Program Budget Change REST Endpoints

Program Budget Change
The Budget Change service enables you to create, view, update, and delete program budget change requests. Program Budget change requests represent potential modifications to program budgets. Update Keys : 'programBudgetChangeId'
Batch Create Program Budget Changes
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange/batch
Batch Delete Program Budget Changes
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange/batch
Batch Sync Program Budget Changes
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange/syncBatch
Batch Update Program Budget Changes
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange/batch
Change Program Budget Change Status
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange/{programBudgetChangeId}/changeProgramBudgetChangeStatus
Create a Program Budget Change
Method: post
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange
Delete a Program Budget Change
Method: delete
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange/{programBudgetChangeId}
Update a Program Budget Change
Method: put
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange
View a Program Budget Change
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange/{programBudgetChangeId}
View a Program Budget Change by Code and Parent Codes
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange/byItemCode
View Program Budget Change Status Transition History Records by Program
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange/program/{programId}/statusTransitionHistory
View Program Budget Change Status Transition History Records by Program Budget Change
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange/{programBudgetChangeId}/statusTransitionHistory
View Program Budget Changes by Parent
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange/byParent
View Program Budget Changes by Program
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange/program/{programId}
View Program Budget Changes by Program Budget
Method: get
Path: /api/restapi/programBudgetChange/programBudget/{programBudgetId}