
The following updates were made for 20.11:



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
actualHoursToDate ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
approvedChangedHours ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
atCompletionHours ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
bacHours ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
baselineHours ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
eacHours ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
earnedHours ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
etcHours ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
installedHours ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
pendingChangedHours ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
plannedHours ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
projectActualHours ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
projectEarnedHours ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
projectHPI ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
remainingHours ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
revisedHours ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
actualCostToDateProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
adjustedCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
adjustedCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
approvedChangedCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
approvedChangedCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
atCompletionCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
atCompletionCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
bacCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
bacCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
baselineCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
baselineCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
currentBudget ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
currentBudgetProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
eacCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
eacCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
earnedCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
etcCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
etcCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
installedCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
installedCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
pendingChangedCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
pendingChangedCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
plannedCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
plannedCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
projectActualCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
projectActualCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
projectCPI ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
projectEarnedCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
projectEarnedCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
remainingCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
remainingCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
revisedCost ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
revisedCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
actualCostToDate ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
earnedCostProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
projectCPIProject ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRowCost Cost Category This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
programId ApiEntityCustomLogItem Custom Log Item  
parentType ApiEntityDocument Document  
  ApiEntityEvaluationCategory Evaluation Categories This is a newly exposed class which is used by APIs under Evaluation Categories.
  ApiEntityEvaluationMatrix Evaluation Categories This is a newly exposed class which is used by APIs under Evaluation Categories.
  ApiEntityEvaluationRank Evaluation Categories This is a newly exposed class which is used by APIs under Evaluation Categories.
  ApiEntityEvaluationSubCategory Evaluation Categories This is a newly exposed class which is used by APIs under Evaluation Categories.
measureSourceType ApiEntityMeasure Measure  


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name Comments
/evaluationMatrix/evaluationRank PUT Evaluation Categories ApiEntityEvaluationRank  
/evaluationMatrix/workspace/{workspaceId} GET Evaluation Categories ApiEntityEvaluationMatrix  



Field Name ApiEntit+C4:E52y Name Tag Name Comments
activityWorkManagerTaskDateStatus ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
activityWorkManagerTaskStatus ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
activityWorkManagerTaskStatusIndicator ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
actualDuration ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
completedWeight ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
critical ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
drivingPath ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
durationPercentComplete ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
durationPercentOfPlanned ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
freeFloat ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
laborUnitsCompletePercent ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
nonLaborUnitsCompletePercent ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
recordCount ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
remainingFloat ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
scopePercentComplete ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
starred ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
totalFloat ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
unitsPercentComplete ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
varDuration ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
varFinishDate ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
varLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
varNonLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
varStartDate ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
weight ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
workManagerTaskCount ApiEntityActivity Activity The field was made read only
laborCostVariance ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity The field was made read only
materialCostVariance ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity The field was made read only
nonLaborCostVariance ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity The field was made read only
totalCostVariance ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity The field was made read only
settingName ApiEntityApplicationUserSetting User Preferences ProjectCollectionsAnnouncement was removed from the list of allowed values for this field.
actualDuration ApiEntityAssignment Assignment The field was made read only
atCompletionDuration ApiEntityAssignment Assignment The field was made read only
baselineUnits ApiEntityAssignment Assignment The field was made read only
estimateAtCompletionUnits ApiEntityAssignment Assignment The field was made read only
estimateToCompletionUnits ApiEntityAssignment Assignment The field was made read only
priorActualUnits ApiEntityAssignment Assignment The field was made read only
resourceType ApiEntityAssignment Assignment The field was made read only
staffedRemainingUnits ApiEntityAssignment Assignment The field was made read only
starred ApiEntityAssignment Assignment The field was made read only
unstaffedRemainingUnits ApiEntityAssignment Assignment The field was made read only
earnedValueCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment The field was made read only
plannedValueCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment The field was made read only
priorActualCost ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment The field was made read only
priorActualCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment The field was made read only
staffedRemainingCost ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment The field was made read only
unstaffedRemainingCost ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment The field was made read only
evaluationMatrixId ApiEntityExternallySourcedProject Project The field was made read only
evaluationScore ApiEntityExternallySourcedProject Project The field was made read only
lastProjectEvaluationDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProject Project The field was made read only
remainingFinishDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProject Project The field was made read only
remainingStartDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProject Project The field was made read only
scheduledFinishDate ApiEntityExternallySourcedProject Project The field was made read only
evaluationMatrixId ApiEntityProject Project The field was made read only
evaluationScore ApiEntityProject Project The field was made read only
lastProjectEvaluationDate ApiEntityProject Project The field was made read only
remainingFinishDate ApiEntityProject Project The field was made read only
remainingStartDate ApiEntityProject Project The field was made read only
scheduledFinishDate ApiEntityProject Project The field was made read only


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name Comments
/document/file/{id}/download GET Document ApiEntityDocument Optional query parameter 'version' was added.