WORKSPACE} structures.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a configuration package using the Customized Data method, but the file selected does not contain the necessary details to support this action.

Resolution: On the Manage Configuration page, under Export Data, select Customized Data to export the configuration package.


013000012: Risk Matrix is already assigned to a program.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a Risk Matrix that is already assigned to a program.

Resolution: Assign another matrix to the program.


003000038: {WORKSPACE} contains child projects or {WORKSPACES}. It cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a workspace that contains child workspaces or projects.

Resolution: If you want to delete the workspace, delete all child projects and workspaces.


001003310: Invalid field combinations in the filter query. Refer to the Entity Filtering section in the Oracle Primavera REST API documentation for filtering on Company and Office APIs.

Cause: For Company and Office APIs, some field combinations are restricted and should not be used in the same query.

Resolution: Correct the query. Refer to Entity Filtering in the Oracle Primavera REST API documentation.


001006011: Baseline with name {0} does not belong to either of user preferred baseline

Cause: Baseline with name {0} doesn't belong to either of user preferred baseline

Resolution: Baseline with name {0} doesn't belong to either of user preferred baseline


002013003: Proposed Budget for the selected projects is greater than the Target Budget.

Cause: The total Proposed Budget allocation for the projects included in the scenario is greater than the Target Budget for the scenario.

Resolution: Either remove some projects from the scenario or reduce the budget allocation of one or more of the projects included in the scenario.


006021005: You must specify a rank to create a subcategory.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a subcategory without specifying a rank.

Resolution: Specify at least one rank to create subcategory.


002019018: You cannot update past Forecast cost value; year: {0} month: {1}.

Cause: An attempt was made to update a forecast time period before the current date.

Resolution: Forecast is editable prior to the current date unless it is linked to Spends. In this case, Forecast is only editable beyond the Spends Finish Date.


009010017: Unable to recalculate project costs for {0} project collection.

Cause: An unexpected failure has occurred, such as unable to read from or write to the database.

Resolution: Try again. If problems persist, contact Oracle Customer Support to restart the database.


010001020: You must enter a line item type.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a line item without line item type, which is a required field.

Resolution: Ensure line item has the required line item type.


010004027: A change order already exists for this change.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a change order through this change when one already exists.

Resolution: Ensure that no change orders exist that link to this change.


002007013: You cannot approve a scenario when scenarios are being proposed.

Cause: An attempt was made to approve a scenario for a portfolio that has other scenarios being proposed.

Resolution: Either change the Proposed scenario back to In Planning so the other scenario can be approved, or approve the Proposed scenario.


006006001: Segment Definition must have value for each field.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a segment definition without a value for each field.

Resolution: Enter a value for each field in the segment definition.


003007027: BIP service is not available for configured WSDL endpoint URL: {0} and version: {1}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


011000012: The Due date cannot occur after the Closed date.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006002018: The default value has been set.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


001003111: The resource assignment cannot be deleted since actual hours have already been logged and approved in one or more timesheets.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a resource assignment after the actual hours were logged and approved in one or more timesheets.

Resolution: No resolution.


012000010: You cannot create ideas under the root {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An attempt was made to create an idea under the root workspace.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot create ideas under the root workspace. Create the idea under a different workspace.


004005031: The workflow service task for this report configuration failed.

Cause: Report failed to execute.

Resolution: Ensure the report configuration is correct. If problems persist, contact your system administrator.


009009002: The sum of all destination transfer values for a change item must be equal to the source transfer value.

Cause: An attempt was made to set destination values for a change item, but the sum of the values does not equal the source value.

Resolution: Modify the destination values until the sum of the values equals the source value.


005000005: {0} has no setting with internal name {1}.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


904014017: The Files service is not available at this time.

Cause: An attempt was made to access the Files service that is currently unavailable.

Resolution: Try again. If problem persists, contact your administrator.


002019077: The {0} has Sub Cost Curves enabled, hence the curve profile cannot be applied.

Cause: An attempt was made to apply the curve profile to the Cost Curve when it has Sub Cost Curves.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot apply the curve profile to the Cost Curve when it has Sub Cost Curves


004003082: Decision task instantiation failed. An override task has been created for you.

Cause: An unknown error caused the decision task to fail.

Resolution: Complete the override task instead of the decision task.


002009014: Target value whose type is Number must have target integer and target cost null.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


009014052: {0} is an invalid postal code for the selected company.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid postal code for the selected company.

Resolution: Enter a valid postal code for the selected company.


