Batch Sync Activities



Send a request to this endpoint to create or update one or more activities.


Header Parameters
  • Enabling this boolean flag fails to complete the request if an error occurred when processing any activity sent as part of the request.
    Allowed Values: [ "true", "false" ].# Activity Risk Resource #
    Default Value: false
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : List<ApiEntityActivityInput>
Type: array
Title: List<ApiEntityActivityInput>
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  • ApiEntityActivityInput
    Title: ApiEntityActivityInput
    This entity represents a Activity object, a unique Activity object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
    • activityId
    • activityCode,projectId
    • activityCode,projectCode,workspaceCode
Nested Schema : ApiEntityActivityInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityActivityInput
This entity represents a Activity object, a unique Activity object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
  • activityId
  • activityCode,projectId
  • activityCode,projectCode,workspaceCode
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  • The difference between the planned value of work scheduled and the actual work performed.
  • Minimum Length: 0
    Maximum Length: 60
    The user-specified identifier of the activity.
  • activityFinancial
    An object containing the financial fields of an activity in the form of key-value pairs.
  • The unique identifier for the activity.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    The name of the activity.
  • The percentage of the activity that has been completed.
    This value is based on the formula for the selected Percent Complete Type. The Percent Complete Type can be Physical, Duration, Units, or Scope.
    Physical: The user records the percent complete manually.
    Duration: Calculated as (Planned Duration minus Remaining Duration) divided by Planned Duration, multiplied by 100.
    Units: Calculated as (Actual Labor Units plus Actual Nonlabor Units) divided by (Actual Labor Units plus Actual Nonlabor Units plus Remaining Labor Units plus Remaining Nonlabor Units), multiplied by 100.
    Scope: Calculated as Installed Quantity divided by At Completion Quantity, multiplied by 100.
  • Allowed Values: [ "TOP", "HIGH", "NORMAL", "LOW", "LOWEST" ]
    Determines the priority of the activity when performing role leveling.
  • Allowed Values: [ "NOT_STARTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED" ]
    Determines the status of the activity. Valid values are Not Started, In Progress, and Completed.
    The type of activity. Valid values are Activity Dependent, Resource Dependent, Level of Effort, Start Milestone, and Finish Milestone.
  • activityUncertainties
    The uncertainties associated with an activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The current state of task dates assigned to the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The current status of the task assigned to the activity. Valid values are New, Pending, Committed, and Completed.
    This is a read-only field.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Indicates whether any of the activity's assigned tasks have dates or completion statuses that requires attention.
    This is a read-only field.
  • Read Only: true
    Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 10000000
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The total working time from the activity Actual Start date to the Actual Finish date for completed activities, or the total working time from the Actual Start date to the data date for in-progress activities.
    The actual working time is computed using the activity's calendar.
  • The date when the activity was completed.
  • The number of units expended for all labor resources assigned to the activity.
  • The number of nonlabor units that have been expended on the activity.
  • The date work on the activity began.
  • The number of labor units used during this financial period.
  • The nonlabor units used during this financial period.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The planned total labor units through activity completion.
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 10000000
    The total working time from the activity's current start date to the current finish date.
    The current start date is the planned start date until the activity is started, and then it is the actual start date. The current finish date is the activity planned finish date while the activity is not started, the remaining finish date while the activity is in progress, and the actual finish date once the activity is completed. The total working time is calculated using the activity's calendar.
  • The sum of the actual plus remaining units for all labor resources assigned to the activity.
    It is the same as the planned labor units if the activity is not started, and the actual labor units after the activity is completed.
    Calculated as Actual Labor Units plus Remaining Labor Units.
  • The sum of the actual plus remaining units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity.
    It is the same as the planned nonlabor units if the activity is not started, and the actual nonlabor units after the activity is completed.
    Calculated as Actual Nonlabor Units plus Remaining Nonlabor Units.
  • The calendar assigned to the activity.
  • Minimum Length: 0
    Maximum Length: 255
    The name of the calendar.
  • codeValuesActivity
    The list of code values for an activity. This entity can only be used to assign codeValues or create codeValues on the fly.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The weight of the activity percent completed value.
  • configuredFields
    The list of configured fields for an activity.
  • The constraint date for the activity, if the activity has a constraint.
    The main restriction impacting the activity start or finish date.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The measure of a activity's cost efficiency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The measure of a activity's cost efficiency in labor units.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The ratio of the cost variance and the earned value of work performed on the WBS or activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The difference between the earned value labor units and the actual labor units.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The ratio of the cost variance labor units and the earned value labor units for the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Designates an activity as critical. An activity is defined as critical based upon the project settings configured for the project.
  • currentBaselineFields
    Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Activity fields available in the current baseline.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    An activity with a dangling finish has only SF or SS successors and therefore could have an unrealistic finish date. To avoid dangling finishes, ensure each activity has at least one FS or SS relationship as its successor.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    An activity with a dangling start has only SF or FF predecessors and therefore could have an unrealistic start date. To avoid dangling starts, ensure each activity has at least one FS or SS relationship as its predecessor.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The sequence of project activities from start to finish where the Total Duration is longer than any other path.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The duration percent complete for the activity. Calculated as Planned Duration minus Remaining Duration divided by Planned Duration multiplied by 100.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The actual duration percent of planned duration for the activity. Calculated as Actual Duration divided by Original BL Duration multiplied by 100.
