
This section maps each security profile privilege in P6 with its corresponding privilege in Primavera Cloud. This is not a comprehensive list of the privileges available in Primavera Cloud. Additional categories and privileges exist in Primavera Cloud for functionality not supported by P6. For more information on configuring and assigning user privileges in Primavera Cloud, see Security. P6 privilege assignments cannot be transferred to Primavera Cloud.

Global and project security profiles in P6 correspond to several different privilege categories in Primavera Cloud. Most global security profile privileges from P6 are configured as workspace privileges in Primavera Cloud, although some can still be found in the global category. Most project security profile privileges from P6 correspond to project privileges in Primavera Cloud, although some object privileges like reports and files have their own sets of permissions.

In the tables below, each P6 privilege is mapped to a corresponding Primavera Cloud privilege when equivalent functionality exists between the two applications. If equivalent functionality does not exist, and there is an alternative in Primavera Cloud that best approximates the P6 functionality, the alternative and its applicable privileges is listed. If equivalent functionality does not exist, and there is no viable alternative, then the P6 functionality is not supported in Primavera Cloud. Some singular privileges that exist in P6 may be controlled by multiple privileges in Primavera Cloud.

Each Primavera Cloud privilege listed in the table uses the following format:

For example, the entry below indicates that the User Groups privilege can be found in the User Groups section of the Workspace permission sets.

Global Security Profiles


P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Add/Edit/Delete OBS

OBS functionality is not supported in Primavera Cloud.

User Groups support assigning users with the same permissions to various data objects. They can be owned at the workspace or project level.

Configure the following privileges for user groups:

  • Workspace - User Groups section - User Groups
  • Project - Project section - User Groups

Add/Edit/Delete Security Profiles

Workspace - Configuration section - Permission Sets


Add/Edit/Delete Users

Global - Configuration section - User Administration


Add/Edit/Delete User Interface Views

Global - Configuration section - User Administration


Edit Application Settings

Global - Configuration section - Application Settings


Provision Users from LDAP

This functionality is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Add/Edit/Delete Categories (For Project Baseline Types)

This functionality is partially supported in Primavera Cloud.

Users with Workspace-level Add/Edit/Delete Baseline Categories privileges can create and modify baseline categories within their current workspaces and child workspaces. Baseline categories can also be imported using P6 XML Import if assigned to baselines and selected for import.


P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Add Global Activity Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


Edit Global Activity Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


Delete Global Activity Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


Add Global Issue Codes

Global issue codes are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Edit Global Issue Codes

Global issue codes are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Delete Global Issue Codes

Global issue codes are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Add Project Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


Edit Project Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


Delete Project Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


Add Resource Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


Edit Resource Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


Delete Resource Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


Add Role Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


Edit Role Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


Delete Role Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


Add/Delete Secure Codes

Secure codes are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Edit Secure Codes

Secure codes are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Assign Secure Codes

Secure codes are not supported in Primavera Cloud.

Edit Restricted Configured Fields

Certain configured fields can be restricted, making them read-only for users without Edit Restricted Configured Fields permissions under Summary and Settings for a project workspace.

View Secure Codes

Secure codes are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Global Data

P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Add/Edit/Delete Categories and Overhead Codes

Categories and overhead codes are not supported in Primavera Cloud.

Hour types enable users to categorize the types of hours they enter on timesheets. They are managed as part of the application's timesheet settings.

Configure the following privileges for hour types:

Global - Configuration section - Timesheet Settings

Add/Edit/Delete Cost Accounts

Workspace - Configuration section - CBS


Add/Edit/Delete Currencies

Workspace - Configuration section - Currencies


Add/Edit/Delete Locations

Workspace - Configuration section - Locations


Add/Edit/Delete Financial Period Calendars

Workspace - Configuration section - Report Cycles


Add/Edit/Delete Funding Sources

Workspace - General section - Funding

Workspace - General section - Funding Costs/Financials


Add/Edit/Delete Global Calendars


Workspace - Configuration section - Calendars

Note: Calendars are available to their owning workspace and any workspaces they have been assigned to. To make a calendar available to all workspaces, create it in the root workspace.


Add/Edit/Delete Global Portfolios

Workspace - General section - Portfolios

Portfolio - Portfolio section - Portfolios


  • You can assign projects to a portfolio if they belong to the same workspace as the portfolio or a child workspace. To make any project available for assignment to a portfolio, create the portfolio in the root workspace.
  • Projects may be assigned manually or by using a filter.


Add/Edit/Delete Risk Categories, Matrices, and Thresholds

Risk categories are not supported in Primavera Cloud.

Workspace - Configuration section - Risk Matrix Templates

Workspace - Configuration section - Risk Threshold Templates


Add/Edit/Delete Timesheet Period Dates

Global - Configuration section - Timesheet Settings


Add/Edit/Delete User Defined Fields

Workspace - Configuration section - Configured Fields


Add/Edit/Delete Stored Images

Note:Stored images in P6 are used for printing layouts and reports.

Stored images are not supported in Primavera Cloud.

You can upload photos and associate them with workspaces, projects, and other objects. You must have Edit privileges for the object.