003015039: Enter a remaining finish date for all activities with a status of Not Started or In Progress.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required field.


002009011: The selected column of a KPI cannot be null.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


003015121: Invalid successor Activity.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign an invalid successor activity.

Resolution: Select a valid successor activity to create a successor relationship.


006020033: {0}: A measure's actualType value cannot be empty.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a measure without an actualType value.

Resolution: Enter a valid actualType value. Valid values are MANUAL, FORMULA, or BUILTIN.


010005017: This payment application cannot be withdrawn because one or more past payment applications in the series have a Status of Approved.

Cause: An attempt was made to withdraw a payment application while a previous payment application in the series has a Status of Approved.

Resolution: Make sure the previous payment applications in the series are approved before withdrawing the payment application.


009014026: You cannot commit to a task that has already been completed.

Cause: An attempt was made to commit to a task that is already completed.

Resolution: Remove the completed date, and then commit to the task.


003018025: The total amount of the transfer source fields and transfer destination fields must be equal.

Cause: The total amount of the transfer source fields and the transfer destination fields are not equal.

Resolution: Enter a source amount equal to the destination amounts.


004003085: Update field task instantiation failed.

Cause: An attempt was made to automatically update a field on an object and a business rule prohibited the field change.

Resolution: Review the object that the field runs against. A business rule for that option might be prohibiting the change. For example, if one portfolio scenario is proposed, you cannot propose another scenario at the same time.


003014016: The Reports service is not available at this time.

Cause: An attempt was made to access the Reports service that is currently unavailable.

Resolution: Try again. If problem persists, contact your administrator.


009011013: The update criteria includes a field that cannot be globally changed.

Cause: An attempt was made to run a global change with update criteria that includes a field that cannot be globally changed.

Resolution: Remove the field from the "then" clause and run the global change again.


008001050: A risk cannot have more than one response action with the same ID.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a duplicate ID for a risk response action.

Resolution: Enter a unique ID for the risk response action.


009001016: Original Quantity, Original Hours, and Original Productivity Rate cannot be changed because the calculation involving all three fields is invalid.

Cause: An attempt was made to update Original Quantity, Original Hours, and Original Productivity Rate, but the calculation involving all three fields is invalid.

Resolution: Enter values for Original Quantity, Original Hours, and Original Productivity Rate that honor the calculation: Quantity multiplied by Productivity Rate equals Hours.


009014076: You cannot enable the Use Only Work Days setting with a task that is due on a non-work day.

Cause: An attempt was made to enable the Use Only Work Days setting for a task that is due on a non-work day.

Resolution: Enter a due date that occurs on a valid work day before enabling the Use Only Work Days setting.


001003241: You cannot assign an inactive user as manager to a project.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign an inactive user as manager to a project.

Resolution: Assign an active user as manager to a project.


009009037: Unable to approve the work package change request because new scope assignment {0} no longer exists.

Cause: An attempt was made to approve a change request, but approval of the change request would attempt to modify a scope assignment that no longer exists.

Resolution: Approve the change request that will add back the new scope assignment, then approve the change request to update the new scope assignment.


001003073: Rule of Credit Name is a required field when Progress Measure is set to Milestone Percent Complete.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a work package, but no value was populated for Rule of Credit Name and Progress Measure is set to Milestone Percent Complete.

Resolution: Specify a valid value for Rule of Credit Name or set Progress Measure to Physical Percent Complete.


002013029: Optimization constraint already exists.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a duplicate optimization constraint.

Resolution: Change the optimization constraint and try again.


009009004: Transfer Quantity cannot be greater than Available Quantity for the scope assignment.

Cause: An attempt was made to set a transfer value that is greater than the available amount for the scope assignment.

Resolution: Enter a value that is less than or equal to the amount that is available.


003015196: You cannot enable the program milestone flag on activities that are not milestones.

Cause: An attempt was made to enable the program milestone flag on an activity with a Type other than Start Milestone or Finish Milestone.

Resolution: Change the activity's Type to Start Milestone or Finish Milestone.


003015042: Assignment does not have resource, you cannot set rate source to resource.

Cause: An attempt was made to set rate resource for an assignment which does not have resource.

Resolution: Assign a resource to an assignment in order to set a rate resource.


011000052: Custom Log delete privilege is required to delete the custom log object.

Cause: An attempt was made to complete an action without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


006004057: The selected configured field is referenced in a workflow or form. Remove all references to the field from workflows and forms in this workspace and its descendants and retry delete. For detailed resolution steps click the error code below.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a field that is assigned to a workflow or form.

