
The following updates were made for 20.8:



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
costPerformanceIndex ApiEntityActivity Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
costPerformanceIndexLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
costVarianceIndex ApiEntityActivity Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
costVarianceLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
costVarianceLaborUnitsIndex ApiEntityActivity Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
priorActualLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
priorActualNonLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
schedulePerformanceIndex ApiEntityActivity Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
scheduleVarianceIndex ApiEntityActivity Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
toCompletePerformanceIndex ApiEntityActivity Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
actualLaborCost ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
actualLaborCostProject ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
actualMaterialCost ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
actualMaterialCostProject ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
actualNonLaborCost ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
actualNonLaborCostProject ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
actualTotalCost ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
actualTotalCostProject ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
varianceLaborCost ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
varianceLaborCostProject ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
varianceMaterialCost ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
varianceMaterialCostProject ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
varianceNonLaborCost ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
varianceNonLaborCostProject ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
varianceTotalCost ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
varianceTotalCostProject ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
actualLaborCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity  
actualMaterialCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity  
actualNonLaborCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity  
actualTotalCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
atCompletionLaborCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity  
atCompletionMaterialCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity  
atCompletionNonLaborCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity  
atCompletionTotalCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
atCompletionVariance ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
plannedLaborCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity  
plannedMaterialCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity  
plannedNonLaborCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity  
plannedTotalCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
remainingLaborCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity  
remainingMaterialCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity  
remainingNonLaborCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity  
remainingTotalCostProject ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
alternateEmail ApiEntityApplicationUser User  
company ApiEntityApplicationUser User  
isInspectionManager ApiEntityApplicationUser User  
isRestrictedUser ApiEntityApplicationUser User  
lastLogInTime ApiEntityApplicationUser User  
receiveReports ApiEntityApplicationUser User  
reportToUser ApiEntityApplicationUser User  
userStatus ApiEntityApplicationUser User  
actualThisPeriodUnits ApiEntityAssignment Assignment  
calculateCostFromUnitsFlag ApiEntityAssignment Assignment  
pricePerUnitSourceType ApiEntityAssignment Assignment  
priorActualUnits ApiEntityAssignment Assignment  
actualCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment  
actualOvertimeCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment  
actualRegularCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment  
actualThisPeriodCost ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment  
actualThisPeriodCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment  
atCompletionCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment  
earnedValueCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment  
plannedCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment  
plannedValueCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment  
pricePerUnit ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment  
pricePerUnitProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment  
priorActualCost ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment  
priorActualCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment  
remainingCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment  
staffedRemainingCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
unstaffedRemainingCostProject ApiEntityAssignmentFinancial Assignment This is a read only field and it cannot be updated.
lastLogInTime ApiEntityExternallySourcedUser User  
fundId ApiEntityFundSpreadRow Funds  
measureSourceType ApiEntityMeasure Measure  
deterministicDurationProbability ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
deterministicFinishProbability ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
deterministicStartProbability ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
durationStdDeviation ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
durationVariance ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
finishStdDeviation ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
finishVariance ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
maxDuration ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
maxFinishDate ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
maxStartDate ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
meanDuration ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
meanFinish ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
meanStart ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
minDuration ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
minFinishDate ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
minStartDate ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
pessimisticDurationContingency ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
pessimisticFinishContingency ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
pessimisticStartContingency ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
startStdDeviation ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
startVariance ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
totalMeanDelay ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityResult Monte Carlo Activity Result  
activitySelection ApiEntityMonteCarloRunSettings Monte Carlo Run Settings  
actualIterations ApiEntityMonteCarloRunSettings Monte Carlo Run Settings  
finishDate ApiEntityMonteCarloRunSettings Monte Carlo Run Settings  
runTime ApiEntityMonteCarloRunSettings Monte Carlo Run Settings  
startDate ApiEntityMonteCarloRunSettings Monte Carlo Run Settings  
runMeanImpacted ApiEntityMonteCarloSettings Monte Carlo Settings  
samplingShape ApiEntityMonteCarloSettings Monte Carlo Settings  
owner ApiEntityNamedFilter Funds  
projectResourceWorkRateCost ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRate Project Resource Work Rate  
  ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateCost Project Resource Work Rate "ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRateCost" entity is added and it is the return type of projectResourceWorkRateCost field in ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRate.
resourceDemandCost ApiEntityResourceDemand Resource Demand  
committedCost ApiEntityResourceDemandCost Resource Demand  
committedCostProject ApiEntityResourceDemandCost Resource Demand  
demandCost ApiEntityResourceDemandCost Resource Demand  
demandCostProject ApiEntityResourceDemandCost Resource Demand  
demandId ApiEntityResourceDemandCost Resource Demand  
project ApiEntityResourceDemandCost Resource Demand  
proposedCost ApiEntityResourceDemandCost Resource Demand  
proposedCostProject ApiEntityResourceDemandCost Resource Demand  
resource ApiEntityResourceDemandCost Resource Demand  
proposedAllocationUnits ApiEntityResourceDemandData Resource Demand  
proposedDuration ApiEntityResourceDemandData Resource Demand  
resourceDemandDataCost ApiEntityResourceDemandData Resource Demand  
committedCost ApiEntityResourceDemandDataCost Resource Demand  
committedCostProject ApiEntityResourceDemandDataCost Resource Demand  
demandCost ApiEntityResourceDemandDataCost Resource Demand  
demandCostProject ApiEntityResourceDemandDataCost Resource Demand  
demandDataId ApiEntityResourceDemandDataCost Resource Demand  
proposedCost ApiEntityResourceDemandDataCost Resource Demand  
proposedCostProject ApiEntityResourceDemandDataCost Resource Demand  
resourceWorkRateCost ApiEntityResourceWorkRate Resource Work Rate  
  ApiEntityResourceWorkRateCost Resource Work Rate "ApiEntityResourceWorkRateCost" entity is added and it is the return type of resourceWorkRateCost field in ApiEntityResourceWorkRate.
hasCommitments ApiEntityWorkManagerTask Work Manager Task  
hasProposedDueDate ApiEntityWorkManagerTask Work Manager Task  
hasSlack ApiEntityWorkManagerTask Work Manager Task  
isDueThisWeek ApiEntityWorkManagerTask Work Manager Task  
isOutsideActivity ApiEntityWorkManagerTask Work Manager Task  
isOverdue ApiEntityWorkManagerTask Work Manager Task  
isPending ApiEntityWorkManagerTask Work Manager Task  
isSchNonWorkDays ApiEntityWorkManagerTask Work Manager Task  
isUnassigned ApiEntityWorkManagerTask Work Manager Task  
isUnplanned ApiEntityWorkManagerTask Work Manager Task  
latestCommitmentDueDate ApiEntityWorkManagerTask Work Manager Task  


