Data Organization

Projects in P6 are organized using a hierarchical method called the enterprise project structure (EPS). The EPS enables you to group projects according to your organization's preferred structure, such as by company division, phase, geography, or project size. P6 also supports managing related projects using portfolios. The process for grouping and organizing projects and other data objects in Primavera Cloud is performed using workspaces. Similar to the EPS, workspaces organize projects hierarchically according to the structure determined by your organization. The top level of the workspace hierarchy consists of the root, or Company, workspace. The root workspace has two child workspaces, Production and Non-Production, which can be renamed and repurposed to suit your needs. Each workspace, except the root workspace, can have additional child workspaces. See the Workspaces section of the Primavera Cloud Help for more information.

It is recommended that you plan your workspace hierarchy carefully as the structure cannot easily be reorganized after you begin to enter project data. If neeeded, Primavera Cloud allows users with the Move Workspace permission to move a workspace to another workspace. For more information, see Considerations When Moving a Workspace to a Different Workspace in Primavera Cloud Help.

A simple hierarchical structure will make it easier to manage and maintain shared data and user security. It is not recommended that you replicate your existing P6 EPS in Primavera Cloud. However, if needed, you can create a project code that represents your P6 EPS structure and group your projects for migration by this code rather than by the workspace. Workspaces offer functionality that the EPS does not, such as shared data capabilities, direct assignment of security privileges, and support for additional data objects. Review these concepts below:

Last Published Tuesday, May 21, 2024