Resolution: All references to the field must be removed before it can be deleted. Remove the field from any workflows and forms in this workspace and its descendants and retry delete.
For navigation to forms or workflow configuration list in any workspace, select Form Design or Workflow Configuration from the Workflows and Forms app.


002007107: You do not have security privilege to send Resource Scenario for approval.

Cause: An attempt was made to send resource scenario for approval without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


001003079: unable to find the root WBS.

Cause: System is not able to find the root WBS which is unlikely .

Resolution: Please contact System Administrator.


006006012: You cannot edit a copied CBS code.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit a copied CBS code.

Resolution: If you need to edit the segment, contact the owner of the original CBS Code to make the changes at a global level.


003015040: Assignment activity type fixed units or UPT, negative planned units or remaining units or at completion units or units/time or cost value is not allowed.

Cause: An attempt was made to set negative value for planned units or remaining units or at completion units or units/time or cost value for an assignment of activity type as fixed units or UPT.

Resolution: Verify that negative values are not set to planned units or remaining units or at completion units or units/time or cost value for an assignment of activity type as fixed units or UPT.


003019017: {0} {1} was created from an allocation and cannot be deleted in the current context.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a fund from an allocated location.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot delete a fund from an allocated location.


006006037: Unable to apply change to {0} {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An attempt was made to change an inherited CBS.

Resolution: Any change to an inherited CBS from a workspace should be automatically pushed down to the inheriting projects or workspaces.


003015059: Assignment failed to process rate calculation due to negative cost or units or units/time value.

Cause: The cost or units or units / time field of an activity were set with a negative value.

Resolution: Ensure that the cost, units and units/time values of an activity are always set with a positive value.


009009022: Cannot transfer scope assignment data because the source or destination scope assignment is still pending approval.

Cause: An attempt was made to transfer scope assignment data, but the source or destination scope assignment is still pending approval.

Resolution: Transfer scope assignment data after the source or destination scope assignment is approved, or select a different scope assignment.


009009011: Transfer Hours cannot have a value of zero.

Cause: A value of zero was entered.

Resolution: Enter a value that is greater than zero.


001003245: Project-specific calendars can be assigned to projects/activities. You must remove these assignments before you can change the Available To setting on the calendar.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove the Available To setting for a calendar that is used by a project or an activity.

Resolution: You must remove the calendar assignment from these projects/activities before you can change the calendar's Available To setting.


003000073: You cannot move a project to a different {WORKSPACE} because this project inherits {0} resources that are not accessible in the target {WORKSPACE}. Promote these resources to a higher level and pull them down into the target {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An attempt was made to move a project that has inherits resources not accessible in the target workspace.

Resolution: Promote these resources to a higher level and pull them down into the target workspace.


006003002: View name cannot contain double quotes.

Cause: A name was entered that contains double quotes.

Resolution: Enter a name that does not contain double quotes.


003015236: The Merge Activities target scenario is not visible, is retired, is closed, or is not complete.

Cause: The Merge Activities target scenario is not visible, is retired, is closed, or is not complete.

Resolution: Select a Visible and Active scenario with a status of Complete as the Merge Activities target.


006006010: You cannot copy a project CBS into {WORKSPACE} CBS.

Cause: An attempt was made to copy a project CBS into a workspace CBS.

Resolution: No resolution. A workspace CBS can only be copied from the parent workspace, copied from sibling workspaces, imported from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, or entered manually.


003019117: You cannot associate an inherited workspace role with a project resource.

Cause: An attempt was made to associate a project resource with an inherited workspace role.

Resolution: If the role should have a resource associated with it, the association must be done at the workspace level.


005003004: The value of {0} must have a length of at least {1}.

Cause: The value entered for the setting does not have enough characters.

Resolution: Enter a value for the setting that is at least the minimum amount of characters.


006011004: An unknown error occurred creating the user.

Cause: The creation of a user has failed for an unknown reason.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


009000007: The WBS is associated with activities.You must remove these associations before you can delete the WBS.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


003015172: You do not have the security privileges required to add or edit relationships.

Cause: An attempt was made to add or edit relationships without the required privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


006015007: Calendar {0} cannot be assigned to the project as it is not available to projects.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a calendar to a project, but the calendar cannot be assigned to projects.

Resolution: Update the calendar Available To setting to include Projects.


003000024: Code already exists. Enter a unique value.

Cause: A duplicate code was entered

Resolution: Enter a unique value.


000000074: Value {0} in the request body does not match the required type {1}. Valid values are: {2}

Cause: The request body contains invalid data.