P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Add Resources

Workspace - Configuration section - Resources

Project - Resources section - Resources


Edit Resources

Workspace - Configuration section - Resources

Project - Resources section - Resources


Delete Resources

Workspace - Configuration section - Resources

Project - Resources section - Resources


Add/Edit/Delete Resource Calendars

Workspace - Configuration section - Calendars


Add/Edit/Delete Resource Curves

Workspace - Configuration section - Curve Profiles


Add/Edit/Delete Roles

Workspace - Configuration section - Roles

Project - Resources section - Roles


Add/Edit/Delete Global Resource and Role Teams

Resource teams and role teams are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Add/Edit/Delete Rate Types and Units of Measure

Price/Unit labels can be edited on the workspace Defaults & Options page for the Resource/Role object. This functionality is controlled by the following privilege:

  • Workspace - Configuration section - Field Labels
  • Workspace - Configuration section - Units of Measure


View Resource and Role Costs/Financials

Workspace - Configuration section - Resource Costs/Financials

Workspace - Configuration section - Role Costs/Financials

Project - Resources section - Resource Costs/Financials

Project - Resources section - Role Costs/Financials


View Resource Role Proficiency

No privileges are required to view a resource's role proficiency.


Approve Resource Timesheets

Global - Configuration section - Manage Timesheets



P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Add/Edit/Delete Activity Step Templates

Activity step templates are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Add/Edit/Delete Issue Forms

Issue forms are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Add/Edit/Delete Microsoft Project and Primavera Templates

Microsoft Project and Primavera templates are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Add/Edit/Delete Project Templates

Workspace - General section - Project Template

Project - Project section - Project



P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Administer Global External Applications


This functionality is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Administer Global Scheduled Services


Global scheduled services are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Administer Project Scheduled Services


All on demand and scheduled services are initiated at the object level. Application administrators can view all background services that all users have initiated. Users who are not application administrators can only view the background services they have initiated. Each background service has its own privilege.

The P6 scheduled services supported in Primavera Cloud are controlled by the following privileges:

  • Project - Schedule section - Level
  • Project - Schedule section - Schedule


Edit Global Change Definitions


Global change privileges are not configurable at the global or workspace level in Primavera Cloud.

Global changes are configured and run at the project level and are controlled by the following privileges:

  • Project - Project section - Global Change
  • Project - Project section - Global Change - Run

Import P6 Professional XER and MPX

P6 Professional MPX import functionality is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Import XLS


Workspace - General section - Import Project Excel

Note: In Primavera Cloud, importing a project from Excel only includes the project and its details. Project-level objects such as activities, relationships, resources, and resource assignments must be imported on the pages where they are created. This requires the individual privileges necessary to add those objects.


Import XML

Workspace - General section - Import Project


Enable Work Offline

Working offline is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Views and Reports

P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Add/Edit/Delete Global Activity and Assignment Layouts, Views and Filters

Global layouts are not supported in Primavera Cloud.

All views owned at the workspace level are controlled by the following privilege:

Workspace - Configuration section - Views

There are separate privileges for views owned at the project level.

Add/Edit/Delete Global Dashboards

Workspace - Configuration section - Workspace Dashboards


Add/Edit/Delete Global Project, WBS, and Portfolio Layouts, Views and Filters

Global layouts are not supported in Primavera Cloud.

All views owned at the workspace level are controlled by the following privilege:

  • Workspace - Configuration section - Views

There are separate privileges for views owned at the project level.

Add/Edit/Delete Global Reports

Global - Configuration section - Create and Run User Reports

Reports - Report section - Workspace Report


Edit Global Tracking Layouts

Tracking layouts are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Edit Projects from Scorecards

This functionality is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Add/Edit/Delete Global Visualizer Layouts

Visualizer functionality is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Add/Edit/Delete Global Visualizer Filters

Visualizer functionality is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Project Security Profiles


P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Add/Edit Activities Except Relationships

Project - Schedule section - Activities


Delete Activities

Project - Schedule section - Activities


Add/Edit/Delete Activity Relationships

Project - Schedule section - Relationships


Edit Activity ID

Project - Schedule section - Activities


Add/Edit/Delete Expenses

Activity expenses are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Delete Discussion Comments

Deleting discussion comments is not supported in Primavera Cloud.



P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Add Project Activity Codes

Project - Project section - Codes


Edit Project Activity Codes

Project - Project section - Codes


Delete Project Activity Codes

Project - Project section - Codes


Add EPS Activity Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


Edit EPS Activity Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


Delete EPS Activity Codes

Workspace - Configuration section - Codes


EPS and Projects

P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Add/Edit/Delete EPS Except Costs/Financials

Workspace - Configuration section - Workspaces


Edit EPS Costs/Financials

Equivalent EPS cost and financial functionality is not supported in Primavera Cloud.

