View All Monte Carlo Activity Deterministic Values by Parent



Send a request to this endpoint to view all Monte Carlo activity deterministic values under parent with codes matching the code fields in query parameters.


Query Parameters
  • The user-specified identifier of an activity.
    This is a required field.
  • The user-specified identifier of a project.
    This is a required field.
  • The type of risk analysis run on a project.
    • PRE_MITIGATED : A quantitative risk analysis that doesn't take into account the impact of defined risk response plans.
    • POST_MITIGATED : A quantitative risk analysis that takes into account the impact of defined risk response plans.
    • BOTH : A quantitative risk analysis that uses both pre and post mitigated contexts.

    This is a required field.
    Allowed Values: [ "PRE_MITIGATED", "POST_MITIGATED", "BOTH" ]
  • The user-specified identifier of a workspace.
    This is a required field.

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Successful operation
Body ()
Root Schema : List<ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityDeterministicValues>
Type: array
Title: List<ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityDeterministicValues>
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityDeterministicValues
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityDeterministicValues
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Nested Schema : monteCarloActivityDeterministicFinancialValues
An object containing all Monte Carlo activity deterministic value financial fields in the form of key-value pairs.
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Nested Schema : ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityDeterministicFinancialValues
Type: object
Title: ApiEntityMonteCarloActivityDeterministicFinancialValues
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204 Response

Successful operation with no content.

404 Response

The requested Monte Carlo activity deterministic value does not exist, or you do not have access to it.
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