Create a Budget Planning Scenario



Send a request to this endpoint to create Budget Planning Scenario. An application object will be created using the JSON data provided in the request body.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : ApiEntityBudgetPlanningScenarioInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityBudgetPlanningScenarioInput
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Nested Schema : planProjects
Type: array
The plan projects associated with a scenario.
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Nested Schema : targetBudgetPeriods
Type: array
The phase costs of target budget.
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Nested Schema : targetSubCurveDetails
Type: array
The target capital and expense cost details of a scenario.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityBudgetPlanProjectInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityBudgetPlanProjectInput
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Nested Schema : planProjectPeriods
Type: array
The period budgets associated with a plan project.
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Nested Schema : planProjectSubCurveDetails
Type: array
The capital and expense cost details of a plan project.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityScenarioPhaseFinancialInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityScenarioPhaseFinancialInput
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Nested Schema : ApiEntitySubCostCurveInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntitySubCostCurveInput
Show Source
Nested Schema : costCurvePeriods
Type: array
The phase wise costs of cost curve.
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Supported Media Types

201 Response

The object was successfully created.
Body ()
Root Schema : ApiEntityBudgetPlanningScenario
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityBudgetPlanningScenario
Show Source
  • The setting to convey whether Capital and Expense is enabled for a portfolio.
  • Allowed Values: [ "CAPITAL", "EXPENSE" ]
    The sub-cost curve to which the existing portfolio cost data will be mapped.
  • The system-generated identifier of the Capital Plan.
  • Allowed Values: [ "IN_PLANNING", "CLOSED", "APPROVED", "REVISING" ]
    The current budget status of a portfolio. The status is set based on the status of the scenarios and cannot be edited manually.
    In Planning: The portfolio is currently going through the budget planning process and contains one or more scenarios in planning. In planning is the default budget status.
    Revising: The portfolio currently has one scenario with a status of approved, and another with a status of Under Review, Shared, or Under Approval.
    Approved: The portfolio contains a scenario that has gone through the approval process and has been approved.
  • The created date of the Budget Plan Scenario .
  • Maximum Length: 255
    The scenario created username.
  • Enables you to decide whether or not a scenario is hidden from other users.
  • The date a refresh was last performed on the portfolio budget plan scenario.
  • Maximum Length: 255
    The owner of Budget Plan Scenario.
  • The period during which budget is allocated to projects within the plan.
    This value determines the year in which budget planning timescales start.
    You can set the planning period to either the current or following year. For example, if the year is 2020 the latest planning period you can set is 2021.
    After the planning period for a budget plan has been set it cannot be changed.
  • Allowed Values: [ "FORECAST", "PLANNED_BUDGET" ]
    Determines if linked projects in the portfolio budget plan link to project Forecast or Planned Budget.
    Linked values will be factored into a budget plan's Proposed Budget.
    Planners can easily see the value differences between the project manager's budgets for the plan's included projects and their own budgetary plans.
    Any budget plan added to a portfolio will inherit the value of its Proposed Budget Link Setting by default.
  • planProjects
    The plan projects associated with a scenario.
  • The system-generated identifier of the Capital Portfolio.
  • Maximum Length: 255
    The name of the portfolio.
  • The total number of projects included in a portfolio budget plan.
  • The total Proposed Budget for the portfolio as allocated by the budget planner.
    Planners can plan proposed budgets in a bottom-up or top-down style.
    Not all projects in the portfolio need to have Planned Budgets for planners to begin planning and setting proposed budget values.
    Instead, by setting an overall plan Proposed Budget and allocating out its funds to included projects, planners can achieve top-down budget planning.
    Similarly, project Planned Budgets and Forecast values can be linked to the Proposed Budget of a budget plan, allowing planners to establish project manager's budgets as a basis for their planning.
    Becomes the portfolio's Current Approved Budget after the budget scenario is approved.
  • The amount of proposed budget currently allocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan.
  • The amount of proposed budget currently allocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan. This value is based on the workspace1 currency.
  • The amount of proposed budget currently allocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan. This value is based on the workspace2 currency.
  • The amount of proposed budget currently allocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan. This value is based on the workspace3 currency.
  • The finish date of proposed budget.
  • proposedBudgetPeriods
    The phase costs of proposed budget.
  • The start date of proposed budget.
  • The amount of a proposed budget unallocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan.
  • The amount of a proposed budget unallocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan. This value is based on the workspace1 currency.
  • The amount of a proposed budget unallocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan. This value is based on the workspace2 currency.
  • The amount of a proposed budget unallocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan. This value is based on the workspace3 currency.
  • The total Proposed Budget for the portfolio as allocated by the budget planner.
    Planners can plan proposed budgets in a bottom-up or top-down style.
    Not all projects in the portfolio need to have Planned Budgets for planners to begin planning and setting proposed budget values.
    Instead, by setting an overall plan Proposed Budget and allocating out its funds to included projects, planners can achieve top-down budget planning.