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name Comments
/ruleOfCredit/name/{rocName} GET Rule of Credit ApiEntityRuleOfCredit  



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
atCompletionBudgetLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity This field is now read only.
earnedValueLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity This field is now read only.
estimateAtCompletionLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity This field is now read only.
estimateToCompletionLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity This field is now read only.
performancePercentComplete ApiEntityActivity Activity This field is now read only.
plannedValueLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity This field is now read only.
schedulePercentComplete ApiEntityActivity Activity This field is now read only.
schedulePerfIndexLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity This field is now read only.
scheduleVarianceLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity This field is now read only.
scheduleVarIndexLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity This field is now read only.
varianceAtCompletionLaborUnits ApiEntityActivity Activity This field is now read only.
actualThisPeriodMaterialCost ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This field is now read only.
actualTotalCost ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This field is now read only.
atCompletionTotalCost ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This field is now read only.
budgetAtCompletion ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This field is now read only.
earnedValueCost ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This field is now read only.
estimateAtCompletionCost ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This field is now read only.
estimateToCompletionCost ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This field is now read only.
plannedTotalCost ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This field is now read only.
plannedValueCost ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This field is now read only.
remainingTotalCost ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This field is now read only.
scheduleVariance ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This field is now read only.
varCost ApiEntityActivityFinancial Activity This field is now read only.


