Assign Permission Profiles To User



Use this endpoint to assign document permission profiles to multiple user.


Header Parameters
  • Enabling this boolean flag fails to complete the request if an error occurred when validating any user permission profile sent as part of the request.
    Allowed Values: [ "true", "false" ]
    Default Value: false
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : ApiEntityDocumentUserPermissions
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityDocumentUserPermissions
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  • The system-generated identifier of the file, folder, or template.
  • The path of the file or folder from it's root folder.
    The field is non-persistable and thus maximum length is not applicable.
  • profiles
    List of user profiles.
  • Allowed Values: [ "genericPortfolio", "project", "template", "idea", "program", "strategy" ]
    The object name of the context the file or folder is created in.
  • The system-generated identifier of the object of the context the file or folder is created in.
Nested Schema : profiles
Type: array
List of user profiles.
Show Source
Nested Schema : ApiEntityDocumentProfileInput
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityDocumentProfileInput
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Supported Media Types

207 Response

The object was successfully integrated.
Body ()
Root Schema : ApiEntityDocumentUserPermissionsResponse
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityDocumentUserPermissionsResponse
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Nested Schema : profiles
Type: array
Profiles response with individual message and statusCodes.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityProfileResponse
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityProfileResponse
Show Source
  • Error message or reason for operation failure is populated. The field is non-persistable and thus maximum length is not applicable.
  • Maximum Length: 255
    The system-defined unique identifier of an object profile.
  • The response code representing the state of the API operation.
  • Maximum Length: 255
    Username of the user for permission assignment.

400 Response

Invalid input for the Document service. Verify the request contains valid data, then resubmit the request.
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