A Message to Our P6 Customers

Dear Oracle P6 Customers,

Transitioning to something new takes courage, it takes information that informs our alternatives, but most importantly, it takes a plan. No one P6 installation is the same, but that does not mean that the migration to Oracle Primavera Cloud should be hard. We understand the full scope of what this change means to your business and people. We are aware of the level of technical impact to your processes and the precision of change management required. We designed the P6 to Primavera Cloud Migration Utility Kit based on our experience and understanding of your needs. We want you to know that you are not alone on this journey. We are here to support you in every step of the way to ensure that you and your organization are successful in this transition.

The Migration Utility Kit includes the options, recommendations, and procedures you need to make your migration simple, efficient, and seamless. This kit is comprised of 3 key items:

Along with the Migration Utility Kit, you will also have the support of our skilled migration team to keep you informed with the updates so you can prepare your organization. Once the migration is complete, you can rest assured knowing that your users will be efficiently trained to succeed with Primavera Cloud. We highly value your partnership and look forward to enhancing the built world, together.

Contact your sales representative if you would like to learn more about the migration process or discuss your data migration options from P6 to Primavera Cloud.

Last Published Wednesday, August 21, 2024