Assign a Custom Log Type Object to Workspaces, Programs and Projects



Send a request to this end point to assign a custom log type object created in a workspace to the other workspaces in the hierarchy, projects and programs under the created workspace.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectAssignRequestInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectAssignRequestInput
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Nested Schema : customLogTypeObject
This field represents the custom log type object record that needs to assigned to a different workspaces, programs and projects. It contains the fields to uniquely identify a custom log type object record.
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Nested Schema : programs
Type: array
This field represents the list of program records that the custom log type object needs to be assigned.
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Nested Schema : projects
Type: array
This field represents the list of project records that the custom log type object needs to be assigned.
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Nested Schema : workspaces
Type: array
This field represents the list of workspace records that the custom log type object needs to be assigned.
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Nested Schema : CustomLogTypeObjectIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CustomLogTypeObjectIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProgramIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ProjectIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectIdentifier
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Nested Schema : WorkspaceIdentifier
Type: object
Title: WorkspaceIdentifier
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The object was successfully updated.
Body ()
Root Schema : ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectAssignResponse
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityCustomLogTypeObjectAssignResponse
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  • customLogTypeObject
    Read Only: true
    This field represents the custom log type object record that needs to assigned to a different workspaces, programs and projects. It contains the fields to uniquely identify a custom log type object record.
  • Represents the error message for the operation on a given object. The field is non-persistable and thus maximum length is not applicable.
  • programs
    This field represents the list of program records along with the status of the assign operation.
  • projects
    This field represents the list of project records along with the status of the assign operation.
  • The status code of the operation on a given object.
  • Represents the warning message for the operation on a given object. The field is non-persistable and thus maximum length is not applicable.
  • workspaces
    This field represents the list of workspace records along with the status of the assign operation.
Nested Schema : customLogTypeObject
Read Only: true
This field represents the custom log type object record that needs to assigned to a different workspaces, programs and projects. It contains the fields to uniquely identify a custom log type object record.
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Nested Schema : programs
Type: array
This field represents the list of program records along with the status of the assign operation.
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Nested Schema : projects
Type: array
This field represents the list of project records along with the status of the assign operation.
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Nested Schema : workspaces
Type: array
This field represents the list of workspace records along with the status of the assign operation.
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Nested Schema : CustomLogTypeObjectIdentifier
Type: object
Title: CustomLogTypeObjectIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityGenericResponseProgramIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityGenericResponseProgramIdentifier
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  • Represents the error message for the operation on a given object. The field is non-persistable and thus maximum length is not applicable.
  • object
    The object the operation performed on.
  • The status code of the operation on a given object.
  • Represents the warning message for the operation on a given object. The field is non-persistable and thus maximum length is not applicable.
Nested Schema : object
The object the operation performed on.
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Nested Schema : ProgramIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProgramIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityGenericResponseProjectIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityGenericResponseProjectIdentifier
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  • Represents the error message for the operation on a given object. The field is non-persistable and thus maximum length is not applicable.
  • object
    The object the operation performed on.
  • The status code of the operation on a given object.
  • Represents the warning message for the operation on a given object. The field is non-persistable and thus maximum length is not applicable.
Nested Schema : object
The object the operation performed on.
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Nested Schema : ProjectIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ProjectIdentifier
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityGenericResponseWorkspaceIdentifier
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityGenericResponseWorkspaceIdentifier
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  • Represents the error message for the operation on a given object. The field is non-persistable and thus maximum length is not applicable.
  • object
    The object the operation performed on.
  • The status code of the operation on a given object.
  • Represents the warning message for the operation on a given object. The field is non-persistable and thus maximum length is not applicable.
Nested Schema : object
The object the operation performed on.
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Nested Schema : WorkspaceIdentifier
Type: object
Title: WorkspaceIdentifier
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400 Response

Invalid Input.
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