Resolution: Verify that the request body contains valid data, and re-submit the request.


006002011: Failed to add the location because the longitude value is not within the valid range.

Cause: The value you entered for the longitude is not within the valid range.\nIf you imported a .xlx or .xls file, then a row in the file contains a longitude value that is not within the valid range.

Resolution: Enter a value between -180 to 180 for the longitude.\nIf you are importing a .xlx or .xls file, do the following:

Open the file.

Enter a value between -180 to 180 for the longitude.

Import the file again.


006005034: Projects using the base currency cannot have a pegged Exchange Rate.

Cause: An attempt was made to set the Exchange Rate Type for the base currency to a pegged rate.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot change the Exchange Rate Type for the base currency.


004005020: Unable to start workflow because there is already running workflow exists on the same object.

Cause: An attempt was made to start the workflow on the same object for which already running instance exists.

Resolution: Make sure to pass object on which there is not running workflow instance exists.


001003049: All commitment change orders with the given codes do not belong to the project.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006004027: Invalid Summary Calculation Type.

Cause: An attempt was made to set a value for the summary calculation column which is not supported by the configured field type.

Resolution: Enter a summary calculation value that is valid for the configured field type.
Valid values for date types are Minimum, Maximum, or None.
Valid values for cost, number or integer types are Average, Minimum, Maximum, Sum, or None.
Valid values for list, boolean, or text type are None.


003014004: {WORKSPACE} report cannot be converted to a user report.

Cause: An attempt was made to convert a workspace report to a user report.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot convert a workspace report to a user report.


003015181: An expected finish date cannot exist for an activity with a type of Start Milestone, Finish Milestone, Level of Effort, or WBS Summary.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an expected finish date for a Start Milestone, Finish Milestone, Level of Effort, or WBS Summary activity type.

Resolution: Remove the expected finish date and save.


005003000: Unable to save user avatar.

Cause: This is a generic internal error.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


004004022: Error in Automatic Decision Task. No condition is satisfied by the value {0}

Cause: An attempt was made to run an automatic decision task that has no value to satisfy the conditions.

Resolution: Review the workflow decision task and make sure it is evaluating a field that has valid settings on the object that it runs against.


007000001: Name already exists. Enter a unique name.

Cause: A duplicate name was entered.

Resolution: Enter a unique name.


001003368: The report cycle with reportCycleId : {0}, cycleName : {1}, workspaceId : {2}, workspaceCode : {3} doesn't exist or has been deleted.

Cause: The object with the given field values doesn't exist.

Resolution: Give the proper existing object values and try again.


006006050: You cannot modify the Type of a cost category if the cost category is associated with one or more CBS codes.

Cause: An attempt was made to modify the Type of a cost category that is associated with CBS codes.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot modify the Type of a cost category if the cost category is associated with one or more CBS codes.


001003336: GraphQL Sync call cannot be made with single transaction as true and {0} object included in same request. Please either change single transaction to false or remove {0} object from request and then execute the GraphQL Sync call.

Cause: An attempt was made to call a GraphQL sync API with the request containing objects excluded from single transaction support.

Resolution: Either remove the above objects from the request or make the single transaction setting as false.


006012046: You cannot assign unit of measure to labor or nonlabor resources.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a unit of measure to a labor or nonlabor resource.

Resolution: Remove the unit of measure from the labor or nonlabor resource, or change the type of the resource to material.


009011003: You cannot run the leveler on a portfolio of projects. You must run the leveler on one project at a time.

Cause: An attempt was made to run the leveler on a portfolio of projects.

Resolution: Run the leveler on one project at a time.


001003133: Workspace Code, Resource Code and Resource Class are required fields.

Cause: An attempt was made to create or update an object without providing Workspace Code, Resource Code, and Resource Class values.

Resolution: Provide Workspace Code, Resource Code, and Resource Class values and run the call again.


000000088: Invalid Project code {0} and Workspace code {1} is provided for project company.

Cause: An attempt was made to create/ update a project company with invalid Workspace code/ Project code.

Resolution: Supply valid Workspace code and Project code and run the create/update again.


006006036: CBS code {0} already exists in {1} {WORKSPACE}. Enter a unique value.

Cause: A duplicate value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a unique value.


010006025: You cannot delete a proposal with a potential change order that has a status of {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete an proposal with a potential change order that has a status of {0}.

Resolution: Make sure that the related potential change order is open and pending before deleting the proposal.