    Determines how remaining duration, units, and units/time are calculated when you update an activity that has resources assigned. The valid values are Fixed Units/Time, Fixed Units, Fixed Duration & Units, and Fixed Duration & Units/Time.
  • The earliest possible date the activity can finish.
    This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability.
  • The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin.
    This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The portion of baseline labor units that are actually completed as of the project data date.
    Calculated as Budget At Completion Labor Units multiplied by Performance Percent Complete. The performance percent complete will be calculated using the activity percent complete.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The estimated labor units at completion.
    Calculated as Actual Labor Units plus Estimate To Complete Labor Units. Estimate To Complete Labor Units is calculated based off of the Earned Value setting.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The estimated number of labor units required to complete the activity.
    Calculated as the Remaining Total Units for the activity.
  • The date you expect work on the activity to finish.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Finish-to-Finish (FF) relationships are acceptable to use in moderation.
  • The current finish date for the activity.
  • Indicates which critical path the activity is on. An activity with a floatPath value of 1 is on the most critical path, whereas an activity with a floatPath value of 2 is on the second most critical path, and so on.
  • The position of the activity on its critical path.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The amount of time the activity can be delayed before delaying the start date of any successor activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Finish-to-Start (FS) relationships are the easiest to trace and understand. The majority of your relationships should be FS.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Mandatory Start and Mandatory Finish are hard constraints that prevent activities from being scheduled according to logic and prevent delays from impacting succeeding activities. The effects of hard constraints become more noticeable as the schedule is progressed, and they generally should not be used.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Progress should be recorded before the Data Date, and planned work should be recorded after. Activities with invalid dates can affect the accuracy of the project schedule.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The percent complete of units for all labor resources for the activity. Calculated as Actual Labor Units divided by At Completion Labor Units multiplied by 100.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Large duration activities are harder to manage and may lack sufficient detail. Consider dividing these activities into shorter, more discrete activities, which provide better insight into cost and schedule.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Large float values may indicate missing activity relationships. Provide activities with reasonable logic to ensure a more stable project plan.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Late activities indicate how well the project is performing against the earned value baseline.
  • The latest possible date the activity can finish without delaying the project finish date.
    This date is calculated based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability.
  • The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin without delaying the project finish date.
    This date is calculated based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    The self-link to the object. This field is populated only in the responses generated by the batch create APIs.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Negative float usually indicates an activity constraint that cannot be met with the current schedule or progress has been made out of sequence. Corrective action should be taken to ensure activity dates are accurate and achievable.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The percent complete of units for all nonlabor resources for the activity. Calculated as Actual Nonlabor Units divided by At Completion Nonlabor Units multiplied by 100.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    An activity with no predecessors could be scheduled to start immediately. This can negatively impact your project schedule and should be avoided.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Roles and resources detail the cost and labor of the work to be performed. An activity without roles or resources may be insufficiently planned.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    An activity with no successor relationships could be delayed indefinitely without affecting project completion. Ensure all activities have at least one successor.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    An activity without a predecessor or successor relationship may negatively affect the quality of your schedule and should be avoided.
  • originalBaselineFields
    Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Activity fields available for the original baseline.
  • otherBaselineFields
    Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Activity fields available for baseline marked other.
  • Maximum Length: 255
    The user responsible for the activity.
  • Allowed Values: [ "PHYSICAL", "DURATION", "UNITS", "SCOPE" ]
    Determines the way in which the application calculates the percent complete for the activity.
    Physical: Percent complete is manually entered by a user based on the amount of physical work completed on the activity.
    Duration: Percent complete is calculated from the actual and remaining duration.
    Units: Percent complete is calculated from the actual and remaining units.
    Scope: The percent complete for the activity is derived from the scope percent complete of the linked scope assignments.
  • Allowed Values: [ "COST", "QUANTITY", "HOURS", "MANUAL" ]
    The method used to calculate the scope percentage completion for scope assignments. The weight is calculated using cost, quantity, hours, or manually entered values.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The percentage of the planned work that is currently complete.
    Performance Percent Complete is used to calculate earned value and is equal to the activity percent complete.
  • The activity percent complete, manually entered by a user.
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 10000000
    The expected amount of time required to complete an activity.
    The planned working time is calculated using the activity's calendar. The duration is measured from the activity's planned start date to its planned finish date.
  • The date the activity is scheduled to finish if the activity has not started.
    This date is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has started.
  • The planned number of units for all labor resources assigned to the activity.
  • The planned units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activities in the project.
  • The date the activity is scheduled to start.
    This date the activity is scheduled to begin is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date cannot be changed by the project scheduler after the activity has started.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The portion of baseline labor units that are scheduled to be completed as of the project data date.
    Calculated as Budget At Completion Labor Units multiplied by Schedule Percent Complete.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Lag time between activities should not be used to control float or constrain dates. Consider representing the delay between two activities by adding another activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The use of negative lags to overlap activities or adjust successor dates can affect the critical path and distort total float. It can also cause a successor to start before a predecessor. Negative lags can cause activities to be scheduled in unrealistic ways and generally should not be used.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The user designated as the primary resource for the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Prior Actual Labor Units
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Prior Actual Nonlabor Units
  • Display Milestone on Program.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 60
    The unique identifier for a project set by the user who created the project.
