CBS Segment REST Endpoints

CBS Segment
Use the Cost Breakdown Structure Segment service to create, view, update, and delete CBS segments for workspaces and projects. CBS Segments determine the hierarchical depth of a CBS and designate how CBS codes are concatenated. Update Keys : 'segmentId'
Batch Sync Project Segments
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/segment/projectSegment/syncBatch
Batch Sync Workspace Segments
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/segment/workspaceSegment/syncBatch
Create a Project CBS Segment
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/segment/projectSegment
Create a Workspace CBS Segment
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/segment/workspaceSegment
Create Multiple Project CBS Segments
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/segment/projectSegment/batch
Update a Project CBS Segment
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/segment/project
Update a Workspace CBS Segment
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/segment/workspace
Update Multiple Project CBS Segments
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/segment/project/batch
Update Multiple Workspace CBS Segments
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/segment/workspace/batch
View a Project CBS Segment
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/segment/projectSegment/{cbsSheetSegmentId}
View a Workspace CBS Segment
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/segment/workspaceSegment/{cbsTemplateSegmentId}
View all Project CBS Segments by Project ID
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/segment/project/{projectId}
View all Workspace CBS Segments by Workspace ID
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/segment/workspace/{workspaceId}