Company Endpoints

This table lists endpoints and fields not available for entity filtering.

Endpoint Field Names
/company/* (All the Company endpoints)
  • distance
  • distanceMetric
  • configuredFields.numberValue

Entity filtering can be performed using multiple fields; however, fields from the following two groups cannot be mixed in the same query. You can use multiple fields from group 1 in a query or group 2 in a query, but you cannot use fields from both groups 1 and 2 in the same query.

Group 1

  • companyName
  • url
  • phone
  • otherPhone
  • code
  • businessRoleTypes
  • workTypes
  • laborTypes
  • companyEnterpriseCertifications

Group 2

  • organizationId
  • sourceId
  • sourceSiteId
  • qualificationStatus
  • performanceRating
  • offices
  • configuredFields
  • workspaceId
  • status
  • workspace
  • isTenantOwned
  • description
  • companyId