  • The unique identifier for the project.The project object can also be identified by its unique criteria.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The number of activities added to the project.
  • Minimum Value: 0
    Maximum Value: 10000000
    The total working time from the activity remaining start date to the remaining finish date.
  • The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to finish.
    If this activity is not started, this date is the planned finish. This date can be updated manually by the user, but it is overwritten when you schedule the project.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The amount of time remaining in which the activity can be delayed before delaying the project finish date. Calculated as Late Finish minus Remaining Finish.
  • The remaining units for all labor resources assigned to the activity.
    The Remaining Labor Units reflect the work remaining to be done for the activity. Before the activity is started, the remaining units are the same as the planned units. After the activity is completed, the remaining units are zero.
  • The latest possible date the activity must finish without delaying the project finish date.
    This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability. When the activity is complete, this field is blank.
  • The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity must begin without delaying the project finish date.
    This date is calculated by the project scheduler based on activity relationship, schedule constraints, and resource availability.
  • The remaining units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity.
    The remaining units reflect the work remaining to be done for the activity. Before the activity is started, the remaining units are the same as the planned units. After the activity is completed, there are zero remaining units.
  • The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to begin.
    This date can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, this date is the same as the planned start.
  • Read Only: true
    Minimum Length: 0
    Maximum Length: 930
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The unique identifiers of the resources assigned to the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Minimum Length: 0
    Maximum Length: 3855
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The names of the resources assigned to the activity.
  • The date when a suspended task or activity is resumed.
  • Read Only: true
    Minimum Length: 0
    Maximum Length: 930
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The unique identifiers of the roles assigned to the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Minimum Length: 0
    Maximum Length: 3855
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The names of the roles assigned to the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The activity schedule percent complete specifies how much of the activity's project baseline duration is complete so far.
    With an earned value baseline selected, the schedule percent complete value is calculated based on where the current data date falls relative to the activity's project baseline start and finish dates.
    Calculated as (Data Date - Baseline Start Date) / (Baseline Finish Date - Baseline Start Date).
    If the data date is earlier than the baseline start, the schedule percent complete is 0. If the data date is later than the baseline finish, the schedule percent complete is 100.
    Without an earned value baseline selected, the schedule percent complete value will use the activity planned dates and will be calculated based on where the current data date falls relative each activity's planned start and finish dates.
    Calculated as (Data Date - Planned Start Date) / (Planned Finish Date - Planned Start Date).
    If the data date is earlier than the planned start, the schedule percent complete is 0. If the data date is later than the planned finish, the schedule percent complete is 100.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The ratio of the earned value of labor units to the planned value of labor units.
    Calculated as Earned Value Labor Units divided by Planned Value Labor Units.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The measure of work accomplished as a percentage of the work scheduled on the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The ratio of schedule variance and the work scheduled to be performed.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The difference between the earned value of work performed and the work scheduled to be performed.
    Calculated as Earned Value Labor Units minus Planned Value Labor Units.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The ratio of schedule variance labor units and the planned value labor units.
    Calculated as Schedule Variance Labor Units divided by Planned Value Labor Units.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The percentage completion of the scope assignments linked to the activity.
    Calculated as Installed Quantity divided by At Completion Quantity.
  • The date for the activity's secondary constraint, if the activity has a secondary constraint.
    The secondary restriction impacting the activity start or finish date.
  • The number that specifies the position of the activity relative to others within the view.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Start-to-Finish (SF) relationship logic says the successor occurs before the predecessor. SF relationships are a poor practice and generally should not be used.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Soft constraints allow the schedule to be logic driven but can distort float and create negative float.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Start-to-Start (SS) relationships are acceptable to use in moderation.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Specifies whether the activity has been marked as important.
  • The current start date of the activity.
    For started activities, this is the actual start date. For not started activities, this is the planned start date until the project is scheduled. When scheduled, the start date field is set to the remaining early start date.
  • The date work has temporarily stopped on a given activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    A measure of the value of the activity work that is remaining.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The amount of time the activity can be delayed before delaying the project finish date. Calculated as Late Start minus Early Start or as Late Finish minus Early Finish.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The percent complete of units for all labor and nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. Calculated as Actual Units divided by At Completion Units multiplied by 100.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    Date when the record was last updated.
  • userBaseline1Fields
    Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Activity fields available for the current user's 1st baseline.
  • userBaseline2Fields
    Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Activity fields available for the current user's 2nd baseline.
  • userBaseline3Fields
    Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Activity fields available for the current user's 3rd baseline.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The duration between the activity's duration and the at completion duration.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The duration between the current project finish date and the baseline project finish date.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The difference between the baseline planned total labor units and the estimate at completion labor units.
    Calculated as Project Baseline Planned Total Labor Units minus Estimate At Completion Labor Units.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The difference between baseline labor units and at completion labor units.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The difference between the baseline nonlabor units and the at completion nonlabor units.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The duration between the current project start date and the baseline start date.
  • wbscodes
    List of WBS codes in hierarchy.
  • The WBS that the activity is associated with.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The importance of the activity in relation to other activities.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The number of tasks assigned to an activity.
