Download Activity/Assignment Spread



Send a request to this endpoint to download the activity or assignment spread file once the Calculate Activity/Assignment Spread job has completed. Track the status of the Calculate Activity/Assignment Spread job using the View Job Status endpoint.


Path Parameters

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The response returned by the Download Activity/Assignment Spread endpoint is available as a zip file. Unzip the file to retrieve the JSON file inside the zip file.
Body ()
Root Schema : ApiEntitySpreadOutput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntitySpreadOutput
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  • activities
    The aggregate that contains the list of activities used in the spread calculation. It is applicable when downloading the spread output for Calculate Activity Spread jobs.
  • project
    The aggregate that contains key information about the project used in the spread calculation.
  • resourceAssignments
    The aggregate that contains the list of resource assignments used in the spread calculation. It is applicable when downloading the spread output for Calculate Assignment Spread jobs.
  • Allowed Values: [ "DAILY", "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY", "QUARTERLY" ]
    Timescale for the spread calculation. If not provided, Daily will be used.
Nested Schema : activities
Type: array
The aggregate that contains the list of activities used in the spread calculation. It is applicable when downloading the spread output for Calculate Activity Spread jobs.
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Nested Schema : project
The aggregate that contains key information about the project used in the spread calculation.
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Nested Schema : resourceAssignments
Type: array
The aggregate that contains the list of resource assignments used in the spread calculation. It is applicable when downloading the spread output for Calculate Assignment Spread jobs.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntitySpreadOutputActivity
Type: object
Title: ApiEntitySpreadOutputActivity
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  • Maximum Length: 60
    The user-specified identifier of the activity.
  • The unique identifier for the activity.
  • Maximum Length: 255
    The name of the activity.
  • The actual total cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity.
  • The actual total cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from atCompletionTotalCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all resource assignments and direct activity costs on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The portion of the baseline total cost of the activity that is actually completed as of the project data date. This field is in base currency and is calculated from earnedValueCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The approved budget for work actually completed by the specified project data date.
    Calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by Performance Percent Complete. The method for computing performance percent complete depends on the Earned Value technique defined in the project settings. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Calculated as estimate to completion cost plus Actual Cost to Date. This field is in base currency and is calculated from estimateAtCompletionCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The forecasted cost of the project as the project progresses. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Calculated as estimate to completion cost plus Actual Cost to Date. This field is in base currency and is calculated from estimateToCompletionCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The estimated cost to complete the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The estimated number of labor units required to complete the activity.
    Calculated as the Remaining Total Units for the activity.
  • The expected total cost of the activity and includes all resources and direct activity costs (expenses). This field is in base currency and is calculated from plannedTotalCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The expected total cost of the activity, including all resource assignments and direct activity costs. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The portion of the baseline total cost of the activity that is scheduled to be completed as of the project data date. This field is in base currency and is calculated from plannedValueCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The approved budget for the work scheduled to be completed by a specified date.
    Calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by Schedule Percent Complete.
    When an activity has assignments, the Planned Value Cost is calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by (Data Date of Current Project - Baseline Assignment Start Date) divided by (Baseline Assignment Finish Date - Baseline Assignment Start Date). Each assignment is then summed to the activity-level planned value. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The remaining cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from remainingTotalCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The remaining cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • spread
    The aggregate that contains the lists of spread dates and spread values for the activity spread items in the request. The spread values and dates are correlated by the indices in the lists. This aggregate is applicable when downloading the spread output for Calculate Activity Spread jobs.
  • The WBS that the activity is associated with.
Nested Schema : spread
The aggregate that contains the lists of spread dates and spread values for the activity spread items in the request. The spread values and dates are correlated by the indices in the lists. This aggregate is applicable when downloading the spread output for Calculate Activity Spread jobs.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntitySpreadOutputActivitySpread
Type: object
Title: ApiEntitySpreadOutputActivitySpread
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Nested Schema : actualTotalCost
Type: array
The actual total cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity.
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Nested Schema : actualTotalCostProject
Type: array
The actual total cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
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Nested Schema : atCompletionTotalCost
Type: array
The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from atCompletionTotalCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
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Nested Schema : atCompletionTotalCostProject
Type: array
The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all resource assignments and direct activity costs on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
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Nested Schema : earnedValueCost
Type: array
The portion of the baseline total cost of the activity that is actually completed as of the project data date. This field is in base currency and is calculated from earnedValueCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
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Nested Schema : earnedValueCostProject
Type: array
The approved budget for work actually completed by the specified project data date.
Calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by Performance Percent Complete. The method for computing performance percent complete depends on the Earned Value technique defined in the project settings. This value is based on the project currency.
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Nested Schema : estimateAtCompletionCost
Type: array
Calculated as estimate to completion cost plus Actual Cost to Date. This field is in base currency and is calculated from estimateAtCompletionCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
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Nested Schema : estimateAtCompletionCostProject
Type: array
The forecasted cost of the project as the project progresses. This value is based on the project currency.
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Nested Schema : estimateToCompleteCost
Type: array
Calculated as estimate to completion cost plus Actual Cost to Date. This field is in base currency and is calculated from estimateToCompletionCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
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Nested Schema : estimateToCompleteCostProject
Type: array
The estimated cost to complete the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
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Nested Schema : estimateToCompleteLaborUnits
Type: array
The estimated number of labor units required to complete the activity.
Calculated as the Remaining Total Units for the activity.
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Nested Schema : plannedTotalCost
Type: array
The expected total cost of the activity and includes all resources and direct activity costs (expenses). This field is in base currency and is calculated from plannedTotalCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
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Nested Schema : plannedTotalCostProject
Type: array
The expected total cost of the activity, including all resource assignments and direct activity costs. This value is based on the project currency.
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Nested Schema : plannedValueCost
Type: array
The portion of the baseline total cost of the activity that is scheduled to be completed as of the project data date. This field is in base currency and is calculated from plannedValueCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
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Nested Schema : plannedValueCostProject
Type: array
The approved budget for the work scheduled to be completed by a specified date.
Calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by Schedule Percent Complete.
When an activity has assignments, the Planned Value Cost is calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by (Data Date of Current Project - Baseline Assignment Start Date) divided by (Baseline Assignment Finish Date - Baseline Assignment Start Date). Each assignment is then summed to the activity-level planned value. This value is based on the project currency.
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Nested Schema : remainingTotalCost
Type: array
The remaining cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from remainingTotalCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
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Nested Schema : remainingTotalCostProject
Type: array
The remaining cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
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Nested Schema : spreadDates
Type: array
The list of spread dates derived according to the timescale for all the spread items in the request.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntitySpreadOutputProject
Type: object
Title: ApiEntitySpreadOutputProject
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Nested Schema : ApiEntitySpreadOutputAssignment
Type: object
Title: ApiEntitySpreadOutputAssignment
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Nested Schema : spread
The aggregate that contains the lists of spread dates and spread values for the assignment spread items in the request. The spread values and dates are correlated by the indices in the lists. This aggregate applicable when downloading the spread output for Calculate Assignment Spread jobs.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntitySpreadOutputAssignmentSpread
Type: object
Title: ApiEntitySpreadOutputAssignmentSpread
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Nested Schema : actualCost
Type: array
The actual cost for the resource assignment on the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from actualCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
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Nested Schema : actualCostProject
Type: array
The actual cost for the resource assignment on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
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Nested Schema : actualUnits
Type: array
The sum of the actual non-overtime and the overtime units worked by the resource on the activity.
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Nested Schema : atCompletionCost
Type: array
The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for the resource assignment on the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from atCompletionCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
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Nested Schema : atCompletionCostProject
Type: array
The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for the resource assignment on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
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Nested Schema : atCompletionUnits
Type: array
The sum of the actual units and remaining units for the resource assignment on the activity.
Calculated as Actual Units plus Remaining Units.
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Nested Schema : plannedCost
Type: array
The expected total cost of the item, such as an assignment, expense, or response plan. This field is in base currency and is calculated from plannedCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
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Nested Schema : plannedCostProject
Type: array
The expected total cost of the item, such as an assignment, expense, or response plan. This value is based on the project currency.
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Nested Schema : plannedUnits
Type: array
The planned units of work for the resource assignment on the activity.
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Nested Schema : remainingCost
Type: array
The remaining cost for the activity resource assignment. Calculated as Remaining Units multiplied by Cost/Time. This field is in base currency and is calculated from remainingCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
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Nested Schema : remainingCostProject
Type: array
The remaining cost for the resource assignment on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
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Nested Schema : remainingUnits
Type: array
The remaining units of work to be performed by the resource on the activity.
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Nested Schema : spreadDates
Type: array
The list of spread dates derived according to the timescale for all the spread items in the request.
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400 Response

Invalid input for the Action service.
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