
The following are no longer supported by the API as of 23.5.



Field Name Replacement Field Name (if any) ApiEntity Name Tag Name Comments
parent parentId ApiEntityCBSSheetCode CBS  
parent parentId ApiEntityCBSTemplateCode CBS  
parent parentId ApiEntityExternallySourcedCBSSheetCode CBS  
createDate   ApiEntityProgramInput Program  
createUser   ApiEntityProgramInput Program  
evaluationMatrixId   ApiEntityProgramInput Program  
evaluationScore   ApiEntityProgramInput Program  
lastProgramEvaluationDate   ApiEntityProgramInput Program  
statusDate   ApiEntityProgramInput Program  
updateUser   ApiEntityProgramInput Program  
cbsCode cbsCodes ApiEntityProgramBudgetItemInput Program Budget Item  
cbsCode cbsCodes ApiEntityExternallySourcedProjectActualsLineItem Project Actuals Line Item  
cbsCode cbsCodes ApiEntityProjectActualsLineItem Project Actuals Line Item  
cbsCode cbsCodes ApiEntityBudgetItem Project Budget Item  
cbsCode cbsCodes ApiEntityExternallySourcedBudgetItem Project Budget Item  
cbsCode cbsCodes ApiEntityScopeItem Scope Item  
cbsCode cbsCodes ApiEntityScopeItemAssignment Scope Item Assignment