Assignment Favorite REST Endpoints

Assignment Favorite
The Assignment Favorite service enables you to mark or unmark assignments as favorites. Assignments represent the allocation of project or workspace resources to project activities. Mark objects as favorites in order to access them within the Favorites section of apps and Browse popovers. Update Keys : 'assignmentFavoriteId'
Batch Create Assignment Favorites
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/assignmentFavorite/batch
Batch Delete Assignment Favorites
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/assignmentFavorite/batch
Create an Assignment Favorite
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/assignmentFavorite
Delete an Assignment Favorite
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/assignmentFavorite/{assignmentFavoriteId}
View all Assignment Favorites Assigned to a User
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/assignmentFavorite/userId/{applicationUser}
View All Assignment Favorites by Parent
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/assignmentFavorite/parentCode
View an Assignment Favorite
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/assignmentFavorite/{assignmentFavoriteId}
View an Assignment Favorite by Code and Parent Codes
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/assignmentFavorite/itemCode
View an Assignment Favorite by User and Assignment
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/assignmentFavorite/userId/{applicationUser}/assignmentId/{assignmentId}