You can view a roll-up of resource assignment cost data on the Resource Assignments page at the workspace level, which is a partial alternative to the P6 functionality. The viewing of assignment costs at the workspace level is controlled by the following privileges:

  • Workspace - Configuration section - Resource Costs/Financials
  • Workspace - Configuration section - Role Costs/Financials

Add Projects

Workspace - General section - Project


Delete Projects

Project - Project section - Project


Edit Project Details Except Costs/Financials

Project - Project section - Project

Note: Most project-level cost/financial data is controlled by the following privilege:

  • Project - Project section - Project Costs/Financials

However, there are some project-level objects that have their own cost/financial privileges, including actuals, funds, resources, and roles. For a full breakdown of this privilege's details, including any interdependencies with other privileges, see Project Security Privileges Definitions in the Primavera Cloud Help.


Add/Edit/Delete WBS Except Costs/Financials

Project - Project section - WBS


Edit WBS Costs/Financials

Project - Project section - Project Costs/Financials


View Project Costs/Financials

Project - Project section - Project Costs/Financials

Note: Most project-level cost/financial data is controlled by the Project Costs/Financials privilege, but there are some project-level objects that have their own cost/financial privileges, including actuals, funds, resources, and roles. For a full breakdown of this privilege's details, including any interdependencies with other privileges, see Project Security Privileges Definitions in the Primavera Cloud Help.


Delete Project Data with Timesheet Actuals

This functionality is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Delete Published Project Data

Publishing is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Export Project Data

Global - Configuration section - Download Excel Files

Global - Configuration section - Export Projects


Project Data

P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Add/Edit/Delete Issues and Issue Thresholds

Issues are not supported in Primavera Cloud.

Custom Logs in Primavera Cloud can be used to create an Issues Log.

Add/Edit/Delete Project Baselines

Project - Project section - Baselines

Project - Project section - Baselines - Edit Activity Data


Add/Edit/Delete Project Calendars

Project - Project section - Calendars


Add/Edit/Delete Risks

Project - Risk section - Risk


Add/Edit/Delete Template Documents

Template documents are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Add/Edit/Delete Work Products and Documents

Files - File section - Files


Assign Project Baselines

Project - Project section - Baselines - Set Project Baselines


Approve Timesheets as Project Manager

This functionality is not supported in Primavera Cloud.

Timesheets in Primavera Cloud can only be approved by users who have been assigned as a Timesheet Approver.

Timesheet Approvers require the following privilege:

  • Global - Configuration section - Manage Timesheets

Related Applications

P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Administer Project External Applications

External applications are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Exchange Project Data with Primavera Unifier

Direct integration functionality between Primavera Cloud and Primavera Unifier is not supported in Primavera Cloud.

Data can be exchanged between Primavera Cloud and Primavera Unifier using Primavera Gateway.

Exchange Project Data with Oracle Primavera Cloud

This functionality is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Exchange Project Data with Gateway

The Application Administrator user type is required to configure integrations in Global Admin.

Global synchronizations can be run by any user with access to a workspace with synchronizations.

Project-level synchronizations can be run by users with the following privileges:

  • Project - Project section - Project (Edit)
  • Project - Project section - Project Integration


Resource Assignments

P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Add/Edit Activity Resource Requests

Resource requests are not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Edit Future Periods

Future period functionality is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Edit Period Performance

Edit period performance is not supported in Primavera Cloud.



P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Allow Integration with ERP System

Direct integration with an ERP system is not supported in Primavera Cloud.

ERP system data can be integrated with Primavera Cloud using the Oracle Primavera Cloud API or through Primavera Gateway.

Apply Actuals

Applying actuals to activities is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Check In/Check Out Projects and Open Projects Exclusively

Checking projects in or out is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Level Resources

Project - Schedule section - Level


Schedule Projects

Project - Schedule section - Schedule


Monitor Project Thresholds

Project - Project section - Alerts


Store Period Performance

Project - Project section - Schedule


Summarize Projects

Summarization is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Edit Publication Priority

Publication is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Run Baseline Update

The Update Baseline tool is not supported in Primavera Cloud.

Baselines can be opened and manually edited in the Activities view. The Get Activities feature can be used to update a baseline with new activities from the current schedule.

Run Global Change

Project - Project section - Global Change - Run


Allow Integration with Primavera Unifier

This functionality is not supported in Primavera Cloud.

The Application Administrator user type is required to configure integrations in Global Admin.

Global (Workspace-level) synchronizations can be run by any user with access to a workspace with synchronizations.

Project-level synchronizations can be run by users with the following privileges:

  • Project - Project section - Project (Edit)
  • Project - Project section - Project Integration

Perform Global Search & Replace

Global search and replace is not supported in Primavera Cloud.

You can use the Global Change and Find and Replace tools to modify data on the Activities page.

Global Change requires the following privileges:

  • Project - Project section - Global Change
  • Project - Project section - Global Change - Run
  • Project - Schedule section - Activities

Find and Replace requires the following privileges:

  • Project - Schedule section - Activities

Views and Reports

P6 Privileges

Primavera Cloud Privileges

Alternative Functionality

Add/Edit Project Level Layouts

Project - Project section - Views


Edit Project Reports

Report - Report section - Project Report


Publish Project Website

Website publishing is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Add/Edit/Delete Project Visualizer Layouts

Visualizer is not supported in Primavera Cloud.


Last Published Tuesday, May 21, 2024