Setting Field Values to Null

If you want to set any object field value to null, you must construct a payload to pass the field value as null in a PUT request. For example, the following request to the api/restapi/project endpoint sets the project actualStart and forecastFinishDate fields of the updated project object included in the request to null.

     "projectId": 1,
     "actualStart": null,
     "forecastFinishDate": null

* "projectId": 1 is an example. Enter a real projectID while making the above call.


  • Fields not passed in the PUT request payload will not be considered null fields and will be ignored by the update API.
  • Oracle Primavera Cloud 21.5 version onwards, the update API will no longer ignore the field values passed as null in the request payload. Ensure that any fields not intended to be updated to null are removed from the request payload. Additionally, the above call will fail if an object field that cannot be null is set as null.
  • Setting null values works only for the direct fields, not for configured fields or any other nested JSON entities. To clear the values for configured fields, code values, or similar child entries, use the "action": DELETE.