006022002: You cannot delete a reason that is used in a commitment.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a reason that is used in a commitment.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot delete a reason that is used in a commitment.


006011053: Company name is a required field.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a new user and the user's company name was not supplied.

Resolution: Select the user's company name and create the user again.


000001012: Object does not exist or has been deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to access an object that does not exist or has been deleted.

Resolution: No resolution. Object no longer exists.


001003476: Multiple CBS with code {0} found under the {1}.

Cause: The CBS with given code exists more than once probably in different hierarchies.

Resolution: Provide either a unique CBS code or specify the parent details using parentId or parentCBSCodes attribute.


003003002: {0} has relationships to other projects. It cannot be deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a project that either supports or depends on another project.

Resolution: Remove all project dependencies for the project and then try deleting the project again.


013000014: The auto numbering configuration is missing for the program.

Cause: Auto numbering has not been set up for the program.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


006002019: The field {0} is read-only.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit a field which is read-only.

Resolution: No resolution. The field is read-only.


010004013: Awarded From Company is a required field

Cause: Awarded From Company has not been filled in when it is a required field.

Resolution: Choose an Awarded From Company.


007004004: The proxy user assignment dates cannot overlap existing assignments.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


904008005: Import did not succeed, possibly due to another import process that shares global objects with this import process. Please wait for the other import process to complete before trying again.

Cause: An attempt was made to run an import process that shares global objects with another import process that is currently in progress.

Resolution: Please wait for the other import process to complete before trying again.


006023004: You cannot remove a baseline category that is owned.

Cause: An attempt was made to remove a baseline category that is owned by the current workspace.

Resolution: No resolution unless the baseline category can be removed from the child workspace.


001003380: Cost data is not available in project currency view. Update project costs to continue or cancel to switch to base currency. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.

Cause: Project currency view is not available on the project cash flow because no project currency data is available.

Resolution: Update project costs when prompted. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Customer Support.


008001049: The impact threshold value for {0} is not valid.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid impact threshold value on a single point distribution shape.

Resolution: Enter a valid impact threshold value.


006006093: You do not have the security privilege to recalculate workspace cost.

Cause: An attempt was made to recalculate workspace cost without the required permission.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


000000087: Company name and Postal code can not be empty if Company id is blank.

Cause: An attempt was made to create/ update a project company with out Company name/ Postal code.

Resolution: Supply Company name and Postal code and run the create/update again.


000000027: {0} exceeds the maximum number of characters.

Cause: There are too many characters in the field.

Resolution: Put less information in the field. Note: There could be HTML tags that are not visible that are included in the character count.


003019016: You cannot delete {0} {1}, as it has been allocated to other funds.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a fund that has been allocated.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot delete the fund, as it has been allocated to other funds.


003023514: Submittal Name cannot be modified

Cause: An attempt was made to modify Submittal Name without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003015187: You do not have the security privileges required to edit a WBS.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit WBSs without the required privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


002019005: Snapshot name and time should be unique.

Cause: An attempt was made to save a snapshot with a name that already exists for the time interval.

Resolution: Wait for a minute to save with the same name, or provide a different name.


004001035: Unable to load project. It may have been deleted.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a project that no longer exists.

Resolution: Ask the Manager or administrator to stop the workflow. It will need to be restarted with an existing project.


003019039: Fund is already allocated to project or {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An attempt was made to allocated a fund that has already been allocated.

Resolution: No resolution


009108011: You cannot update a resource demand with a different role.

Cause: An attempt was made to update a resource demand with a different role.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Delete the existing role demand from this project.

Create a new demand for the role.


006010007: You cannot assign a risk matrix during project creation.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a risk matrix to a project during project creation.

Resolution: Create the project before assigning a risk matrix.


003000058: {WORKSPACE} must have an associated default calendar.

Cause: A workspace was created without a default calendar.

Resolution: Select a default calendar for the workspace in the Summary & Settings panel.


003015084: You must enter a remaining start date for an activity with a status of Not Started or In Progress.

Cause: A required field was not completed.

Resolution: Complete the required field.


008001067: {0} is an invalid non-working time definition Type.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid value for non-working time definition Type.

Resolution: Enter valid non-working time definition Type as either Distribution or Percentage.


003000074: You cannot move a project to a different {WORKSPACE} because the calendar is not accessible in the target {WORKSPACE}. Promote the calendar to a higher level and pull it down into the target {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An attempt was made to move a project whose calendar is not accessible in the target workspace.

Resolution: Promote this calendar to a higher level and pull it down into the target workspace.