    This is a read-only field.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The number of planned tasks assigned to the activity that are completed.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The number of planned tasks assigned to the activity that are not completed.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The number of planned tasks assigned to the activity whose Start or Finish dates fall outside of the activity's Start or Finish dates.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The number of unplanned tasks assigned to the activity that are not completed.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 60
    The unique identifier for the work package.
  • The unique identifier for the work package that the activity is associated with.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 255
    The name of the work package.
  • Minimum Length: 0
    Maximum Length: 60
    The user-specified identifier of a workspace.
Nested Schema : activityFinancial
An object containing the financial fields of an activity in the form of key-value pairs.
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Nested Schema : activityUncertainties
Type: array
The uncertainties associated with an activity.
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  • ApiEntityActivityUncertaintyInput
    Title: ApiEntityActivityUncertaintyInput
    This entity represents a ActivityUncertainty object, a unique ActivityUncertainty object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
    • activityUncertaintyId
Nested Schema : codeValuesActivity
Type: array
The list of code values for an activity. This entity can only be used to assign codeValues or create codeValues on the fly.
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  • ApiEntityCodeValueActivityInput
    Title: ApiEntityCodeValueActivityInput
    This entity represents a CodeValueActivity object, a unique CodeValueActivity object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
    • codeValueActivityId
    • codeValueId
    • codeTypeId,codeValueCode
    • codeTypeCode,codeValueCode
    • codeTypeCode,parentId,codeValueCode
    • codeValueCode,codeTypeId,parentId
    • codeTypeCode,codeValueCode,projectCode
    • codeTypeCode,codeValueCode,projectId
    • codeTypeCode,codeValueCode,parentId,projectCode
    • codeTypeCode,codeValueCode,parentId,projectId
Nested Schema : configuredFields
Type: array
The list of configured fields for an activity.
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  • ApiEntityActivityConfiguredFieldValueInput
    Title: ApiEntityActivityConfiguredFieldValueInput
    This entity represents a ActivityConfiguredFieldValue object, a unique ActivityConfiguredFieldValue object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
    • activityConfiguredFieldValueId
    • columnDefinitionId
    • columnName
    • columnLabel
Nested Schema : currentBaselineFields
Read Only: true
Deprecated. As of 23.11.
Activity fields available in the current baseline.
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Nested Schema : originalBaselineFields
Read Only: true
Deprecated. As of 23.11.
Activity fields available for the original baseline.
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Nested Schema : otherBaselineFields
Read Only: true
Deprecated. As of 23.11.
Activity fields available for baseline marked other.
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Nested Schema : userBaseline1Fields
Read Only: true
Deprecated. As of 23.11.
Activity fields available for the current user's 1st baseline.
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Nested Schema : userBaseline2Fields
Read Only: true
Deprecated. As of 23.11.
Activity fields available for the current user's 2nd baseline.
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Nested Schema : userBaseline3Fields
Read Only: true
Deprecated. As of 23.11.
Activity fields available for the current user's 3rd baseline.
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Nested Schema : wbscodes
Type: array
List of WBS codes in hierarchy.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityActivityFinancialInput
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  • The unique identifier of the activity.
  • The actual costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from actualLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The actual costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The actual cost for all material resources assigned to the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from actualMaterialCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The actual cost for all material resources assigned to the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The actual costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from actualNonLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The actual costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The labor costs incurred during a financial period. This field is in base currency and is calculated from actualThisPeriodLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The aggregation of all labor costs incurred during the current financial period. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The material costs incurred during a financial period. This field is in base currency and is calculated from actualThisPeriodMaterialCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The aggregation of all material costs incurred during the current financial period. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The nonlabor costs incurred during a financial period. This field is in base currency and is calculated from actualThisPeriodNonLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The aggregation of all nonlabor costs incurred during the current financial period. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The aggregation of all labor, nonlabor, material and direct activity costs (expenses) incurred during this financial period. This field is in base currency and is calculated from actualThisPeriodTotalCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The aggregation of all labor, nonlabor, material and direct activity costs (expenses) incurred during this financial period. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The actual total cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The actual total cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The sum of the actual and remaining costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from atCompletionLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all labor resource assignments on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The sum of the actual and remaining costs for all material resources assigned to the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from atCompletionMaterialCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all material resource assignments on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The sum of the actual and remaining costs for all non-labor resource assigned to the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from atCompletionNonLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all nonlabor resource assignments on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from atCompletionTotalCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The sum of the actual costs plus remaining costs for all resource assignments and direct activity costs on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The difference between the baseline total cost and the current estimate of total cost. A negative value indicates an estimated cost overrun.
    Calculated as Budget At Completion minus Estimate At Completion. This field is in base currency and is calculated from atCompletionVarianceProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The difference between the baseline total cost and the current estimate of total cost. A negative value indicates an estimated cost overrun.
    Calculated as Budget At Completion minus Estimate At Completion. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The planned cost for all project expenses associated with the activity.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.6.
    The planned cost for all labor resources assigned to the activity.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.6.
    The planned cost for all material resources assigned to the activity.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.6.
    The planned cost for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity.
  • Deprecated. As of 23.6.
    The planned total cost of the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The planned total cost through activity completion. This field is in base currency and is calculated from budgetAtCompletionProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The budgeted or planned total cost through activity completion.
    Calculated as Planned Labor Cost plus Planned Non-labor Cost plus Planned Material Cost. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The portion of the baseline total cost of the activity that is actually completed as of the project data date. This field is in base currency and is calculated from earnedValueCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The approved budget for work actually completed by the specified project data date.
    Calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by Performance Percent Complete. The method for computing performance percent complete depends on the Earned Value technique defined in the project settings. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Calculated as estimate to completion cost plus Actual Cost to Date. This field is in base currency and is calculated from estimateAtCompletionCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The forecasted cost of the project as the project progresses. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    Calculated as estimate to completion cost plus Actual Cost to Date. This field is in base currency and is calculated from estimateToCompletionCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The estimated cost to complete the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The percent complete of cost for all expenses associated with the activity.
  • The percent complete of costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The difference between the baseline labor cost and the at completion labor cost.
  • The percent complete of costs for all material resource assigned to the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The difference between the baseline planned material cost and the at completion material cost.
  • The percent complete of costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The difference between the baseline planned nonlabor cost and the at completion nonlabor cost.
  • The planned costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from plannedLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The planned cost for all labor resources assigned to the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The planned costs for all material resources assigned to the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from plannedMaterialCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The planned cost for all material resources assigned to the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The planned costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from plannedNonLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The planned cost for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The expected total cost of the activity and includes all resources and direct activity costs (expenses). This field is in base currency and is calculated from plannedTotalCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The expected total cost of the activity, including all resource assignments and direct activity costs. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The portion of the baseline total cost of the activity that is scheduled to be completed as of the project data date. This field is in base currency and is calculated from plannedValueCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The approved budget for the work scheduled to be completed by a specified date.
    Calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by Schedule Percent Complete.
    When an activity has assignments, the Planned Value Cost is calculated as Budget At Completion multiplied by (Data Date of Current Project - Baseline Assignment Start Date) divided by (Baseline Assignment Finish Date - Baseline Assignment Start Date). Each assignment is then summed to the activity-level planned value. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The sum of the actual stored period labor costs on the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from priorActualLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The sum of the actual stored period labor costs on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The sum of the actual stored period material costs on the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from priorActualMaterialCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The sum of the actual stored period material costs on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The sum of the actual stored period non-labor costs on the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from priorActualNonLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The sum of the actual stored period non-labor costs on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The aggregated total of all labor, non-labor and material costs on the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from priorActualTotalCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The aggregated total of all labor, non-labor and material costs on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The system-generated identifier of a project.
  • The remaining costs for all labor resources assigned to the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from remainingLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The remaining cost for all labor resource assignments on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The remaining costs for all material resources assigned to the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from remainingMaterialCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The remaining cost for all material resource assignments on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • The remaining costs for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from remainingNonLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • The remaining cost for all nonlabor resource assignments on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The remaining cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs (expenses) on the activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from remainingTotalCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The remaining cost for all resource assignments and direct activity costs on the activity. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The measure of schedule performance on a project. This field is in base currency and is calculated from scheduleVarianceProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    A measure of activity schedule performance. The difference between the amount budgeted for the work you actually did and the work you planned to do.
    Indicates how much you are ahead or behind schedule. A negative value indicates that less work was actually performed than was scheduled.
    Calculated as Earned Value minus Planned Value. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The difference between a project's baseline total cost and the at completion total cost.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    Date when the record was last updated.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The measure of cost performance on an activity. This field is in base currency and is calculated from varCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    A measure of activity cost performance. The difference between the budgeted cost of work performed minus the actual cost of work performed.
    Indicates how much you are under or over your approved budget. A negative value indicates that the actual cost has exceeded the planned value.
    Calculated as Earned Value minus Actual Total Cost. This value is based on the project currency.
Nested Schema : ApiEntityActivityUncertaintyInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityActivityUncertaintyInput
This entity represents a ActivityUncertainty object, a unique ActivityUncertainty object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
  • activityUncertaintyId
Show Source
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The ID of the activity that the uncertainty object is linked to.
  • The unique identifier of an uncertainty object.
  • Allowed Values: [ "NONE", "TRIANGLE", "UNIFORM", "BETAPERT" ]
    The probability distribution that best models the three-point estimate durations.
  • Signifies the probability that a particular activity occurs (exists) in a given project. For example, an activity that may or may not have to be done depending on circumstances.
  • The estimated maximum amount of time required to complete the activity. This field is used for three-point estimation to indicate activity uncertainty.
  • The estimated least amount of time required to complete the activity. This field is used for three-point estimation to indicate activity uncertainty.
  • Allowed Values: [ "PRE_MITIGATED", "POST_MITIGATED" ]
    The type of risk analysis run on a project.
    • PRE_MITIGATED : A quantitative risk analysis that doesn't take into account the impact of defined risk response plans.
    • POST_MITIGATED : A quantitative risk analysis that takes into account the impact of defined risk response plans.
  • The estimated most likely amount of time required to complete the activity. This field is used for three-point estimation to indicate activity uncertainty.
  • The ID of the project that the activity is in.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    Date when the record was last updated.
Nested Schema : ApiEntityCodeValueActivityInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityCodeValueActivityInput
This entity represents a CodeValueActivity object, a unique CodeValueActivity object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
  • codeValueActivityId
  • codeValueId
  • codeTypeId,codeValueCode
  • codeTypeCode,codeValueCode
  • codeTypeCode,parentId,codeValueCode
  • codeValueCode,codeTypeId,parentId
  • codeTypeCode,codeValueCode,projectCode
  • codeTypeCode,codeValueCode,projectId
  • codeTypeCode,codeValueCode,parentId,projectCode
  • codeTypeCode,codeValueCode,parentId,projectId
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiEntityActivityConfiguredFieldValueInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityActivityConfiguredFieldValueInput
This entity represents a ActivityConfiguredFieldValue object, a unique ActivityConfiguredFieldValue object can be identified by the following combinations of the fields.
  • activityConfiguredFieldValueId
  • columnDefinitionId
  • columnName
  • columnLabel
Show Source
  • Allowed Values: [ "DELETE" ]
    Provide value for this field during object update to delete the assigned configured field value.
  • The unique identifier for the Activity Configured Field.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.11.
    The system-generated identifier of a Activity.
  • Unique identifier of the column. This value should not be provided in create operation request data, however, it is required for update requests.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 100
    The user-specified UDF column label.
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 100
    The user-specified UDF column name.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    This holds values for Cost type configured fields in the base currency conversion. Input should be provided in numberValue field, in currency of record.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    This holds values for Cost type configured fields in the workspace1 currency conversion.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    This holds values for Cost type configured fields in the workspace2 currency conversion.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    This holds values for Cost type configured fields in the workspace3 currency conversion.
  • This holds values for Date type configured fields.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 4000
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    Provides the error message for why the formula calculation resulted in an error.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    Determines if formula calculation hit an error calculating a value for this field.
  • This holds values for Number, Integer and Cost type configured fields. Input for the cost configured field should be provided in the currency of record. For example project level currency in case of Activity, base currency for Company, workspace currency for Funds and record level currency for Project Actuals etc. configured fields.
  • Maximum Length: 4000
    This holds values for Boolean, List and Text type configured fields.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.10.
    Date when the record was last updated.
Nested Schema : ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityActivityBaselineFields
Read Only: true
Show Source
  • Read Only: true
    The percentage of the activity that has been completed.
    This value is based on the formula for the selected Percent Complete Type. The Percent Complete Type can be Physical, Duration, Units, or Scope.
    Physical: The user records the percent complete manually.
    Duration: Calculated as (Planned Duration minus Remaining Duration) divided by Planned Duration, multiplied by 100.
    Units: Calculated as (Actual Labor Units plus Actual Nonlabor Units) divided by (Actual Labor Units plus Actual Nonlabor Units plus Remaining Labor Units plus Remaining Nonlabor Units), multiplied by 100.
    Scope: Calculated as Installed Quantity divided by At Completion Quantity, multiplied by 100.
  • Read Only: true
    The type of activity. Valid values are Activity Dependent, Resource Dependent, Level of Effort, Start Milestone, and Finish Milestone.
  • Read Only: true
    The total working time from the activity Actual Start date to the Actual Finish date for completed activities, or the total working time from the Actual Start date to the data date for in-progress activities.
    The actual working time is computed using the activity's calendar.
  • Read Only: true
    The date when the activity was completed.
  • Read Only: true
    The actual cost for all labor resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline. This field is in base currency and is calculated from actualLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    The actual cost for all labor resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    The number of units expended for all labor resources assigned to the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    The actual cost for all material resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline. This field is in base currency and is calculated from actualMaterialCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    The actual cost for all material resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline. This value is based on the project currency.???
  • Read Only: true
    The actual cost for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline. This field is in base currency and is calculated from actualNonLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    The actual cost for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    The number of nonlabor units that have been expended on the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    The date work on the activity began.
  • Read Only: true
    The actual total cost for all labor, nonlabor, and material resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline. This field is in base currency and is calculated from actualTotalCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    The actual total cost for all labor, nonlabor, and material resources assigned to the activity as stored in the associated project baseline. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    The constraint date for the activity, if the activity has a constraint.
  • Read Only: true
    The main restriction impacting the activity start or finish date.
  • Read Only: true
    The duration percent complete for the activity. Calculated as Planned Duration minus Remaining Duration divided by Planned Duration multiplied by 100.
  • Read Only: true
    The duration between the activity's duration and the at completion duration.
  • Read Only: true
    The earliest possible date the activity can finish.
    This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability.
  • Read Only: true
    The earliest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin.
    This date is calculated based on network logic, schedule constraints, and resource availability.
  • Read Only: true
    The current finish date for the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    The duration between the current project finish date and the baseline project finish date.
  • Read Only: true
    The amount of time the activity can be delayed before delaying the start date of any successor activity.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.6.
    The planned number of units for all labor resources assigned to the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    The difference between baseline labor units and at completion labor units.
  • Read Only: true
    The latest possible date the activity can finish without delaying the project finish date.
    This date is calculated based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability.
  • Read Only: true
    The latest possible date the remaining work for the activity can begin without delaying the project finish date.
    This date is calculated based on activity relationships, schedule constraints, and resource availability.
  • Read Only: true
    Deprecated. As of 23.6.
    The planned units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activities in the project.
  • Read Only: true
    The difference between the baseline nonlabor units and the at completion nonlabor units.
  • Read Only: true
    Allowed Values: [ "PHYSICAL", "DURATION", "UNITS", "SCOPE" ]
    Determines the way in which the application calculates the percent complete for the activity.
