API Versions

Some API features are only available in specific versions of the API. The following sections document features introduced in each version of the API, and determine which version of the API you would like to use. Oracle recommends using the latest version of the API:

Using API Versions

To use a particular version of the API, you must include a Version field specifying the version of the API in the header of your requests. If no Version field is provided in the request header, the latest version of the API will be used to handle the request. For example, to use version 3 of the API, you can submit a request using curl that is similar to the following example:

Note: Text surrounded in < > indicates a variable. You must replace variables with your own data to run the examples in this documentation. For example, replace the <versionNumber> variable with 3.


curl -X GET http://<SERVER_URL>/api/restapi/util/testConnection -H 'Authorization: Bearer <OAuth-Access-Token>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Version: <versionNumber>' -H 'x-prime-tenant: <tenant-name>' -H "<x-param1>": "<param1-value>" -H "<x-param2>": "<param2-value>" -H "<x-paramN>": "<paramN-value>"

To learn how the value for the <OAuth-Access-Token> variable is generated, refer to the Authentication section.