
The following updates were made for 22.6.



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
projectIntegrationSourceDetails ApiEntityExternallySourcedProject Project  
projectIntegrationSourceDetails ApiEntityProject Project  
  ApiEntityProjectIntegrationSource Project This is a new entity.
workspaceId ApiEntityWorkManagerTask Work Manager Task  



Field Name ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
dataDate ApiEntityBaseline Action Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
isAssignableToProject ApiEntityCalendar Calender Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
isAssignableToResource ApiEntityCalendar Calender Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
assignments ApiEntityCodeType Code Type Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
localizedColumnDefinitions ApiEntityColumnDefinition Configured Fields Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
workspaceCode ApiEntityCustomLogTypeCodeType Custom Log Type minLength, maxLength were populated for the field.
customLogTypeCodeTypes ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject Custom Log Type Object Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
customLogUdfs ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObject Custom Log Type Object Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
programBudgetChangeTransactions ApiEntityProgramBudgetChange Program Budget Change Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
programBudgetTransferTransactions ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransfer Program Budget Transfer Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
projectBudgetTransferTransactions ApiEntityProgramBudgetTransfer Program Budget Transfer Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
actualCapitalCost ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
actualCapitalCostProject ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
actualExpenseCost ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
actualExpenseCostProject ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
actualLinkType ApiEntityExternallySourcedProject Project INTEGRATION was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
actualLinkType ApiEntityProject Project INTEGRATION was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
forecastCapitalCost ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
forecastCapitalCostProject ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
forecastExpenseCost ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
forecastExpenseCostProject ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
forecastLinkType ApiEntityExternallySourcedProject Project INTEGRATION was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
forecastLinkType ApiEntityProject Project INTEGRATION was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
plannedBudgetCapital ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
plannedBudgetCapitalProject ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
plannedBudgetExpense ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
plannedBudgetExpenseProject ApiEntityProjectFinancial Project Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
plannedBudgetLinkType ApiEntityExternallySourcedProject Project INTEGRATION was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
plannedBudgetLinkType ApiEntityProject Project INTEGRATION was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
projectCashFlows ApiEntityProject Project Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
budgetTransactions ApiEntityBudgetChange Project Budget Change Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
budgetTransactions ApiEntityBudgetTransfer Project Budget Transfer Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
postResponseMeanCostImpact ApiEntityProjectRisk Project Risk Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
postResponseMeanDelay ApiEntityProjectRisk Project Risk Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
postResponsePessimisticCostDeltaAbs ApiEntityProjectRisk Project Risk Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
postResponsePessimisticFinishDeltaAbs ApiEntityProjectRisk Project Risk Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
preResponseMeanCostImpact ApiEntityProjectRisk Project Risk Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
preResponseMeanDelay ApiEntityProjectRisk Project Risk Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
preResponsePessimisticCostDeltaAbs ApiEntityProjectRisk Project Risk Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
preResponsePessimisticFinishDeltaAbs ApiEntityProjectRisk Project Risk Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
appliesTo ApiEntityReason Reason Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
settingName ApiEntityApplicationUserSetting User Preferences ConstraintDateIndicator, ActualDateIndicator were added to the list of allowed values for the field.
predecessorTaskDueDate ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskDependency Work Manager Task Dependency Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
predecessorTaskName ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskDependency Work Manager Task Dependency minLength, maxLength were populated for the field.
predecessorTaskName ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskDependency Work Manager Task Dependency Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
predecessorTaskStatus ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskDependency Work Manager Task Dependency Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
successorTaskDueDate ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskDependency Work Manager Task Dependency Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
successorTaskName ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskDependency Work Manager Task Dependency minLength, maxLength were populated for the field.
successorTaskName ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskDependency Work Manager Task Dependency Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
successorTaskStatus ApiEntityWorkManagerTaskDependency Work Manager Task Dependency Entity filtering support has been added for the field.
description ApiEntityPreExecutionValidationProblem Workflow PROJECT_RISK_MATRIX_SIZE_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED was removed from the list of allowed values for the field and MOVE_LOG_PROJECTROLE_LOWER_CASE CBS_SYNC_SUCCESS_LOG was added to the list of allowed values for the field.
type ApiEntityPreExecutionValidationProblem Workflow PROJECT_RISK_MATRIX_SIZE_CHANGE_NOT_ALLOWED was removed from the list of allowed values for the field and MOVE_LOG_PROJECTROLE_LOWER_CASE CBS_SYNC_SUCCESS_LOG was added to the list of allowed values for the field.


Endpoint HTTP Method Tag Name ApiEntity Name Comments
/workManagerTask/parentCode GET Work Manager Task ApiEntityWorkManagerTask A new optional query parameter, 'workspaceId', has been introduced. The existing mandatory query parameter, 'workspaceCode', has been made optional.