Map Data to Fetch In-Progress Activities

One of the key tasks to your integration is defining how data is transferred, or mapped, between the source and target projects and workspaces.

Mapper in Oracle Integration enables you to map element nodes between applications by dragging source element nodes onto target element nodes. When you open the mapper for a request or response message in an integration, the data structures are automatically populated with the information pulled from the source and target connections. You can expand and load data structure levels on demand to display additional levels. There is no limit on the levels of display.

To map data to get the source project by the workspace code and project code:

  1. On the integration page, select Map (runQuerys), click , and then select Edit.

    On the mapper, you can create the mappings either by linking Source fields to Target fields or by entering values directly on the Target section using an expression builder.

  2. In the Target section, complete the following steps:
    1. Right-click the Name field, and then select Create Target Node from the context menu.

      An Expression Builder window will open at the bottom of the page.

      • In the Expression Builder, enter InProgress Activities,and then click Save.
    2. Right-click the Page Size field, and then select Create Target Node from the context menu.
      • In the Expression Builder, enter 100, and then click Save .
    3. Right-click the Next Table Name field, and then select Create Target Node from the context menu.
      • In the Expression Builder, enter SM_ACTIVITY, and then click Save.
    4. Expand Tables, right-click Table Name field, and then select Create Target Node from the context menu.
      • In the Developer Toolbar panel at the bottom, enter SM_ACTIVITY, and then click Save.
    5. Expand Columns under Tables, right-click,and select Create Target Node from the context menu.
      • In the Developer Toolbar panel at the bottom, enter ACTIVITY_NAME, and then click Save.

        Previously, in the Request Wrapper, you requested the columns in the following format; therefore, you need to add ACTIVITY_CODE, PROJ_ID, and STATUS to the columns field.

    "tableName": "SM_ACTIVITY",
    1. Right-click Columns, and then select Repeat Node from the context menu.

      A 2 of 2 Columns node is created and the Expression Builder window opens.

      • In the Expression Builder, enter ACTIVITY_CODE, and then click Save.
    2. Select the 2 of 2 Columns node, right-click and select Repeat Node from the context menu.

      A 3 of 3 Columns node is created and the Expression Builder window opens.

      • In the Expression Builder, enter PROJ_ID, and then click Save.
    3. Select the 3 of 3 Columns node, right-click and select Repeat Node from the context menu.

      A 4 of 4 Columns node is created and the Expression Builder window opens.

      • In the Expression Builder, enter STATUS, and then click Save.
    4. Expand Condition, select Operator, right-click and then select Create Target Node from the context menu.
      • In the Expression Builder, enter AND, and then click Save.
    5. Expand Condition, and then Conditions. Three child nodes, Column Name, Operation, and Value1 are available under Conditions.
      • For Column Name, add STATUS.
      • For Operator,add EQUALS.
      • For Value1,add InProgress.
    6. Right-click Conditions, and then select Repeat Node from the context menu.

      A 2 of 2 Conditions node is created and the three child nodes, Column Name, Operation, and Value1 are available under it.

    7. Add the following mappings for the Column Name, Operator, and Value1 under the 2 of 2 Conditions.
      • For Column Name, add PROJ_ID.
      • For Operator,add IN.

        Replace WS.NAME='OICWS' with your workspace name.

  3. Click Save, and then click Validate.
  4. Click Go Back and then click Save.

Last Published Tuesday, November 28, 2023