
The following updates were made for 21.8.



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
  ApiEntityCustomLogEntityType Custom Log Type Object This is a new entity.
programCode ApiEntityCustomLogItem Custom Log Item  
workspaceId ApiEntityCustomLogItem Custom Log Item  
action ApiEntityCustomLogTypeCodeType Custom Log Type Object  
workspaceCode ApiEntityCustomLogTypeCodeType Custom Log Type Object  
workspaceId ApiEntityCustomLogTypeCodeType Custom Log Type Object  
appliesTo ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject Custom Log Type Object  
assignedWorkspaceCode ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject Custom Log Type Object  
assignedWorkspaceId ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject Custom Log Type Object  
pushDownType ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject Custom Log Type Object  
  ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectAssignRequest Custom Log Type Object This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectAssignResponse Custom Log Type Object This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectIdentifier Custom Log Type Object This is a new entity.
action ApiEntityCustomLogUdf Custom Log Type Object  
  ApiEntityGenericResponseProgramIdentifier Custom Log Type Object This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityGenericResponseProjectIdentifier Custom Log Type Object This is a new entity.
  ApiEntityGenericResponseWorkspaceIdentifier Custom Log Type Object This is a new entity.
  ProgramIdentifier Custom Log Type Object This is a new entity.
  ProjectIdentifier Custom Log Type Object This is a new entity.
  WorkspaceIdentifier Custom Log Type Object This is a new entity.


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name
/customLogTypeObject/assign POST Custom Log Type Object ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectAssignRequest
/customLogTypeObject/assign/batch POST Custom Log Type Object ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectAssignRequest
/customLogTypeObject/byItemCode GET Custom Log Type Object ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject
/customLogTypeObject/byParent GET Custom Log Type Object ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject
/customLogTypeObject/program/{programId} GET Custom Log Type Object ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject
/customLogTypeObject/project/{projectId} GET Custom Log Type Object ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject
/customLogTypeObject/workspace/{workspaceId} GET Custom Log Type Object ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject
/customLogTypeObject/unassign DELETE Custom Log Type Object ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectAssignRequest
/customLogTypeObject/unassign/batch DELETE Custom Log Type Object ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectAssignRequest



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
scope ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject Custom Log Type Object program, workspace were added to the list of allowed values for this field.
calendarCode ApiEntityExternallySourcedResource Resource This field was made read only.
calendarName ApiEntityExternallySourcedResource Resource This field was made read only.
jobType ApiEntityJobDetail Action PROGRAM_SECURITY_MIGRATION, PROGRAM_SECURITY_SYNC were added to the list of allowed values for this field.
measureSourceType ApiEntityMeasure Measure PROGRAM was added to the list of allowed values for this field.
calendarCode ApiEntityResource Resource This field was made read only.
calendarName ApiEntityResource Resource This field was made read only.
impactLevels ApiEntityRiskMatrix Risk Matirx This field was made read only.
probabilityLevels ApiEntityRiskMatrix Risk Matirx This field was made read only.