Download a File



Send a request to this endpoint to download the latest version of a file.
  • To download the specific version of a file, send the version number as a value of version query parameter.
  • To download a file which has scan status SCAN_PENDING or SCAN_ERROR or SCAN_INCONCLUSIVE, send the corresponding scan status or combination of scan statuses (comma separated) in the query parameter scanStatus.
  • scanStatus query parameter is not required to download a file which has scan status SCAN_CLEARED or SCAN_DISABLED


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Allowed Values : One or more from [ SCAN_PENDING, SCAN_ERROR, SCAN_INCONCLUSIVE ] separated by comma.
    • Send this query parameter to download the file which has the specified scan status.
    • Example : "scanStatus=SCAN_PENDING,SCAN_ERROR". The File will be downloaded even if the scan status is SCAN_PENDING or SCAN_ERROR
  • The version of a file.

There's no request body for this operation.

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200 Response

Successful operation

400 Response

The requested file is having scan status SCAN_FAILED or trying to download the file of scanStatus SCAN_PENDING or SCAN_ERROR or SCAN_INCONCLUSIVE without including the scanStatus query parameter.

404 Response

The requested file does not exist, or you do not have access to it.
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