
The following updates were made for 21.2.



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
projectCode ApiEntityCalendar Calendar  
projectId ApiEntityCalendar Calendar  
projectCode ApiEntityCodeType Code Type  
projectCode ApiEntityCodeValue Code Value  
associationType ApiEntityColumnDefinition Configured Fields  
  ApiEntityPromoteProjectCalendar Calendar This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityPromoteProjectCodeType Code Type This is a new entity.


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name Comments
/calendar/project/{projectId} GET Calendar ApiEntityCalendar  
/calendar/promote PUT Calendar ApiEntityPromoteProjectCalendar  
/calendar/workspace/{workspaceCode}/project/{projectIdCode} GET Calendar ApiEntityCalendar  
/codeType/project GET Code Type ApiEntityCodeType  
/codeType/project/{projectId} GET Code Type ApiEntityCodeType  
/codeType/promote PUT Code Type ApiEntityPromoteProjectCodeType  
/codeValue/projectCodeTypes GET Code Value ApiEntityCodeValue  



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
calendarCode ApiEntityCalendar Calendar Maximum character length increased from 60 to 255 characters.
calendarCode ApiEntityCalendarException Calendar Maximum character length increased from 60 to 255 characters.
calendarCode ApiEntityExternallySourcedProject Project Maximum character length increased from 60 to 255 characters.
calendarCode ApiEntityExternallySourcedResource Resource Maximum character length increased from 60 to 255 characters.
consumed ApiEntityFundCost Fund Minimum value for the field is 0.
consumedProject ApiEntityFundCost Fund Minimum value for the field is 0.
projectResourceId ApiEntityProjectResourceWorkRate Resource The field was made read only.
calendarCode ApiEntityResource Resource Maximum character length increased from 60 to 255 characters.
workspaceResourceId ApiEntityResourceWorkRate Resource The field was made read only.


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name Comments
/configuredField PUT Configured Fields ApiEntityColumnDefinition An optional query parameter 'inheritedWorkspaceId' has been added.