View the Zip Request Details by Zip Request ID



Send a request to this endpoint to view the current status of the zip request provided by the zipRequestId as a path parameter.


Path Parameters

There's no request body for this operation.

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200 Response

Successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : ApiEntityZipRequestDetails
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityZipRequestDetails
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  • errorDetails
    The field represents the error details in case of zip request in REQUEST_FAILED or REQUEST_FAILED_NO_FILES status.
  • The date and time the file will be available for downloading. Once this time has passed, the file is no longer available and will need to be downloaded again.
  • The system-generated identifier of a zip request created.
    The status of the file zip request process.
    • IN_QUEUE: The zip requests is waiting to be processed.
    • ZIP_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS: The creation of the zip folder is in progress.
    • ZIP_CREATION_IN_PROGRESS_WITH_WARNING : The creation of the zip folder is in process, but some files could not be included.
    • READY_FOR_DOWNLOAD: The creation of the zip folder has completed and is ready for download.
    • REQUEST_FAILED: An error occured during the zip folder creation and couldn't complete the request
    • REQUEST_FAILED_NO_FILES: The zip folder could not be created. There are no files to add to the .zip folder
    • REQUEST_EXPIRED: The zip folder was created but is deleted after 24 hours.
Nested Schema : errorDetails
The field represents the error details in case of zip request in REQUEST_FAILED or REQUEST_FAILED_NO_FILES status.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityZipRequestErrorDetails
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityZipRequestErrorDetails
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  • Maximum Length: 4000
    The cause for the error when the zip request is in REQUEST_FAILED or REQUEST_FAILED_NO_FILES status.
  • This field represents the error message when the zip request is in REQUEST_FAILED or REQUEST_FAILED_NO_FILES status. The field is non-persistable and thus maximum length is not applicable.
  • The resolution for the error when the zip request is in REQUEST_FAILED or REQUEST_FAILED_NO_FILES status. The field is non-persistable and thus maximum length is not applicable.

404 Response

The requested zip request detail doesn't exist, or has been deleted, or you do not have access to it.
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