    Similarly, project Planned Budgets and Forecast values can be linked to the Proposed Budget of a budget plan, allowing planners to establish project manager's budgets as a basis for their planning.
    Becomes the portfolio's Current Approved Budget after the budget scenario is approved. This value is based on the workspace1 currency.
  • The total Proposed Budget for the portfolio as allocated by the budget planner.
    Planners can plan proposed budgets in a bottom-up or top-down style.
    Not all projects in the portfolio need to have Planned Budgets for planners to begin planning and setting proposed budget values.
    Instead, by setting an overall plan Proposed Budget and allocating out its funds to included projects, planners can achieve top-down budget planning.
    Similarly, project Planned Budgets and Forecast values can be linked to the Proposed Budget of a budget plan, allowing planners to establish project manager's budgets as a basis for their planning.
    Becomes the portfolio's Current Approved Budget after the budget scenario is approved. This value is based on the workspace2 currency.
  • The total Proposed Budget for the portfolio as allocated by the budget planner.
    Planners can plan proposed budgets in a bottom-up or top-down style.
    Not all projects in the portfolio need to have Planned Budgets for planners to begin planning and setting proposed budget values.
    Instead, by setting an overall plan Proposed Budget and allocating out its funds to included projects, planners can achieve top-down budget planning.
    Similarly, project Planned Budgets and Forecast values can be linked to the Proposed Budget of a budget plan, allowing planners to establish project manager's budgets as a basis for their planning.
    Becomes the portfolio's Current Approved Budget after the budget scenario is approved. This value is based on the workspace3 currency.
  • proposedSubCurveDetails
    The proposed capital and expense cost details of a scenario.
  • Maximum Length: 4000
    The detailed summary for the plan.
    The description provides more information than short names or titles.
    It can give background information or establish a purpose for the item.
    These details help differentiate between items with similar names and are especially useful in multi-user environments.
  • The system-generated identifier of the Budget Plan Scenario.
  • Maximum Length: 255
    The name of Budget Plan Scenario.
    The status of Budget Plan Scenario.
  • The total Target Budget for the portfolio's Planning Horizon set by the portfolio manager based on base currency.
  • The amount of target budget currently allocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan.
  • The amount of target budget currently allocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan. This value is based on the workspace1 currency.
  • The amount of target budget currently allocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan. This value is based on the workspace2 currency.
  • The amount of target budget currently allocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan. This value is based on the workspace3 currency.
  • targetBudgetPeriods
    The phase costs of target budget.
  • The amount of target budget unallocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan.
  • The amount of target budget unallocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan. This value is based on the workspace1 currency.
  • The amount of target budget unallocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan. This value is based on the workspace2 currency.
  • The amount of target budget unallocated to projects included in the portfolio's budget plan. This value is based on the workspace3 currency.
  • The total Target Budget for the portfolio's Planning Horizon set by the portfolio manager based on the workspace currency. This value is based on the workspace1 currency.
  • The total Target Budget for the portfolio's Planning Horizon set by the portfolio manager based on the workspace currency. This value is based on the workspace2 currency.
  • The total Target Budget for the portfolio's Planning Horizon set by the portfolio manager based on the workspace currency. This value is based on the workspace3 currency.
  • targetSubCurveDetails
    The target capital and expense cost details of a scenario.
  • Date when the record was last updated.
  • Maximum Length: 60
    The user-specified identifier of a workspace.
Nested Schema : planProjects
Type: array
The plan projects associated with a scenario.
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Nested Schema : proposedBudgetPeriods
Type: array
The phase costs of proposed budget.
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Nested Schema : proposedSubCurveDetails
Type: array
The proposed capital and expense cost details of a scenario.
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Nested Schema : targetBudgetPeriods
Type: array
The phase costs of target budget.
Show Source
Nested Schema : targetSubCurveDetails
Type: array
The target capital and expense cost details of a scenario.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityBudgetPlanProject
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityBudgetPlanProject
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Nested Schema : costCurves
Type: array
The phase costs associated with a plan project.
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Nested Schema : planProjectPeriods
Type: array
The period budgets associated with a plan project.
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Nested Schema : planProjectSubCurveDetails
Type: array
The capital and expense cost details of a plan project.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityCostCurve
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityCostCurve
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Nested Schema : costCurvePeriods
Type: array
The phase wise costs of cost curve.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityScenarioPhaseFinancial
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityScenarioPhaseFinancial
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Nested Schema : ApiEntitySubCostCurve
Type: object
Title: ApiEntitySubCostCurve
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Nested Schema : costCurvePeriods
Type: array
The phase wise costs of cost curve.
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400 Response

Invalid input for the Budget Planning Scenario service. Verify the request contains valid data, then resubmit the request.
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