    Physical: Percent complete is manually entered by a user based on the amount of physical work completed on the activity.
    Duration: Percent complete is calculated from the actual and remaining duration.
    Units: Percent complete is calculated from the actual and remaining units.
    Scope: The percent complete for the activity is derived from the scope percent complete of the linked scope assignments.
  • Read Only: true
    The expected amount of time required to complete an activity.
    The planned working time is calculated using the activity's calendar. The duration is measured from the activity's planned start date to its planned finish date.
  • Read Only: true
    The date the activity is scheduled to finish if the activity has not started.
    This date is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date is not changed by the project scheduler after the activity has started.
  • Read Only: true
    The planned cost for all labor resources assigned to the activity in the associated project baseline. This field is in base currency and is calculated from plannedLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    The planned cost for all labor resources assigned to the activity in the associated project baseline. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    The planned number of units for all labor resources assigned to the activity.
  • Read Only: true
    The planned cost for all material resources assigned to the activity in the associated project baseline. This field is in base currency and is calculated from plannedMaterialCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    The planned cost for all material resources assigned to the activity in the associated project baseline. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    The planned cost for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity in the associated project baseline. This field is in base currency and is calculated from plannedNonLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    The planned cost for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activity in the associated project baseline. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    The planned units for all nonlabor resources assigned to the activities in the project.
  • Read Only: true
    The date the activity is scheduled to start.
    This date the activity is scheduled to begin is calculated by the project scheduler but can be updated manually by the project manager. This date cannot be changed by the project scheduler after the activity has started.
  • Read Only: true
    The expected total cost of the activity and includes all resources and direct activity costs (expenses) in the associated project baseline. This field is in base currency and is calculated from plannedTotalCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    The expected total cost of the activity and includes all resources and direct activity costs (expenses) in the associated project baseline. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    The total working time from the activity remaining start date to the remaining finish date.
  • Read Only: true
    The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to finish.
    If this activity is not started, this date is the planned finish. This date can be updated manually by the user, but it is overwritten when you schedule the project.
  • Read Only: true
    The date the remaining work for the activity is scheduled to begin.
    This date can be updated manually by the user. Before the activity is started, this date is the same as the planned start.
  • Read Only: true
    The date for the activity's secondary constraint, if the activity has a secondary constraint.
  • Read Only: true
    The secondary restriction impacting the activity start or finish date.
  • Read Only: true
    The current start date of the activity.
    For started activities, this is the actual start date. For not started activities, this is the planned start date until the project is scheduled. When scheduled, the start date field is set to the remaining early start date.
  • Read Only: true
    The duration between the current project start date and the baseline start date.
  • Read Only: true
    Allowed Values: [ "NOT_STARTED", "IN_PROGRESS", "COMPLETED" ]
    Determines the status of the activity. Valid values are Not Started, In Progress, and Completed.
  • Read Only: true
    The amount of time the activity can be delayed before delaying the project finish date. Calculated as Late Start minus Early Start or as Late Finish minus Early Finish.
  • Read Only: true
    The percent complete of units for all labor and nonlabor resources assigned to the activity. Calculated as Actual Units divided by At Completion Units multiplied by 100.
  • Read Only: true
    The difference between the associated project baseline planned labor cost and the current schedule at completion labor cost. This field is in base currency and is calculated from varianceLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    The difference between the associated project baseline planned labor cost and the current schedule at completion labor cost. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    The difference between the associated project baseline planned material cost and the current schedule at completion material cost. This field is in base currency and is calculated from varianceMaterialCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    The difference between the associated project baseline planned material cost and the current schedule at completion material cost. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    The difference between the associated project baseline planned nonlabor cost and the current schedule at completion nonlabor cost. This field is in base currency and is calculated from varianceNonLaborCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    The difference between the associated project baseline planned nonlabor cost and the current schedule at completion nonlabor cost. This value is based on the project currency.
  • Read Only: true
    The difference between the associated project baseline planned labor, nonlabor, and material cost and the current schedule at completion labor, nonlabor, and material cost. This field is in base currency and is calculated from varianceTotalCostProject field based on the specified exchange rate.
  • Read Only: true
    The difference between the associated project baseline planned labor, nonlabor, and material cost and the current schedule at completion labor, nonlabor, and material cost. This value is based on the project currency.

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Supported Media Types

207 Response

The object was successfully integrated.
Body ()
Root Schema : List<ApiEntitySyncApiResponse>
Type: array
Title: List<ApiEntitySyncApiResponse>
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiEntitySyncApiResponse
Type: object
Title: ApiEntitySyncApiResponse
Show Source
  • identifier
    The unique identifier of the supported object returned based on the user input.
    This field can return any of the following entities determined based on the object for which the API call is invoked.
    Example : RiskScoreTypeIdentifier is returned when Batch Sync Risk Score Types API is invoked.
  • Error message or reason for operation failure is populated. The field is non-persistable and thus maximum length is not applicable.
  • The response code representing the state of the API operation.
Nested Schema : identifier
Type: object
The unique identifier of the supported object returned based on the user input.
This field can return any of the following entities determined based on the object for which the API call is invoked.
Example : RiskScoreTypeIdentifier is returned when Batch Sync Risk Score Types API is invoked.
