Resources and Roles

Resource and role functionality in Primavera Cloud is very similar to that of P6. You can create roles to define the standard jobs and skills needed on your projects, and then associate those roles with specific resources. You can assign roles to activities and staff them with resources, or assign resources to activities directly. Perform usage analysis to review any allocation or staffing issues on your assignments, and then make adjustments accordingly. When you level a project in Primavera Cloud, you can level both resources and roles. In P6, only resources can be leveled. Leveling roles is useful in estimating role capacity and resolving overallocation. At the portfolio level, perform role demand and capacity planning when determining the projects in your portfolio suitable for execution. Both resources and roles support multiple rate and availability assignments, which you can use during project costing and portfolio demand planning. Resources can be associated with an application user to update their activity assignments using timesheets. Resource and role dictionaries support hierarchical configurations to match the structure of the organizations you will be working with. Resource and role teams are not supported by Primavera Cloud.

While the resource and role functionality between P6 and Primavera Cloud is similar, the configuration and implementation of resource and role dictionaries in Primavera Cloud is quite different. In P6, resource and roles are created at a global level and are available to be assigned to the projects within your organization. User access to resources and roles is controlled through user administration. In Primavera Cloud, resource and role dictionaries can be defined at the individual workspace and project levels. Resources and roles owned by a workspace are available to be assigned to the projects within that workspace, while resources and roles owned by a project are available only to that project. Users and user groups assigned to a workspace or project have access to that level's resources and roles.

Unlike shared data, resources and roles are not automatically made available to child workspaces. If a resource or role in a higher-level workspace should be made available to a child workspace or project, it must be assigned to that level. Project and workspace resources and roles can also be promoted to the parent workspace. This is useful when a project resource or role needs to be made available for assignment to other projects within the workspace or when a resource or role should be made available to a sibling workspace within the same hierarchy. You can promote resources and roles all the way up to the root workspace. Resources and roles can only be edited in the workspace or project where they are owned. Promoting resources and roles transfers their ownership to the parent workspace. Assigning resources and roles to lower levels does not affect their owning workspace. Different possibilities for structuring your resources and roles are explored in Best Practices and Recommendations.

The assignment and analysis tools available to you in Primavera Cloud enable you to review usage for both workspace- and project-level resources and roles. You can also view all project assignments in the context of a program. When planning your resources and roles, you can define different price rates and availability limits and the periods when they will be in effect. Resources and roles inherited from a workspace can have separate availability periods defined at the workspace and individual project levels. This is useful to reflect the different levels of availability a resource or role might have across different assignments.

Any of the migration methods will transfer resources and roles to the workspace-level resource and role dictionaries. Transferred resources and roles that are assigned to project activities will be stored at the workspace level, made available to the project-level resource and role dictionaries, and assigned to the applicable activities within the project.

Last Published Tuesday, May 21, 2024