009014089: Invalid hand-off. A Finish to Start hand-off is invalid when the successor task is of type "Task Milestone".

Cause: An attempt was made to create a Finish to Start hand-off with a successor task of type "Task Milestone".

Resolution: Choose a successor task of type "Task" or change the type of the hand-off.


000001021: A project collection must be created with at least one project.

Cause: An attempt was made to open a project set with no projects in it.

Resolution: Add projects to create the project collection.


007001008: Unable to create groups: {0}.

Cause: This is a generic internal error.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


007000013: Unable to update profiles: {0}. Profile does not exist.

Cause: An attempt was made to save updates to a profile, but the profile was deleted and no longer exists

Resolution: No resolution.


009014059: In a Finish to Start task hand-off, the successor Start Date must be after its predecessor's Due Date.

Cause: An attempt was made to create an invalid Finish to Start task hand-off.

Resolution: Remove the task hand-offs where the predecessor task's Due Date is later than the successor task's Start Date.


010005025: A payment application schedule of value must be created from a contract schedule of value, commitment schedule of value, or change order schedule of value.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a payment application schedule of value that was not linked to a contract, commitment, or change order.

Resolution: Ensure the schedule of value references a contract schedule of value, commitment schedule of value, or change order schedule of value.


006011051: First name or Last name are required fields.

Cause: An attempt was made to add a new user and a required field was not completed.

Resolution: Enter the user's first name or last name and create the user again.


009008010: The change request cannot be deleted because it contains rejected change items.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a change request, but it contains change items that were rejected.

Resolution: Reopen the change items that were rejected, then delete the change request.


013000741: You cannot move a workspace that contains projects with funds allocated from a portfolio in the parent workspace.

Cause: An attempt was made to move a workspace workspace containing projects with funds allocated from a portfolio in the parent workspace.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot move a workspace that contains projects with funds allocated from a portfolio in the parent workspace.


002007016: You cannot approve a scenario that contains a project with a status of Proposal.

Cause: An attempt was made to approve a scenario that contains projects with a status of Proposal.

Resolution: Approve the proposal projects or remove them from the portfolio scenario to enable approval of the scenario.


006011080: An existing company cannot be found in the company registry. The following companies cannot be found in the company registry: {0}. Contact Oracle Customer Support.

Cause: A company record exists in the tenant but not in the global company registry.

Resolution: Contact Oracle Customer Support.


006011158: Enter an office Country Code.

Cause: An attempt was made to import an office but the office country code was left blank.

Resolution: Enter the office country code and import the file again.


006000003: Invalid value for {0}.

Cause: An invalid value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a valid value.


011000044: Custom Logs scope information is required.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


006019005: Name cannot exceed 255 characters. Enter between 1 and 255 characters.

Cause: More than 255 characters were entered.

Resolution: Enter between 1 and 255 characters.


003015046: You cannot set resource curves for assignments that do not have fixed duration activities.

Cause: An attempt was made to set resource curve to assignments that do not have fixed duration activities.

Resolution: Ensure that resource curves are not set to assignments which do not have fixed duration activities.


001003315: The project calendar cannot be assigned to the project because it is not in the same project.

Cause: An attempt was made to assign a project calendar to a different project.

Resolution: Assign a project calendar that is present in the project.


007004003: The start date must be before the finish date for the assignment.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a start date that occurs after the finish date for the assignment.

Resolution: Enter a start date that occurs before the finish date or change the finish date so it occurs after the start date.


002019057: Project proposed phase cost start date must be before project proposed end date.

Cause: Proposed budget start date occurs after the finish date.

Resolution: Enter a start date that is before the finish date for proposed budget.


003009013: The number of projects in {0} project collection cannot exceed {1}.

Cause: An attempt was made to add too many projects to a project collection.

Resolution: Select fewer projects to add to a project collection or create more than one project collection.


003015149: Unit Percent Complete must be between 0.0 % and 100.0 %.

Cause: A value was entered that is not in the required range.

Resolution: Enter a value in the required range.


004000000: Form cannot be deleted. It is referenced in a workflow.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a form that was referenced in a workflow.

Resolution: If you want to delete the form, you must change or remove every reference to the form in the Workflow Editor.


001003108: Current User doesn't have ability to delete timesheets.

Cause: Current User has not been given the privilege to delete timesheets.

Resolution: Give privilege to delete timesheets to user.


001003147: Workspace Code, Project Code and Commitment Code are required fields.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


009014111: You cannot set a date identified that is in the future.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a date identified that occurs in the future.

