Add an Invoke to Synchronize a Project to a Target Workspace

Add the invoke to synchronize a project to target workspace.

To add an invoke:

  1. On the integration page, hover over an arrow and click the icon.
  2. From the list of available connections, select Oracle Primavera Cloud.
  3. In the Adapter Endpoint Configuration Wizard, complete the following steps:
    1. Basic Info Page
      1. What do you want to call your endpoint?: Enter SyncProject.

        Note: Provide a meaningful name so that others can understand the purpose of this connection. You can include English alphabetic characters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens in the name. You cannot include blank spaces, special characters, or multibyte characters.

      2. What does this endpoint do?: Enter an optional description about the connection's functionality.
      3. Select an operation name: Select sync.
      4. What is the endpoint's relative resource URI?: Gets populated automatically upon entering the operation name and displays the endpoint's relative resource URI.
      5. What action do you want to perform on the endpoint?: Gets populated automatically upon entering the operation name and displays the single HTTP action (method) for the endpoint to perform.
    2. Object Selection Page: From the Available Objects column, select Workspace, and then select Move to Selected to move it to the Selected Objects column.
    3. Field Selection Page:
      1. From the Select fields for the operation drop-down menu, select Workspace.
      2. From the Available Fields column, select the fields for the selected object, and then select Move to selected to move them to the Selected Fields column.

        Note: Some commonly used fields are pre-selected for you. You can add additional fields or remove the ones you do not need.

    4. Summary Page: View the summary and click Done.

The invoke ResolveTargetWorkspace is added to the integration flow.

Last Published Friday, July 12, 2024