Map Data to Get Source Project By Workspace and Project Code

One of the key tasks to your integration is defining how data is transferred, or mapped, between the source project and workspace and the target workspace.

Mapper in Oracle Integration enables you to map element nodes between applications by dragging source element nodes onto target element nodes. When you open the mapper for a request or response message in an integration, the data structures are automatically populated with the information pulled from the source and target connections. You can expand and load data structure levels on demand to display additional levels. There is no limit on the levels of display.

To map data to get the source project by the workspace code and project code:

  1. On the integration page, select Map (getProjectDetails), click , and then select Edit.
  2. On the mapper, in the Target section, expand Request Parameters, and then Project Keys.
  3. Right-click WorkspaceCode and select Create Target Node.
  4. In the Expression Builder (at the bottom of the page), click Switch to Design View.
  5. In the Design View window, enter the source workspace code as text. For example, AWorkspace.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Right-click ProjectCode and select Create Target Node.
  8. In the Expression Builder (at the bottom of the page), click Switch to Design View.
  9. In the Design View window, enter the source project code as text. For example, AProject.
  10. Click Save, and then click Validate.
  11. Click Go Back and then click Save.

Last Published Friday, July 12, 2024