Resolution: Enter a date identified that is today or in the past.


003000079: No workflow is defined for project proposals in this workspace.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a project proposal, but there is no workflow specified for proposals in this workspace.

Resolution: In the workspace settings, specify a workflow to manage project proposals.


006009014: You must remove the upper and lower values for the Negligible risk threshold.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a Negligible risk threshold with upper and lower values.

Resolution: Remove the upper and lower values for the Negligible risk threshold.


003023503: The Submit By date cannot occur after the Approve by date.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


005000000: You do not have the security privilege to update the {0}.

Cause: An attempt was made to update (object) without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003019049: {0} is an invalid resource status.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter an invalid resource status.

Resolution: Enter a valid resource status. Valid values are Active and Inactive.


006012042: A role with ID {0} already exists in the following workspaces: {1}, and the following projects: {2}.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a duplicate role ID.

Resolution: Enter a unique role ID.


009007006: Scope Assignment ID must be unique per work package. Enter a unique value.

Cause: A duplicate value was entered.

Resolution: Enter a unique value.


003022003: You do not have the security privilege to create a project template.

Cause: An attempt was made to create project template without the required security privilege.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


000000068: Company can not be updated if status is inactive.

Cause: An attempt was made to update a company with inactive status.

Resolution: Update company status to active and run the integration again.


001005003: Failed to create the recurring job as there is no project or portfolio assigned.

Cause: An attempt was made to create a recurring services job without assigning any project or portfolio.

Resolution: Assign at least one project or portfolio while creating recurring services job.


000009007: Start date is a required field.

Cause: An attempt was made to import records without a Start date.

Resolution: Enter a valid Start date.


003012012: The original baseline cannot be changed because this project has closed reporting periods.

Cause: The current project has reporting periods so the original baseline cannot be changed.

Resolution: No resolution. Once a reporting period exists for a project the original baseline cannot be changed.


002019027: Edit Costs security privilege is required to change Approved Start date.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the Approved Start date without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


010004014: Cannot submit change order with {0} of {1} as a line item in the parent record with this {0} already exists. Please update the change order {0} and try again.

Cause: An attempt was made to approve a change order with a duplicate line item.

Resolution: Ensure no duplicate line items before approval.


003015158: You do not have the security privileges required to add or edit costs.

Cause: An attempt was made to add or edit costs without the required privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


003023906: The Section Number can only include alphanumeric characters, spaces, and hyphens.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


004003063: Unable to load archived workflow instances detailed list.

Cause: An attempt was made to load the list of archived workflow instances on the Monitor Workflows page and an error occurred.

Resolution: Check the database state of each archived workflow instances and try again. If problems persist, contact your administrator.


006012047: You cannot promote a resource with an associated role without the required security privileges.

Cause: An attempt was made to promote a resource with an associated role without the required security privileges for the role.

Resolution: Remove the association with the role and then promote the resource or contact your administrator for the required security privileges.


007000007: Unable to set {0} to default permissions.

Cause: There is no additional information available.

Resolution: There is no additional information available.


004005010: The user does not have required permission on a scenario to run recalculate cost service.

Cause: An attempt was made to run the service task by a user who does not have the view permission for the scenario.

Resolution: Make sure the user has the view permission for the scenario.


009009038: Unable to approve the work package change request because new work package {0} no longer exists.

Cause: An attempt was made to approve a change request, but approval of the change request would attempt to add or modify a scope assignment within a work package that no longer exists.

Resolution: Approve the change request that will add back the new work package, then approve the change request to add or update the new scope assignment.


002019020: You cannot edit Spends cost if project has a status of Proposal.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit the Spends cost of a project that has a status of Proposal.

Resolution: No resolution. You cannot edit the Spends cost of a project that has a status of Proposal.


006012020: One or more roles or its child roles is used in a child project. You must remove these roles from the child project before you can delete the role.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a role which is currently being used in a child project of the current workspace.

Resolution: If you want to delete the role, you must remove the role from all child workspaces and projects.


003016001: This shared item no longer exists.

Cause: The shared item was deleted from this workspace.

Resolution: No resolution.


002019058: Project current approved phase cost start date must be before project current approved end date.

Cause: Approved budget start date occurs after the finish date.

Resolution: Enter a start date that is before the finish date for proposed budget.


002007112: You do not have the security privilege to update the resource review state.

Cause: An attempt was made to update the resource review state of a resource plan without the required security privileges.

Resolution: Contact your administrator to obtain the required security privileges.


009009036: Unable to withdraw approval of the work package change request because the approval of {0} creates a data conflict.

