
Primavera Cloud offers a more simplified approach to codes than P6. In Primavera Cloud, codes are configured at the owning workspace level and are available to be assigned to objects within the owning workspace's branch. Create codes as high in the workspace hierarchy as possible so that they are available to be assigned to the objects where they are needed. If code availability should be limited to a smaller number of objects, create them in a lower-level workspace. The owning workspace of any code can be changed to a higher workspace level. Additionally, project-specific activity codes can be created at the project level to apply only to activities within that project. This is useful if only one project will be using certain codes or if you want to prevent the usage of certain codes by other workspaces or projects. If you are using import and export to share a project with other companies, project-specific codes will remain with the project and not become integrated with a company's workspace-level code dictionaries.

Codes can be assigned to a wide selection of objects in Primavera Cloud, including the project, activity, resource, and role objects supported by P6. In the owning workspace, you can choose the object types you want each code to apply to. Depending on how you use codes, a single code could be available to be assigned to every object type in Primavera Cloud, a limited number of objects types, or a single type, such as activities. The combination of workspace availability and specified object support forms the basic foundation of all codes in Primavera Cloud.

Secure codes and issue codes are not supported by Primavera Cloud. Primavera Cloud does support restricted configured fields which are similar to secure codes in that restricted configured fields prevent users from editing the restricted fields if they do not have Edit Restricted Configured Fields privileges for a project at a workspace level. The ability to add, edit, and delete codes at the workspace level is controlled by a workspace-level privilege and at the project level by a project-level privilege.

Last Published Tuesday, May 21, 2024