View All Budget Planning Scenarios Fund Data by Portfolio and Plan Period



Send a request to this endpoint to view all Budget Planning Scenarios with Fund data under parent with codes matching the code fields in query parameters.


Query Parameters
  • The period during which budget is allocated to projects within the plan.
    This value determines the year in which budget planning timescales start.
    You can set the planning period to either the current or following year. For example, if the year is 2020 the latest planning period you can set is 2021.
    After the planning period for a budget plan has been set it cannot be changed.
    This is a required field.
  • The system-generated identifier of a portfolio.
    This is a required field.

There's no request body for this operation.

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200 Response

Successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : List<ApiEntityFundPlanningScenario>
Type: array
Title: List<ApiEntityFundPlanningScenario>
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityFundPlanningScenario
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityFundPlanningScenario
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Nested Schema : planProjects
Type: array
The plan projects associated with a scenario.
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Nested Schema : proposedFundPeriods
Type: array
The phase funds of the proposed fund of all the plan projects.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityFundPlanProject
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityFundPlanProject
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Nested Schema : portfolioProjectFundPeriods
Type: array
The phase funds associated with a plan project.
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Nested Schema : portfolioProjectFunds
Type: array
The funds assigned to a plan project.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityFundPeriod
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityFundPeriod
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityPortfolioProjectFund
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityPortfolioProjectFund
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Nested Schema : periods
Type: array
The phase wise fund associated with a plan project.
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204 Response

Successful operation with no content.

404 Response

The requested scenario does not exist, or you do not have access to it.
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