Query the data for assignment spread



The result contains the spread data filtered in the request for assignment table.


Supported Media Types
Body ()
The query in json format
Root Schema : QueryObject
Type: object
The query object for restful service
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  • An optional query name
  • Allowed Values: [ "The value comes from last query when there is more data on server" ]
    When there is more data on server, the result from last query returns nextKey property.
  • Allowed Values: [ "The value comes from last query when there is more data on server" ]
    When there is more data on server, the result from last query returns nextTableName property. A value "-1" indicates no more data on server
  • Allowed Values: [ "1 - 10000" ]
    Specifies how many rows returned from this query
  • Allowed Values: [ "The value should either be null or returned from last query" ]
    A database date that the query fetches rows created/updated after it
  • tables
    A list of queries for tables
Nested Schema : tables
Type: array
A list of queries for tables
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  "tables": [    {      "tableName": "Activity",      "columns": [        "ACTIVITY_ID",        "Name",        "ACTIVITY_TYPE",        "STATUS",        "START_DATE",        "Finish"      ],      "condition": {        "operator": "AND",        "conditions": [          {            "columnName": "Planned Duration",            "operator": "GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS",            "value1": "1200"          },          {            "columnName": "PROJ_ID",            "operator": "EQUALS",            "value1": "1"          }        ]      }    }  ]
Nested Schema : TableQuery
Type: object
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Nested Schema : columns
Type: array
A comma separated list of columns of the query
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Nested Schema : The criteria of the query
Type: object
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Nested Schema : joinedTables
Type: array
Joined tables
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Nested Schema : conditions
Type: array
List of Conditions if the operator is AND/OR.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : DataObject
Type: object
the result data model
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  • data
    Additional Properties Allowed: additionalProperties
    A list of tables, which contains rows of column data. It also returns a database date for next query to retrieve fresh data only. If next query only cares about the data being created/updated after current query, it whould supply sinceDate property from current query in the next query. A pagination section is also returned in the response to indicate if there is more data on the server. When nextTableName="-1", no more data available. The next query should use original query PLUS pagination information to retrieve the remaining data on server.
Nested Schema : data
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
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A list of tables, which contains rows of column data. It also returns a database date for next query to retrieve fresh data only. If next query only cares about the data being created/updated after current query, it whould supply sinceDate property from current query in the next query. A pagination section is also returned in the response to indicate if there is more data on the server. When nextTableName="-1", no more data available. The next query should use original query PLUS pagination information to retrieve the remaining data on server.
Nested Schema : additionalProperties
Type: array
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Additional Properties Allowed
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403 Response

You do not have access to the resource.

404 Response

Invalid query
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