
The following updates were made for 22.2.



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
cbsSheetCodeId ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow CBS  
costCategoryName ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow CBS  
projectId ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow CBS  
drivingPath ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityIterationValue Monte Carlo Activity Iteration Values  
workspaceId ApiEntityProgramRisk Program Risk  
projectCode ApiEntityProjectBudget Project Budget  
workspaceCode ApiEntityProjectBudget Project Budget  
workspaceId ApiEntityProjectRisk Project Risk  
activityCode ApiEntityWorkManagerTask Work Manager Task  
activityCode ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitment Work Manager Task Commitment  
taskName ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskCommitment Work Manager Task Commitment  


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name Comments
/costCategory/categoryRow/sheetCode/{cbsSheetCodeId} GET Cost Category ApiEntityCBSSheetCategoryRow  



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
entityType ApiEntityCodeEntityType Code Type CONSTRAINT was added to the list of allowed values for this field.
jobType ApiEntityJobDetail Action CASHFLOW_MIGRATION was added to the list of allowed values for this field.
description ApiEntityPreExecutionValidationProblem Workflow DOCUMENT_LINK_SECURITY_MESSAGE, DOCUMENT_ADD_SECURITY_MESSAGE were added to the list of allowed values for this field.
type ApiEntityPreExecutionValidationProblem Workflow DOCUMENT_LINK_SECURITY_MESSAGE, DOCUMENT_ADD_SECURITY_MESSAGE were added to the list of allowed values for this field.
item ApiEntityProjectClobberConfig Action PORTFOLIO_MEASURE_MANUAL_VALUE, PORTFOLIO_MEMBER, MEASURE, MEASURE_THRESHOLD, PORTFOLIO_MEASURE were added to the list of allowed values for this field.
actualCost ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project The field was made editable.
atCompletionCost ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project The field was made editable.
remainingCost ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project The field was made editable.
item ApiEntityWorkspaceClobberConfig Action PORTFOLIO_MEASURE_MANUAL_VALUE, PORTFOLIO_MEMBER, MEASURE, MEASURE_THRESHOLD, PORTFOLIO_MEASURE were added to the list of allowed values for this field.