Cause: An attempt was made to withdraw approval of a change request, but withdrawal of the change request would create a data conflict with another approved change request that contains the same scope assignments.

Resolution: Withdraw approval of the change request that would create the data conflict.


003015133: You can only select a Uncertainty Distribution for activities that are task dependent or resource dependent.

Cause: An attempt was made to select a Uncertainty Distribution for an activity that is not task dependent or resource dependent.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Remove the Uncertainty Distribution if the activity is not task dependent or resource dependent.

Change the Type to task dependent or resource dependent and then select a Uncertainty Distribution.


001003109: Cannot create timesheet for the period. Timesheet already exist.

Cause: Timesheet already exist.

Resolution: No resolution.


004004021: Error in Automatic Decision Task. A null value is interpreted as an error.

Cause: An attempt was made to run an automatic decision task that has no value defined.

Resolution: Review the workflow decision task and make sure it is evaluating a field that has valid settings on the object that it runs against.


006000006: You must be in the owning {WORKSPACE} to edit shared data.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit configuration data from the wrong workspace.

Resolution: Edit all shared data from the owning workspace. You must have access to the owning workspace to make any changes.


002019067: Project at completion phase cost end date must be after project at completion start date.

Cause: At completion finish date occurs before the start date.

Resolution: Enter a finish date that occurs after the start date for at completion.


002009007: A threshold with a non-range-type operator must not have upper limit set.

Cause: A capital plan threshold was created without a range-type operator and has an upper limit specified for it.

Resolution: Remove the upper limit from the capital plan threshold.


003015079: Actual finish date must be later than resume date.

Cause: The actual finish date that was entered occurs before the resume date.

Resolution: Do one of the following:

Enter an actual finish date that occurs after the resume date.

Move the resume date so it occurs before the actual finish date.


002013025: Distributed costs cannot exceed the total cost.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a value in the Total Cost field which is less than the sum total of values in individual time-phased buckets, or an attempt was made to enter a value in a time-phased bucket which makes Total Cost less than the sum total of values.

Resolution: Enter a value for Total Cost which is greater than the sum total values for distributed costs.


007001012: The following groups have one or more assignments: {0}. You must remove all assignments before you can delete the groups.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete groups that have assignments.

Resolution: Remove all assignments and then delete the groups.


006006038: Unable to apply change to {0} project.

Cause: An attempt was made to change an inherited CBS.

Resolution: Any change to an inherited CBS from a workspace should be automatically pushed down to the inheriting projects or workspaces.


006005030: {0}: Unable to edit in base currency

Cause: An attempt was made to edit a cost field while in the base currency view when the project currency is a different currency.

Resolution: Do not edit cost fields while in the base currency.


001003378: Number of required arguments for the requested filterID is {0}.

Cause: Number of arguments provided doesn't match the required size.

Resolution: Provide the exact number of required arguments for the system filter.


006005063: Payment Application currency cannot be edited after save.

Cause: An attempt was made to edit currency of payment application after save.

Resolution: Currency can only be changed on a payment application on creation, by selecting a different Associated Agreement.


003007040: Print Layout is assigned as the default to an object. You must remove this assignment before you can set it as inactive.

Cause: An attempt was made to set a print layout as inactive, but the print layout is assigned as the default print layout to an object.

Resolution: Remove the default assignment to set the print layout as inactive.


007000002: Permissions must have at least one privilege.

Cause: An attempt was made to create permissions without specifying privileges.

Resolution: Enter at least one privilege and save.


006002025: You cannot delete a calendar that is a default calendar in a child {WORKSPACE}.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a Calendar that is set as the default calendar child workspaces.

Resolution: If you want to delete the calendar, you must remove it as the default calendar in all workspaces.


006012001: One or more roles or its child roles is assigned to a resource. You must delete all assignments before you can delete the role.

Cause: An attempt was made to delete a role that is assigned to a resource.

Resolution: If you want to delete the role, delete all resource assignments and then delete the role.


000001055: This page is not available in the current app.

Cause: An attempt was made to access a page that is not available in the current app.

Resolution: No resolution. The page is not available in the current app.


003017003: Unable to specify a field and a value for a threshold.

Cause: An attempt was made to enter a value and a select a field for the threshold.

Resolution: A threshold can only look to a value or a selected field.


003000087: The scenario does not have any project data to import.

Cause: An attempt was made to import a scenario without any project in the budget scenario.

Resolution: Add projects to the scenario.

Last Published Friday, July 12, 2024