Data Validation

Each time you use one of the migration methods to transfer data, you should validate the data in Primavera Cloud to ensure it was transferred successfully, accurately, and completely. The following list is a series of validation checks you can perform on your Primavera Cloud data. Depending on the method used and the data that was transferred, some steps may not be applicable to you.

  1. Review Logs: Service logs for the import and integration methods provide details about the job that was run. The status of a job indicates if it completed successfully, completed with warnings or errors, or failed to complete. Use the log to review job details, including the date and time it was run, who the job was run by, the data that was transferred and its destination, and the specific reasons for warnings, errors, or failures. You can attempt to resolve any issues present in the log and try to run the process again.
  2. Review Workspace Data: Compare your source data in P6 with the transferred data in Primavera Cloud to ensure accurate values.
    • Dictionary data and UDFs associated with an imported project or as part of a project business flow should be stored in the parent workspace of the project.
    • Resources and roles associated with a transferred project should be stored in the parent workspace's resource or role dictionary.
    • If you ran a global business flow, the full dictionaries included in the flow should be stored in the destination workspace.
    • The sharing method of dictionary items is set to Manual by default. Set an item's sharing method to Automatic if all child workspaces should automatically inherit the item.
  3. Review Project Data: Compare your source data in Primavera Cloud with the transferred data in Primavera Cloud to ensure accurate values.
    • Confirm that any imported projects are located in the workspace where they were imported. The user who imported the projects is assigned as their manager. You can select a different user as each project's manager, if necessary.
    • Review all project settings to ensure they were transferred accurately.
    • Resources and roles associated with a transferred project should be available in the project-level resource or role dictionaries. They should be owned at the project's parent workspace level and assigned to all applicable project activities.
    • Compare the quantities of project-level objects such as the total number of activities, resources, relationships, and resource assignments. You may need to adjust date, time, and number units in your user preferences before comparing data.
  4. Baseline the Project: You may want to create a new baseline for each transferred project immediately after the import or integration is complete. This preserves the initial condition of the projects for reference purposes.
  5. Schedule the Project: After P6 project data is transferred into Primavera Cloud, schedule the project before making any updates. You can schedule multiple projects at the same in by including them in a program.
  6. Recalculate Costs: Because of differences in how costs are calculated between P6 and Primavera Cloud, you should recalculate costs in your project schedule after transferring project data.
  7. Manually Review Data: After the project is scheduled and costs are recalculated, you may choose to compare your data to its source a second time. Review dates, durations, relationships, assignments, and calculated fields. If you imported a cost-loaded project schedule, it is especially important to check resource and role rates at both the workspace and project levels. Differences in resource and role rates between the workspace and project levels in Primavera Cloud may occur when importing into Primavera Cloud.
  8. Baseline the Project: After you have scheduled your project and reviewed its data to ensure accurate values, you should baseline the project again. This baseline should serve as the starting point before you begin to record progress on your data.
  9. Begin Using Primavera Cloud to Manage Your Project: With your project data transferred, reviewed, and baselined, you may now proceed with updating your project schedule.

Last Published Tuesday, May 21, 2024