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name Comments
/costCategory GET Cost Category ApiEntityCostCategory

The list of allowed values for the query parameter 'type' has be changed.

New Allowed Values:


We recommend you migrate to the new values as soon as possible.

/monteCarloActivityDeterministicValues/activity/{activityId}/scenario/{scenario} GET Monte Carlo Activity Deterministic Values ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityDeterministicValues

The list of allowed values for the path parameter 'scenario' has been changed.

New Allowed Values:

  • BOTH

We recommend you migrate to the new values as soon as possible.

/monteCarloActivityDeterministicValues/parentCode GET Monte Carlo Activity Deterministic Values ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityDeterministicValues

The list of allowed values for the path parameter 'scenario' has been changed.

New Allowed Values:

  • BOTH

We recommend you migrate to the new values as soon as possible.

/monteCarloActivityDeterministicValues/project/{projectId}/scenario/{scenario} GET Monte Carlo Activity Deterministic Values ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityDeterministicValues

The list of allowed values for the path parameter 'scenario' has been changed.

New Allowed Values:

  • BOTH

We recommend you migrate to the new values as soon as possible.

/monteCarloProjectDeterministicValues/parentCode GET Monte Carlo Project Deterministic Values ApiEntityMonteCarloProjectDeterministicValues

The list of allowed values for the path parameter 'scenario' has been changed.

New Allowed Values:

  • BOTH

We recommend you migrate to the new values as soon as possible.

/monteCarloProjectDeterministicValues/project/{projectId}/scenario/{scenario} GET Monte Carlo Project Deterministic Values ApiEntityMonteCarloProjectDeterministicValues

The list of allowed values for the path parameter 'scenario' has been changed.

New Allowed Values:

  • BOTH

We recommend you migrate to the new values as soon as possible.

/monteCarloProjectResult/parentCode GET Monte Carlo Project Result ApiEntityMonteCarloProjectResult

The list of allowed values for the path parameter 'scenario' has been changed.

New Allowed Values:

  • BOTH

We recommend you migrate to the new values as soon as possible.

/monteCarloProjectResult/project/{projectId}/scenario/{scenario} GET Monte Carlo Project Result ApiEntityMonteCarloProjectResult

The list of allowed values for the path parameter 'scenario' has been changed.

New Allowed Values:

  • BOTH

We recommend you migrate to the new values as soon as possible.

/monteCarloRiskResult/project/{projectId}/scenario/{scenario} GET Monte Carlo Risk Result ApiEntityMonteCarloRiskResult

The list of allowed values for the path parameter 'scenario' has been changed.

New Allowed Values:

  • BOTH

We recommend you migrate to the new values as soon as possible.

/monteCarloRiskResult/projectRisk/{projectRiskId}/scenario/{scenario} GET Monte Carlo Risk Result ApiEntityMonteCarloRiskResult

The list of allowed values for the path parameter 'scenario' has been changed.

New Allowed Values:

  • BOTH

We recommend you migrate to the new values as soon as possible.

/monteCarloRunSettings/parentCode GET Monte Carlo Run Settings ApiEntityMonteCarloRunSettings

The list of allowed values for the path parameter 'scenario' has been changed.

New Allowed Values:

  • BOTH

We recommend you migrate to the new values as soon as possible.

/monteCarloRunSettings/project/{projectId}/scenario/{scenario} GET Monte Carlo Run Settings ApiEntityMonteCarloRunSettings

The list of allowed values for the path parameter 'scenario' has been changed.

New Allowed Values:

  • BOTH

We recommend you migrate to the new values as soon as possible.