Link a File to another Object



Send a request to this endpoint to link a file to another object.


Path Parameters
  • The system-generated identifier of a file.
  • The object type the file is associated with, for example, workspace.
    Allowed Values: [ "project", "pbs", "wbs", "activity", "workPackage", "scopeItem", "scopeItemAssignment", "workflowInstance", "formInstance", "contract", "commitment", "changeOrder", "potentialChangeOrder", "potentialChangeOrderProposal", "paymentApplication", "submittals", "rfi", "changeEvents", "fund", "portfolioFund", "customLogItem", "risk", "programRisk", "constraint", "customLogItemProgram", "programFund", "workManagerTask" ]
  • The object ID the file is associated with, for example, The ID of a workspace.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : Integer
Type: integer(int64)
Title: Integer

404 Response

The requested file does not exist, or you do not have access to it.
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