Match One Schema
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Nested Schema : ConstraintIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ConstraintIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : CBSSheetSegmentIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CBSSheetSegmentIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : CBSTemplateSegmentIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CBSTemplateSegmentIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ScopeAssignmentActualsTimePhasedDataIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ScopeAssignmentInstalledTimePhasedDataIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ResourceWorkRateIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ResourceWorkRateIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ReasonIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ReasonIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : WorkManagerTaskIdentifier
Type: object
Title: WorkManagerTaskIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ChangeRequestIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ChangeRequestIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ScopeItemAssignmentActivityIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ScopeItemAssignmentActivityIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : RiskScoreTypeIdentifier
Type: object
Title: RiskScoreTypeIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : RiskMatrixIdentifier
Type: object
Title: RiskMatrixIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProjectRiskIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectRiskIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProgramRiskIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramRiskIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ActivityRiskIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ActivityRiskIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : RiskMitigationIdentifier
Type: object
Title: RiskMitigationIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProgramRiskMitigationIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramRiskMitigationIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProgramRiskWeatherPeriodIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramRiskWeatherPeriodIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : HolidayGroupIdentifier
Type: object
Title: HolidayGroupIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : RiskWeatherPeriodIdentifier
Type: object
Title: RiskWeatherPeriodIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : PortfolioIdentifier
Type: object
Title: PortfolioIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : PortfolioMeasureIdentifier
Type: object
Title: PortfolioMeasureIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : EntityReferenceIdentifier
Type: object
Title: EntityReferenceIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : PortfolioMeasureManualValueIdentifier
Type: object
Title: PortfolioMeasureManualValueIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : CustomLogTypeObjectIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CustomLogTypeObjectIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : CustomLogItemIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CustomLogItemIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProjectRankIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectRankIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ProjectDependencyIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectDependencyIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : LocationIdentifier
Type: object
Title: LocationIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : MeasureIdentifier
Type: object
Title: MeasureIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : MeasureThresholdIdentifier
Type: object
Title: MeasureThresholdIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : ReportCycleIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ReportCycleIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : UnitsOfMeasureIdentifier
Type: object
Title: UnitsOfMeasureIdentifier
Show Source
Nested Schema : WorkspaceIdentifier
Type: object
Title: WorkspaceIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ApplicationUserGroupIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ApplicationUserGroupIdentifier
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Nested Schema : CalendarIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CalendarIdentifier
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Nested Schema : CodeTypeIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CodeTypeIdentifier
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Nested Schema : CodeValueIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CodeValueIdentifier
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Nested Schema : CostCategoryIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CostCategoryIdentifier
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Nested Schema : CurveIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CurveIdentifier
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Nested Schema : DocumentFolderStructureTemplateIdentifier
Type: object
Title: DocumentFolderStructureTemplateIdentifier
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Nested Schema : IdeaIdentifier
Type: object
Title: IdeaIdentifier
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Nested Schema : OfficeIdentifier
Type: object
Title: OfficeIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProjectCompanyIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectCompanyIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ResourceDemandIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ResourceDemandIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProjectBudgetChangeIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectBudgetChangeIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProjectBudgetTransferIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectBudgetTransferIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProjectResourceWorkRateIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectResourceWorkRateIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProjectActualsLineItemIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectActualsLineItemIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProjectActualsIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectActualsIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProjectBudgetItemIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectBudgetItemIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProgramIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramIdentifier
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Nested Schema : StrategyIdentifier
Type: object
Title: StrategyIdentifier
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Nested Schema : StrategyTypeIdentifier
Type: object
Title: StrategyTypeIdentifier
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Nested Schema : RuleOfCreditIdentifier
Type: object
Title: RuleOfCreditIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ResourceRoleAssignmentIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ResourceRoleAssignmentIdentifier
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Nested Schema : BudgetPlanningScenarioIdentifier
Type: object
Title: BudgetPlanningScenarioIdentifier
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  • The period during which budget is allocated to projects within the plan.
    This value determines the year in which budget planning timescales start.
    You can set the planning period to either the current or following year. For example, if the year is 2020 the latest planning period you can set is 2021.
    After the planning period for a budget plan has been set it cannot be changed.
  • The system-generated identifier of a portfolio. This value should not be provided in create operation request data, however, it is required for update requests.
  • Maximum Length: 255
    The name of the portfolio.
  • The system-generated identifier of the Budget Plan Scenario.
  • Maximum Length: 255
    The name of Budget Plan Scenario.
  • The user-specified identifier of a workspace.
Nested Schema : ScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ScopeAssignmentPlannedTimePhasedDataIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProgramBudgetTransferIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramBudgetTransferIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProgramBudgetChangeIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramBudgetChangeIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ActivityIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ActivityIdentifier
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Nested Schema : AssignmentIdentifier
Type: object
Title: AssignmentIdentifier
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Nested Schema : RelationshipIdentifier
Type: object
Title: RelationshipIdentifier
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Nested Schema : FundActualIdentifier
Type: object
Title: FundActualIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProgramBudgetItemIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramBudgetItemIdentifier
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Nested Schema : parentCVCodes
Type: array
List of parent code values in a hierarchy. This field is not populated as part of the API response since it is a write-only field, used only for the create or update APIs.
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400 Response

Invalid input for the Activity service. Verify the request contains valid data, then resubmit the request.
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