Double Methods

Use Primavera Cloud Expression Language supported methods to manipulate decimal numbers of the type double.

Refer to the official Java documentation for more information on each method.


Double Methods

Method Signature





Returns the value of the Double calling the byteValue method represented as a byte.

No method parameters.

def x = 65.3;

def y = 77.8;

x.byteValue(); //returns 65

y.byteValue(); //returns 77 valueOne, Double valueTwo)

Compares the value of two Double arguments. Returns 0 if the arguments are equal, less than 0 if the first argument is less than the second, and greater than 0 if the first argument is greater than the second.

Double valueOne - First value to compare.

Double valueTwo - Second value to compare., 22.1); //returns 1, 35.4); //returns 0, 42.1); //returns -1

Double.compareTo(Double value)

Compares the value of the Double calling the compareTo method with a Double passed as an argument. Returns 0 if the argument is equal to the Double calling the method, less than 0 if the Double calling the method is less than the argument, and greater than 0 if the Double calling the method is greater than the argument.

Double value - Value to compare against the Double calling the method.

def x = 35.4;

x.compareTo(100.0); // returns -1

x.compareTo(35.4); // returns 0

x.compareTo(22.1); // returns 1

Double.parseDouble(String string)

Returns a Double value matching the numeric value contained in the String passed as an argument.

String string - String to convert to a Double value.

Double.parseDouble("35.4"); //returns 35.4

Double.toString(Double value);

Returns a String representing the Double value passed as an argument.

Double value - Double value to convert to a String.

Double.toString(35.4); //returns "35.4"

Double.valueOf(String string)

Double.valueOf(Double value)

Returns a Double value representing the value of a String or Double passed as an argument.

String string - String from which to extract a Double value.

Double value - Double object form which to extract a Double value.

Double.valueOf("35.4"); //returns 35.4

Double.valueOf(35.4); //returns 35.4

Additional Double Methods

Method Signature





Returns the value of the Double calling this method.

No method parameters.

def x = 12.5;

x.doubleValue(); //returns 12.5

Double.equals(Object obj)

Compares the double calling this method to the Object passed as an argument. Returns true if the argument is a Double value representing the same value as the Double calling the argument, otherwise returns false.

Object obj - An Object against which the Double calling the method is compared.

def x = 12.5;

x.equals(12.5); //returns true

x.equals(34.8); //returns false

x.equals("Hello"); //returns false


Returns the float value of the Double calling this method.

No method parameters.

def x = 12.5;

x.floatValue(); //returns 12.5


Returns a hash code for the Double calling this method.

No method parameters.

def x = 12.5;

x.hashCode(); //returns 1076428800


Returns the value of the Double calling this method as an Int type.

No method parameters.

def x = 12.5;

x.intValue(); //returns 12


Returns true if the Double calling this method is infinitely large, otherwise returns false.

No method parameters.

def x = 12.5;

x.isInfinite(); //returns false.


Returns true if the Double calling this method is not a number, otherwise returns false.

No method parameters.

def x = 12.5

x.isNaN(); //returns false


Returns the value of the Double calling this method as a Long type.

No method parameters.

def x = 12.5;

x.longValue(); //returns 12


Returns the value of the Double calling this method as a Short type.

No method parameters.

def x = 12.5;

x.shortValue(); //returns 12


Returns the Double passed as an argument as a hexadecimal string.

Double value - Double to convert to a hexidecimal string.

Double.toHexString(12.5); //returns 0x1.9p3

Last Published Tuesday, May 21, 2024