Basic Info Page

Enter the name, description, relative resource URI, and an endpoint action on the Basic Info page of each adapter in your integration.



What do you want to call your endpoint?

Provide a meaningful name so that others can understand the purpose of this connection. You can include English alphabetic characters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens in the name. You cannot include the following:

  • Blank spaces (for example, My Inbound Connection)
  • Special characters (for example, #;83& or res(t)4) except underscores and hyphens
  • Multibyte characters

What does this endpoint do?

Enter an optional description about the connection's functionality.

Select an operation name

Select an operation for the adapter.

What is the endpoint's relative resource URI?

Displays the endpoint's relative resource URI.

What action do you want to perform on the endpoint?

Displays the single HTTP action (method) for the endpoint to perform.

Last Published Friday, July 12, 2024