Funds REST Endpoints

Use the fund service to create, update, delete, and view funds.
Allocates a Workspace Fund to the Child Workspace
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/funds/workspace/workspace/allocation
Allocates a Workspace Fund to the Portfolio
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/funds/workspace/portfolio/allocation
Allocates a Workspace Fund to the Project
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/funds/workspace/project/allocation
Assign an Allocation Rule to a Fund
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/funds/allocationRuleAssignment
Assign List of Allocation Rules to a Fund
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/funds/allocationRuleAssignment/batch
Batch Create Allocation Rules
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/funds/allocationRule/batch
Batch Create Portfolio Funds
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/funds/portfolio/batch
Batch Create Project Funds
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/funds/project/batch
Batch Create Workspace Funds
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/funds/workspace/batch
Batch Delete Allocation Rules
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/funds/allocationRule/batch
Batch Update Allocation Rules
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/funds/allocationRule/batch
Create a Portfolio Fund
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/funds/portfolio
Create a Project Fund
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/funds/project
Create a Workspace Fund
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/funds/workspace
Create an Allocation Rule
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/funds/allocationRule
Delete an Allocation Rule
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/funds/allocationRule/{filterId}
Delete Funds
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/funds/batch
Deletes a Fund
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/funds/{fundId}
Un-assign a list of Allocation Rule from a Fund
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/funds/allocationRuleAssignment/batch
Un-assign Allocation Rule from a Fund
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/funds/allocationRuleAssignment
Update an Allocation Rule
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/funds/allocationRule
Update Portfolio Funds
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/funds/portfolio/batch
Update Project Funds
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/funds/project/batch
Update Workspace Funds
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/funds/workspace/batch
Updates a Portfolio Fund
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/funds/portfolio
Updates a Project Fund
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/funds/project
Updates a Workspace Fund
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/funds/workspace
View a Fund
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/funds/{fundId}
View Allocation Rules by Fund
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/funds/allocationRule
View Allocation Rules by Workspace
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/funds/allocationRule/workspace
View an Allocation Rule
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/funds/allocationRule/{filterId}
View Fund Totals by Portfolio Code and Workspace Code
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/funds/portfolio/fundtotal
View Fund Totals by Workspace Code
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/funds/workspace/fundtotal
View Funds by Portfolio Code and Workspace Code
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/funds/portfolio/list
View Funds by Project Code
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/funds/project/list
View Funds by Project Code and Fund Code
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/funds/project/byFundCode
View Funds by Project Code and Fund Name
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/funds/project/byFundName
View Funds by Workspace Code
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/funds/workspace/list
View Funds by Workspace Code and Fund Code
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/funds/workspace/byFundCode
View Funds by Workspace Code and Fund Name
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/funds/workspace/byFundName