Working with the Formula Editor

Primavera Cloud includes a formula editor designed to help you create valid Primavera Cloud Expression Language scripts. The formula editor provides a field selector, script validation, and operator buttons to help ensure your scripts follow Primavera Cloud Expression Language syntax rules. You can use the formula editor when defining configured fields or measures that support formulas.

User Interface elements of the formula editor. Labeled elements are described in the corresponding table of screen highlights.

Table of Screen Highlights




Aggregation Type: Provides a template for formulas that use Sum, Min, Max, Count, and Average methods. To use a template, select the Aggregation Type, and then select Insert.

For example, the Sum template inserts the following code snippet:

sum(< Field >,< Filter >)

Replace <Field> with the name of the field to be summed. Optionally, replace <Filter> with a n expression that returns a Boolean value to filter results. Add any additional filter requirements using the provided mathematical operators.


Field: Provides all the fields that can be used in formulas.

If Measure Based is selected, only existing measures display. Select Referenced Measures in the Field list to view measures that are currently assigned to Portfolios or Strategies.

Select a field name, and select Insert Field. The proper formatting for the field displays.

If you are defining a configured field formula, after selecting a field, insert a "." after the field name and press Ctrl + Spacebar to view a list of available field values. Select a value from the Field Values list to enter it into your formula.

For example, enter object.Activity_activityStatus. and press Ctrl + Spacebar to view a list of Activity Status field values.


Mathematical Symbols: Provides access to Primavera Cloud Expression Language supported operators. Use operators in your formulas to calculate values and form complex expressions.


Validate Formula: Verifies the formula works and is well formed. The formula editor indicates syntax errors upon validation. Formulas are also validated when you save configured field or measure settings.

For more information on the formula editor, refer to the Oracle Primavera Cloud Help.

Last Published Tuesday, May 21, 2024